
Loki Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."
"Loki is a god of chaos, he's a god of mischief."
"An accelerated evolution that Loki has now been put in circumstances that accelerated his evolution."
"This variant turns out to be a female version of Loki called Sylvie, who restarts the multiverse."
"Some villains are just timeless. From the Norse pantheon to the Marvel comic book and cinematic universes, Loki has been one of those standout villains that everyone loves."
"Of course Loki's behind this, of course. I should have freaking known."
"In the comics, Loki can teleport at will—no artifact needed, he can just do it."
"Loki can just hand over his powers to whoever he wants."
"I think it would be a cop-out if loki's original tva still existed in some other reality."
"Has there been any villain in the MCU as universally beloved as Loki?"
"Loki is not consistently referred to in any specific gender term. The gender association appears to be consistent with his shape-shifting."
"The beginning of Ragnarok is foretold as the moment when Loki turns purely evil."
"It's a movie contrivance but I think it'd be more interesting if nobody was actually being properly controlled by him just influenced to act against their own best interest because Loki could like you know convince them to."
"The story of Loki is one of the best stories in the MCU period."
"I'm all in on Mobius as Loki, I don't know why."
"I kind of think someone is playing the variant to kind of do these acts."
"I think Loki works better as an antihero than as an outright villain."
"Loki is the best of any of the Marvel shows by far."
"Loki Season 2 is really going to change things."
"Loki's anger over the treatment of his children and the pain he suffered... that is what really caused Ragnarok."
"Loki is the personification of trickery, deceit, and mischief; in the unchanging perfect realm of Asgard, Loki is the flaw."
"I stand corrected, let's see here we've got Loki looking handsome in a shirt and tie and thinking damn I'm hot while looking at hologram of himself."
"Loki might now have the power to bring back previously Dead characters."
"I do think it's possible that Loki and the TVA could pull characters from out of any Universe at any point in time."
"I am Loki, Crown Prince of Asgard. Hold on."
"People are saying this is gonna be the moment that you've been tired of Loki [ __ ] around backstabbing people they say this is the mum where you're gonna get what you've been wanting."
"Loki takes big leaps with its story and expands the MCU in ways never seen before in a way the franchise may never be this daring or legitimately exciting again."
"With Thor out of the way, Loki was now the heir to the throne of Asgard."
"I was like this is perfect for me like love the Loki tree obviously but the final fight of her just getting all the things mner oh that was so cool."
"Loki has had the greatest arc of any MCU character."
"They're friends. I don't think Loki's ever had a friend."
"Whatever you expect from Loki, just expect the opposite."
"Loki right now has the greatest knowledge of the Multiverse and is rumored to be appearing in the Multiverse of Madness to Aid Doctor Strange."
"I always saw Loki as a broken soul but a soul intact before it was broken."
"Loki, now on a redemption arc, could potentially join The Avengers, completing a fun piece of symmetry after being the catalyst for their original assembly."
"We’re certain to meet Loki, the Prince of Giants."
"Loki, come on bro, like he really, he really carried the movie as the villain, I really loved it."
"What makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose."
"Everything Loki, every scene with Loki, I loved."
"Loki season one on steelbook a work of art."
"Number 82: After the gods realized Loki's role in Baldur's death, they decided to bind him, making sure he'd no longer be able to cause mischief. Once caught, he was bound using the entrails of one of his sons in a cave."
"Loki's wife Sigyn stayed by his side, holding up a bowl to capture the venom. However, when the bowl needed to be emptied, the venom would once again hit the trickster god, causing him to shake violently in pain."
"Loki would remain here until Ragnarok, but he wasn't the only one to be bound. His son Fenrir was also bound after it was prophesied he was fated to kill Odin."
"I don't think there is a villain out there that is as beloved as Loki. I mean, Darth Vader wouldn't give as good an interview, would he? He's that phone, so boring, fun at all."
"Loki MVP we're gonna give it to all the henchmen that were based on James Bond characters too."
"Some of you might kill me for saying this but I think Loki's kind of hot."
"Even though Loki keeps getting beaten up in all of his appearances, we can't ignore the fact that he's become a fan favorite."
"Loki is the hottest villain in the mcu aside from thanos."
"Army of Lokis. All of the Lokis that have been pruned are all in the same place. Yes. And now they've found their leader. Yep. Which hopefully means that everyone who's been pruned is not actually pruned, they're just... trapped in a thing."
"Even that idiot finally realized how incredible Loki was."
"Loki is the best character to demonstrate the overall themes of the Multiverse like loss and regret, tragedy and being able to overcome certain things."
"Wanda is in her own category but Loki is like a must-watch if you're an MCU fan, those two shows must watch."
"Loki finally found his purpose... sacrificing himself to have his friends continue to live on through multiple timelines."
"Loki is saving the MCU, either literally in the story or just metaphorically in real life holding Marvel on his back."
"Loki is literally saving the entire MCU, like the multiverse itself."
"I do have a great picture of Loki I'm just going to put him up there as my thumbnail it's sadly it'll get everyone all excited and think that there's Loki in this video well he was kind of in this video."
