
Cultural Difference Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"The hypocrisy of allowing full-on degeneracy in Western developed games but censoring Eastern games for mild depictions is absurd."
"Upon learning that Islam prohibited the consumption of alcohol, Vladimir remarked: 'Drinking is the joy of the Rus, we cannot exist without that pleasure'."
"I knew it was a can't-miss situation in the United States because there had never been anything like it, even in Japan."
"If I lived in America I would definitely own and train with guns."
"People are always called to be different by God. It was God's standard for Israel to be different from the nations around them, but they had not obeyed."
"Unlike American horror films, Japanese films are more about simply surviving that danger."
"When he came to England, people would have thought it was really strange."
"Miyamoto wanted nothing to do with the serious human-based science fiction storylines full of Mecca and monsters that were common in Japanese pop culture at the time."
"Armed security used to be something that only happened in the third world."
"In the US, Doctor Who is like nerd niche fandom television; in the UK, it's like just what's on on Sunday nights, it's not this prestige television we're making it out to me."
"One of the best things about coming over to the states is you get these kind of facilities that just aren't really kind of available back home for obvious reasons."
"I kind of like the American way of being more direct with each other, having less Small Talk."
"If we ever meet like an alien race, you know what [ __ ] God do they believe in? Right?"
"Explicit language in everyday life is more accepted in Germany."
"We don't celebrate getting older in this country, but some tribes do."
"Wrinkled skin, like Beauty, like you're, like look at, like it's like wow. Congratulations, like you're getting through this life. Where we look at it."
"While M&M’s are available in most countries, Peanut Butter M&M’s have somehow managed to stay only on American soil."
"Hip-hop is different than other genres of music."
"Listen, Alexander the Great was the most famous person ever 3000 years ago, if he was walking around today he'd just be an idiot in a toga."
"Five Guys in France uses these chips to prevent you from getting refills like in America."
"Now obviously sometimes people die. Wow, we're getting real dark. Bereavement leave is something that you would really expect at the end of the day for both countries to have but they don't."
"The United States is out of step with the rest of the world."
"This conversation wouldn't happen in China, this conversation wouldn't happen in places that don't have free speech."
"In China, it's almost all plant-based diet...Chinese peasants eat plants and they have very different cholesterol in their blood and they have far fewer heart attacks."
"We didn't have the kind of anti-Muslim bias because we didn't have the large Muslim communities that they actually had in these countries."
"It is great to be here. What's so special about that is that couldn't happen in China."
"So big it clarifies why people don't seem to lose their license straight away for drink driving in the states. It's not an instant ban."
"This place smells different than protestantism. There's incense."
"I found it odd and undesirable, but I assumed it was a cultural thing and decided to be polite."
"The face of America is completely different than it was 20 years ago even to that fact ten years ago."
"Compared to the US, it's just not even close."
"That's a beautiful vehicle and an awesome vehicle that would break an ax over here in the U.S."
"In America, there are bears and snakes and all that stuff. In Germany, we had kind of boring wildlife when it comes to dangerous animals."
"People in the UK drink 20 times more tea than Americans."
"Anywhere you go outside of America you're gonna feel a different spirit."
"I began to realize that what was stopping me from feeling a sense of commonality with the Romans was basically Christianity."
"Well also since you were since you mentioned the levels you know what i kind of like and not like in russia."
"It's a pretty weird feeling you know it doesn't happen in Australia seeing snow under your tires."
"It's crazy for me... As an Aussie, it's like what?"
"Not to be outdone, the UK also has quite a few chicken chains that you won't find in the US."
"Not quite the kind of music you're used to, I take it?" - Blue Hood
"What Spain needs is more Excel and less PowerPoint."
"I love the UK, it's really cool, it's very different than North America."
"You have kids over there and they're like skinning a monkey and just like making eye contact with you. It's so much different here."
"In America, when someone puts out a tray of snacks or goodies, they're all gone... but what we noticed was in England... people will take one or two, but then when the party ends, there'll still be a lot of snacks left over."
"In England, people call each other 'love,' just like a pet name, not even a pet name, people you don't even know will call you 'love'."
"I feel like an alien here, and then in the Philippines, I'm just more confident."
"If I knew that my husband went to a Christian Men's Conference, now again, we don't do that sort of stuff, so I'm sort of just playing it by ear here."
"What do you call a quarter pounder with cheese?"
"Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac."
"You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?"
"This type of TV show in my humble opinion does not exist in North America, period."
"In England we call this honeycomb but I think in America you call it hokey pokey, which I actually think is so much cuter."
"In America, if you order a coffee, we give you a free refill."
"It's always fascinates me how something that can unify the rest of the world is just missed here apparently people love us watching learning about it."
