
Deterioration Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Take care of your bodies... if you neglect something, it's going to slowly deteriorate."
"Please don't allow the Senate to rot from within."
"Each time you do this, go from one room through the mirror to the Next Room, you'll notice that the mirror will become more cracked and more imperfect."
"As the body loses ground minute by minute, stage one will turn into stage two as the brain is affected."
"Every day that goes by... the aid has become... Slimmer and Slimmer... it gets worse and worse."
"Stuff's falling apart, man. The wheels are coming off."
"This story is getting worse every single day."
"The case is clearly falling apart in real time."
"The cracks, the cracks, the cracks are starting to show."
"Both these sites currently right as we speak are falling to pieces."
"Literally, this place isn't falling apart, it's ceasing to exist."
"Eventually functional becomes non-functional."
"Conditions got gradually worse with the wind picking up."
"But today this practice is degenerating into something even more dangerous."
"Over time however, they escalate and worsen."
"I think we are seeing just the degradation of the Russian forces to a really significant degree on a daily basis."
"Everything is degrading, everything is changing all the time."
"The situation in the city is dangerous and it's going to continue to get worse unless we get a change."
"Over the last 10 years, Cuba's difficulties have worsened."
"Cracks were beginning to appear in their six-year marriage."
"America was the beacon of hope... that image is now being damaged."
"Every day something changes and things are getting worse."
"The party has become more divided every day."
"Their accident rate has gone up almost 10-fold in the last decade."
"We're sharing it's like E.T. where both our flowers are going to wilt at the same time."
"As the areas on your ship degrade, the lights will start to flicker, things will start to spark, eventually they'll catch on fire."
"Without a peaceful redress of grievances... this is only going to slide and accelerate its slide into abject misery."
"This skin would actually start to look worse."
"More degradation for poor Herky Jerky there's barely any of them left."
"Things are going to get worse, big cities are not hiring police officers."
"Started off so great, but now it's going to absolute hell."
"I hope the whole bottom of this truck ain't rotted away."
"After Perfection, there's only deterioration."
"We've really deteriorated our essential bonds to one another."
"The cooperation between the Germans and Russians soured, leading to the end of their military collaboration."
"You can't talk away Tottenham's toxic FC, and it's gonna get worse."
"He's gotten worse. We're a pharmaceutical company in name alone these days; it's all weapons."
"The destruction of democracy is taking place before his eyes, and no one is stopping it."
"We are killing our own relationships with disrespect."
"When they get soggy and they get heavy and fat."
"He's getting worse quickly. Too soon as he dies, if he does die soon, all of that is going to Michael. That's the last thing he said."
"Jimmy is so far gone by this point."
"What makes a good brain go bad ultimately turns out to be a metabolic change."
"...his body completely begins to deteriorate, turning into dust."
"You start losing these rivets here, starting to tell a story."
"The sickness is already in you, skin already slackening."
"He's just an empty shell of the man he used to be."
"The chipping paint and warped windows, the doors with rusted hinges and the floorboards that squeal with each step."
"The relationship between these twins deteriorates massively throughout A Feast for Crows."
"I thought that was fantastic, what starts out as a genuinely like nice moment between mother and her son just becomes rancid almost instantly."
"Harland he recalled but dimly, sitting gray-faced and still in a windowless Tower room and speaking in whispers that grew fainter every day as the grayscale turned his tongue and lips to stone."
"It's in bad condition, every part of this house is like rotten."
"This place is falling apart though, but in a good way. I like it when things end up looking like this."
"So now we're seeing the base of it, and you can see a lot of that is rotten away."
"A damaged and deteriorating relationship that turned deadly."
"The death knell of a marriage is contempt."
"Objectively, it's hard to judge his deterioration just by seeing him in a few videos and you can't always tell how well someone is just by looking at them or hearing them talk."
"After a while, you become a worse version of yourself."
"It does need some repair, inevitably as time has gone on."
"The once joyful camaraderie dissolved into paranoia."
"Her body was severely damaged and crippled, and she smelled as if she were already rotting."
"I can tell you right now those leg bracelets that she had on and those handcuffs that hair that looked like it was called with a combine is where it's starting to wear on her and as far as I'm concerned she is starting to get her dues."
"Now, from here, things started to deteriorate for me, specifically me, very quickly because all that mattered was the drugs."
"The relationship rapidly sours between the former best friends."
"Isolation is the quickest path to Madness."
"I've never seen someone be that mean, just insulting to their husband, the father of their children. It was as if she used him all up and now she's ready to throw him away."
"I've just seen that water stagnate and get real smelly and slowly poison the soil."
"The process of decompensation is like amputation by millimeter."
"It's like a car that sit in the garage too long, it ain't going to start after a while."
"If you let it go, it's gonna get worse and worse."