"This may be it. We might just see the repercussions of this throughout the MCU, throughout the rest of the Multiverse saga. This might be the end of Loki."
"The Loki interrogation scene is my one marvelous scene."
"To see Loki zig when he who remains thought he was going to zag."
"To see Loki finally don a traditional Norse Loki costume that looks so authentic for live action."
"This is the first appearance of everyone's kind of jokey around Loki guy. So if you want a first appearance of Loki, it's Journey in the Mystery number 85."
"The trailers for Loki, I'm like, in my mind, this is going to be the most ambitious show that they have done up to date."
"I think comedy really can add to the piece, especially when it fits with the characters, which for Loki it definitely does."
"Everything that has happened to Loki is part of he who remains' plan."
"...most people can come to an agreement on that Loki is the force in the universe that instigates uh change the catalyst is the best English word we have to describe it."
"Loki is the small spark that is created and can build into a roaring Blaze, bringing change—sometimes good change."
"...Loki brings, but usually bad things come like roaring wildfires. It's pretty heavy symbolism..."
"I think Loki's gonna do whatever makes sense to Loki. The only time I've really seen him be noble off the top of my head is, you know, in 'Endgame'."
"In Norse mythology, apparently Loki turned into a horse, got [__] by a horse, and gave birth to a horse."
"I am so freaking excited that Loki is back in all of his chaotic time slipping glory."
"I absolutely love what they've done with Loki in the show, all around."
"I believe that's a Loki, yep, that's the low-key right there."
"Are we mad? No, no, Loki I'm glad she got the worst hangman in London."
"Of course, you have Tom Hiddleston as Loki, so how can you go wrong?"
"Sif's golden hair: How Loki brought mischief in Asgard"
"I'm always gonna look at story but beyond that obviously like I love loki so when I knew they're making a show about his character I was like one as a fan i was like where has he gone i need to know where he's gone even though i just don't get the job just please tell me."
"I think one of loki's super powers is his ability to talk talk his way out of any situation talk his way into any situation."
"This absolutely screams Loki to me, it is just so perfect for the character itself."
"He's the trickster, he's the god of Mischief."
"The head sculpt stands the chance at being the best one sixth scale Loki head sculpt to date."
"This is a really solid figure, not the most exciting, not the most eye-catching version of Loki, just classy and done to a very, very high standard."
"You weren't born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain, suffering, and death."
"Loki puts himself out there, makes the ultimate sacrifice."
"Loki is completely selfless for the first time ever."
"Thank you so much for joining us today, joining us for the entire series of Loki."
"I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift."
"Loki's character is fundamentally transgressive; he breaks rules and he crosses boundaries."
"Loki is a mass of contradictions, and that's okay."
"Interestingly, in poetic references discussing Balder's death, Loki is not the one who is held primarily responsible for this famous event."
"I think Loki is the highest mark that they can hit TV show wise, and even better than a lot of movies."
"Loki Laufeyson is one of the more famous people in all of reality in the Marvel world; he's a celebrity to them."
"What makes a Loki a Loki is that they're destined to lose."
"Loki can always be relied upon to be on Loki's side, which is an attractive position for any viewer."
"Mythology is not religion and there are no evidences of a worship to Loki among Old Norse Scandinavians."
"I'm so hyped, especially with Loki."
"Loki's alive and he replaced Odin or something, we'll figure it out in Ragnarok."
"The earth is under my protection." - Loki
"Loki was where we first introduced MCU's on a Multiverse."
"Loki finally got his due in a stunning show that was the most cinematic of the bunch."
"Loki is so charming that there's a small part of us that believes him even when he's clearly lying."
"Loki at a bar trying to take the shot was lonely, he had a moment of vulnerability which I really liked."
"Hey look at that, it's the Loki with a staff, right on top there."
"Multiple versions of Loki? Oh yeah."
"You see how the Loki's have turned the TVA upside down."
"You're telling me that thing's a Loki too? Oh yes."
"But Loki, kind of cool. Loki, the tech is kind of impressive."
"Loki is probably the best and most charismatic."
"Loki season two is, in a word, glorious."
"Loki is a God... incredibly adept with sorcery, being able to use it to do a whole wide array of different things."
"Loki has discovered the internet, and it is interesting."
"No matter how many times Loki's reborn... he will always end up becoming the Loki that we always know."
"Loki is still considered very much an important member of the family."
"We know that Disney Plus is going to have a Loki television show."
"Loki is one of those rarities that keeps going, keeps surviving, keeps coming back over and over and over again."
"I love the interaction between all the Loki's."
"Loki... took a character I haven't cared about... and gave him the best MCU Disney Plus show."
"We should all have a sassy ass life that there is an Alligator Loki variant of us in some other dimension."
"I love President Loki too, love the sass and the attitude."
"Give me all these different Loki's, I have a lot to think about here."
"I don't think a Loki story should ever end on a high note, on a happy note."
"I think Loki season 2 was pretty much an improvement in almost every way over Loki season 1."
"It was his power that made our regular Loki variant believe in himself."