
Latency Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Motion clarity without using backlight strobing was marginally higher than a 240Hz, however, the real reason to buy this display is the latency benefits."
"Latency gives a level of depth beyond just the frame time and the frame rate, and it helps us assign a value that describes how connected the player feels to the game."
"Latency is the time it takes for a single packet of data to leave your computer, go wherever it's going, Google, whatever, and then come back."
"There'd still be latency... anything other than local hardware is going to give you the ultimate competitive edge."
"Until every game has the infrastructure to provide ultra low latency then the ping absolutely matters."
"Reflex brought average latency down to 52.7 milliseconds, a massive 49 reduction over the original number."
"Oh did I get it? I got it! It's just a little bit of lag."
"Our tail latency improved from 125 to 15 milliseconds."
"The main benefit of this is decreased latency."
"Nvidia's reflex option carefully times when the processor starts work on a new frame, reducing the latency."
"Lowering the altitude of a satellite decreases the area it can cover, but also decreases the latency."
"Latency reduction is a focus area; gamers need both high frame rate and lowest latency possible."
"The main thing that you're trying to do when you have a kit of memory is that you're trying to get overall hopefully the lowest latency possible."
"Latency is the measurement of delay between the time data is requested when the data starts being returned."
"If you can get 55 milliseconds or less, I think you're golden."
"Latency is super important because it's how tight is your game going to feel."
"Starlink has significantly reduced their average latency pings."
"There's something specific about the low latency thing where people expect an instant answer."
"It wasn't about the coverage. It was principally about dependability, and more so, it was about the latency."
"We have reduced the latency of our signal to the arrival to under three to five milliseconds. That's sufficient for our strategy."
"Real-time data processing deals with streams of data captured and processed with minimal latency, enabling near real-time reports or automated responses."
"The correct answer goes option D as your Cosmos DB because the read latency for all consistency level is always guaranteed to be less than 10 milliseconds at the 99th percentile."
"There's about two seconds of latency, that's absolutely awesome."
"Latency can affect all of that, and we really don't want to have to think about that when we're creating music or working on a production."
"Latency can also come into play if you're trying to monitor through or record through plugins on the way into the computer."
"For most of us, either direct monitoring or ultra-low latency monitoring via a digital mixer inside the interface takes care of the latency issue."
"I hope you found this closer look at audio interface latency useful."
"Network bandwidth you can fix with money, but network latency you cannot. The speed of light is fixed, and physics can't be bribed."
"Low latencies are critical for making holograms feel like they're really there in front of you."
"Improving latency of your webpages will improve conversion."
"You want latency to be as low as possible, but different factors such as how many devices your data is flowing through, network congestion, or the distance between sender and receiver can all increase latency."
"Optical connections will help reduce latency and increase the speed of interaction."
"Latency is one of the biggest problems. 53% of the visitors are abandoned if a mobile site takes more than three seconds to load."
"It's no longer necessary to minimize operations. It's important to minimize latency."
"We saw a dramatic decrease in our overall latency of the service."
"Decrease latency for users accessing the website by implementing CloudFront Edge locations."
"Either you waste CPU time or you introduce lag."
"Whole new use cases, whole new applications that are currently not able to be done because of the latency could be opened up."
"So if you had, say, 300 and 600 milliseconds, you'd get like a ping pong between the cabs."
"That is a super interesting one where you have different kinds of memories and you have different latencies for the different types of memory."
"That's to me like that's the magic sauce right there. It's like I use the DSP when I need it and it offloads that processing to my computer as soon as I'm now in a mix mode where latency is no longer a critical issue."
"Analog has very little latency, if any at all."
"To minimize the amount of latency that we experience while we're recording, we want to set that hardware buffer size to be as low as possible."
"Whenever you need to work with layer 4 traffic like TCP or UDP traffic, and you need that very Split Second latency, CloudFront is your answer."
"Global Accelerator is your answer when you need to work with layer 4 traffic like UDP based traffic and you need that Split Second latency."
"Barely perceptible latency. This is not something I expected to see in my lifetime."
"The execution time didn't change much, considering network latency."
"A latent virus can remain asymptomatic in the host for long periods of time."
"Wacom calls it near zero image and pen latency."
"It's all about low latency. It's not about doing a large amount of work. It's about doing a small amount of work fast."
"Edge computing: it's like bringing the cloud closer to you, reducing latency and improving real-time processing."
