
Military Strength Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"The reality is NATO is only as strong as its members and the United Kingdom has historically been behind the United States, the second biggest nation. We need to keep stepping up to that plate."
"Poland is trying to compensate for the security hazard by building the largest army in Europe."
"Regardless of what's in the news, we want the strongest possible military to defend our nation."
"Israel's economy has never been stronger, their military's never been stronger, their natural resource discovery and R&D for national security purposes never been stronger."
"France, Europe's best military power, ready for high-intensity combat."
"The war in Ukraine has proven one thing: the United States military would wipe the floor with Russia."
"India is already a major military power, and one whose capabilities are likely to expand alongside the Indian economy."
"Now Russia is a little bit in a pickle here because they are at war with some of the top 10 strongest countries in the world."
"The Polish Army will become the strongest in all of Europe."
"Facing the Luftwaffe is the most powerful Air Force in the world."
"China is a complete power... economically and militarily." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"We may not have the biggest territories or armies, but I'm the strongest."
"China needs Western markets, its neighbors are unwilling to accept its regional writ, and for many more years the United States will be strong enough militarily and diplomatically to block it."
"China has made its navy the biggest in the world."
"We will ensure peace through strength and end surprise medical billing."
"We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"Our military has equipment the likes of which nobody has ever seen, all made in the USA."
"The US military in the Fallout universe may be able to win some battles just because of the advanced infantry weapons and protection systems they have."
"China will have more stealth fighters on the front line than the US does by 2025."
"The Russians are much stronger today than they were in 2022."
"We have now rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been."
"We've rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been."
"The Ukrainian Army showed its true strength to the whole world, especially Russia."
"The United States Air Force is the strongest in the world."
"The biggest army in the world is owned by Revolutionary Portugal."
"Having a strong military provides a deterrent against those that may wish us harm."
"Diversity makes the United States military stronger, in fact, it's one of our greatest strengths."
"The strength in unity... If we can have a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand trained officers, trained soldiers on a parade, we don't have to do anything."
"Ukrainian army is not only strength and power but also wisdom and balance."
"I envision an America with the National Defense unparalleled, undefeatable, and unencumbered by overseas nation-building."
"Do you know who has the largest navy in the world right now? China do."
"Russia has more than three times Ukraine's population and intact economy."
"During World War II, Sweden had approximately 300,000 troops, with their numbers peaking at 795 tanks and heavy armored vehicles."
"The secret of Israel's growth is the unleashing of power, ingenuity, and creativity through a free market combined with a strong military."
"Britain was able to take on this task because we have good Armed Forces properly funded."
"A symbol of hope for Humanity and an icon of humanity's raw, unbridled strength to our enemies, intentional or not, Mjolnir has become the face of the Spartans and the UNSC military."
"The British Challenger tanks with their thick armor and heavy firepower overcome everything in their path, supported from overhead by missile-firing Lynx helicopters."
"The U.S. Navy is the world's second-largest air power."
"We've ended the war on energy and we've ended the war on clean coal."
"It's not the size of the US military but the size of a ready, willing and able coalition backed by the logistical arm of the U.S. that allows security to prosper."
"There's certainly something pretty imposing about having a tank or three absolutely bristling with loads of anti-tank firepower."
"The sheer production capability and military assets available to the Empire are unprecedented."
"The T90M main battle tank: still a formidable force on the battlefield."
"The cornerstone of any good military force is its equipment - guns, tanks, bombers."
"Let's just ensure that we can kill him or well preferably subdue him but our guys are too strong we're hit too hard we've done it first one down."
"They've only got about 10,000 soldiers left. They're continuing their fire, they're gonna continue to try at the very least."
"They built an empire so powerful that when the Aztecs came knocking, the P'urhépecha crushed them."
"The American fighting force is still orders of magnitude beyond the strength of any other force on earth."
"NATO would win... immensely stronger than Russia."
"Samurais are really good, an incredible unit."
"A strong America -- militarily, economically, and diplomatically -- is vitally important to this region and all who call it home."
"Under President Donald Trump, the United States has again chosen the way of strength."
"The military might of the Ukrainian Army was once again demonstrated."
"We need to pursue a policy of peace through strength."
"The Roman War Machine was humming; the Empire had ballooned under the leadership of Augustus Caesar."
"Now, what's up with this Norwegian army? I am so extremely powerful."
"The Ottoman Empire, probably the strongest Islamic empire of its period."
"The Ukrainian Army has reached an incredible strength thanks to the support packages sent by the United States and other Western countries."
"The juicer literally is designed to separate the juice from the fiber, and it’s the juice of the fiber that feeds you."
"The Polish Army will be the strongest land force in Europe."
"A country, which in two years has produced soldiers such as you, can regard its future with tranquility."
"When the history of this war is written, Putin's war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"People are very proud of the military might that their country can muster."
"The Ukrainian Army is gaining stronger by the day."
"Our military has never been stronger and many, many good things are going to happen next year."
"The presence of Abram's tanks significantly strengthens Ukraine's deterrence capability against further Russian aggression."
"These military drills and demonstrations of cooperation send a loud and clear message that the three nations are fully committed to preserving Regional security."
