
Vigilante Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"The vigilante anti-hero is fundamentally a critique of the justice system, an example of social failure."
"Since then, billionaire Bruce Wayne and his masked alter ego have been shown as everything from a mob-crushing crime fighter to a vigilante hero."
"I'm kind of torn on this because while I don't necessarily support vigilante justice, I think if we went down that road, it would just be chaos all day long on the streets."
"Spike knew the piddly criminals he’d been hunting for his whole second career couldn’t take him out."
"Rising from the depths of tragedy, he is sworn to fight the forces of evil. He is the Batman."
"I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night."
"He acts as a vigilante indicating that he is the law and justice."
"Bruce Wayne throws years of his life away to become an unstoppable crime fighter."
"I did not go to law school and rack up six figures in student loans to become a vigilante. That is for billionaires and narcissists and adult orphans."
"If we have a story centered around a vigilante, it naturally comes with questions about good and evil."
"A good vigilante anti-hero story is entertaining, whether or not you actually want to root for him."
"Nolan's trilogy takes great care to show the physical toll that the life of a vigilante takes on Bruce's body."
"A watchful protector, a dark knight."
"He hunted down his brother's killers and murdered them one by one, while recruiting other Mexican fighters to form a gang of vigilantes to protect the Mexican community from the violence perpetrated by the Americans."
"Take the law into your own hands, even if you drink from a bowl on the floor."
"He's the vigilante, you know, not the hero that they want, but the hero they need."
"Bruce Wayne did indeed start out as the bat fighting crime as a vigilante in the dark of the night"
"Good management... keep them afloat even when a vigilante sets their sights on bringing them to justice."
"...to hunt down and kill people like the doll maker so they could never hurt anyone else again."
"Oliver Queen is now the mayor of Star City but at night he still puts on the hood and beats up bad guys."
"The Caped vigilante would be an excellent addition to the Avengers roster."
"...Daniel Briggs was the most successful vigilante he had ever heard of."
"When you take the law into your own hands, a lot of times Justice is served."
"Dead Justice coming in for the cleanup."
"Batman scares them and they're like, 'Oh sorry, Batman, you know what, we're cool, we're not gonna do this anymore.' He goes, 'I appreciate that you're sorry, but I did call the cops and you're going to juvie.'"
"This city is afraid of me. I've seen its true face."
"This suit feels like an outfit that anybody could throw together if they were to become their own Spider-themed vigilante."
"Some screwball who steals from the rich to give to the poor."
"She wanted Felicia to live an honest life, but when her father was finally bested, Felicia got more and more obsessed with the Spider-Bat's work."
"A secret vigilante group sprang up in response to rampant crime and lawlessness."
"He's like Batman, you know? Don't do crime or else he's going to show up."
"She's almost a Robin Hood type in that she only steals from those who can afford it and she puts the money to good use working with charitable causes."
"...a vigilante who replaced the terrible justice that the state always put on the poorer classes."
"A vigilante who roams the streets of Gotham City saving the innocent."
"He's out here doing this for free, doing the stuff that police can't do or won't do. Boom."
"Batman is not just because he's a vigilante doesn't automatically mean he hates cops."
"in truth he is a lethal weapon aimed at those he hunts he is the last resource in these times when laws are so twisted that justice goes unserved."
"That's the whole purpose of Batman, he's a vigilante. He goes after criminals, bad guys. And if they can't stop you, then you become something else, entirely."
"A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed or locked up, but if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely, a legend."
"However, the police believe that Spider-Man is taking the law into his own hands."
"Well, so the two of them go out stopping criminals each time the signal lights up until finally there's no more criminals out there."
"Witnesses note Batman's arrival on the scene."
"I was expecting to get six to eight. The judge said, 'You took the law into your own hands,' but he said, 'I understand why you'd done it. He's basically saying, 'But you can't take the law into your own hands, you can't be a vigilante is what he called me.'"
"If I was President, I would go, we would have like, what's the movie where uh, The Purge on pedos, [ __ ] the personal pedos."
"This version of Batman was scaring people, he hands n he was packing people up, bro. If you were a villain, a thug, you were getting packed up. There wasn't no 'oh I give up' Batman, no you didn't learn your lesson."
"I'm not a vigilante. I'm really a hero."
"I love the idea of a vigilante whose victims turn into Ash leaving no evidence behind."
"Protector is Jason Hart, a vigilante who focused on drug awareness and fighting drug syndicates."
"These are the kind of things that vigilante justice has got to kick in if normal justice isn't being served."
"Does the existence of a seemingly god-like vigilante impact the world positively?"
"A vigilante hero to some, a murderous war criminal to others."
"So they're like vigilante Santas, trying to make Christmas awesome."
"You're just going around collecting people's demons and killing them. You're taking them off the streets, period."
"I thought he was a ghost. All right, cut the chatter people, our goal is to ensure order in this city, so our number one priority becomes bringing in the bat before these assassins get him."
