
Favorability Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The universe looks like it's rigged in favor of life."
"Everything in life just seems to pour in and it's in your favor."
"The luck and the balance are going to be on your side."
"You are favored in your position at this time."
"Everything is going in your favor, especially with your career, your work, your finances."
"The politics here is very good for Joe Biden."
"Things are definitely leaning in your favor here."
"I do think they actually want to commit and I do think it'll go in your favor."
"The Ukrainian Army was suddenly much more visible and favorable."
"The wheel is turning in your favor. Luck is on your side."
"Bernie Sanders is closing the gap in early States and remains the most favorable candidate running for the Democratic Party nomination."
"Bernie Sanders has the highest favorability ratings in the country."
"Things working out for you in your favor, just as being on your side."
"The wheel is turning in her favor... now they want to come back."
"Jupiter goes into Taurus after April 10th house now he is your fifth house Lord favorable for you."
"Fortunately for Elizabeth, it didn't take long for the tide to turn in her favor."
"You will see there is like evidence of things going in your favor."
"This is the most favorable, most auspicious, most promising, most optimistic month."
"The New Testament comes across very favorable."
"The faster you respond that's looked upon favorably."
"...companies will love you for it."
"You couldn't draw this up any better for Team Puerto Rico."
"The balance of the changes that have been made have certainly been in our favor."
"The benefit-risk profile of Idel in patients with triple class exposed relapsed refractory multiple myeloma is favorable."
"...the benefit-risk profile is favorable."
"The trend is reversing in the other direction and it's moving towards our favor now."
"The unexpected actually working in your favor."
"Saturn for Libra rules the fifth house and the fourth house and therefore is considered a favorable auspicious planet."
"It's called the principle of favorability, or beginner's luck."
"The six of wands is one of the most favorable cards in the deck; this is the card of victory."
"Take opportunities too like invitations during this time because I think that they're favorable for you."
"We're the people who were good students, always learned well, were always looked upon pretty favorably by teachers."
"This month is very favorable for that as well, in fact, due to Saturn going direct in the 12th house."
"Everything should start going in our favor."
"According to a study carried out in 2013, 85% of people in the Philippines have a favorable view of the United States."
"I am patient and understanding that everything is conforming in my favor."
"I have faith in the unseen; everything in the unseen is working out in my favor."
"If you had the perception that things work out for you, the world is simply rigged in your favor."
"May is going to be a very favorable time for you."
"The risk return is soundly in your favor right here and right now."
"Increasing entropy is energetically favorable."
"Everybody that I know that I have worked with, where they have stepped forward and told the courts and told the prosecutor, 'Look, I take responsibility,' the judge looks at that favorably."
"That reaction is thermodynamically favored at 298 Kelvin."
"An unfavorable reaction can be made favorable by coupling it to a favorable reaction."
"The reaction is favorable because the cell potential is positive."
"When you have a very large value of K, the equilibrium lies to the right and the equilibrium is product favored."
"Each one of these stages is going to be more favored than the previous stage."
"Look for reactions that form those types of bonds; they'll tend to be enthalpically favorable and thermodynamically favorable with negative Delta G."
"85% of people in the Philippines have a favorable view of the United States, making the Philippines the most pro-American country in the world."
"It's very favorable to trade carbon-carbon pi bonds for carbon Sigma bonds."
"You have to compare their teachings, and they will see that Islam presents a much more favorable, understandable, lovable concept of God than any other religion."
"This is a great time to take risks because things are just going to kind of work out more in your favor."
"You are very important, that you are very loved, and things are shifting more in your favor."
"There's some sort of happiness here; it feels favorable to you."
"Justice is in your favor; there's balance here."
"Stay in the present moment, Taurus. Things are happening and it's happening in your favor."
"Emotional fulfillment, things are about to go in your favor."