"China now has the biggest army and the largest navy on the planet."
"China now has the military and the money to make it happen."
"The biggest winners are probably Britain and France... and the Axis powers actually probably lose out the most..."
"Wow, the Egyptians are definitely holding their lines very very well they have 8,000 so they've lost just under 2,000 soldiers but they've killed almost 7,000 Persians."
"The United States of America has been defending our interests with renewed American strength."
"An army's power isn't in guns, but in ideology."
"If you think it's going to slow down China's ability to defend itself, we have another thing coming."
"I believe in peace through strength. I think the way you avoid war is you're so strong your enemies don't want to screw with you."
"We have the strongest military we've ever had and now we've rebuilt it after this seven hundred and thirty eight billion dollars we really have a rebuilt that we have a rebuilt military it's a great thing."
"It would take the entirety of the world government to have a chance at stopping three of their strongest soldiers leading their charge."
"We've rebuilt our military with the strongest military we've ever had."
"Thanks to President Trump, we can now have the strongest military we have ever had."
"The strength of the US military is also due to its huge military budget."
"It's very high, America... challenges the conventional wisdom that the US military is surpassed by any force on this planet."
"We've had 60 years of peace because America has been very strong, very united, and very willing to stand up against the Soviet Union and China."
"The Ukrainian Army has become unstoppable with the support of the United States and other Western countries."
"We've now rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been... I'll never forget the day when a general came and said sir, my first week in office we have no ammunition."
"The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier... some of the most incredible Naval vessels out there."
"Overall, the P-47 was a great all round aircraft. Like the M4 Sherman it was not perfect and had its weaknesses, but its weaknesses were a direct consequence of its strengths."
"America's Pacific Fleet alone is more than a match for China's entire Navy."
"China currently operates around 700 type 99As and 600 type 99s."
"The Navy had nine active battleships remaining worldwide."
"The Lockheed Martin c5m Super Galaxy is a military Powerhouse and it's become a symbol of the US military strength and efficiency."
"However, if China continues to expand and upgrade their military as they've been doing in recent years, it will not be long before their military strength surpasses the United States."
"Their combined strength numbering less than 30 percent of the starting strength of the front line Antonian Fleet."
"Is the military's strength really that minuscule?"
"We need to deter armed conflict by having a very strong, capable multi-domain military."
"One of the strengths of the Army of the Potomac was always its artillery."
"India is on the fast track to becoming an economic and Military Powerhouse."
"No man and no army is invincible."
"The basic strength of any society, in military terms, stems from the country's economy."
"The most important thing is to have the strongest force at the right place at the right time."
"The strength of the troops must be able to meet the highest demands in decisive."
"China's strength lies in its conventional submarines, which are on the whole very capable and stealthy."
"Great power status or national power essentially comes from a number of things: your human capital, your economic base, your military strength."
"The Terran Federation had between fifteen thousand combat ships alone."
"How strong is Venezuela's military capacity? Could the Bolivarian Armed Forces really sustain an invasion and war effort?"
"Athens is still strong both militarily and politically as well as culturally."
"The main advantage of something that size is not necessarily just the sheer numbers but the sheer longevity of its strike capability."
"Together, we represent half of the world's economic and military power."
"The strengths of the BEF which are apparent in 1913 outweigh its weaknesses."
"This is Sparta! This guy is your Spartan warrior. He is worth three normal guys."
"For something like a 10 percent uplift in your defense budget and our defense budget, we've actually, with the bravery and strength of the Ukrainians, destroyed about half of Russia's pre-war defense strength."
"They are the Army's greatest strength and our most important weapons system."
"Once the massive strength of the Americans was unloaded, the outcome was never in doubt; it was only a question of time."
"The Terran Republic's military, though, is considered to be one of if not the most powerful in the region, after its victory over the Regari."
"The grand army was still a force to be reckoned with."
"The Kingdom of Jerusalem raises the largest army in its history, composed of some 20,000 men, including 1200 fully armoured mounted Knights."
"For us with a powerful fleet which we believe able to protect our commerce and protect our shores... if we are engaged in war we shall suffer but little more than we shall suffer even if we stand aside."
"Tehran was able to flex the network's military capabilities in the aftermath of Hamas's attack."
"This is where Rome's borders are at their greatest extent, this is where at their greatest military prowess."
"...our enemies and potential enemies around the world have realized once United States military decides to focus on this problem and solve this problem they will be undefeatable..."
"Caesar himself raised another; he now had almost 50,000 men in Gaul under his command."
"A strong and efficient Army able to fight any foe, any time, any place, and on any terms is as essential to our national safety today as it has been throughout our history."
"So what would you say our forces are up to now?" Headmistress Wake began.
"God favors the larger battalions."
"This weapon is proof that the Earth Empire is the strongest nation in the world, and believe me, this is only the beginning."
"The American advantage of firepower."
"Armed Forces Day in South Korea... is a resounding display of national military strength and unity."
"Safe to say their navy is going to be absolutely second to none."
"I never saw the British army so healthy or so strong."
"Indian Army is the second largest army in the whole world."
"Napoleon had 198,000 soldiers and officers dispersed around the country at his disposal."