
Conciseness Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"Portal is concise in both its development and experience."
"Presenting and conveying your ideas concisely and clearly in such a short amount of time is an art."
"I don't hate this video but I feel like it could have been way more concise."
"I'm doing it with the intention of conciseness at heart."
"Always trying to keep it short, punchy, and entertaining."
"Honor these lost souls. Don't lose that market because you can't be ours to summarize a movie but make it very concise."
"Resumes should be short and sweet, never longer than one page."
"Your pastor when you go to talk to him about this is probably not going to give you three hours to make your case so short boom boom boom here's my three most important points."
"Ensure answers match the instructions - use no more than two words and/or a number."
"Concise means you say something with as few words as possible, but still getting the meaning across."
"Going Under wraps up the story it wants to tell before overstaying its welcome."
"Saying less is always better than saying too much."
"Rollinson, learn to get focused on a point and stick to it and just deliver the message in a short time. Don't drag things out this long ever again."
"Let me do this brief war briefing real quick."
"Restraint and being concise is actually more challenging."
"I am absolutely not in support of that and to be further more clear I would just tell you just this and this is all there is to it."
"Equations are short, powerful, and precise. Every little bit counts."
"Communication is key, keep your words short, concise, but to the point."
"The majority of videos that go viral on YouTube have a main title that is less than 55 characters."
"Aquinas can say more in a page than I could say in a book."
"You actually stand out by being concise and easy to understand."
"If you've done something cool, say it without the life story."
"If you really have something to say, then harness the ability to say it in such a way that the fewer the words, the more powerful."
"Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?"
"Take a scene with dialogue that's a little bit too wordy maybe a little bit too descriptive and see if you can strip it down to be just as Punchy but twice as fast."
"It's a good challenge actually because I think it's the form of poetry that requires you to be the most succinct."
"Less is more. Make what you have to say more important and make the audience listen to you."
"...not gonna bore you with the details..."
"Sound bites are what people really want."
"Let me summarize because, yeah, you're not going to be getting these details from me."
"Shorter emails with key metrics like growth rate and revenue are more effective in getting investor interest."
"The YouTube channels need to be shortened to the point. Nobody needs to listen to me ramble on. They just need that information."
"Being able to dive to the important part of what you're talking about and get rid of the less interesting parts."
"It's your ability to raise that messaging based on the audience. Being succinct is very important."
"No fluff at all and hopefully you guys enjoy it."
"If you're able to delete a whole piece of your script or a couple of lines and it doesn't change anything, you cut it out. You don't need it."
"Be brief, be bright, be fun, and be done."
"They don't overstay their welcome."
"Always keep your prologues as short as you can."
"We don't take up any more of your time."
"...a book that can compress a wealth of incisiveness into a very few well-chosen words."
"...if you want to get your question answered, shorter questions definitely do help."
"People prefer a shorter book anyway, so why don't I just like cut out the fluff?"
"Eliminate redundancy to improve clarity and conciseness in your writing."
"Brevity is the soul of wit after all."
"Being concise with our messaging has never been more important."
"Anyway long story short I'll try not to ramble cuz cuz you know I like to do that around here."
"I think we have time only for one question here and hope it's a question with a short answer."
"Stick around, I hope you guys enjoy this short, sweet, and to the point video."
"If I covered everything this video would be feature length."
"I think this is gonna be quite a short and sweet video."
"Verbal communication should be clear, succinct, and to the point."
"You can share something succinctly and give them that little piece of information and that little bit of optimism in short form."
"Learning not to waste words in any form of writing is the best thing you can do."
"This book is great because it just gets to the point and it's so clean clear to the point which I love."
"Once you get the point across, there really isn't anything else that really needs to be said. What's the point of having an album over an hour long if you got your point across 20 minutes in?"
"Cut reduce any unnecessary word. Anything subjective, cut it."
"I'm not going to go into an hour-long explanation."
"Don't make it messy. Short and sweet is probably better."
"If two sentences or paragraphs express the same idea, cut one of them."
"Short and sharp will stick. If somebody has to read a sentence twice, they may not."
"Less is more. Be succinct. Don't expand on unnecessary things."
"Writing an essay is really easy to get lost in unnecessary detail."
"Sometimes that's all you have to say."
"Being concise is actually the most challenging thing for artists of any kind."
