
Housing Rights Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Housing is a human right and in a just society, I believe everybody in this world should have a place to call home."
"The right to shelter should be part of our public agenda. We need a program that assures people a safe and stable unit in which they can live."
"Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home."
"This is why many times in the video I urged people to join tenants unions and rent strikes."
"We should really see housing as something... meets a human right."
"Social housing is about housing as a right for all, not just about making a small number of people wealthy."
"Shelter is a basic human right...and if we can add this to the types of building that's happening throughout the world...it opens up this entire new way of building and sheltering people."
"We should really see housing as something that meets a human right, a basic need."
"Large majorities believe that housing is a human right. Large majorities believe homelessness can happen to anyone."
"We believe everyone deserves equal access to safe and stable housing."
"Housing should not be seen as a commodity. It should be seen as a need because it is a need without a house, without shelter you die."
"No housing should be... a basic human right. Everyone deserves a safe place to live, a roof over their heads."
"Housing should be a right and not a privilege."
"The Biden administration absolutely supports the Housing First approach. They feel that in a society as ours that housing should be a right and not a privilege."
"There is no reason why we should not have housing in the same way that we do as the NHS."
"One of the greatest and simplest game openings of all time: plane crash. You're invested immediately."
"Housing is a human right... everyone deserves to have more than just shelter but to have a home."
"Everyone deserved a nice cozy place to live in."
"No one should be evicted before they have a chance to apply for rental assistance."
"Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home."
"Free housing, free health care shouldn't be a pipe dream."
"We have a human right to housing. We will continue to act."
"Saving secure housing should be a fundamental right rather than a luxury." - Mike Van Coley
"I think housing should and could be a basic human right."
"It's time to guarantee housing as a human right."
"In conclusion, housing should be a right not a privilege."
"Do we believe that housing is a fundamental right?"
"You can live wherever you want, regardless of your race, religion, marital status, sex, or nationality, and that's the law."
"I believe that everyone deserves a safe place to live in."
"We must ensure healthcare is a human right; housing is a human right."
"Hard-pressed renters have waited long enough for the commitment made by the conservatives over 5 years ago to be delivered."
"People like me who are privileged should not be in the position to rob other people of a home."
"Our government believes very strongly in the rights of every Canadian to have a safe, affordable, and accessible home."
"Housing is a human right, and a big part of affordability in the city is the 50% of people who rent."