
Soil Quality Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Being so close to the river, the soil here is spectacular."
"Even in a year with bad pest attacks, if your soil is good, healthy, and strong, you'll have a good harvest."
"Of all agricultural land in the world, two-thirds is what we call marginal, meaning you cannot grow crops there."
"The healthier the soil is, the stronger and healthier your plants will be."
"Having a really good soil mix is crucial in being successful with soil block making."
"Your soil is the battery, and the more nutrient you can hold in it, the stronger your soil is."
"The consequence of doing this well is incredibly good soil."
"If you have really great soil that you've amended over the years, then your plants are going to show that in how they produce gorgeous flowers and color and growth for you."
"Quality matters when it comes to soil. You want a fine-grain soil. You don't want a chunky soil. The larger the particles, the harder it is for your seeds to grow through the dirt."
"...when you're going to Containers you don't have to deal with terrible soil..."
"More soil at this point for my garden is better than quicker soil."
"One of the most important things we want to do is provide the best potting soil and the best ingredients for the living soil lifestyle with no compromise to Quality."
"What you can and probably can't grow in your food plot is going to be dictated by this number."
"...my soil is looking so so good."
"Another tip I have for you guys is when you are watering and you are planting things in pots or on your balcony, you're gonna want to make sure the soil is extremely rich in nutrients to help your plants grow over time."
"Increased soil quality... is very important to maintain and improve the soil health by mycorrhizae."
"The soil health dictates human health not just from a microbiome perspective but from a nutrient perspective as well."
"The most important thing when you're an organic farmer is... you put all your attention and all your efforts on improving the quality of the soil."
"When I dig in it with my auger, it's just beautiful, it's like black gold."
"The best soils for them are going to be rich in minerals, nutrients, as well as organic matter."
"The soil in Xochilmilco is referred to as black gold."
"Your soil is going to be great, that's one of the things that we like to see."
"The soil is the most plentiful, sweet, fruitful, and wholesome of all the world."
"When you buy a homestead, you really got to pay attention to the soil."
"This soil is unbelievable. I can take the shovel and just stick it down in the ground just like that."
"The soil is the most important thing to growing rhubarb successfully."
"I've tried this ground many times and it's a wonderful ground to work with."
"We are very fortunate in California, especially for you in the valley, we have really the best soil in the world as far as growing plants are concerned."
"Very fertile soil that's sought after often is called loam."
"Organic agriculture... outperform conventional ones in drought years because the soil holds so much water."
"It's amazing, we're always amazed, me and Matt both, to see the soil and look how wonderful it looks."
"The soil becomes an amazing biosphere."
"It's important that their potting mix is organically rich and well-drained."
"One way you can test your soil and see how good it is, plant something in it."
"France is the largest country in the EU and reportedly has the highest quality of soil performance and resilience."
"Once you get over four percent organic matter, the soil begins to behave differently, it changes, it becomes softer and easier to work, it becomes very forgiving."
"We want a soil that is well drained and deep."
"We got some good hooking clay here tonight in Orlando."
"A good well-draining mix in the right kind of container... is important."
"It holds water well but it also drains well."
"We're finding earthworms, and we're finding some pretty big earthworms too, so that's a good sign."
"Have everything to get the most amount of nutrients in you, you’re going to be the healthiest and likewise with our soil."
"Your plants generally like rich and fluffy soil that drains pretty well."
"That's what makes good soil is the organic matter."
"We had the wrong kind of soil for flowers."
"The biggest secret for a successful Victory Garden is healthy soil."
"Loam is basically the moderate, the intermediate of everything, a mix of everything."
"This soil will be at least half decent in the first year, and I know every year after that it's going to get better."
"Deep, well-drained soils... that's why central Iowa, Northern Illinois places like that have consistently high yields."
"I think it's really important to have good soil, and it's how you're going to set the tone for your grow moving forward."
"Loam soils are the best of both worlds because they have the properties of clay, such as being able to hold nutrients really well and be able to hold water."
"Look at that soil, I mean you can't get better soil than that."
"In rich soil that has lots of oxygen, has lots of life, lots of aerobic activity, it smells very fresh."
"It's worth doing a bit of research and spending a bit more money to get the right compost or soil for the plants you're wanting to grow."
"We want to select fields that are deep, fertile, and well-drained."
"Clay soil... it's very nutrient dense, it holds on to moisture pretty well."
"We've turned red clay into black topsoil... black is carbon, the soil organic matter levels have gone through the roof."
"Loom soil is the best soil for growing most crops because it has a good water retention rate and is very fertile."
"The soil in Ethiopia is the blackest soil I've ever seen in my life; it's very rich, volcanic enriched soil which made Kemet the most fertile land on the earth."
"All your compost will turn into the best soil, better than what you could possibly buy."
"If you care about your collected tree and want it to live, use the best soil you can in the tree."