"I don't feel the need to ramble on"
"I mean, well, you could have, you could have just said 'done', did, just say 'done'. That's what I said."
"This would be great if it was just a clip under 2 hours. Let's get in, get out."
"Straight to the point and simple."
"That was a very succinct summary."
"I wish people kind of get to the point."
"You said it exactly how I summed it up, yeah."
"Brevity means essentially the power to go to the heart of the thing."
"The economy of words, the lack of fluff."
"Make sure that you say the most in the least amount of words. The shorter the better."
"He's going to keep this short and sweet. I wish this show was kept short and sweet."
"The more words you use, the less effective they become."
"Keep the sentences short and simple."
"I don't really have a whole lot to say so why extend it for no good reason."
"...give you the information that you need without the fluff."
"I always condense my work into short, shorter, and shorter. And when I'm rewriting it, I try to cut out every possible sentence which doesn't mean anything or isn't useful."
"The beauty of mid-journey is that it produces great results with only three or four words."
"I'm so sorry, but when you come up and present an award, just get on with it."
"I'm going to withhold the explanations withhold the rambling and let's just get into this video."
"I'm going to give you really focused, really concise ideas on them."
"Each sentence should contain only one idea."
"Keep to the point; don't include irrelevant information that detracts from your claim."
"For me it's a breath of fresh air to be playing this kind of music mostly 4-4 mostly concise songs."
"Keep it short and triple check for typos."
"God can say a massive amount in an economy of words."
"Let's keep it short and sweet and let's get started."
"'A book that instead of 400 would have two hundred and some pages, and why instead of giving all of the facts all of the explanations, everything is behind and after, you give the essence of the facts?'"
"Your one-liner is your elevator pitch, your one to two sentence reason for why someone should buy your book, read your book. Same for here."
"That's pretty much true, I mean it's pretty much straight to the point."
"Don't spend three pages saying something that can devastate in a line."
"The best poems are the ones that provide the most meaning in the fewest words."
"I think if you're working with contract work, you need to be able to very concisely describe what you need."
"My goal is always to make concise easy to consume content."
"I only want to talk when there is something to say. I hate when... people talk a lot without saying a lot, and I rather talk less and say more if it makes sense."
"If you can say what you want to say in fewer words, that to me is even more impressive than having a big long ostentatious sentence."
"So that was a lot of information packed in very concisely."
"Keep your emails short, concise, precise, keep it clear, you know, keep it, give me give me short, okay? Keep it short and straight to the points, okay?"
"...if you don't have time for big books like that and you want something that's just going to give you what you need, everything you need and nothing that you don't, this would be the one out of all of these that you should get."
"I just thought this was such a nice quick concise read and I also love a good bit of wordplay."
"Less words on the page is a big deal if you're a note taker."
"I love how minimally stated they are."
"Try to, in a short story, just create one thing that is extremely memorable."
"There is nothing superfluous in a good cryptic crossword clue."
"If you can't sum up what you're trying to say in one sentence you're not saying anything."
"That's short and sweet should work just fine."
"Any unnecessary fluff, you gotta cut it out."
"Be sincere, be brief, and be seated."
"This is such a lean book for what he is choosing to put in here and how he cuts things off, even sometimes from panel to panel. There is just no fat to this whatsoever."
"You want your message to be as impactful as possible while being as short as possible."
"We want to have just enough words to convey the meaning but not anything extra or unnecessary."
"We want to keep it as concise as possible."
"We always want to keep things as concise as possible and not add anything that's unnecessary or doesn't add meaning or helpfulness to the reader."
"Ken writes concise books that people are able to read quickly."
"Be brave, be brief, and be seated." - John Charles
"Legibility counts and briefness counts."
"The goal of editing a short story is to make sure that your piece is accomplishing its goal in the fewest words possible."
"I want to maximize participation and therefore there is a premium on brevity."
"The narrative is really sparse... says exactly what it needs to say with no extra words."
"Use correct spelling and grammar, keep it short and to the point."
"Why say many words when few words do?"
"A plan should always be as concise and succinct as possible."
"Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences."
"Make your writing as succinct as possible because you want to pack in as much analysis as you can."
"Sometimes you can say more with less."
"I think that constraint inspires creativity; it forces people to be concise."
"Let me get straight to the point."
"The best summaries are precise and concise."
"Keep your resume short; if you don't have a lot of experience, one page is more than enough."
