
Waves Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Music is fundamentally waves and rhythms. And that's sort of the nature of our universe."
"The waves were reaching staggering heights of 60 feet."
"Waves transmit energy rather than material from one place to another."
"The beauty of this film really comes in waves."
"Hunger actually comes in waves, and when people know that, they can plan for it."
"Wow, oh my goodness, wait, the beach we went to, that was the Atlantic, yeah? Oh, okay, that's why the waves were so strong."
"Amazing, looks like a drawing, walking on top of a drawing, yeah, with the waves, yeah, so beautiful."
"When the Cyclones waves hit this shallow floor, their energy gets compressed creating huge breaking waves, which can smash windows, shift cargo, and potentially even turn the ship upside down."
"We're all going to be toxic at some point in our life. It comes in waves."
"I hope that's true 'cause I feel like that's kind of my view of Life basically like everything comes and goes in waves."
"Our emotions are like waves. Watch them disappear in the distance."
"I believe these four waves that I'm about to speak are going to hit you in powerful ways."
"This is amazing, but you see the waves are just bringing stuff in all over the place."
"It's neat that, you know, after what, 25, almost 30 years working technology and beginning the conversation of working in the dotcom days, now this AI wave, that to see all these new waves of technology it keeps getting energized, right?"
"And doesn't this make you think of the ocean and the waves and just the sparkles on the water? I just love this painting so much."
"I think we'll probably get three waves up like this three waves and that's going to be what you're going to see in here on the final wave one two three four five."
"The serenity of that solitude, the surrounding quiet interrupted only by the sounds of the waves, some nights crashing and frothing, other nights gently lapping my feet when walking on the water's edge, was an exquisite feeling."
"The waves continue their soothing rhythm, each one whispering a different tale as they fold over themselves, retreating back to the depths of the ocean."
"When you perform a rescue with someone who's in real trouble in really decent waves that are serious, that's when you can turn around and say, 'Well, you actually saved their lives.'"
"Behind all of this complicated looking stuff it's really just the simple concept of waves controlling other waves."
"Venues like this completely changed the game for surfers to experience perfect waves one after the other. It's a complete game-changer."
"The waves are being stopped because Captain Ron built an artificial Island that stops the waves from reaching the resort so that rich people can golf."
"I'm putting it on with a brush and using the brush to form the waves."
"Waves propagate out in circles. Waves and geometry have a very large component."
"Lucky for us, the first wave caught us during low tide."
"You always don't move on. You had Heathen waves, bro."
"These waves have long been considered a myth."
"And we're having a photoshoot with my hands steady, anyways the camera has more stabilization, a lovely inbuilt feature, we look like we're on the waves."
"Don't be fooled by these gentle waves, these Still Waters hide a 20 million year death match between two prehistoric monsters."
"That's it, bring him up with this wave."
"I discovered something today. Out in the ocean, those were the smoothest waves I've ever experienced."
"The best wave is different for everybody."
"Thank you so much to Waves for sponsoring this video."
"Globalization comes in waves and those waves repeat and they happen again. Change is a constant in our world and nothing lasts forever."
"I want to achieve these soft waves with voluminous ridges that isn't too flat to my head and overall looks really Glam."
"Gravitational waves themselves are ripples in the shape of space."
"Gravitational waves travel at the same speed as light does."
"The pattern as time goes on of that stretch and squeeze is called the gravitational wave form."
"I love painting waves, it's the most confounding thing I mean this isn't really a wave painting this is more about the cliffs but just in general wave painting is it's the most confounding thing I could ever paint on location."
"Diffraction is a behavior displayed by waves... just like reflection or refraction."
"Leading diagonal usually appears in the width one or happens in the width A of an ABC."
"Ending diagonal, mostly appearing in the fifth wave."
"Each subwave is subdivided into three."
"A variation of flat, with B terminates beyond the starting level, with C fails to reach the level of with A."