"You give me a latency of 100 milliseconds, 70 milliseconds really extreme and I'll be like forget it."
"The additional latency can be a deal breaker."
"...when you're looking at how fast that latency will be and you might realize although you"
"... a slower speed with better latency will actually do better."
"...cold start can be defined as the setup time that is required to get a serverless application up and running when it is invoked for the first time."
"Dante hardware works at extremely low latency rates; device latency over network is measured here in microseconds, not milliseconds."
"Everything has been working fine with very low latency, which I think is quite miraculous."
"Why did I need programmatic capabilities? It's because I wanted to calculate latency from one point to another."
"NVMe Express has the best latency consistency."
"Dimensionality lets us break down these measurements, like latency, into something that's more insightful and finer grain than all up aggregation."
"Our system needs to be highly available... we might want the ability for it to have low latency, something like near real time."
"Latency is key when you move to hardware; the latency is fundamentally changed."
"The cool thing about the scenes is that you can switch one to the other basically with very low latency."
"The thing we should be caring about is latency."
"The network load balancer is suitable to manage a massive amount of traffic and is also suitable to manage the low latencies."
"The low 25 millisecond touch latency means that the phone is quick and responsive, perfect for gaming."
"The pencil experience is by far the best on the iPad Pros because of the extremely low 9 milliseconds latency."
"Latency is the amount of time, including delays, for data to travel from one given point to another."
"The Nothing Ear 2 are the only pair that does have a low latency gaming mode."
"The company wants its database to be up to date in the DR region with the least possible latency."
"Latency wasn't part of the original CAP formulation but it has some really important impacts on detecting and responding to network partitions."
"Latency... it takes a few seconds to get there, nobody's going to lose any sleep."
"Choose a network load balancer if you need performance for millions of requests per second and ultra-low latencies."
"The last thing you want when you're watching a football game on a Sunday afternoon is for latency to kick in."
"When we get to NVMe, we're talking about sub 10 microsecond potentially latency down to microsecond latencies, and the network becomes critically important."
"The CDN provides a very low latency response to the end user."
"As long as you stay under 100 milliseconds there, then just from the human eye, you really can't tell the difference."
"You see about one millisecond of latency for every hundred kilometers of fiber in the real world."
"In financial trading, people are interested in minimizing the latency between getting that market data into their algorithm and being able to send something out."
"Round trip time is the total time taken by a signal to reach the destination node and come back to the sender node with the acknowledgment."
"If I were able to improve it, the whole trace would improve again from performance and latency aspect."
"Latency really would never be a problem for front of house."
"For gaming, there is going to be a lower latency mode coming under 50 milliseconds."
"Not only does it tell you if that device is responding to you, it also gives you an idea of the round-trip time."
"Once your P99 is nice and flat, then you say, 'Okay, P99.9 time,' and that's how we drive ourselves and set aggressive targets all the time to get that latency down."
"How can we visualize latency in a distributed system? The answer to that is Zipkin."
"Using ping, we can test the time it takes for data to travel from source to destination."
"Express GraphQL gets about 300-ish more requests per second and then it has better latency as well."
"It's strange like gear down mode, disabling gear down mode should give you a little like maybe half a nanosecond worth of less latency."
"Everyone is going towards the lower latency."
"Latency is very important in building Web Services."
"If the output latency of your input pipeline is very small, it means that your input pipeline is not a bottleneck."
"Some applications need a lot of bandwidth and some of them need very low latency."
"Latency, the Ratelle is advertised as having a latency of about 8 milliseconds, which is a very, very good latency for an FPV camera."
"What will give starlink its edge is its improved latency."
"We're pretty excited that you have AWS Wavelength, which allows you to build applications that deliver single-digit millisecond latency to mobile and connected devices."
"Lower latency means better performance, and that's always good."
"If you want just one answer as fast as possible, then we're talking about a low latency application."
"The Cat X camera does have a much lower latency or so they tell me."
"Decision latency... if you can answer questions about them quickly, you can make changes and optimizations that better improve your business operations."
"The end-to-end latency has to be as low as possible."
"They also have a game mode with 60 ms ultra-low latency, so that's pretty cool too."
"You might have something where you are going to be experiencing very spiky data and sometimes long periods with no requests, but latency is so important that you want to keep at least one instance always running."
"Placement groups tell us at EC2 that you are interested in having bandwidth and latency optimized among these instances."
"We set really aggressive goals on the latency: less than 200 milliseconds on any given change."