"A meme is considered good when the message in it is concise and relatable."
"This video is very concise and right to the point, it's awesome."
"Any proof should be summarized in a sequence of three to ten bullet points."
"If God is ministering to you, He doesn't use lots of words and He's incredibly sharp and clear."
"You can say less while still saying more."
"Every time you're writing your CV, make it very professional and concise."
"To be able to write concisely and clearly for the reader."
"If you have less than 10 years experience, try to condense it into one page."
"Allows you to express the same ideas a little more compactly."
"Your documentation always needs to be clear and concise."
"Their team unity runway was clean, it was concise, and it showed team unity."
"So good writing needs to be focused, and that focus can be achieved by cutting out ideas that don’t fit."
"One of the features of the Quran is that everything is said in as few words as possible with the biggest meanings and the most powerful meanings."
"A good cold email is going to be short, relevant, and straight to the point."
"Keep it extremely short and show a sense of humor."
"Our solution was what we call smart brevity."
"Remember, people don't have that long attention span... think of if you were to deliver this in five minutes, how can you get the biggest benefits of what you're presenting of your product in as little time as possible."
"Knowledge squeezed into a single or couple of words."
"If you're doing writing and you have a sentence and you have to justify that sentence being there, cut the sentence."
"It should be intuitive, concisely capture the idea it represents."
"Keep it brief; I wouldn't have more than three sentences per paragraph."
"Keep it short and sweet. Learn how to cut to the chase, go to the essence of your message."
"It's meant to be clear, concise, and understanding."
"Whenever possible, say it with fewer words."
"Good writing is clear; good writing doesn't have a bunch of extra repetitive stuff."
"Keep the introduction and conclusion brief."
"Using iteration, we can actually make this code much more concise."
"One of the crucial things about this tool is you need to try and be concise."
"Try to sum up the general meaning of each paragraph in one or two words."
"What is significant about your work should be able to be expressed in about 15 words."
"It's a beautiful book that provokes a lot of emotion in you and is pretty perfect in its tiny little size."
"Be concise and what it means to be concise is that you are stating the information clearly and you are using as few words as possible."
"It's very nice to be very concise and clear of what you're trying to deliver."
"The beauty of the short story is that there's like no fat, there's just something that's very focused."
"Do not waffle; be concise and clear."
"This is a short review because... it's exactly what I want. Boom, out."
"Speech is that which is concise and to the point."
"Keep it professional, on point, and very succinct."
"Keep it simple, keep it tight, make sure that every word that you write is there for a reason."
"A bullet can be too long, so figure out how to say what you want to say in as few words as possible."
"Keep your resume to roughly two pages."
"There's an art to saying a lot in a few words."
"They're very concise, tuneful, evocatively scored, beautiful pieces."
"You never want to have one useless word. Every word has to serve a purpose."
"You have a very limited amount of time to make your point and being concise is one of the hallmarks of directing."
"It's very important that writers trim their writing as much as possible; the more concise their writing, the better."
"He was the kind of guy that you could write 30 words on something you were trying to explain and he would cut it down to about eight words."
"If you can say what the user needs to know in 50 words, that is fantastic."
"The purpose of an ebook is not to be the more pages the better; the most valuable ebooks are the ones that have a clear value proposition."
"We want to make the framework accessible to all and to be concise."
"It's going to be to the point and incredibly useful."
"The best kind of speech is that which is abbreviated but gets straight to the point."
"Make it short, brief, and concise."
"Short, punchy... you don't need to use the full 45 minutes telling us every name in existence."
"Great jokes sound kind of obvious, but make sure you have great jokes, nice tight jokes."
"You don't have to make this like a textbook where the longer it is, the more prestigious it is; just say what you need to say and move on."
"It is short, it is sweet, it is direct, it is to the point."
"If you can say what you want to say in three and a half minutes, that's brilliant."
"Don't worry about the word count, just make every word count."
"It's not to run off; it's very very concise, it's straight to the point."
"I like the study guide pack because it's as short as you can possibly make study guides."
"Make sure it is crisp, it is precise."
"Scala allows you to create concise, readable, and type-safe code."
"A summary is a shortened version of the text you have been given, it includes the main ideas only."
"Give the most amount of information in the least amount of words."
"Equal attention to basic sciences as well as clinical subjects and making things concise is very important."
"You want to get really good at getting things down succinctly, to the point, clear and concise."