"I'm starting to think that 'burglar' has a different meaning in Middle Earth."
"There is a massive difference between being a woman in England and being forced into such work in Thailand."
"...Americans in general don't really use electric kettles um you can purchase them in America America but not necessarily common in kitchens I had I've never seen one I've never seen one for sale..."
"Brits do not deem strangers talking to us as polite and friendly. We think that you're going to like rob us or like scam us."
"They seem like they're from a different era."
"he be getting reactional trash when it's so boring to me maybe I don't understand everything Scott land because it's so foreign to me"
"Electric showers that doesn't sound like a ghost together, yeah that are odd to Americans."
"Is it not common um over in the states I feel like it's quite a known thing here."
"She just hit me with a mama joke, and it was all proper and British to form, it was nice."
"He said oh what a beautiful girl and he said now we have to slaughter a cow I thought that they are going to bring a whole cow not knowing that the cow which they meant was a frog."
"Lukumi is secretly amused because MBA has tried to respond to the teacher with an American style joke."
"Most American houses do have some sort of dedicated entryway rather than just opening into the living room."
"The very fact of the museum is a kind of a western idea, the idea of going to a collection and looking at things like that is a kind of a western thing."
"The way we see it the real difference between North America and the Netherlands isn't density weather or terrain as such it's more abstract it's consistency versus variation."
"She has such a unique style of humor and comedy, especially for us Americans."
"Skiing in Europe is really a world of its own compared to the US and Canada with differences in just about every aspect."
"They're using coca leaves, okay? Coke, like, it's fine for them, it's fine for the public."
"Mexican Flamin' Hot Cheetos only have one 'X' in extra, and the American version has two."
"All my friends and family in America, like, that sucks. You're stuck consuming bread with sugar that you didn't even ask for."
"I thought he looked yummy because I'm from New York and I have never seen a black cowboy before."
"I remember in Australia they would always say that's okay but not in the term in the way that you would think I would always say thank you for helping me with this or thank you for dinner or you know just being thankful for something and they would say that's okay."
"It's Friday night, it's time, it's Friday night, I'm so excited to take Americans to the pub."
"I studied in a British school all my life. The way they approach questions, the way of studying is completely different from an American curriculum."
"So Hippocrates faced a problem that I still see when I'm in Africa. If the witch doctor comes into the village when I'm there, which happens every now and again, then you realize very swiftly that he is not your local friendly pediatrician. People are afraid of him."
"That piece of beef, excellent. What really surprises me is that all of the dishes have spices and tastes that we're not used to at all. It is a far departure from Asian type of cooking, American type of cooking."
"I moved to Uganda and Uganda is different."
"Longer vacation. Many European countries like France have six or more weeks of vacation. In the US, two weeks would be generous."
"Americans are more individualistic, Canadians are more communally minded."
"I just want to be mindful of our Philippine viewers, we're not trashing your country. It is just completely different from the United States."
"Most basic Ramen in Japan easily surpasses any other Ramen Shop I've had in the US."
"I'm just in WoW by everything what the [ __ ] is this and it's the fact that the water pressure is insane but also heated towel rack I know this is common in Europe or whatever but it ain't common in my world."
"What I mean is we sit here and we go oh my gosh at almost like the shock in like their complete different understanding of the world and how and the confidence and the and the way they are but we're only doing that through the lens of this show."
"'Your birthday is today,' the American clerk says with interested eyes."
"I didn't realize that that wasn't an everywhere thing."
"Korean skincare really takes a very different approach to their products than what I was used to with western skincare."
"If I go into Madison Square Garden and I have a hood on with no face, it's killing me in Japan."
"I come from a world to where we we eat to live and in America you guys just live to eat, you know what I'm saying? Like you guys just have such a different perspective on life and to me I just find it funny."
"That's such an Un-American thing. It's not even something that you could intellectualize because it wouldn't happen. It's so different."
"I mean if you're saying it in an American way that would be if it were the Middle Eastern way would be God God."
"Santa in Australia has vastly different taste."
"Washing up, that's what Americans say."
"I call it like white humor, you know? I mean, like, I didn't understand white humor, so they would bust jokes, and I'm sitting, I'm the only one not laughing."
"I would warn them that a British pint is 25% bigger than an American pint but way less alcohol."
"So, in Japan, you don't really type in an app, you type in the telephone number of the place that you want to go to, and the GPS will take you there."
"I think it's amazing that Brits have got sarcasm, and that the majority of Americans don't, because we can really use that in our humor. British comedy is so sarcastic a lot of the time, but then Americans just have that really sincere feel."
