
Britney Spears Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Everybody should be working collaboratively to help Ms. Spears get to the point she's trying to get to that she's articulated in the last couple of hearings."
"Indeed serious questions abound concerning Mr. Spears's potential misconduct, including conflicts of interest, conservatorship abuse, and the evident dissipation of Ms. Spears's fortune."
"Any father who genuinely loves his daughter and has her best interests at heart should willingly step aside in favor of the highly respected professional fiduciary nominated here."
"In my opinion, Dad Spears's removal as conservator is critical to Britney Spears's emotional health and well-being, and is in the best interest of the conservatee."
"A new report from 'The New York Times' says court documents allege Britney has been trying to end the conservatorship for years."
"Britney Spears has been under a conservatorship for more than a decade with her financial and even personal decisions being made for her."
"For the first time in nearly 13 years, Britney will address the court directly."
"Britney was just eight years old at the time but she made it all the way to the final six... casting director Matt Casella knew Britney was incredible."
"Britney Spears changed the world forever and signed a recording contract with Jive... Britney changed the world forever."
"Britney Spears and Madonna kissed on stage and the world went wild... That image of Britney with the snake around her neck has been one of Britney's most iconic moments."
"Britney's plea to the court was finally heard... Britney's lawyer was not getting done... everything changed on the 23rd."
"We are just taking the courage that Britney has had... and marching it into court and saying enough is enough."
"Finally called out some of the wrong going on in Britney's life."
"He did acknowledge the fact that Britney's constitutional rights were violated."
"Britney has been under this conservatorship for over eleven years."
"The only thing that I personally can do for Britney is just keep her in prayer."
"This is not a drill, Britney Spears will be speaking for herself about her conservatorship."
"How is what has been done to Britney Spears not a human rights crime?"
"Britney is a free woman who is making her own independent decisions."
"Britney deserves to just be able to live her life."
"I absolutely think Britney's conservatorship should be entirely removed."
"No one is considering Britney the human being."
"Britney herself was standing up to her father, and with a new judge on the case, it seemed like she could finally tell her truth on how Jamie Spears was abusing the conservatorship."
"All I want is to own my money for this to end and my boyfriend, um, to drive me in his [ __ ] car and I would honestly like to sue my family to be totally honest with you." - Britney Spears
"The conservatorship that had controlled Britney Spears's finances, personal life, and medical decisions since 2008...was terminated Friday afternoon in a Los Angeles courtroom."
"This was her Britney moment and I say give me give me more."
"So tonight we are celebrating Britney's conservatorship win."
"This filing represents a massive legal victory for Britney Spears."
"Britney Spears conservatorship is over, she is free, she is free."
"I'm squarely and unequivocally in the camp of free Britney. I think this is friggin ridiculous what is happening to Britney Spears." - Ted Cruz
"I think we all, all of us in pop music, kind of take a little piece of Britney with us wherever we go."
"It's absurd how they've treated her over the years when, like you said, she really is the talent. No one can be Britney."
"It's no secret that Britney Spears has a lot of really passionate fans and that when the public found out about her conservatorship, the Free Britney movement really started to take off."
"Britney Spears did not win nothing about this is winning absolutely nothing can be construed as a win the woman was enslaved."
"Setting Britney free is allowing her to make choices even if they're bad choices."
"Britney seems like a good person but a lost soul, lonely and bored, and she has so many people rooting for her."
"While this is hardly the conclusion that anyone wanted for britney's case her parents have said that seeing the case through is now their main priority."
"The fact that Britney Spears is not allowed to make her own decisions, it's mind-boggling to me."
"Once her father Jamie Spears took control of her personal medical and financial affairs in 2008, she no longer had a say in her day-to-day life."
"Britney Spears, I understand the Shaving of the head you know she's taking back her control."
"These are not my feelings, these are Britney's words, but how her father treats her is abusive, cruel, and toxic."
"Britney Spears apparently has been under this for like a decade, 10 years, and her father has been, you know, the person over it."
"So curious as to how Britney got out, guys. Like, there is no way in heck she could have gotten out of there."
"Britney kind of look like an angel up there..."
"Britney said she doesn't have a problem with it either as long as it was an intentful respectful conversation."
"Britney Spears wins immunity. These pop princesses are really just absolutely conquering the game."
"I don't care about basic [__]. Every pop star goes through this phase, and she's at her peak right now. So she's at her peak, absolute peak. She's gonna hit the wall, she'll still make some money, but we've seen this before. She's gonna turn into Britney Spears."
"I think honestly after that Britney Spears situation if I were him I wouldn't want no cameras on me because that was like a crazy Awakening for him."
"Remember what Britney used to be? She was iconic."
"Britney Spears took that $15 million and fell right to sleep."
"In the words of the pop icon of the early 2000s, Britney Spears, baby hit me one more time."
"I'm going to become a local DJ, you guys can come up with my name, and I'm just gonna play Britney Spears, basically."
"I do love Britney, come on, she's a legend."
"I don't think people realize how iconic Britney was; like Britney was the biggest pop princess ever, she still is, she's amazing."
"Britney Spears will go down as a pop legend, but what should also be talked about as much as her music is how media completely destroyed her."
"Baby One More Time was a massive hit for Britney Spears, and like right out the gate, you know, she became a superstar."
"Yes, even you, even me, everybody loves this song, Toxic by Britney Spears."
"Not to mention this was Britney Spears' first Grammy."
"After spending most of her adulthood living under the thumb of a restrictive conservatorship that left her with little control over her own life, Britney Spears finally regained her personal and financial freedom."
"What people don't realize is that as long as I keep coming up with good music, I'll be here." - Britney Spears