
Pros And Cons Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Everything has its pros and cons... you have to understand what you're doing and just come to terms with it."
"As soon as you regard this technology, then you can start talking about it not in terms of you're invisible or you're not invisible but of all the pros and cons."
"There are benefits and downsides to increased ease of dating."
"One of the great things about additive is it is so bleeding edge... one of the bad things about additive is that it is so bleeding edge."
"Consoles vs. PC, let's wrap up a few pros and cons..."
"There's pros and cons to literally everything."
"Being independent advantages you can do what you want disadvantages is that you could do what you want."
"I think a lot of people go into it afraid there's really nothing to be afraid of there are pros and there are cons."
"Most people recognize that at will has benefits and also costs."
"Those are the pros and cons that are great to know about accounting before you major in it or before you go out and find your first accounting job."
"Too much information is both a blessing and a curse."
"Every single good thing in life has a bad side to it."
"There's no 100 right answer right there's pros and cons to any solution that you come up with."
"The upside to social media is immense, but the downside is certainly the trolls."
"Every vehicle has its pros and cons a long way."
"Quality of life, not too many cons there if any."
"Each version has its pros and cons, but for Castlevania fans, the only wrong way to play Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night is to not play them at all."
"Don't get stuck only looking at cons; there always is going to be a con in any area you're going to just make sure that the pros outweigh them."
"The LAN show, to be very clear, there's pros and cons with both."
"I'm a big fan of the type of game it is and the cons don't outweigh the pros for me."
"People really need to be able to weigh out the pros and cons and find out what's best for them."
"I do really, really like it. There are a few cons to it, but I still think it's worth it for me."
"There's always pros and cons to any type of technology."
"It definitely has its downside but it also has its positive sides."
"Everything in life has some sort of downsides, but you do those things because the upsides are better than the downsides."
"I'm gonna talk about the good things as well as the bad things."
"The multiplayer aspect is both Mario Wii's biggest strength and weakness."
"Has its downsides but also spectacular benefits."
"everyone goes through life at such different places mine just happened mine happened so quickly i left education when i was 17 you know it's not normal there was some amazing pros with that and there were also so many cons"
"Pros and cons, let's start with the cons: it's heavy."
"Always remember, in every aspect, there is something good and something potentially negative."
"Conclusion: It depends on what you're looking for, but each has its pros and cons."
"Everything has advantages and disadvantages."
"Best part is flexibility and money when it's working, and the worst part is probably flexibility and money when it's not."
"For every pro that it has, there's also a con."
"All these knives have great pros and cons, and you should feel confident in the type of knife that you get."
"The pros for us definitely outweigh the cons when it comes to having a cassette toilet."
"If you find all these cons to be actually Pros then strongly consider this charming little city."
"I do recommend if you were looking to build in a garage pros and cons but overall I mean as long as you have the space for I obviously have a very garage"
"There's pros and cons to everything."
"I'll just be looking and analyzing some pros and cons of these ones, since some are actually pretty good and can be supported pretty easily by evidence within the show."
"As you probably guessed, there is no best cookware material; each serves a different purpose and comes with its own pros and cons."
"So histamine has its pros and its cons."
"The FJ Cruiser isn't the perfect vehicle for everyone, but rest assured there are a whole lot more pros than cons."
"The negatives become so much more apparent when you use this thing because it's such a good device overall."
"The benefits of cordless do not outweigh the negatives, in my opinion."
"The best thing about YouTube is anybody can do it, but also the worst thing about YouTube is anybody can do it."
"Honestly, the pros outweigh the cons."
"I absolutely love this product. There is a lot of Pros for a very small price and only a few cons."
"At first, it's definitely good. Who is it? First, who is it? Who hurt you? At first, you only see the pros."
"There are pros and cons to each Cruise Line."
"The pros really outweigh the cons here. A lot of the cons are software-based which MG could sort over time."
"That's good and bad, I guess there's no really Pros or cons about that."
"The military is the military, you know there's going to be pros and cons to everything that you choose, and it's not going to be easy. So go in the military knowing that."
"It's the ups and downs... the pros and cons of being yourself."
"Each technique has its pros and cons so we shouldn’t just blindly stick to only one."
