
Viewer Relationship Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I wanted to not be reliant on viewers for money... It's weird if you're donating to someone who's making five million dollars in a year."
"Our priority is you, the viewer. We're grateful you welcome us into your home each morning."
"You all are truth seekers and you care about facts and we appreciate you and we love you for that."
"Hopefully you guys have an amazing rest of your day."
"I always want more content from my favorite YouTubers, and hopefully I'm one of your favorite YouTubers if you're watching here today."
"I've been in the television industry since 1987. The love and support we get from our viewers at Right Side is something I've never experienced before."
"I really appreciate my viewers for giving me the space to have all the varying emotions that a human being will have."
"Kind of the whole point of the channel is to give back to you guys."
"Mad love to you, I will see you in a video very, very soon."
"I just want to say to all you guys have been watching the videos very thankful hopefully you guys are all doing well uh in good health and uh everything is going well for you."
"Hope you guys are staying safe and good, and I will see you in my next video."
"I think one of the coolest things about what you do is that Diana appears in tons of your videos."
"We're going on this journey with the viewers, so we love you guys. Thank y'all for being here."
"I'm so excited to be back on this couch and talking to you people."
"This is my way of genuinely apologizing if any time on my channel you felt like nothing but a viewer for money."
"There are two kinds of creators on YouTube: one will tell you what you want to hear, the other will tell you the truth even if that means losing subscribers."
"My name is John Campbell and until next time my friends, bye-bye."
"Thank you for watching this video, I love you guys, I appreciate you guys, and I will see y'all next week, bye."
"I just cannot stress enough how much you all mean to me as an audience and how much I sincerely appreciate you guys even clicking on my videos responding to them doing whatever it's really means the world to me."
"I want to be the one you feel most comfortable with and watch the most consistently."
"Thanks for making this work and we'll see on the next video take care."
"Once you break that trust with the viewer it's really hard to get it back."
"At the end of the day, I'm entertainment. If I stop entertaining you, stop watching. That's it."
"Talk to someone about it, even if you were just a viewer."
"Your content and the relationship that it has with viewers is not gonna go away."
"You don't have to say sorry. You're good if you guys just hop in, hop out whenever you want, hang out with me, or whatever you want to do."
"That's our holiday gift to you all, holiday cheer indeed."
"But as always, we'll see you in a few days for our next video. Until then, y'all take care."
"And even if you haven't subscribed, that's fine. It's not that important. What's meaningful to me is just that you watch."
"The viewers love it though, so we do it for the viewers."
"If you've watched at least two or three of my videos, I consider you family."
"She is one of the new breed of influencers that viewers will listen to, relate more to, and trust first, before any advert."
"But that's it for now. Hope you guys are having a great summer. Do go out there, have an eye-opening rest of the week, stay safe, and I'll see you next Monday. Love you guys, take care."
"Everybody have a wonderful evening sleep well. I'll see you right back here tomorrow. Bye."
"Thank you so much for watching, I will see you in my next one."
"Thank you for watching this video, I love you guys!"
"Thank you very much for listening, and I will be back with more videos. Take care, love to you all. Bye."
"It's your boy Franklin. I'll catch you in the next one. Peace and love. Bye now."
"I want to be 100% transparent with you guys and share exactly how I do things."
"It's been an absolute pleasure making these videos for you guys."
"Your vlogs make us feel like we are friends with you guys, thanks." - Callaloo carne
"Enjoy this video, and until next time, I'll see you cuties later!"
"Hope you guys enjoyed. I love y'all so so much and I will see your fine ass in my next video. Peace out, y'all!"
"I appreciate you and I will see you guys in the next heavily censored shadow band livestream."
"Thank you for watching this video until the next time we see each other if we see each other again it's a boy meow Hawaii take care peace out."
"The best relationship with viewers is letting them watch what they like."
"Hello to everyone who's seen me for the first time. I hope you enjoy these videos and I hope you come back to see more."
"And I'll see you guys soon, take care, bye for now."
"The close and personal relationship this show builds with its viewer can make it quite dangerous."
"In a Green Bear KidTime StoryTime presidency, I will never turn my back on you."
"I'm sorry that I didn't manage to put out many videos in the past week."
"One thing with me guys that you know you're always going to get is the truth."
"You're a late-night host now. That means you're like all of our best friends."
"My name is KingStix, thank you for watching, and I'll catch you guys next time."
"Your viewers aren't ATMs. Ultimately, the content you make and how entertaining it is will dictate if people sub and support you."
"If you're subscribed to the channel, you're a legend. But if you haven't, you're no mug."
"I love you, whether you're new or old for this channel."
"Just because I don't necessarily like Sabo does not mean that I am judging you as a viewer personally."
"It is truly a privilege to bring these videos to you."
"You guys deserve so much better and I completely understand if after watching this video you want to unsubscribe."
"That's true, Joe, and not only am I comfortable with you, but I became also comfortable with the viewers who follow us."
"Hey, remember we aren't friends. You give me a Super Chat, you're my best friend for life."
"Thank you so much for making it to another video. I do love you guys and I'll see you in the next one."
"I value you as a viewer, if I give you advice, if I give you information, it's going to be the whole truth without anything hidden."
"Thank you so much, have a wonderful day, and we'll see you next time."
"I'm the best youtuber where you guys are the best viewers."
"I think if you give your viewers a better sense of where you're at financially people might be more inclined to give."
"I will get this marker for you guys, our incredible viewers. I will get this."
"I would much rather be beholden to you, the viewers directly. You know, I want to work for you guys, that's the relationship here."
"Thank you to all my lurkers, I appreciate you and I love you."
"A wonderful privilege to have you along for this ride."
"I love you, care about you more than any other YouTuber cares about their audience."
"Thank you for watching, I love and appreciate every single one of you guys so much."
"I hope you enjoyed today's video, thank you so much for being here and for hanging out with me today, I love you guys and I'll see you very soon in my next video."
"Cheers and uh I'll catch you on another video. Take care guys."
"Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys in future videos."
"If you're watching this all the way to this point, that means you a real one."
"I don't get to see you, I know you get to see me, but I get to chat with you in the comments, and I thank you so so much for that."
"We hope you come back next time, we love you so much."
"I love you guys. Hope you guys enjoy this video."
"Thanks for spending some time with me and I'll see you guys in the next video. Later."
"I believe in being very upfront with my viewers."
"We'll catch you guys in the next one, alright peace out."
"Thank you so much for watching it, and I will see you in the next video."
"As a beauty influencer, all you have is the trust between you and your viewers."
"I have a dedication to my viewers to be honest and truthful."
"Thank you for being here; I love the 100 to 200 people who watch my videos."
"I'm gonna be making another channel but this channel will always be dedicated to food and to you guys."
"Thanks so much for watching, and I will see you in the next project."
"Subscribe to my channel if you haven't, and until the next video, take care."
"Why would you lie to your viewers? Like, the viewers are your bread and butter; without your viewers, you're nothing."
"Till then, I'll see you guys on another video."
"I actually try to keep a mutual respect with me and my viewers."
"We appreciate you, the viewers, and we value your support because without you, we would cease to exist."
"I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in my next video."
"I'm so glad to get to spend time with you, and I will talk to you all again on my next video."
"Thanks so much for watching today, and I will see you in my next video. Bye!"