"Jack's wound had spread to his knee and he was becoming increasingly despondent"
"We believe that human memory will fade over time."
"It becomes airborne, okay when it does crumble."
"The case overall is pretty evenly yellowed."
"The tyres belong to the road now, taken by the unknowable forces that continue to drag them into the earth."
"Think of it as your battery is failing."
"Things go from bad to worse for Kil as he goes back to see Kota and he doesn't recognize Kil anymore."
"I'm trapped... I'm cursed... I was never strong... but every year I grow weaker... soon I will crumble and fade..."
"A lightning fast but deteriorating speedway."
"Logan brings the audience to 2029 where Logan's healing powers are fading."
"It's horrible to see something you love just deteriorate like that."
"...the park would have required constant maintenance and refurbishments in some pictures that I've seen the shark really does look beaten up and in bad condition."
"A person with dementia does not die because they stop eating, they stop eating because they are dying."
"Each day was worse than the one before."
"Cosmetically, the first thing you notice is the hood and the roof both are quite oxidized and faded."
"...it's worth doing over the past what couple of months actually since it got a bit worse."
"She's growing increasingly paranoid and delusional."
"Relations between the US and China have only dramatically degraded in the past few weeks."
"The quality of the meat deteriorates."
"Things just start happening to get damaged, and oh my gosh, we have to throw them out."
"It's tough to see but it is beat you can see it's discoloring."
"...why is it coming apart at the seams."
"If she doesn't, if I'm honest, before we actually start, I'm just being completely honest, is that things have got progressively worse."
"Disk rot is a real problem, it can be an issue, it's certainly been documented many times, and it's certainly a real thing that can render your physical media, your optical media... unplayable by disk rot."
"Certainly away from New York City. I've never seen it this bad."
"We just kind of start losing it, thinning, um in in ages."
"This floor feels like it's falling apart."
"Funny how quickly a building just goes into disrepair when there's no one in it."
"They still look composed but it's going to get bad fast."
"There's different layers to the frame and they can start delaminating and rusting out from the inside and it gets really bad really fast."
"If things aren't getting better and they're getting worse."
"Voldemort is just getting crazier and crazier by the hour."
"It's ruined, yeah. That's a good point. It doesn't look like it's been, like, a year or so."
"It is rather tragic that these once proud and vibrant individuals have succumbed to such a state where they only seek to preserve their living metal cage through violent acts of bloodshed."
"...any justice that's only justice soon degenerates into something less than justice."
"It just kept getting worse and worse."
"Stunning furnishings begin to slip further into decay."
"Floaters get worse over time. This is a fact. Generally, bad floaters get worse. Small floaters may disappear, but bad floaters get worse over time."
"They started out with a sloppy phony-looking children's hockey fight that all the kids are doing these days and it got worse from there."
"When she gets sent to that little hospital room, she's wasting away."
"Honestly, my take on this is his mental capacity is just gonna go downhill so much."
"Rust has begun to creep down each of her 140 foot long sides."
"Now the whole house was crack city essentially."
"Unfortunately, Wayne's health continued to deteriorate."
"I probably won't update again as soon as I got to the part where you said that your husband had been coming home from work later than usual I knew this post was going downhill."
"The colors are going to go away. It's not going to stay like pristine."
"Now I know the exact moment our friendship died."
"You could make the case right now that Earl's falling apart."
"How much damage has been done? He doesn't even sound like a human being anymore."
"The Jerry Jones-Jimmy Johnson relationship began to predictably deteriorate."
"The salt was ruthless, it corroded the carburetor to the point where it began to crumble."
"You think about the worst part of the city, it's Kensington, it's getting there."
"So this is the steel edging, when I got it, it was like shiny metal, it's C in steel and it has now rusted."
"The sacred text of the Constitution is beginning to burn at the edges."
"It soon became clear that this was practically impossible as in two places the pavement had sunk and showed signs of considerable hollowness beneath it."
"I had a microphone of yours, but then the signature faded. I think that pretty much resembles what's been happening lately."
"The city's waterways once a symbol of tranquility have been marred by a series of grim discoveries."
"The King is stricken with consumption, and his health deteriorates by the day."
"The ultraviolet rays of the sun are what really attacks the wood causes the aging the oxidation more than the rain and stuff like that."
"Most of the plastic parts on the boat were badly faded by sitting out in the sun uncovered for the previous 3 years."
"Houses are built to protect us, they're designed to keep us safe and secure, but like people, they get old, tired, and ill."
"...this one being, you know, a cream puff with no miles on it, perfect headlights, wonderful paint should be a cream puff as well but it's not, it's falling apart."
"If my [ __ ] started deteriorating yet, I don't know how I feel that would, honestly scare me."
"Look at how the inside this was clean Saturday it is now Tuesday and this is what it looks like."