"Don't let any of this stop you driving every single 4x4 has pros and cons modern four drives are immensely capable."
"That's definitely a pro and a con to powering the entire RV off the batteries, I suppose."
"There are some pros and cons if we're talking about the length using a tape measure you'll notice that it kind of depends on exactly where you're measuring to."
"You have pros and cons with every single leather out there."
"There'd be a lot of hate that come with that [ __ ] too, all three, but let me tell you, it's pros and cons to this [ __ ]."
"Energy is vital. All forms have pros and cons."
"I mean I'm just giving reasons if you ask me to I could redo this whole answer with reasons why I should use free shipping yep so I'm not pros and cons to both sides there are."
"For whatever negatives I give this gun, there's a lot of positives."
"So this is my everyday work tote and I've got some pros and I've also got some cons"
"The car has a lot to love but also a lot to go wrong. Of course, that is the calculated risk."
"Before you book, it's always important to balance out the pros and cons for every Hotel you come across and decide if the positives outweigh the negatives."
"As much as many nice things, that I've said about this phone and as much as I'll probably actually be recommending it, for me, it's all about the Pros."
"So, there's your upside and your downside about the location isolation."
"So I would say really like a lot of things about the model S but there are a lot of just annoyances you have to live with."
"You want all the benefits without the consequences. There's always a pro and there's a con, it is what it is."
"I've honestly been trying to search my little brain for the pros and cons of a Kindle."
"Pros and cons of posting your relationship online."
"In this race, each option comes with its own pros and cons, and the ultimate decision depends on the specific needs and requirements for users and businesses."
"...so many great amazing good things about this motorcycle obviously outweigh the cons otherwise i wouldn't have bought it..."
"It definitely comes with a lot of pros for sure versus just being single."
"There's a lot more pros that I talked about than cons."
"If you can get through those cons and you like these pros, I think that $400 is a pretty good price point for this machine."
"...there's lots of pros and cons to both you just have to make the decision but outweigh it all."
"Everything's got its pros and cons. Nowhere's perfect, is it?"
"Trust me when I say it comes with pros and cons."
"For anything, there's never one side all pros and the other side all cons."
"The first step in being a digital minimalist is to think about each platform very critically and assess the pros and cons for yourself."
"Now, when it comes to the cons of this device, it really comes down to audio and build and construction quality, which is a double-edged sword."
"I think it's like any other selling platform. There are going to be pros and cons."
"The list of pros outweighs the con greatly as far as I'm concerned."
"The advantages outweigh the disadvantages."
"So we want to do a quick video and just go over both both of the devices and show where they shine, the cons and what we think of each."
"The pros really do outweigh the cons, and I really enjoy helping others."
"With everything like technology, there's good and bad to it."
"The pros and cons, I guess, of that are like the pros is when you go into a restaurant, the English is pretty common."
"It's always best to make your own pros and cons list before buying something like a boat."
"Age brings with it not only advantages but also disadvantages."
"I think we should be very honest and talk about the cons as well. I've told you all the pros of this bike what this bike comes with so let's talk about the cons."
"Every combination has its goods and bads."
"I mean every country has its problems. Every place has its pros and cons but there's a lot of cool stuff here."
"I want to show you the good with the bad and let you decide if it's the right one for you."
"There's a lot of different types of control options, and each one definitely has their pros and cons."
"What do you think would be the benefits and the cons to this happening?"
"They both have their pros, they both have their cons; it just ultimately boils down to what works best for you."
"Everything in life are just pros and cons; there's no right or wrong answers."
"Find first of all what you like and then also decide if the cons are worth it if the pros outweigh the cons."
"We're going to look at both the good and the bad and figure out, is dentistry still a worthwhile career to pursue today?"
"Every university has its downfalls, but every university has its positives."
"There's pros and cons... you get to meet different people, you kind of get to be a part of a little community if you get involved."
"It's all worth it in the end, and the pros really do outweigh the cons."
"Everything is a possibility and that has its pros and its cons."
"Write down all of the pros and cons associated with each decision so that I can see it from different viewpoints."
"There's always a ying and a yang, a drawback or a plus or minus to any strategy."
