
Culinary Advice Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Every time you eat good beef, you've got to have a little rareness in there, because otherwise, you ruin it; it gets tough."
"Don't be macho about how much water you can get into the dough."
"Wise man once told me... the best hamburger always begins with the bun."
"Just remember, be patient if you want to make a cheesecake for something."
"Remember, adjust it to your liking. Friends, don't let anybody tell you it's too thick, it's too thin. You make it the way you like it."
"Be it bacon or any type of cooking always pays off to use the best ingredients you can find."
"Cooking should never be a chore. The more you cook, the more confident you become. That way, you actually start to enjoy it, and that's the key to good cooking."
"Stunning food doesn't have to be complicated."
"Not all ingredients are created equal, for high-quality ingredients make a real difference so it's important to know where your food comes from."
"If you start making your own homemade granola you're never gonna buy store-bought granola again."
"A squeeze of lime in your salsa, it makes all the difference in the freaking world."
"Vegetables are so important to a healthy well-balanced diet. Now that you have some new recipes, try eating more vegetables."
"This is good for maybe in a gumbo, this is good, like let people know what you're replacing it with and that they can get that same feel and that same flavor by using your product." - Bun B
"Sharp knife, cold brisket, that's the way to the promised land."
"It's just another cheeseburger if it's done well exactly and then then that's it as long as it's done well you wrapped it differently that's what I'm saying."
"It's better to be sparing with ingredients... the best pizza has just the right amount of sauce and just the right amount of cheese on it."
"Just because it tastes bad in isolation doesn't mean it won't serve a purpose in the finished product."
"You don't have to be a chef to cook, just enjoy the process and feed yourself."
"You don't go to a good restaurant and ask the chef to change his menu." - DJ Jazzy Jeff
"When we're cooking kebabs, why don't we cook them on the skewer? It's so much more juicier."
"So if you're using this recipe you just gotta stop and think for a second is there a reason why this thing doesn't exist yet."
"Enjoy the holy cloves, use mask, and goggles."
"Let's make your protein the sidekick, not the hero."
"Good ingredients are kind of the key to everything else."
"Generally, when you grind yourself, it'll have more flavor."
"For the guac, I mean come on, you don't really need a recipe for this right?"
"Sharpen your knives... There's no such thing as a knife that's too sharp."
"Start off light and build, that's how you retain less texture."
"But once you break that fat cap, you've broken that 'airtight seal'."
"Quantity isn't everything, the real question is how does it taste?"
"Leftover cooked rice is better for fried rice dishes."
"The secret to good mashed potatoes is cooking them a long time."
"You're not gonna go wrong with a Brunello De Monte Chino."
"One-bite food is, if they gotta go back for a second bite to make up their mind, you probably didn't do it."
"One of my biggest recommendations is to try and get the side."
"Screw the sauce, you gotta start with the rub."
"You just need to believe me, next time you remake this dish the way I told you to do it, you will love it ten times more."
"If you get four wrong which I doubt any of you will, how do we finish off the perfect spaghetti marinara? Some Parmesan cheese."
"Parsnip - I think the best way to cook it is to peel it which I don't always say but the skin can be a little bitter."
"Check out Meat Church and I do recommend all the products because you can go to certain places and get recipes for your own rubs, which I respect, the make your own rub game, but it's easier to just buy your own rub."
"Love your leftovers, yes, even the really indulgent stuff."
"A condiment will enhance the flavor of your food."
"It's totally fine to use in your instant pot."
"Take the time to process it down nice and fine."
"Measure carefully. Do not cook with a wine you're not willing to drink."
"You want to be crazy about it? Do that again five or six more times. You'll have a hell of a patina."
"Your vinaigrettes can last a good two weeks in the refrigerator and your creamy dressings your dairy based dressings can stay fresh about one week in your refrigerator."
"You're too confident to taste. Look at me, taste."
"Grow a few herbs in pots, don't feel bad about just throwing away basil."
"Great to see it all coming together here and for us to finally be getting so close to a long-talked-about Disney milestone."
"Always use fresh whenever possible... it's only lemon juice in there so yeah you'd be okay if it's just I don't feel like spending that it adds up."