"In a world where crime is running rampant, one man takes the law into his own hands to fight for the woman that he loves."
"I'm basically gonna become a vigilante. I see this as my green arrow training."
"Spurred on by the vague memory of his parents' murder, a teenage Dwayne began operating as a vigilante at night."
"After returning to the United States, Knight Thrasher embarked on a quest to root out further corruption in the Taylor Foundation."
"I'm going with the Vigilante sting yes he is still wrestling in aew but this is the Legends this is the Legends version of Sting."
"I just couldn't sleep at night knowing they were free out there you know, in the end I guess I thought of myself as their conscience."
"I want them to feel so bad that the next time there's any shooting done by vigilantes, they'll do it my way."
"Dexter is this dark defender, he is this Bay Harbor Butcher taking out the trash."
"Batman is very simple, he's a dark Avenger of the night, scares people, fights crime."
"He's the thing that goes bump in the night... Moon Knight is the one who knocks."
"When people can't get justice, they settle for revenge. That's where I come in."
"Vigilante epic or not epic? Epic!"
"The Green Hornet, he hunts the biggest of all game, public enemies that even the G-men cannot reach."
"I just want to see how this rogue vigilante is dealing with these psychopaths within this city."
"That's easy, Hanson. The one crook who never gets caught, the Green Hornet."
"You didn't call the police, so you have captured the Green Hornet."
"Taking the law into your own hands, is your way the right way?"
"Batman exists due to crime, not the contrary."
"Let me get this straight, you think that your client, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail this person? Good luck."
"Blind lawyer by day and heroic vigilante by night, Matt Murdock is known as the Daredevil, protector of Hell's Kitchen."
"Batman's alter ego, millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, possessed no superpowers, just the intelligence, wealth, and sheer will to sustain a life of crime fighting."
"Dexter justifies his crimes by claiming he's taking out the trash, only killing other serial killers and child molesters."
"With her new power and martial arts training, she became Black Canary, the second."
"Bruce Wayne lost his parents... he decided to use all the money and his power to turn himself into an extremely well-equipped crime-fighting machine."
"This is in part what actually inspired Helena Wayne to fight crime herself, taking up the name Huntress and avenging her mother's death."
"They are the type of heroes who uphold their own code of ethics above the law."
"Prometheus never knew that at his core, Green Arrow wasn't a hero; he was a hunter."
"Peacekeeper came to DC in pursuit of one thing, and that was peace."
"Meet Boston Blackie, enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friends."
"Rumors are spreading about a hunter nin that is cleaning the bingo book; they're calling him Hunter Fox."
"A hooded vigilante in the war on drug crimes, Tyrone Johnson uses powers of darkness as Cloak."
"As Gotham City's greatest vigilante, Batman has fought single-handedly for years in relentless pursuit of justice."
"Frank Castle, the Punisher, the one-man army."
"He wanted to be noticed; he was a vigilante."
"A vigilante is someone who saves people like a hero, but they do it against the law."
"The Punisher is a man who never backs down."
"He who lurks in the shadows in order to hunt the shadows."
"I, 'ku touhuan,' have always only killed the wicked to carry out justice."
"I am darkness, I am the knight, I am Batman."
"It all started with one man... we simply know him as Batman."
"The world's greatest detective stalks the streets at night, employing a lethal combination of mental mastery, physical strength, and expert technology."
"A hero with a tragic past that turned them into a silent assailant."
"Embracing his chosen destiny, he trained relentlessly in martial arts under the guidance of his new teacher, taking on the name of the Crimson Cardinal."
"Batman is a billionaire who goes around helping the world with his philanthropy."
"The Batman is a vigilante who seems to strike fear in most criminals."
"Chainsaw man, there's not a soul who doesn't know his name."
"You ain't going to get justice with a badge, Will Reeves, you going to get it with that hood."
"Enter the Red Hood and an absolutely awesome new costume."
"A mysterious masked man who takes the law into his own hands, fights corruption, and helps those who can't help themselves."
"He fights crime in the U.S. and lives a life of multiple identities, most notably Stephen Grant, the financier, and Jake Lockley, a cab driver persona he uses to collect information."
"That's the Silver Shroud... a vigilante, kind of a private eye detective sort, but kind of sought out his own justice."
"Sometimes Mr. Knight does things too properly; it's during these times that Moon Knight walks."
"Frank Castle is not a hero, he's an anti-hero, he's a vigilante."
"I'll say this once: we're not the same. You took an oath to uphold the law, you help people. I gave all that up a long time ago. You don't do what I do. Nobody does."
"She moves through the world as the Crimson Moth, a witch vigilante set on saving her kind."
"It was like a 1970s 80s vigilante movie like something like Taxi Driver but it just happens to be Batman."
"He went to his chateau in the Swiss Alps to his hidden armory in the cellars and donned his Peacemaker uniform."
"Batman is waging a one-man war on crime."
"He's like a vigilante, he's the equivalent of Stain but he doesn't go as far as Stain did."