
Legal Restrictions Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Free speech matters and these kinds of NDAs, stemming from this, are unquestionably unconstitutional."
"State-enforced male guardianship laws...require women to have a male guardian's permission to marry, work, travel, or even refuse to have sex with them without a legitimate reason."
"The judge wouldn't allow us to put it in there. Out of all the things, it's kind of weird you name your cat vagina."
"The president may not exercise that authority alone."
"Kangals are banned in some countries and heavily restricted in others."
"Chanting or displaying slogans of independence are now illegal."
"Money in a campaign account cannot be used for the personal use of the candidate or anybody else."
"Facebook can't build an open decentralized cryptocurrency because they're prevented by law to do so. No company can do what Bitcoin does."
"No investigation may be opened...of a declared candidate for president...absent prior written approval of the attorney general."
"Anyone who engaged in Insurrection or Rebellion is forbidden from holding any public office."
"Makeup was seen as such a threat to society that under Greek law, sex workers who went out without their makeup could be punished for, quote, posing as ladies."
"In Hong Kong, officials banned an annual pro-democracy march for the first time, arresting dozens of unauthorized protesters under a controversial new security law."
"Non-disclosure agreements or non-prosecutorial agreements, all these are paper prisons, prohibiting victims and survivors from coming forward." - Former Cosby Special Prosecutor
"You're going to enforce Thanksgiving? I can only have 10 people. Would you like to know how many people I had?"
"About 100 square kilometers are still absolutely barred by law from public admission and agricultural usage."
"It's a state law that you can't record in a government building."
"I'm not allowed to film on a public sidewalk in Beverly Hills without a permit, really?"
"So yes, under this legal statute, that would still be illegal until there is a clear threat to the mother's life."
"So effectively, as you can see when I described this, this makes abortion illegal in Texas under every circumstance, except a very clear life-threatening circumstance."
"You gotta let go pretty quickly because legal came and said we can't use any of the characters."
"It's proposed ammunition online sales regulation... You might as well call it a ban."
"You can't enforce those [NDAs] in Criminal Court. There's a public policy situation where you can't contract somebody to not testify about a criminal act."
"Are they the military then, because don't we have Posse Comitatus?"
"The conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good."
"You can't park commercial equipment on the street, it's illegal."
"Many of the ways that people fly drones are technically not going to be allowed."
"It's illegal to give us good advice that will work for them over the Long Haul."
"A thought came to mind when he was hiding during the shooting... we're not allowed to conceal carry, we're not allowed to carry guns, and we could have stopped what that person was doing."
"Restrictive laws whether they're good or bad will never be as bad as a mandate they can't because a restriction on action is far less tyranny in your life than the compulsion to do something against your will."
"Let's make it illegal to fish in certain sections, seas, oceans, or water."
"I disagree. I should be able to mod my vehicle any way I want to As Long As I follow the laws of the road who cares?"
"You cannot film drag races, street takeovers, or stunt driving."
"America has made it illegal to teach about God and to pray to Him in public schools."
"Using, selling, and importing chewing gum is banned there and you'd have to pay up to several thousands of dollars for doing it."
"You can't drink alcohol until you're 21, but if you want to go $250K in debt, go ahead."
"I think you should not be legally allowed to save someone."
"Every time I travel internationally, something horrible happens to me. They don't let me in, they tell me you can't do astrology here, I'm on a red flag list all the time."
"Why would we allow some kid who just turned 18 to buy a gun that a member of the army is not allowed to carry?"
"Now it's illegal to say anything against it."
"NDAs are basically like, 'look you can't say nothing about everything that went down.'"
"A federal judge today ordering former president Trump and his lawyers not to share evidence from the classified documents case with the media or the public ahead of the trial."
"Propaganda for war and national hatred are profoundly harmful and prohibited under international law."
"You have to be over 13 to play Clash of Clans legally."
"Millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban."
"Maryland has a bill on the governor's desk that limits the use of genetic genealogy by police... and requires police to ask a judge's permission before it begins a search."
"You don't have the right to free speech in Canada. It doesn't exist."
"It is illegal to use a VPN in China, yeah, that is against the law."
"It's so [__] crazy, but then what it is, I don't know who does like, do you not do that?"
"Women could own land, sort of, it wasn't a blanket green light."
"Plastic bags are illegal here in Rwanda, so don't bring them."
"The American Constitution doesn't allow the United States to wage a preemptive war."
"This will be made available and this would be one of the guns that will face restrictions."
"The new law prohibits abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected."
"Under Greek law, how much Jackie could inherit as a non-Greek widow was severely limited."
"It's against the law for you to own Catcher in the Rye because of the adult themes." - Conversation snippet
"It's actually illegal for the emperor of Japan to consume it."
"Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag."
"I can't legally vote but if I could I would have voted for Brexit."
"The fight between a man and a woman, if they were allowed, and if law allows them, then they would make small pieces of each other."
"The court's order on March 26 was as clear as day that you cannot make any public statement that truthful or untruthful, it's basically this topic is off limits, you are to make no statements about jurors."
"You cannot film inside someone's house because there's an expectation of privacy."
"No one said you can't own a gun, no one even said you can't carry a gun, you just can't carry a gun in Tombstone."
"It's oftentimes in specific red states it's now illegal to give people water, food, warm clothes while they wait in these absurd lines."
"It's illegal for private citizens to own or buy authentic moon rocks because they are considered National Treasures."
"We all know that our constitution currently prohibits foreigners from owning land in the Philippines."
"A natural-born citizen of the Philippines who has lost his Philippine citizenship may be a transferee of private lands, subject to limitations provided by law."
"The constitution explicitly bars changes to some of its clauses, including the term limit."
"I cannot give any ISOs to you because of Microsoft's terms."
"Two things that a power of attorney cannot do: they cannot change the beneficiary of an insurance policy on the grantor, and they cannot make a will on behalf of the grantor."
"Did you know manatees are endangered and that it's illegal to even touch them?"