"The uniformity on the doneness of that rib eye's going to be really even because we're doing it really low and slow versus hot and fast." - KENT
"White pepper enhances the flavor of other things black pepper really the flavor if I want to taste pepper I use black pepper if I want to enhance the flavor of something with pepper I use white pepper."
"You don't tell how good a sauce is on a spoon, you tell how good it is on a fork."
"The better the ingredients, the better your dish will taste."
"You need to keep it simple, find something that's not expensive and keep it in your pantry. Like I do, the cookies. And always think these things through."
"Wine: go local, trust recommendations, and savor the flavors of Italy."
"You have to season your food, you don't want no unseasoned food."
"If you don't like pineapple on pizza, do fresh pineapple - you're gonna like it."
"Cook your pork chop until it's done, please. Not pink in the middle, not all that little shishi fufu stuff."
"Having a nice sharp knife is really going to make a huge difference."
"A good chef always tastes what they cook, Olivia."
"You really want to smell the beer as much as you can because smell is the biggest part of taste, you know..."
"If Gordon Ramsay tells you your pizza is bad, it might be a good idea to listen to him!"
"If you cut a steak open fresh off the grill, it will just bleed all over the place."
"One thing that I do for holiday meals is never make a recipe I haven't made before."
"If you're going to the trouble of doing something like barbecue, it's worthwhile to spend a little bit extra to complement that with some amazing flavors."
"Pies don't have to be perfect or pretty to be delicious."
"If your food is not making you dance, then you are doing it wrong."
"We love you. Thank you so much! No matter what."
"Cooking is about the flavor, but it's also about eating with your eyes."
"Kim, nobody's gonna know if you don't show up in the product, I'm just saying."
"One of the best things is if you can think of desserts that you can make ahead."
"It's there to add a little bit of flavor to the experience but it is not omnipresent."
"It's not gonna hurt you as long as it's cooked well."
"Just make sure that the air is not getting in because containing the heat is going to cook everything and retain all the flavor."
"Seasoning each of these cuts... 50% salt and 50% black pepper."
"Save the juices everybody, always save the juices."
"You wanna make sure eat that. That's not just a garnish, that's for eating."
"It should take about four hours for your food to cook."
"Are you cooking your turkey wrong? I think we are cooking our turkey wrong."
"If you make your own chili powder, it's very easy. It just takes the chili to the next level."
"The quality of your ingredients makes a big difference."
"Have good equipment, have good ingredients, and fine-tune your process."
"Cook these up in a lightly buttered non-stick pan set over between medium-low and medium heat."
"What can I have for breakfast other than bacon and eggs? I'm gonna solve that for you today."
"For the average home cook if you want to stock a single bottle in your pantry I would recommend picking up a bottle of the condiment grade balsamic."
"You're not gonna eat a steak every day, I recommend you buying the best one you can possibly buy."
"If you cook with wine, you want to let it reduce, you want to let all the alcohol out. Cook with the wine you're willing to drink. If you're not willing to drink it, don't cook with it."
"A little bit of texture and maybe a slightly thicker blade or just a little bit more of a pronounced bevel as opposed to that really smoothly blended bevel is typically better for food separation."
"I think the tip of melting some butter and drizzling it over the chicken before baking it is definitely one that you should use."
"You can always over make curry because the leftover will always taste better."
"For tomato-forward dishes like pasta or pizza, you really shouldn't be caught messing with the cheap stuff."
"Chicken ain't [ __ ] without some pepper and salt on it."
"...if you're looking for really hard stops then go with the curries."
"Last thing Andrew was absolutely right a little bit of shredded cheese on top."
"Stir my meatballs together with a fork...it does the best job of combining everything without over mixing."
"Keep it plain, delicious, and simple."
"You don't take the eggs out of the chicken and then cook the chicken and put it in the eggs, okay? That's too much chicken."
"So, this dough does not have yeast in it. If I were to add yeast, I'd have something a lot closer to like a croissant."
"If the egg is the star of the show, spend the money."
"Start cooking up that lobster tail."
