
Experimental Approach Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's about time we started thinking about potential experiments where we can maybe explore this more scientifically."
"There's nothing wrong in the world, and how do you know that's a good idea? Try it and see."
"Let's allocate a fraction of the resources for risky propositions because we never know what we might find."
"Treating failure like an experiment opens doors to growth."
"Let's change everything, if we're changing anything, let's give it a try."
"The only way you're going to succeed in this great online game is through testing, persistence and iteration."
"Experiments are something to be cherished, something to be cultivated, something that we should continue our entire lives."
"Take risks, try a lot of things, see what works and what doesn't work."
"Approach it with a spirit of play and attitude of experimentation."
"Step over the fear for a little bit and pursue it and see what happens."
"This third seat is a wild card seat. Anybody would try out for it. Doesn't mean that they're going to be there permanently. This is still very much an experiment."
"As long as they're making progress, that's okay. This is still a test program so I don't to set expectations too high for such an early vehicle."
"It's absolutely useful to do that, even though I totally expect them to stack a ship on a booster before everything is ready."
"I recommend to people who are trying to figure out their way in the software as well: just draw something and see where it goes."
"I've made billions of dollars of failures at Amazon.com literally... but what really matters is companies that continue to experiment."
"I might start shorting stocks that [ __ ] I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start buying leak puts on [ __ ] companies like this. I'm gonna try that out because I'm already profitable."
"We want you guys to keep building on it and trying new things."
"I think in the short term it sometimes looks discouraging, but I think it's a really new experiment and I think we're doing a good job at getting better and better."
"The people who are saying that this won't work are the people who've never tried."
"For all the complaining I do about experimental treatment, I'm gonna experiment with taking it more."
"So now I'm going to put this Theory to the test and see how much money we can save."
"Well, what did we learn and what's the next experiment we want to run?"
"You can't say it ain't won't work until it blades equally might work eventually."
"This movie was kind of like experimental in some way."
"So what I recommend you do is just have fun with it and see what you can come up with."
"We're going to exploit this real new experiment in the next phase of human migration."
"Your feedback is very important to things like this where I'm trying something completely different."
"If you want to hear something different going on in rock music, bands like Liturgy are at that cutting edge and are trying new things."
"It's experimental, stylish, and fun, a unique take on the Sonic formula from a very different era."
"Do something wacky, get crazy, grab a fig from an army you've never painted."
"Honestly at this point this is basically just like a fifth grade science experiment and I'm here for it."
"Failure wasn't failure, it was just a death of an experimental Enterprise."
"The way to get a lot of innovation in a company is to work very, very hard to reduce the cost of doing experiments."
"The easiest way to determine it, is just to do it and see what happens."
"Make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess."
"There's success in having a failure... the test was about Gathering data."
"Not a grueling challenge, but a thrilling experiment."
"When something is so powerful, eventually it gets tested... Sometimes you have to look at the anecdote: is it strong enough? If so, fucking roll with it."
"That early stage of just not having any rules and just having that sort of freeform experimentation really formed this sort of rich petri dish of ideas and possibilities."
"Now you know, that's what we're here for. Testing out theories that the world needs to know."
"I'm going to stick with this genre of intents for this... So see how it goes."
"Our ancestors tried different mushroom species, like picking out library books from nature's library."
"Mastering the new closed-cycle technology with their experimental test-based approach would take time."
"I'm not technically smurfing, I'm actually conducting an experiment."
"We can use the Mandela effect to literally rewrite in advance our experience."
"You should test it small... where you try to see what you can do for mental health by building a physical environment..."
"The only way to get to the bottom of which one is the best... is to test it all out."
"They committed and they tried it more, and it produced a game that people are still trying to figure out how to replicate."
"In the experimental phase i'm not saying it's something that will happen now but in general for me it's important to always."
"So with that little control test out of the way, it was time to move on to our final round."
"Throw as much out there as possible to see what sticks."
"This series is kind of like a test series to see if this is a viable way to play the game and if it's interesting and if it's fun."
"You can just do whatever you want and they're doing really interesting things."
"It's a very expensive experiment that we did on me."
"We just went at it, we just tried to figure out as we went."
"I think that a lot of it is approaching people management with an experimental point of view more than like I'm going to do this because people that are successful do this and they say it works."
"I wanted to do something for myself that was more interesting, experimental in its narrative approach. And I was in, I guess, kind of a dark turn of mind. And I just let myself go. And that's what came out."
"Creativity happens between expertise and experimentation."
"It's more than just a game, it's a kind of an experiment in psychology."
"Do what you like in your own home, and you never know, it just may work."
"Recognizing that we're probably not going to be right, therefore working more experimentally."
"Shooting with your phone can allow you to do more experimental shots."
"A randomized experiment is one way of getting causation."