"They would hate coming to America, there are girls that might not have bigger boobs and some girls with bigger boobs that don't wear bras and leave the house and we're happy for them, we're proud of them."
"It was like, we were doing it over Zoom, but it was on Korean time."
"Whenever I go in Europe, in America especially, the father children look, yeah."
"For whatever reason they prioritize math and science and education way more than we do, like I feel like what we prioritize here is entertainment."
"Jaywalking: a punishable offense in the US, while legal and common in many European countries."
"In the UK, we would call that meal banging and that means that it was very good indeed, really really nice."
"I seen currency and how he... This is a whole another world, bro. It's different when you're in LA, because when you go to a LA rap show or even a gangsta rap show, it's really all Hispanics. But when you go out of town to rap shows, you see the [ __ ] at the shows."
"Valpurgisnacht doesn't concern Englishmen."
"The Welsh rudeness would soon be framed to English civility."
"Brits what are you doing crispy bacon come on you cannot tell me that tastes like bacon I know what bacon tastes like and it's not this."
"I ain't used to this from where I'm from."
"...like if if an American visits the UK and accidentally says pants instead of trousers everyone kind of Chuckles and it's like oh you silly American you don't know what's going on..."
"fun fact I learned recently that the UK version is more honest than the US version of the Traders because they actually tell you that the trade, the Traders and everybody goes and sleeps at a hotel they don't sleep at a castle"
British people often use the word "reckon," which means "think" or "suppose." Americans know this word but rarely use it.
"Our food might not be as nice as yours."
"They catch them a little different here in Florida."
"Americans like the heavy char try people will look at the char and kind of tell you it's burnt oh kind of try to find a happy minion so that's that's especially on the bottom of the crust yes Americans like it a little more done yeah okay."
"...to feel that welcome is so different than really anything I've ever felt anywhere stateside."
"It's like it's the driver's side is on the right side of the cab, and in America, you know, we have it on the left side."
"I think a lot of my European audience doesn't believe me when I say that it's very common in homes in the United States to have TVs in like every room of the house."
"So there we are guys, eight American English words that, when brought over the Atlantic to Britain, can cause some problem. They're not necessarily all terribly rude, but we do have to be slightly careful with them."
"This one isn't like the worst thing ever. It's at least just a funny little linguistic kind of turn of events where it just means underwear or, you know, the stuff underneath your trousers."
"If you are Canadian or North American, but the homes here in England are a lot smaller, just the way it is."
"I'm like a kid at Christmas, so for the Canadian fans, they know our cereal selection is limited, so like seeing all of this, it just blows my mind."
"The second thing that I absolutely hate about the UK is the American sweet tea hate. Like why y'all hate on American sweet tea so much?"
"Americans seem more individualistic while I prefer the collectivist approach."
"She's a foreign girl. She is. And I love her."
"I feel like there's some truth to it, that one. Okay, things that only exist in the UK: free at the point of use healthcare."
"I don't know what e-governance means. I thought I was just being ignorant, but by the very nature of the question today...thing, what are things that only exist in the UK, that's why little old American me does not understand anything we're talking about."
"This is another weird thing Brits do that's very nice. It's like such a pleasant thing. And honestly, again, I'm kind of sad to say this would be a strange behavior in the United States, where for one thing, we're horrible at queuing."
"Fish fingers, fish sticks, I've never heard of fish fingers. I've heard of fish sticks. But I had no idea they'd go in sandwiches. That I understand more than beans on toast, to be honest."
"...shopping in a supermarket for me is a Leisure type of fun thing that you do and get your stuff and then you just leave in Germany it is calming when you go to pick out your stuff you know it's a nice Supermarket..."
"In Europe we do not consider this to be a cup of coffee that's a gallon of coffee."
"I do it differently back home. I probably leave it hanging a little more in the back."
"If there is any hope, it's not in the West. If there is any hope, it's that some parts of the world are still far more human and far more connected than the West."
"Probably one of the other things that we've really noticed as Americans driving in Germany is this situation right here we're pulling up to a four-way stop and in Germany rather than having a stop sign it is rex for links so the person on the right has right-of-way."
"There's less of a competitive mindset over here."
"I always tell myself, 'You don't be negative. These people are here because they want you to do well.' But in the UK, you would be just as happy to watch me die in flames."
"I just love going to the market here. It's so different from New York."
"The American dream is about success, while Britain loves failure."
"Their calendar here in Ethiopia consists of 13 months."
"The Caribbean teams and Japanese teams love the sport way more than America does on the whole."
"This is my favorite holiday because I don't have Christmas."
"Classics are culturally very different from the world we live in, yet they continue to be valuable over time."