"This is saracha sauce. A couple of viewers said try that on your egg."
"Expand your palette the same way you expand your belly."
"I like what I like [ __ ] when it come your palette huh expand your palette the same way you expand your belly expand."
"Chicken thighs: tastier, juicier, and almost impossible to overcook."
"If you want them pulling off the bone, aim for a final temperature of 195 to 200 degrees. If you want them really falling off the bone completely, let them sit in the wrap for a little longer."
"If your custard broke and you're about to cry... don't. You could probably save it."
"You can't really overcook a curry."
"Learning that you should always zest the lime because then you can use it for the rice I know it's really great delish."
"If you can't afford eel, then get great quality mackerel. Watercress works fantastically well with fish. It's fresh water, like the eel in Britain, we've been eating egg and cress for years, just works fantastically well."
"I think adding the butter at the end when we actually toss the pasta is gonna give us a better flavor."
"...because it makes a delicious broth."
"You'll want to save that duck fat; it is wonderful for browning sliced potatoes."
"Always remember to taste your food."
"Real quick, I'll peel and chop some garlic, my other favorite Italian soup trick is to stir in fresh garlic right before you eat so it's just barely cooked in the hot soup."
"Meatballs should be in a single line in the hoagie roll."
"This is bad guys this is pretty bad you do not put wine in the carbonara no wait wait wait wait put the wine in there."
"You just cannot make homemade dressing without Sage."
"The only thing you can do wrong to a good ribeye is under or overcook it."
"Add cinnamon to food if you like it; it's quite good."
"It's really a creamy with nutmeg like nutmeg when it creams out like nutmeg is phenomenal in cream sauces if you don't know like if you make an Italian cream sauce like um Alfredo add like just a pinch of nutmeg like that's the secret trust me."
"These little onions, you cook them covered for three, four minutes, you get them a bit tender, then you remove the lid and they cook down."
"My one tip is to make sure to get yourself some good salt and fat and herbs."
"Alright, generally the difference between a good vegetable soup and a great vegetable soup is like a teaspoon of salt."
"Just get some cilantro and add it in."
"Make sure you deglaze your pot before pressure cooking."
"When a nonna says 'mangiare,' you better eat."
"A lot of people you know don't like that fat on the bottom this is the perfect time to get rid of it you can just take your knife knock it right off and it comes right off you've got a beautiful beautiful piece of brisket."
"...make your own cheese very soon and if you are inclined to smoke your cheese gouda is one of the best ones to smoke."
"Cold fried chicken is good, you don't eat it up, don't set it at room temperature, make sure it's fried it was fried yesterday."
"If you're not eating your seafood with squeezing the lemons, you're not doing it right."
"if I want to taste the beef so I cook it on a hot cast-iron pan well butter butter hot cast-iron pan salt and pepper and that's all."
"Don't start messing with standard stuff. It's like sticky toffee pudding, they'll add stuff into it. Just keep it basic, keep it simple."
"A good corn on the cob needs nothing."
"It's easy to be a good cook. All you need is a good MFS."
"You need to put olive oil in everything."
"Like I keep saying, toasted bread, buns, bagels make the sandwich way better, always ask for it toasted, buttered, go heavy on the butter, it's good for you."
"Anyone telling you that you don't need to remove the membrane or that they don't remove the membrane if they like the true, they're lying."
"If I was to say, for example, eat loads of these first, going back to a glaze is gonna startle you."
"If you're gonna judge barbecue by the smoke ring, it's the wrong thing to be judging."
"If you can use raw natural ingredients to make your infusions, you cannot beat that."
"Just trust me, lemon and poppy seeds are an amazing combo."
"There's no cutting corners of delicious food, it'll make a big difference at the end of the day."
"You have to start with an onion, and you've got to cook the onion."
"There's no such thing as a bad tasting fish unless the fish is poisonous."
"Vegetarian food needs to be full of flavor if it's going to be good."
"Good food, you don't need sauce. And this, you don't need sauce."
"Yeast is great for all those breads and things like that that you want to make. Dinner rolls, anything that you want to cook up bread-wise, yeast is wonderful."