"They all die so they all eventually start giving you bad readings on one of the cells."
"Some holiday she thought gradually she felt terrible."
"Now there's a race to the bottom."
"It seems like whatever this is is getting worse."
"Alcoholism is drinking as a coping mechanism... it rots away all the shine on things."
"It was so rapid and so fast. It was sort of come on like end of 2019 and then 2020 it was like I just went downhill so fast."
"Once incredibly resistant to physical and mental illnesses, the numenoreans began to succumb to both in greater numbers."
"Some sections of planks are so rotten that holes have opened up in the ground."
"There, the public education system, which is just the best public education system in the world, is being destroyed."
"Even modern submarines which break down in the years could become essentially useless, reduced to just so much expensive scrap metal."
"I could spend the entire message just demonstrating that the world is falling apart."
"It's impressive how bad Disney Star Wars is and how it just keeps getting worse and worse."
"It's the rust and corrosion that sets into these vehicles."
"Once your body has lost the fight we begin to see other changes within it."
"The mega structure was fading, a colossal skeleton disintegrating against the backdrop of a bruised yet victorious galaxy."
"So it's just falling apart. That is the pitch from this tree."
"A very powerfully written book about how society can basically deteriorate."
"Every day at Disney World we lose a little bit more of the nostalgia, right? There's very few places you can go where it's like the bathrooms are kind of like the... they get forgotten."
"This house is about to fall apart!"
"A once Grand Home owned by people of note, now a decaying shell."
"So basically he's had this since new and it's been stored in the Loft I think he said and then it was stored in the garage and as a result it's been badly corroded and no longer works."
"She's done with him by now, this is going south quickly."
"It's amazing. You leave something for so long, and it just literally deteriorates."
"It's crazy how much the disrepair and lack of maintenance on a property can compound over like 3 to 9 months."
"It's not gonna just putting a layer of paint over it's not gonna stop it from flaking."
"It is abandoned. There are holes in the roof."
"Most of these problems will just get worse and worse over time if ignored."
"A toxic relationship is slowly killing you. It is breaking you down mentally, emotionally, spiritually."
"As quickly as things seem to improve, things can seem to worsen."
"Things really began to go downhill from here."
"They're just kind of fall apart, you know what I mean?"
"You see them getting worse every day and you know what the worst part is? You know it's never going to get better."
"This new series premiered at last, and I thought it started out pretty good, but over time cracks were starting to show."
"Things crack and things fall apart for a reason."
"His hands are literally falling apart."
"This is as bad as it gets. It has to be replaced. It's completely rotted at the bottom."
"The more you handle the paper, you know, the worse it gets."
"UV light is one of the things that fades and ruins paintings the fastest."
"If you find you're not feeling better and actually feeling a little bit worse."
"But the relationship was tainted irredeemably."
"Well, it just got a whole lot worse out here, didn't it?"
"He's an old man, he's an old man, he's just falling apart at the seams."
"It sort of acts as a compounding effect and it sort of kind of slowly deteriorates the psychological functioning of the victim."
"It could easily develop into proper full-blown rust."
"...let me guess it's full of weeds and it's petered out already after two years well there's a reason for that because this petered out after two years the red the perfume is gone after one year so something to think about folks..."
"The longer you play, the worse it gets. 10 out of 10."
"He became worse, actually, when he got back."
"The last couple of years have been a little rocky, but the cracks really started to appear with these shoes."
"This one's out of topping but it is Orlando, and so I it either sunk or it dissolved."
"Your box that has a decent amount of water in it and has oxygen going in, it's going to decay, it's going to degrade."
"Timothy and Beryl's marriage just totally started to erode. It started with daily arguing over one of their many hardships, but it quickly escalated to full-blown physical confrontation."
"I mean, you know there's wear and tear, and then there's Beyond wear and tear."
"The place will eat up your body, then your mind, then make a start on your soul."
"Things are deteriorating, no matter how well you are situated now it is not going to remain so."
"Normalization, not deterioration, is one that's interesting because what comes before deterioration is normalization."
"I can't tell because you get worse as the older you get."
"It's like a tissue box... what the hell happened to you guys?"
"...the strains in his relationship with parliament would only get worse."
"Decay is unavoidable, able bolters rust, the shells they fire are spent and the fingers that pull their triggers wear down with the passing of time."
"I'm worried about her. I'm worried that... it's getting worse, much worse."
"Green Bay's gangrenous wounds are starting to fester."
"You can go to places that are run down like the tables were falling apart and you know you can go to places where things need to be fixed and no one is fixing them."
"It is clearly abandoned: the saddle is rusty, the tire is flat."
"So it's got a little bit of gutter loss."
"The relationship was always strained and never went back to where it was before."
"There was a tremendous amount of corrosion."