"Honestly, it's like you can't go wrong. It sucks because we wanted to show you what we have in America that's different to Korea but ended up being the best from Korea, it's just in our DNA."
"Soccer might be dead in America, but it's alive and well in Qatar."
"France has 50 times more bakeries per capita than the United States."
"We have the time, and the Americans have the watches."
"It's so, so different to everything I've ever known."
"I'm convinced that the generation gap between a 55-year-old in China and a 25-year-old in China is one of the biggest gaps on the planet."
"The difference between European system of winemaking and Georgian system of winemaking is using the leftovers of the grapes."
"If you're not in the US, please change that to football and leave your hate comments below; it fuels me, it keeps me alive."
"I've never heard food associated with guilt... that was really a profound difference."
"I know no pop culture, I'm sorry, I don't know any pop culture, I'm from Spain."
"Canadians also celebrate Thanksgiving, but on the second Monday of October."
"In the US, we fear death... here in Mexico, it couldn't be more opposite."
"Real French croissants are buttery pillows of perfection, whereas the American croissant sandwich is an ungodly abomination."
"That's such an amazing degree of trust that I do not think that American restaurants would extend to their customers."
"I did not like the food in Greece; it's really oily."
"You know I love my coffee, but Iraq is a tea country."
"How was your Thanksgiving? Good, but here in Canada, it was actually like a month and a half ago."
"The North has always been different than the other kingdoms."
"In Yucatan, we say that the food of Mexico is very spiced, right here it's not, not as much."
"To be pregnant in Costa Rica, it's so different than anything I had. I'd never been treated with so much respect in my life."
"The American work ethic is a wonderful thing, so there has been a lot of great music played in the UK by people who didn't really know what they were doing."
"They said, the wife was a Bonpo, and the other, her husband, was Buddhist, so he has to go around that way."
"Unlike in Germany and most other parts of the world, WhatsApp is not the default for texting in the US."
"Why do Europeans see access to nature as a basic human right, but Americans view the wild frontier as largely off-limits?"
"The chai is here and in Pakistan are just so, so nice, completely different to like a tea that you have in England or in the West."
"You Americans live to work, and Europeans work to live."
"Living on Spanish time is very different to what we're used to."
"In China, it's more focused on 'you have to be the best,' but in Britain, it's okay if you're not the best at everything."
"Irish cheddar cheese is much different than American cheddar cheese."
"As the middle class grows... The grooming of our skin and our hair is different than the products that are supplied to us from the west, from China."
"They smile more than I was used to, it was fantastic to see."
"It's the Austria very different, see in this country you get in your car and you go cross-country."
"It's quite interesting that in America, black is live and white is neutral."
"They organized and mobilized. That's a different mindset than we have up here in America."
"I once met an American missionary woman who said these people have no religion. I said, 'I differ with you.'"
"The distillment of Science and the secular world away from the spiritual social world is a European phenomenon."
"It's actually difficult to explain Christianity to Japanese people in Japanese because they don't have a specific word for sin."
"In the US, we work to live versus here we're living to work."
"Their sense of duty is a lot higher than maybe what we see here in the United States because they're automatically supposed to go to the military to do minimum two years, so like their sense of duty to their country is a lot different than what we're normally used to seeing."
"Sonam Kapoor isn't a familiar name in Western culture, her family is Bollywood royalty."
"You guys call it soda; we call it pop up here."
"Culturally we don't have the same affinity or interest in firearms as our American cousins."
"In the West, you have issues between science and religion... In the East, we never had this problem."
"I will say that you guys embrace Christmas just on a whole other level than we do here in the United States."
"We are making you a scone with clotted cream, and it's gonna blow your mind."
"We don't have that in the UK, absolutely."
"So the biggest difference here between the Nepali and Indian is way less masala."
"If you look at Japan and South Korea who live the longest, they consume between four and five thousand milligrams of sodium per day."
"The reason I listen to K-pop so much is because it is so different compared to a lot of Western pop you hear over here."
"They are so nice, they are so respectful, you don't have that in America."
"That's the difference between Australia and England, you know, the crowd here... they sing."
"People outside of India will use the word worship... in India there's the word bhakta, which means Devotion."
"Unlike the Scotch-Irish, the Germans did not speak the language of the original colonists or mingle freely with them; they kept to themselves, built their own schools, founded their own newspapers, and published their own books."
"We can't find any ginger nut biscuits in Sweden, now I understand that it may not be a traditional biscuit, but if you know where I can find some, or if you've got any recommendation for any biscuit that's got ginger in it, please let me know."
"It's remarkable how different Christendom Western, I call it the new Christendom, is so different in my evaluation than the old Christendom of the first millennium East and West."
"In America, if you say someone is pissed, it means they're angry."