"Triple three is just a combination of three corrective structures."
"You only need to remember motif wave which is five waves corrective waves which is three waves and you only have three."
"There's something rather magical about radio waves."
"Just makes your blood run cold of the size of the waves that were sweeping down the decks."
"The lurking danger of great lake storms lies in the high frequency of their waves, bone-chilling walls of water."
"For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof."
"Whenever he's on tour, all he talks about is being off tour and being able to just go anywhere he wants and just score good waves all the time, and no matter where he is in the world, he is looking at like four different forecasts."
"All your Breakers and all your waves have passed over me."
"The amplitudes of the waves add together linearly which means they don't multiply together, they don't exponentiate together, they simply add together."
"If we try to get rid of one wave with another, we end up with an infinite sea."
"Both Malibu's and Nautique's waves are very nice waves and I think they're both premium waves."
"Feelings come in a roller coaster and in waves."
"Everything works on vibrations. It's all waves, bro. Everything. That's why everyone says, 'I can read your vibe.'"
"It's literally right you can see the ocean you see the waves"
"The groundbreaking detection of gravitational waves."
"The crashing waves make this a stunning natural sight."
"I hope the waves are good at the beach this afternoon cuz I feel like if you have good waves you're going to have a good beach day."
"Sine waves are really kind of incredible; they're pretty much everywhere."
"Our understanding of how electromagnetic waves interact with the brain is always developing."
"Wavelength is the distance between similar points on back-to-back waves."
"Amplitude is the height, force, or power of the wave."
"When we create a wave from a stationary source, the wavelength of those waves remains the same."
"It's a great place to just sit there and enjoy the waves."
"You guys know Sylvia, so forget the waves, they're here to eat, right?"
"These induced currents generate themselves electromagnetic waves."
"Grief is weird like that; it's not just one big wave and then you're fine. It comes in waves."
"Sayulita is known for having really good waves for surfing."
"Electromagnetic waves form a continuous spectrum; there isn't something fundamentally different about a radio wave and an infrared wave."
"When waves are really small, the strength of the hydrogen bonds is stronger than the force of gravity."
"The potential for the tallest waves, as high as 100 meters, occur for swell."
"The period of a wave is how many seconds, minutes, or hours pass between waves."
"For ocean waves, the oscillation is orbital in a circle."
"Whether a wave is deep water or shallow water depends only on its wavelength and the depth of water it's traveling through."
"Some waves called chop or sea are produced by winds locally, but most of the waves you see at a beach called swell are coming from winds and far-distant storms."
"The displaced energy transferred into the surrounding water, triggering a powerful wave."
"All waves can be written as exponentials, so this exponential function that we're learning literally has applications in every branch of math and science and engineering."
"The Sun gives off a variety of types of energy, which travels across space in the form of a wave."
"Two waves traveling at the speed of light will combine to give you a resulting wave that also travels at the speed of light."
"It's literally waves; it's going to be waves for the rest of my life."
"Coffee by the sound of waves is my favorite thing."
"Every move, every choice you make all throughout your life is making a gravitational wave, propagating away from you at the speed of light."
"Whatever kind of wave you're painting, you want to apply the strokes in the direction the water is moving."
"It's just like a majestic sight right at the waterline, the waves crash over it."
"We're going to see some of the waves crashing in. Look at that."
"Recent satellite imagery has captured a surreal event where massive 83t waves materialized off the coast only to inexplicably vanish."
"It's popping today, I love this, I love coming down here and seeing all these huge waves."
"Marsquakes are very similar to earthquakes that produce two different types of waves: the compressional waves, also known as P-waves, and the shear waves, also known as S-waves."
"The noise of waves isn't it soothing."
"Waves carry energy; x-rays penetrate your body, sound waves can make things vibrate, water waves can knock you over in the sea, and infrared waves can warm you up."
"Waves can carry energy from one place to another."
"If you take any wave that repeats itself, we can decompose it into sine waves or sinusoidal waves."
