
Relationship Needs Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"You definitely need somebody who is romantic, who's playful, who's loyal."
"If you deny me of that in the relationship, you're starving the thing that allows us to even have a romantic relationship."
"It's okay to leave a relationship if you're not getting what you need from it."
"AVPD desperately want relationships and specifically they want close intimate relationships with other people."
"You should be with someone who communicates with you in the way that you like to be communicated with."
"Women need emotional intelligence and respect in a relationship, not just financial security."
"Men don't have very many needs. They really, genuinely don't."
"We do have to honor our needs and someone else's and create the space in us and in the relationship for both."
"Communication is the key, talking about what you need, talking about what you want in the relationship is really important."
"Dating is less about making sure you get it right the first time and more about learning about your needs for a relationship."
"Attentiveness: a sign that this person pays attention to your needs."
"Love a person the way the person wants to be loved."
"Having a really good understanding of what both of us need in order to feel safe and supported."
"They want equal give and take between the two of you."
"I couldn't be with a woman who don't want to hold my hand and kiss me."
"The kind of love you want now is the kind where someone can communicate with your hidden self."
"Don't waste time on those who can't express their love."
"Finding someone willing to check on me when I'm having a bad day, that's too much."
"How do you become the person that's not hiding something behind the curtain? Yeah, how do you become that per? How do you not become that person by not having a curtain?"
"What you think you want in a partner isn't necessarily the things that you actually need."
"All I wanted was your love, all I wanted was to feel you, all I wanted was support and your care and your truth."
"Attachment requires consistency, responsiveness, attention, validation, encouragement, and support."
"All women basically need three things: security, stability, and communication in a man."
"A great love life requires intimacy, trust, and the ability to share your feelings."
"Communication is key; if you felt like you just needed space, I would've understood."
"A man needs to feel that deep heart-to-heart connection in order to truly commit."
"You want love, huh? What kind of love do you want? You just look at are you lonely? You need some physical touch? Are you really looking for someone..."
"It's like they recognize... they haven't been the person that you needed them to be."
"You deserve to have somebody who is in a place where they can provide you what you need."
"I think if you're not getting what you need to be happy and fulfilled, then the relationship is lacking."
"If you don't know it, how is your partner supposed to know it? How is your partner supposed to love you in the way that you want to be loved if you don't even really know how you want to be loved?"
"Sex is a huge part of your relationship. If you're not fulfilling that need within your relationship, I don't think that the relationship can last."
"You deserve somebody who cares about your feelings."
"They want to do things right by you, to honor your needs and treat you really good."
"This person's definitely realizing they have everything they need but love."
"Maybe what I need from my partner is for them to reinstate their commitment to me."
"Chandler really needs a girlfriend, someone who makes him happy."
"A guy who is willing to compromise, who is willing to hear you out and when you have a need that's not being met, he can hear that and say, 'I'll try a little bit harder.'"
"I don't need a man that has all of these emotional feelings balled up on the inside, I need a man that talks about what he's feeling."
"It's really for each of us individually, it's really, really important for us to know what we feel comfortable with and what we don't, you know, and what our needs are in a relationship."
"There's something about the two of them and what they reflect in the other person that they need and I think she's not herself really in front of anyone else and um she she I think she sees this relationship at this point as something that she needs."
"I need a bit of stability and a bit of security within a partner because I didn't have a lot of stability growing up."
"I think she has an awesome personality, which I feel like is something that Vinnie also needs."
"It's okay to want that in a relationship, and if you're not getting that, you're meant to be asking these questions: Should I stay or should I go?"
"I don't need much. I need reciprocation, I need honesty, I need time."
"If you're not getting that one of these six things: communication, respect, honesty, trust, love, and commitment, then you're either going to compromise, settle, or you're going to say you're not offering me what I need to feel secure in this relationship, and I can't stay."
"It's so important in a relationship to say, 'Hey, guess what? These are my needs.'"
"Each attachment style has different expectations for love, has different needs for how they want to be loved, and what makes them feel loved."
"Love each other the way that each other needs to be loved."
"In order for it to work, there's a need for honesty."
"If you can't voice your needs in a relationship, it's not gonna work out."
"Communicate in a way that your partner understands and still feel like you're getting your needs met."
"Communication is a big-time must-have in a relationship with this type of personality."
"I need to feel safe with you, stable with you, nurtured and taken care of by you spiritually, emotionally, mentally."
"You also deserve to feel reassured in a relationship."
"I would rather feel the loss of your potential death versus the betrayal of you saying no to me when I need you."
"You give a man good food, a clean house, and loyalty, that would be enough for them to be happy."
"If you already love me and we love each other, we already have what we want and what we need."
"You guys need to have open communication in terms of what your comfort zone is, what you need from a relationship."
"I stopped saying I didn't need a man because if I want a relationship with a man, then I need one."
"One of my main core needs is that I feel secure with the man that I am with."
"Ideally, your partner should want to make you feel seen in the way that you need to feel seen."
"Recognize your worth, it's important for you to recognize your needs in a relationship."
"I need a relationship where I can talk about my feelings and emotions and have a partner who listens."