"Being a girl auctioneer has both advantages and disadvantages."
"Education for the kids is free, so there are advantages and disadvantages everywhere."
"There's no perfect machine out there, they all have their pros and cons and it really depends on what the customer does and what they're looking to do."
"I'm a big advocate for a good pros and cons list."
"We should be able to form an opinion and talk amongst peers about the pros and cons of a certain thing."
"We have to be able to talk about these guys, both the pros and the cons."
"But then you get to do all of this stuff, like meet you guys and come head to Liverpool for a couple of days, and the pros massively outweigh the cons."
"It's one of those situations where I can't tell if like the negatives outweigh the positives or with the positives outweigh the negatives."
"Every single city is going to have its own pros and cons, and for us in Lethbridge, the pros easily outweigh the cons."
"There's always pros and cons to every decision we make."
"Every place has its own ups and downs."
"It's important to look and see how much they're charging, see what you get, see what you think about the pros and cons."
"E-paper displays have advantages and disadvantages when compared to liquid crystal displays and organic light-emitting diodes."
"Being plugged in all the time has this downside, but there are some big pros too, and one of those I think is the biggest is traveling."
"They are a fantastic pencil, but there's so many things going for them and so many things going against them."
"I absolutely love it, it's not without some shortcomings and of course, as always, I'm gonna discuss the pros and cons of these watches like I always do."
"The act of actually writing down something and seeing it in front of you on what you think a pro and a con is, is very helpful."
"So they all have their advantages and disadvantages."
"I'm going to be answering a really fun question about the difference between store-bought socks and hand knit socks, and what are the pros and cons to both."
"If you want to do something, you should make a positive and a negative list."
"I want to go over my pros and cons of owning a Tesla."
"Everything's got benefits and negatives, right?"
"Both watches are incredible, both have their positives and their negatives."
"I was hooked. I then did a bit of research on it and found out all about the pros as well as the cons."
"But considering all the pros of the more comfortable ergonomic position, and how much Thomas seems to like it, I'm willing to look past that one con."
"Especially that I believe there is no 'the best' or 'the only one' tool to do the job and each one has its own pros and cons but what's the most important, each is in constant change."
"Hopefully, this will give you the knowledge you need to make your own decision and weigh up the pros and cons of each."
"Freelancing can be like self-employment; it's got its upsides, it's got its downsides."
"You're here because you want to know what are some of the pros and cons to being a single soldier in the United States Army on active duty."
"Now that we did our pros and cons list, I really wanna visit Cuenca. I forgot how awesome it is."
"They each have their pros and cons, so ultimately it's up to you to decide which one is right for you."
"Acrylics dry almost instantly, so that's an advantage that also can be a disadvantage."
"There are advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages are very, very great."
"There's some good things and there's some bad things."
"Every country has a lot of pros and cons."
"Each system has both its pros and cons, but this does not prevent it from finding its dedicated user."
"Let's take a look at actually creating a drill through action and talk about some of the pros and cons of it."
"Some of them are better than others, so there are pros and cons of each."
"I'm going to tell you what's good about this and what's bad about it."
"I like the idea of the intimacy and the differences between the pros and cons of it, really interesting idea."
"This is probably the best choice overall, although there are disadvantages."
"It's human nature, but ultimately, it's a messed up question to ask because there's hella pros to it."
"Let’s discuss both the good and the bad aspects of the 5i Pro to help you decide."
"There are perks and downsides to purchasing your bike directly from the manufacturer."
"Standing as a candidate for election has advantages and disadvantages."
"Both do have their own positives and negatives, no matter which side of the fence you're on."
"Being in our level of connected society has its pros and cons."
"Everything has a pro, everything has a con, but in the end, I am living my dream job and there is no negative that I can't overcome because of it."
"The truth is, all social media has pros and cons; there's not one platform that I think is flawless."
"It's about making a decision, weighing the pros and cons."
"Working with family, there's definitely pros and cons, but in my experience, the pros completely weigh out the cons."
"You just gotta weigh up the pros and cons, right?"
"I'm gonna tell you the pros and I'm gonna tell you the cons, but I'm probably gonna tell you the cons first because I like to keep it real."