
Business Competition Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"BYD is so much ahead of Tesla in China. It's almost ridiculous."
"If you're not mastering AI, you'll be left behind. Companies who effectively master AI will steal $1.2 trillion per year from those who don't."
"I choose Tesla personally over Bitcoin because Tesla, how hard is it to copy and knock out Tesla? It's like impossible."
"We need to have companies challenging each other, not trying to create a monopoly out of thin air."
"Azure now has 18% market share compared to 33% of Amazon."
"Imagine if refusing to compete was the orthodoxy in business."
"Whatever company figures that out first is probably going to win."
"If you're competing in the business Marketplace and not getting on board with technology, you'll be left behind."
"Dunlap gets the last laugh on them when craftsman sales of these tools increase 600 percent in the following year."
"Please buy from us instead of our competitors."
"Tesla's competition is literally paying them to put them out of business."
"Because Amazon will put you out of business. You will get sucked into Amazon and you will die."
"Chick fil A is next in line to overtake Starbucks and McDonald's."
"When he was getting ready to retire, talking business and saying, 'Okay now you're on my turf. I'm gonna have to kick your ass and show you what it's all about, rookie.'"
"I honestly think we can beat Google. I really believe that."
"This deal is good for competition, consumers, thousands of game developers."
"Competition under capitalism is businesses compete to build a better product or provide a better price for customers."
"How great is it that purely by self-ordaining themselves as the popular fish and chip shop, they destroyed their competition."
"Losing market share is very annoying but it happens often when the leader is content, is happy, and no longer competes like they once used to."
"Coke versus Pepsi is among the biggest, most direct, most long-lasting, most competitive rivalries in business history."
"We have the better product than Sony does not just on Hardware but equally important on the software platform and services on top of the hardware we have the ingredients of a winning plan." - Phil Spencer
"Tesla's lead is truly unassailable. Not only are legacy automakers screwed because Tesla is absolutely dominating in the EV space, but even battery cell manufacturers are in trouble."
"It all started at Harvard Business School with a $10,000 check, the prize for runner-up in a business plan contest."
"A&P, once the largest grocery chain in the country, faced stiff competition and closure."
"Your badges, because you guys see it on here we got the tier 3 badges which these are the best badges to be honest."
"Tesla wants the competition. If this brings more people in, that's exactly what Elon wants."
"If people bigger than you copy, it's flattering. If people under you copy, it's trolling."
"Tell The Regulators to let us in because this is silly to be fighting over Enterprise software on this stuff."
"When we make a claim, it's like us planting a flag in the ground and heads turn; the competition takes notice."
"Most of our early competitors at LinkedIn are companies that don't exist anymore."
"How can you pivot before rival? You can, it's just difficult."
"You have to make a decision where you're gonna fit in the food chain. Business is about competition, life is about competing and surviving."
"Competition sucks. To compete in business, you have to provide a better product, market more effectively, or lower your prices."
"Airbus has steadily caught up with its rival Boeing over the last few decades."
"Tesla doesn't care about any other brand, they want to take out the leader in the space."
"Tesla is playing on easy mode and everyone else is playing on ultra hard mode."
"Game over, DoorDash. Game over, Lyft. Game over, WeWork."
"Providing excellent customer service can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors. Make sure your customers feel valued and appreciated."
"Amd cannibalized Intel, that's what happened really."
"Companies like Visa are having a hard time competing with that."
"Competition breeds innovation, right? So innovate or fail at the hands of incompetence."
"There's definitely no such thing as winning business."
"Competition is good, it will weed out the ones that aren't willing to do the job."
"This game can give Battlefield Mobile a run for its money." - Highlighting the potential of Firefront Mobile to compete with Battlefield Mobile.
"If some other company can do 7 cents per database, how is Planet scale charging $40?"
"We're falling further behind our rivals who are going to invest better."
"They barely made it, you know, and now you have these other companies trying to get started but now you have Tesla sucking up all the demand, right?"
"It's much better to allow two companies to compete with each other or three or four or five companies to compete with each other."
"I think Nexon's probably going to win out on this one."
"Other companies have AI too and are actually making money and are growing and this to me is hands down Trade Desk."
"I think it's the only company really in retail that could go head-to-head with Amazon."
"AMD has been the underdog for so long and they're getting ready to possibly be top dog."
"Amazon has basically been impossible to compete with."
"Four companies were part of the way down the road with the same product."
"The authenticity just shown through was amazing."
"Locals knew they could hire a larger company for quicker work, but Wade offered better quality work at a slightly more reasonable price."
"The competition between Timu and Amazon is pushing both platforms to innovate and deliver better value to consumers."
"The Battleground right now in 2024 for business is who is going to out content who and number two who is going to out retention and acquire teammates."
"Rivalry is high when there are a lot of competitors that are roughly equal in size and power."
"There's enough business out there for everybody, but you have to actually do a good job."
"Bind with our broad knowledge and expertise to help our clients compete in today's marketplace."
"The battle between every startup and incumbent is whether the startup gets distribution before the incumbent gets innovation."
"But in the case of business, if you model somebody and then try to go into business and you're not actually successful at that, there's real competition there that determines whether or not you're successful."