"Your dressing is really only as good as your oil and vinegar."
"Enough salt... helps to strengthen cell walls and therefore keep your pickle firm."
"Always let your dough tell you how long it needs to rise; don't go by any time specification in a recipe."
"That is money by 101 right there, that's what you got to do, lots of herbs, tofu pup, and that crab cake, whew, that was just exploding with all those flavors."
"Please keep adding coconuts, I think the coconut is going to make the taste so different from wood."
"Do yourself a favor, make this version first and see how delicious it is before you try the cube steak."
"You're going to be tempted to dig right in, but trust me, a 15-minute wait will be well rewarded with an awesome bite of food."
"Taste the mango before you plant it; you may fall in love with this, it's a unique taste."
"We also encourage you to use the highest quality and freshest ingredients that you can."
"Don't be a vegetarian when you come here to Uruguay."
"You cook with cheap wine, you drink the good stuff."
"The higher quality the ingredients, the better the cake is going to be."
"You could cook your rice in chicken broth to give it a little more flavor."
"You don't just throw your food in the oven and all of a sudden 2 minutes later it's ready; you got to wait for your chicken to cook all the way through."
"Less is more when it comes to oil."
"No matter what you do, start with good quality meat."
"The best flavor of the meat is always to be around the bone."
"Oh my God, it just tastes so amazing, especially with the fresh herbs, it just makes a difference, please don't put dry herbs in this, please go get fresh, it's just a game changer, it's like night and day."
"Cook with passion, they're gonna love it; cook without it, they'll be walking out."
"Always put butter on banana nut bread."
"I try to encourage people to use olive oil... as a dressing or as an uncooked product to drizzle over food."
"When you're cooking a cuisine, use the ingredients from that country."
"Use your spices, don't just keep them in the cabinet, pull them out and put them on stuff."
"Eat it the way the God intended it, and by God, I mean the chef."
"You want to make sure you use fresh garlic on this, I mean you're spending all this money on meat, don't use the canned stuff."
"If memory serves me right, a grand chef in Kanazawa told me how to cook this crab properly: 'Take off the armor after the battle.'"
"Bring your own seasoning, bring some hot sauce if you like your food like seasoning."
"If you want to kick it up a notch and you really want to get more flavor in stews and then chili's and stuff, right at the end before you serve it, a little drizzle of vinegar, it's going to pop all the flavors that's inside of there."
"Watch the roast, smell the coffee, and trust your instincts."
"Lumpy gravy is another problem that a lot of people have, and if you still end up with lumpy gravy, don't worry, just strain it and don't tell anybody it was lumpy."
"Trust me guys, if you want to maximize the flavor of your banh mi, get a side of pho broth."
"Always put like a little bit of seasoning on your pizza."
"I highly suggest it, you know it's a cool way to spice up your fish sandwich."
"You should inform your chef more generale that if he removes the wishbone before cooking the bird, the carving will be made easier."
"Too much lime in guac ruins it, balance is important with guac."
"The best thing you can possibly do is make a Thanksgiving casserole."
"You have to try it, and you have to remember that you don't have to use the exact same kind of fish that we use."
"If you haven't made your own beef stock before, it's definitely worth doing at least once or twice."
"Really great food cannot be judged by appearance alone."
"If memory serves me right, the people of the Tamba region, well known for this mushroom, once told me that the best time to enjoy it was just before the buds spread out."
"I do have a very wonderful recipe for you."
"A sharp knife is your best friend and a blunt knife can be very dangerous because that's when you start putting too much pressure on the edge to do the work."
"When you make tamales, you want to go with the person that likes their things perfect."
"If your popovers won't pop, and if your muffins crumble, and if your scones are like lead, you need a lesson from Marion Cunningham."
"You gotta go eat something delicious tonight."
"After you learn how to make this egg drop soup, you'll never buy it at the store or a restaurant."
"Everything tastes better when you let it marinate."
"I always say we should hit on sweet, salty, and tangy when we make dressings."
"I always like to tell people freshest is bestest."
"Cook for anyone, cook for a queen if you want."
"So you should make it part of your repertoire."