"This is exactly what I needed, the waves... it's just really therapeutic to me."
"The landing craft sways back and forth in the heavy waves."
"A beach is a place near the sea or a lake or ocean where there's sand or really small stones and waves."
"These waves are getting big, oh my goodness."
"Waves can be used as a source of energy."
"It shows us the relationship between waves and vibrations."
"Both infrared and radio waves are electromagnetic waves."
"The combination of electromagnetic and gravitational waves is beginning to show its power for astronomy."
"I was born in a small village in Portugal called Nazareth that has now become very famous due to the gigantic waves we got there."
"The funny thing about waves is that they always crash."
"We got some pretty good waves coming in right here, right now."
"High frequency waves have the waves close together; low frequency waves have the waves far apart."
"Cloud break is probably the best wave in the world."
"When waves slow down, they change direction. Isn't that cool?"
"Tubular referred to hollow cresting waves perfect for riding."
"Hello and welcome to Making Waves by Tata Burt."
"Waves carry energy and information."
"Frequency is how many waves per second go past."
"Waves are really a group effort; many objects are working together to create wave phenomena."
"Guys, like you see after some parts are darker than the other, how the waves come back, God controls all of this, okay, it's actually amazing."
"Oh wow, look at these waves licking in, these lines just rolling in, not quite a surf break, but it always looks nice standing on a cliff top watching the lights come out."
"And of course, we learned about Fourier decompositions of waves."
"Suppose we have two electromagnetic waves; we can actually add them together because of the superposition principle."
"I struggle with social anxiety, and it hits me in waves."
"The waves can't stop because the waves are life, too."
"I absolutely love the big waves that you see in it."
"The P-wave is a pure compression wave, and the S-wave is a pure shear wave."
"All of electrodynamics, all of waves, the fields can only do two-and-a-half things: they can oscillate, they can decay, or they can do both."
"Sound waves are longitudinal waves: the wave causes the particles of the medium to oscillate parallel to the direction of energy transfer."
"I'm gonna give you the best information as possible to help take your waves to the next level."
"We can use curves to sculpt any waves, giving you a start."
"You can have multiple speeds of different waves on top of your ocean."
"Light is really electromagnetic waves."
"You kind of become a part of the waves."
"The waves go by you and you see a certain wavelength."
"Look at all those waves, isn't it fun?"
"Everything in the universe displays wave-like behavior, even time itself, even us."
"Phase describes the positional relationship between waves."
"Waves are formed by wind, wind pushes the water and forms the wave."
"Waves, particularly waves that move through space and time, are solutions to Maxwell's equations."
"There are some types of waves that don't care about molecules."
"That's my favorite wave in the world for sure."
"Very characteristic for waves are interference patterns which are produced by two sources, which simultaneously produce traveling waves at exactly the same frequency."
"Any wave that starts off somewhere will go around, it has nowhere else to go except to stay on Earth."
"Waves are not things; waves are what things do."
"It's like looking at the ocean out there and saying, 'In the Atlantic Ocean, I see ten thousand waves,' true, but as water, it's one reality."
"The wave equation is really good for studying the propagation of signals of all kinds."
"What are the basic characteristics of waves? Amplitude, wavelengths, frequency."
"So far we have concentrated on one-dimensional waves; two and three-dimensional waves involve the same basic concepts but can become very much more complicated."
"Pandemics come in waves and are not over in a matter of months but extend over more than one year."
"The electromagnetic spectrum is a whole series of waves that travel at the speed of light through a vacuum."
"As you have a higher frequency, the waves become a little bit more dangerous."
"Wow, these beach wave situations are everything."
"Whenever any wave, whether it's light or radio or x-ray or cosmic ray, if it's an electromagnetic wave, it has to travel with those two ratios."
"Where the waves come in, that's where you're going to have the breaks and the white foam."
"You are always the waves, always keep coming, there's always a new wave."