
Viewer Experience Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Removing dislikes is harming the community's ability to communicate and the viewers' ability to quickly and easily filter out misleading or potentially dangerous content."
"Pam Slay, senior executive for Crown Media responded, saying, 'We are not an issues-oriented network: our goal is for every viewer who comes to us to feel happier and better because they watched.'"
"Watching that in-person connection just changes the viewer's perspective. It's almost like the viewer is part of the friend group."
"When you're watching a film, you kind of get the feeling if it's right or if it's wrong."
"If you're not in the path of totality, then it's just not the same."
"This movie provides an incredible experience."
"The more complex and rich you can make the experience for the viewer."
"Absolutely devastating. I have never gotten through the ending without crying."
"I can't even watch the VOD now; that's so lame."
"One of the biggest criticisms labeled at fanfallstick is that it's a bleak and joyless experience."
"Can you do a livestream on that day? Look, after 80 hours of watching a stream, I think I'm slightly turning into a horse, possibly."
"It's a gift, you know, and films are made to be seen."
"I got superhero chills a couple of times during the film."
"They don't want a constantly changing cast of actors because that makes things hard to follow as a viewer."
"When it comes to quality, audio is more important than video. Bad audio is far more distracting than bad video."
"I'm really happy I went into the show having not known about this twist because it really comes out of nowhere."
"The Mandalorian created the perfect streaming experience."
"Give people something to look forward to every week."
"I shouldn't be excited at the end of the film and not excited at all during the film."
"I want you to leave feeling better, happier, more purpose-filled for having tuned in."
"Anything that interferes with or compromises that will be excluded because you need to be a priority."
"The twist should enhance the second viewing..."
"Enough with the shaky cam. Where's the fun in watching that?"
"There is no ending of this show that makes me feel good about having watched this show."
"I'm really glad I didn't stream myself playing it because it's a frustrating one to watch streaming."
"What does this montage supposed to make me feel, happy?"
"The cringe was not nearly as bad as the Marvels."
"The show is obnoxious, unfunny, and just painful to watch."
"Seriously, I bawled my eyes out. It was so emotionally satisfying."
"Re:Zero: plays with emotions, frustrating yet rewarding to watch."
"They use subtlety to enhance the experience of the viewer."
"You could easily watch season one and maybe not really enjoy it but then season two comes along be like, 'Whoa, this is awesome now.'"
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"Art needs to be at eye level. If you're a standard height person and you're standing up, you want to see the middle of the painting at eye level."
"But what makes this worse, than say, watching Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"So what we are left with is a season that is certainly above watchable."
"When those credits roll, ugh I still get chills."
"The emotional rollercoaster effect makes SAO an engaging watch."
"I think it looks very authentic from the jump... the big set pieces really do mimic the experience of the games."
"You don't know what this show was gonna be for you until you watch it."
"It's a bit gutting for some of the drivers but great for us as viewers."
"Suicide Squad wanted to be a gory comedy, but it felt like a horror movie. It kept me interested but also drove me to feeling ill in my seat."
"Last season was my least favorite year of watching the Minnesota Vikings. That is because they weren't fun to watch."
"If you're seeing a stream right now, you're a lucky person."
"If we could get to a point where all the videos people watch are the best ones they've ever watched, that would be outstanding."
"Everyone had their own little moment, even the way they cut the movie, it's basically like watching the cartoon."
"The best part of these videos is the eating of the food."
"Under the Skin is a must-watch movie whether you like it or not."
"The film isn't about what you see but how you see it."
"This movie is going to work for you on so many levels."
"I dug the mystery of who's in the mask... I was totally on board with it."
"Your life is just improved by having such incredibly aesthetically pleasing videos."
"Hope the quality of the stream is better, right?"
"Detail in illustrations gives viewers a sense of being in that world."
"These movies are driven on emotion and heart by how they make us feel and it's why years later when I've sat down to watch them again for the first time in a long while I was still reduced to tears."
"It sticks with you because they didn't just they didn't shy away from it they didn't make it quick like they made you feel it."
"It's great to see film goers realizing they can look outside their comfort zone and find things that they really might enjoy."
"It's kind of funny that even though Mr Beast squid game seems to have recreated most of the same challenges as this multi-million dollar Netflix production there are actually fewer complaints about the conditions the contestants were subjected to."
"We really wanted to have an awesome experience for you as a spectator at home for World Cup."
"Longer, longer. Well, if the longer you guys gotta watch it, longer you guys down and watch it longer."
"The video is meant to create an uneasy atmosphere, so please keep that in mind."
"This is such a bad movie that in the middle of the movie I kept standing up because me and Mrs. was watching it and I was like bro, this is bad, I can't watch it no more, I can't. I actually can't. I can't watch it no more."
"I can't recommend it enough people should take more breaks from wrestling but it makes you appreciate it a lot."
"I promise you guys I'm gonna go to work really really really hard to give you guys the best possible experience when you spend your time watching us so hell yeah."
"Get nice and cozy, get your favorite drink, your favorite snack, sit back, relax, don't forget to smile and please enjoy the video."
"Please do anything to not make me watch this, it ruins LEC."
"We are lucky lucky people. We get to watch, I believe, a fight of our generation that will go down in history as a classic."
"You still want to be surprised when you watch a movie."
"Effective simplicity is far more appealing than an approach of design or content that overwhelms your viewer."
"I like the fact that audiences are being rewarded with seeing something not revealed in the trailer."
"People like watching my content, people fall asleep watching this fire."
"Despite the many flaws I had tons of fun watching doctor strange too."
"Most of these people are going to die, and you are going to watch them do it."
