
Non-partisan Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"When you hear my opinions on my plan, our solutions, and our research, my answers are Californian answers. They're not Democratic answers; they're not Republican answers."
"It's not left, it's not right, it's forward."
"Demographics and look getting older is not republican or democrat but it is math it is going to happen."
"This is not political. This is a human issue."
"Because in my state, this isn't a partisan issue; this is about personal freedom for women and the right for them to choose." - Catherine Cortez Masto
"Stop looking at COVID as a partisan dividing line. See it for what it is: a god-awful disease."
"Black Lives Matter is non-partisan and non-political and everyone should believe in black lives."
"It's not a Republican idea or Democrat idea. Personally, I believe that voting rates amongst Young Americans will actually skyrocket once we revive that sense of civic pride."
"Your mission: not left, not right, but forward."
"The people who did this must be held accountable. There must be an investigation that is nonpartisan, sober, serious, that gets to the facts wherever they may lead."
"I'm not a Democrat preacher or Republican preacher. I'm a holiness preacher here. That's right."
"These aren't Republican bridges, Democratic airports, Republican hospitals, or Democratic power grid."
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's efficacious."
"Our approach to testing is based on facts, data, and very hard evidence, not partisan agendas."
"The challenge from the Chinese Communist Party isn't Republican or Democrat."
"Keep politics out of this and understand what you're seeing."
"Not everything has to be a right or left issue."
"The virus is not political, the virus does what it does naturally."
"It's not a partisan issue. It's a human life issue."
"Saving and protecting democracy is a team effort and it's not a partisan one."
"Freedom is not political; it's the freedom to have different political views."
"The big benefit of having a monarchy is that you get to have a non-partisan head of state."
"C-SPAN has an inspiring nonpartisan mission to bring unfiltered information about the US government to American citizens."
"His comedy is super not partisan, which is so nice."
"I'm not a political guy, I don't go left or right. I'm targeting one person and one person only."
"All right, guys, I hope that nobody takes this to mean I stand for any particular political party because the flag is completely nonpolitical. This flag is for every American to fly with pride."
"God is sovereign and he's bigger than one politic."
"He just tries to do the right thing. He has to look his children in the eye and he wants them to grow up knowing his father did the right thing regardless of politics."
"He really was a self-made man and to me, that's not a partisan thing, he just was a great man."
"Water is not a partisan issue. We can't think about it with Republican or Democratic goggles."
"The right to life should not be a political debate."
"This is not a party political matter, this is a societal matter."
"Protecting people's fundamental rights to vote and participate in the process... that is not a partisan issue, it should be a unifying issue."
"Excellence does not begin in Washington."
"Anything to do with our civic process, we make sure we do so in a non-partisan way."
"The Supreme Court is an institution of law; it is not a partisan or political institution."
"The president's policy is not driven by the politics of the moment."
"Americans who want their nest egg financially secure, but secure from politics as well."
"The military's long history of standing above politics has made it one of the most respected institutions in America."
"She's not on Team Blue, she's not on Team Red, she's on Team Working Class."
"It is not a black or white issue or a red or blue. It is an issue that this country should lead on."
"We are here to serve the American people, to get things done, to fix problems that the American people are facing, to put people over politics."
"She created Voices of Voters, a simple politics-free conversation about voter registration."
"It's simple, we can solve this; this is not a political issue."
"The military is not like this holistically conservative organization; it just tries to be efficient."
"We must let our nation's scientists and intelligence professionals do the work necessary to promote our understanding of the pandemic origins without political interference."
"I try to take a middle ground approach and be pretty fact-based, information-based, and not get too opinionated about it."
"Not every answer needs to be political."
"Get vaccinated, it's not political, just want to save your life."
"This is not a partisan issue, this is about saving lives."
"This is not about political ideology. It is about better serving veterans who have already served our country."
"Democracy is not a partisan issue; it's an American issue."
"Canadians want us to depend on non-partisan experts to make recommendations."
"Teaching is a political act, particularly in a democracy, but it doesn't have to be a partisan act."
"The church needs to be prophetic rather than partisan."
"We're really excited about this because as a nonpartisan institution that works to provide fact-based analytics to people, it seems like a good alignment of interests."
"COVID does not respond to political rhetoric; Democratic rhetoric, Republican rhetoric, you can't defy death on political terms."
"The National Institute for Civil Discourse is a non-partisan organization based at the University of Arizona to promote healthy and civil political debate."
"This is not a political issue, it is not a partisan issue; this is about protecting lives. The virus does not discriminate between political party affiliation."
"We're just there to do our job on a non-political, nonpartisan basis."
"We have kept politics out of this crisis."