
Philosophical Belief Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"I believe in the existence of an uncaused cause of the universe and everything that exists, which is intelligent and all-powerful."
"Freedom is my god-given birthright, then no man could ever take."
"Some alchemists believed that if they were to master the Assaf, they would become even more powerful than God."
"We support the right of each individual to believe or disbelieve as they choose."
"I don't believe in any form of unjustified extremism but I believe that when a man is exercising extremism in defense of Liberty for human beings is no vice."
"Human beings will not have except what they strive for."
"I think we're born with a sense of morality."
"Big believer in the human spirit and in human optimism."
"Thoughts become things, yeah, they become things."
"Love is god. God is love so 16 is literally god's love."
"It isn't a matter of happiness but of righteousness."
"Morality requires us to believe unprovable truths that must descend from outside ourselves."
"Without its white magic we would have a sadly impoverished world."
"Hunt believes that each and every life counts."
"We should treat people equally as... we're all equal at a soul level."
"The source of our rights is in fact the Creator."
"This place we call Earth wasn't an accident."
"We live in a knowledge of unity, the idea that we are all connected."
"Tony believes in determinism and that people can't change."
"There must be an equal and opposite force to evil."
"Karma's like, don't worry about what's fair, trust that we usher that in because we have an understanding of what true justice is."
"A central error of modernism is the belief that truth can change over time."
"On its own, I find more plausible the idea of a necessary unmoved mover."
"You and I were given inalienable rights bestowed on us by our Creator."
"Maybe it's because you actually do indeed believe that there is an objective value to human life."
"The sovereign voice of the individual is the power that casts potential into habitable being."
"Conflict strengthens humanity. Winston... proved Doofus's philosophy to be true."
"Everything happens for a reason if god ordains it, it's going to happen."
"I stand on the truth because all else will fall in time."
"Peace and love are actually the two most powerful energies that we've got on this planet."
"There are higher things than the ego's will, and to those one must buy." - Carl Jung
"Justice is causing effect. If you want love, just put energy into love and you'll have it."
"If the sense of Duty involves and justifies belief in rewards to come, the postulate of immortality must lead to the supposition of the existence of God."
"Love is the answer, always has been, always will be."
"Broken the rules then think about Man City. If they hadn't broken the rules, would they have won a title? Would they have been in the Champions League?"
"Don't shortchange yourself because of what happened in the past."
"In wildness is the preservation of the world."
"I'm absolutely convinced you should never lose faith in humanity."
"The light and the goodness always wins out because remember what they say and this is a fact: light extinguishes darkness."
"There's only one kind of freedom, and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government."
"Freedom is such an essential urge of being a human being."
"There is no reason to doubt our beliefs unless we can find an actual reason to doubt our beliefs."
"The universe loves change, and so that's what that's what we are we're interdependent ever-changing ever-changing non-differentiated uh reality."
"I do believe in a degree of inevitability when it comes to historical materialism."
"I fundamentally believe that if information gets processed a certain way, then it is conscious."
"The sun rises, illuminating all our sorrows equally. I believe in it. In the future that will connect us all as One Piece."
"Our belief is that all lives, no matter where they're lived on the globe, have equal value."
"That's correct, that's Buddhist. We believe that we have free will and you can change your destiny."
"Wealth is spiritual. It's not about what you do, it's about what is backing you."
"People who believe in death think that humans are disposable."
"Yuki is someone who believes freedom is the basis for life."
"Freedom exists for the sake of love. It exists to be given away."
"Tolerance essentially says I have the truth, you are in error, but I will generously indulge you in your right to be wrong."
"I'm a man of faith in the sense that I believe the universe is smarter than me."
"I think love is one of the most powerful things in the universe."
"Everyone is born an atheist, born without a belief in a god."
"If you actually believe in some creative power other than your own wonderful human imagination is to have another man or woman in your life."
"The universe chose you to carry this burden for a reason."
"The truth is the only thing that is going to actually bring about peace."
"In the end, the truth always wins. That's my theory. My thesis is that in the end, the truth is going to come out."
"I do believe the whole universe was... here by Design."
"Abundance is a natural state of the universe."
"All beings are basically good no matter how much evil they do they are basically good"
"I still believe we have free will."
"I'm an Einsteinian; I always believe in relativity."
"The belief that the next fire will be hot is a belief that goes beyond what has been demonstrated by experience."
"He believes in the inherent and indestructible qualities of the human mind and likewise of certain powers and the great and permanent objects that act upon it."
"80% of what happens to you in life is karma or destiny."
"Plato is of opinion that a peculiar demon is allotted to every man, to be a witness and a guardian of his conduct in life."
"The belief that reality is independent of individual minds."
"...if you want to be free, or you know, you can't even say to reach your full potential you have to connect jiva with Atman."
"Ethical veganism satisfies the test required for it to be a philosophical belief and is therefore protected under the Equality Act 2010."
"His goal is to change the law of nature: when you sin you suffer, and when you do pious things you get happiness."