"There wasn't a moment in this movie where I was bored."
"One Last Thing Before we begin as always there's only going to be three ads in this entire video."
"It's quite simply the cinematic event of our lifetime."
"Personally, as a viewer, I kind of hate video depositions."
"I think the premature ones were bad but the really long lasted Coxs they were super edge is actually uncomfortable to watch."
"Thank you everyone for making me laugh and feel awkward about your toys I hope this was enjoyable."
"If you need to see a movie twice to like it and understand what the hell is going on, IMO, it's just not a very good movie."
"We don't want you to think about the animation; we want you to enjoy the movie."
"His out of control behavior has not only resulted in several bans but also given the viewers a unique experience of never knowing what to expect next."
"Game of Thrones had me from the pilot... said no one ever. But by the end of the first season, I was in."
"I'm just going to continue doing what I enjoy because in my opinion it's not fun to watch content where someone is forcing themselves to do something for views that they don't feel like doing."
"Disconnections are so bad for YouTuber you know like imagine this end of the disconnection who wants to watch a video where ends any disconnection."
"I've been watching GDQ since five years and can't get enough what an awesome TAS segment especially with Celeste."
"This livestream is a breath of fresh air which will, I think, be undermined by the copious and insane amounts of sugar that we're going to be consuming."
"Legitimately think this is the best DOTA that we've ever had as viewers."
"Get rid of any content that is absolutely terrible and gives people a bad experience with your channel."
"Gamers really appreciate the less messing around you do in terms of editing so you can actually see the realistic experience of playing the game."
"I'm not sticking any mid-roll ads in ever... if I ever intentionally put a mid-roll ad in any video that I do, slap me across the face with something very heavy."
"One of the new positive areas of cartoon that have really increased my enjoyment of the anime are the anime original scenes."
"YouTube is changing to benefit the viewer, helping creators but ultimately prioritizing viewer experience."
"Ultimately, I want to enjoy both shows, but at times it feels more like watching Raw is work."
"It's a very harrowing film, a cataclysm, and it leaves you with complicated thoughts and feelings."
"There is actual science backing up these effects because a lot of my regular viewers on this channel feel these strong G Magnetic storms and releases of energy into the Schumann residences."
"I really liked that they did that. That's just so cool. It really does actually allow us to be our own detectives, you know?"
"TV shows hit different when you're single and when you're watching it with someone."
"Your experience while on my channel is what matters most."
"The film is able to keep you constantly engaged."
"By the time the credits rolled, I had a big smile on my face."
"Spider-Man Homecoming was like a magical experience."
"Ultimately, I have to like what I'm doing or it's gonna show that I don't like what I'm doing and trust me, that content sucks, okay? I've done it before and it sucks."
"Scene transitions just add a little bit of umph to your branding and make the viewing experience a little more exciting."
"Continuing to show appreciation or mention of that character for the viewer is one of the best experiences."
"That's why watching my videos, I hope you are getting some awesome audio."
"I really hope that y'all enjoy watching this movie with me."
"I just want to watch the show and be entertained and not feel like they're throwing too much [__] at me."
"You can orchestrate the experience of the viewer to a degree."
"Your emotional state dictates what the viewer feels. If I'm feeling really, really passionate, then you're going to feel that exact same passionate."
"I want to try to make the best viewing experience possible for you all."
"It felt, as a viewer, it feels very participatory."
"It's really about trying to create an experience for the viewer."
"No one wants a six-hour movie. That is a quarter of a day spent watching a movie."
"...use eye tracing to help lead your viewer's eye and make it easier of a viewing experience for them."
"I hope this has been an interesting informative and enjoyable video."
"You could take that to the next step... and perhaps make the experience a whole lot better for your viewers."
"Whatever emotion is on the screen, you're living it twice as much."
"Betting in general has kind of messed up the sports viewing world and unfortunately we're all a part of it."
"That is so [ __ ] incredible because you're feeling as a viewer, you're realizing, you're discovering what was going on and also how that's kind of brilliant."
"Salesforce has been transformative for the viewer experience at Hulu."
"What are you trying to convey? What emotion, story, or impression do you want the viewer to experience?"
"Anime ignorance can add a sort of unpredictability to a show."
"Every person who clicks on it leaves getting something positive out of it and feeling better than when they clicked on the video."
"I had a range of emotions while watching the documentary."
"Audio is perhaps more important than video quality; viewers can forgive mediocre video, but not bad audio."
"Do keep in mind this video is nicely edited for your viewing pleasure."
"It's less about selling the idea of the coolness factor or sex appeal and more about solving a problem that your viewers might be experiencing on a day-to-day basis."
"720p will still be providing you with a crispy looking stream, won't cause your PC to slow down, and can be a great experience for viewers."
"It didn't feel too long, it didn't feel too short, kind of felt like just the right runtime."
"Get your snacks, get your blankets, get whatever food you want, turn off your lights, get your headphones, and enjoy the show."
"It was amazing, man. That's probably the best broadcast I've ever seen."
"Seeing those emotional scenes has just brought Avatar to a whole different level for us."
"From a viewer's point of view, this documentary was different than any other one that I've ever seen."
"Let's be thoughtful about our art, our design decision, and it will help us actually become better artists because we are intentionally trying to give the viewer an experience."
"It's just so much fun to think about how the viewer is going to experience your scene."
"Your live stream looks perfect on my screen."
"Live events are very dynamic in nature and the ability to handle flash crowds and ensure every single viewer gets the best possible experience can be a daunting challenge."
"Just bringing the viewer into this world and giving them a sense that they're right there, they're up close."