
Advertising Strategy Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Tesla's accomplished such feats all without spending any paid advertising dollars."
"Never underestimate the power of a well-structured Google Ad campaign; it's not just about spending money, it's about spending it wisely to maximize returns."
"Google Ads is more search intense. So rather than interrupting people on their news feed, we're actually getting them when they're ready to shop."
"Keep your ad groups as organized as possible and keep the themes really tight."
"Just make them feel sad or make them laugh and then slap your logo at the end."
"From a marketing standpoint, I think it's grossly under-priced attention."
"Use user-generated content for your ads. It's incredibly effective."
"Next, they might introduce one to three new creatives to their existing scaling campaign."
"The ad portrayed Apple as humanity’s only hope for the future."
"All you gotta do is start off five dollars a day, five hours a day. Five dollars a day I do all my test budgets, that's five to ten dollars a day."
"Once your campaign's been published... let it run for between 2 and 3 days."
"I don't think this ad campaign is designed to sell Android phones."
"This ad campaign is designed to sell Android phones."
"Long-form always works better than snappy slogans."
"There will be a higher price subscription that allows for zero ads." - Elon Musk
"Placement targeting is the absolute best type of targeting if you can do it."
"So essentially what I'm going to do is add more ad groups at this point and then I'll come back to the video and show you essentially my final strategy as I'm getting ready to completely launch my campaign."
"Make sure that even if you think something is really obvious... if it's a result that everybody delivers but nobody is talking about, go ahead and use that in your ad copy."
"When it comes to quality score, it can take some time to improve your historic click-through rate. Focus on account structure and make sure your keywords are relevant."
"Allocate your budget accordingly for search and display campaigns. Set a higher budget for search if clicks are more expensive for your keywords."
"So usually I say that you need to spend at least $20 on an ad set before you can make any statistically significant decision."
"Sending them an ad that pops up saying, 'Hey, we saw that you signed up for our franchise opportunity,' can convert them into a sale."
"Rather than do the normal style of ad—since, given the fact that you’re watching this, it hasn’t convinced you yet—this time I’m going to count down the top ten of the many reasons why you should sign up for the Nebula/CuriosityStream bundle deal."
"Facebook advertising and Instagram Story advertising is the most under priced real estate grab of human attention in America ever, period."
"If they own your eyeballs, well, then they can advertise to you and encourage you to buy their stuff on their platform."
"For us, it makes sense to ask you guys to watch the ads and let big companies pay for it."
"It boggles my mind how he thought it's a good idea to just run youtube ads."
"For anybody trying to run TikTok ads, we always run spark ads."
"At this point, you should either be running one of your original creatives for day two or you should be in the process of coming up with two new creatives."
"Once you have raised your bid and you've raised your budget so that you know you're bidding at least 10% higher than all the other bids, and your budget is enough to be running for 70% of the day, you need to run your ads longer."
"Once you start having some ad sets that are performing well consistently, this is when you can start scaling vertically."
"Imagine that Game Pass commercial going from just showing you Halo, Gears of War, and Forza, to you know, Doom and Wolfenstein and Elder Scrolls and Fallout on top of that."
"You should only scale a product that you've been profitable with at a lower ad spend and that you know has been proven to work."
"The algorithm is your marketing; you don't need billboards."
"The best way to scale look-alike audience is to start to group the most successful LLAs into one ad set."
"Having multiple ad formats running at once can really help improve the performance of your Facebook ad campaigns."
"Create deep human connection in your digital ads, don't just shout."
"At American Apparel's peak, it was synonymous with made-in-L.A. hipster cool and provocative advertising."
"Running paid ads on TikTok and Facebook to scale the brand and keep it consistent."
"Spark ads on TikTok can increase results by 2X, 3X, or even 4X."
"This is the exact success formula I use... to dominate Facebook and YouTube advertising."
"Games are still the place to be if you're advertising games."
"Facebook ads is actually one of the only platforms that you need to learn in the early stages."
"Give yourself time for people to see your advertisement, see that you do actually have value, and hear about the venue."
"They baked a Barbie ad into The Flash movie."
"Cold Steel brazenly advertises knives as self-defense tools, and I love that."
"Tesla is the only car company that doesn't spend money on advertising."
"We don't run ads on the show. I finance the show out of my pocket so I make a deal with you guys."
"Brand validity is crucial... running ads on multiple platforms builds trust."
"Start with $5 to $10 budget... increase as you see more purchases."
"We focus on making the best products, and Tesla has gotten to where it's gotten with no advertising at all."
"Have you seen any Tesla ads on a YouTube video?"
"Increase revenue with higher viewability and quality ads."
"You cannot build long-term scalable businesses by having to force cram and force feed ads in order for your business to survive."
"The difference between someone doing $100 a day to just $1,000 a day or to even do $10,000 a day is the fact that they know how to just scale up their ads."
"So it's a good question how much should I pay per click so this is my answer which is sort of needs justification my answer is that you can you take how much average revenue you get per customer divided by 25 and that's what you can pay per click."
"What about even more concentrated coffee, advertised as being brewed at 20 times the strength of a regular cup?"
"YouTube ads are right in the middle of that."
"The most profitable ads that we run on Facebook are retargeting campaigns."
"...focus on one type of AD...then Branch out and try to run other types of ads."
"Collection ads blend video and product catalog photos. They work really well if you want to advertise multiple products at once."
"So how often are we refreshing these ads? We're running three or four ads at any one time, I would say on average we're refreshing probably once, maybe twice a month."
"It's always better to create a secondary ad specifically for display. I never run Google ads and display together because the conversion tracking gets mixed up and it's hard to tell which one converted from what."
"I think your app would be killer if you advertise it right."
"On the internet, the only way that you can advertise effectively is to think in terms of creating community."
"You still want to come in with a strong hook; this is not only going to ensure that you can make it past the first second but that the person actually watches the entirety of your ad."
"For quick results, by making a relevant ad copy and by targeting the right keywords, we can increase availability, brand awareness, and traffic."
"Advertiser gets the advantage that till the time the ad has only been shown, he is not paying any penny to Google."
"Microsoft Advertising performs very similarly and if you are running Google Ads and you're looking for more search volume, you should start running Microsoft Advertising as well."
"The cheapest form of marketing is not full-page adverts in the press, it's free advertising."
"The bids that you set are significantly more important than the budget."
"Skippable ads that will enable your brand to reach as many people in your target audience as possible at the most efficient price."
"Facebook's delivery system will allocate your budget across multiple placements based on where they're likely to perform best."
"The most important things that people miss is layering those ad account structures."
"We're willing to spend up to $3.04 per click, which means we're really guaranteeing ourselves that rank at the top of the first page."
"In-feed ads can be a really good way to get in front of a target audience."
"We put a lot of thought and time into what sponsors we choose, how we do the ad."
"You've got to know how to optimize bids."
"What you can do potentially is reach someone on the Google search results page before they get to Amazon and see all of your other competitors."
"Facebook will aim to spend your entire budget and get the most purchase value using the highest value bidding strategy."
"Facebook ad costs doubled last year. Here's how the best are still thriving."
"What made me a millionaire is just the ability to place more ads when I found something that was working."
"You always, always, always need to know that you have the potential to profit from the product even while spending money on ads to promote it."
"The way we advertised it was 'Ask Dad, he had one'."
"The first thing we're going to talk about is how the auction works."
"Use exclusion marketing to improve your Facebook return on investment by not including people who have already taken the action desired by you."
"Manual CPC, you actually set a manual bid for each click."