
Life Resilience Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The resilience of life on Earth makes you wonder about the possibilities of life across the universe."
"This is the closest that life on Earth has come to complete eradication."
"Life exists all the way at the bottom of the Mariana Trench Challenger Deep, they call it the most brutal high-pressure conditions imaginable, and yet life exists. It's remarkable."
"Life will find a way, life is very robust and very sneaky."
"Life is pretty tough and it can survive completely isolated from the energy of a host star like our Sun."
"Life is going to happen. It's how we navigate that."
"Life is common. Life would re-emerge is nine times more likely than life would not re-emerge if you re-ran the tape."
"Loss is not the end; it's a future game of new beginnings."
"Where there is mass destruction, there is also life. The humans may just need to shift our focus to clearly see."
"Life, that through chaos, finds a way to escape the bonds we put on it in the first place."
"No matter the challenge, life can always find a way."
"Chip's song is incredibly motivational. It is a great feeling of you win some, you lose some, life is tough but that's the way it is, pick yourself up, go get out there."
"Life moves on whether you get over the heartbreak or not, life will move on and so will you."
"Life is tough, life is rough. But if you prepare for worst-case scenario, the little stuff really becomes like almost nothing."
"Life is fleeting, but even when slain, you can still survive."
"Life has its ups and downs, and the dip always comes back stronger."
"Life goes on and life throws you things that you don't expect and then sometimes you realize it's all for the better."
"Life goes on because every like the worst day of your life ends and the next day begins."
"Life is never going to turn out the way you want all the time, and you gotta be able to push through."
"Even in the most chaotic environments, life can still thrive."
"When the door slams on our face, we don't think poetically."
"It's about life sometimes we're up sometimes we're down we're all faced with difficult situations and it's how we navigate those situations."
"Anything can happen in life and we can be hit with the good times with the hard times but what makes a difference in our happiness and our fulfillment is how we choose to respond to those instances."
"Life is going to try to knock you down. There are politics. It's going to happen."
"Life is more than capable of thriving in extreme environments."
"Life has occupied all these amazing niches on our planet."
"Life is a song, even when you're too sad to sing, at least hum the tune, but don't ever lose the tune."
"Let these tokens remind you that tomorrow is always a new day. Embrace it, hold on to it, and push forward. Life will find a way."
"Moving on is accepting the things you cannot change, including the bad things that happen to you."
"By choosing to embrace life and all that it brings, we too can survive what may come." - The core message of triumph and heroism.
"Life will not be contained. Life breaks free. It expands to new territories and it crashes through barriers. Life, uh, finds a way." - Subscribe today!
"Just because you're in a bad moment doesn't mean that's it. This doesn't define your day, it doesn't define your life."
"Life is going to have ups and it's going to have downs."
"Life can survive even in the most inhospitable environments."
"Life is full of twists and turns and it's important to show up for yourself through it all."
"Life still goes on, everything's gonna be fine, you're gonna be okay."
"Rejection is a part of life until you go to your grave."
"They see you just going on with your life, continuing on, you're still able to be happy, you're still able to light up others' lives."
"The remarkable diversity of life that thrives in the most unexpected corners of our planet."
"Life is very very tenacious and it's very ingrained in the planet."
"House has always been able to tread water. Miserable, sure. But he has freedom, a job, and loved ones. It's why he's typically against suicide."
"If life began on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago and we faced three Supernova explosions that have impacted us in the last 20 million years, and life is still largely ticking along."
"We get rejected all the time, but that'll strengthen your character, man."
"What we learned is that life is much more adaptable than we previously thought."
"Life seems to be pretty tenacious once it gets to that point."
"I think I would be enjoying how I can just survive anything in life and go on forever."
"We are rocks, our experiences weather... they stick with you and you have the opportunity to learn and grow from everything."
"...Earth provides ample examples, even in our own backyard, for how life can thrive in a variety of circumstances that look very dire indeed."
"Everywhere we look on Earth, we find life, even in the most extreme environments like magma pits and the great depths of the oceans."
"Life was able to survive in that way in such a harsh environment."
"The future of life is probably more secure because life has suffered major catastrophes in the past and has come through."
"Real happiness is internal, stable, and secure against all the blows that fate can throw at us."