
Drumming Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"Phil Rudd's feel is... he invented like space in time."
"The sound of mainstream pop and rock drumming in the 1980s was, to a large extent, the sound of Jeff Porcaro."
"Jeff Porcaro's passion can be felt in every beat, every groove, and every rhythm he laid down."
"I believe that no matter who you are you can master the drums you can conquer the instrument when you are armed with the right know-how."
"In 2016 Rolling Stone named him the number one greatest drummer of all time."
"Dynamics are a crucial part of humanizing drum parts, and the drummer is in charge of a song's dynamic roadmap."
"Every musician deserves to hear these drums and play these drums."
"Keith Moon was also a master at Controlled Chaos."
"Often considered the greatest drummer of any rock band, John Bonham earns his title with every single track in Led Zeppelin's history."
"If your grace notes aren't super quiet off the drum head."
"Drum hooks are literally, almost, or more important, or as much, rather, or more important than lyrical hooks, and guitar hooks, because you're the backbone. You are the drummer."
"You'd get a great drum sound, all the hits would be consistent, there'd be no missed snare hits or anything like that."
"Huge shout out to Stocky for creating this amazing tool for the drumming community."
"Adelman's work reshaped global understanding of refugee crises."
"I think the word I would use to describe Keith's style of drumming is free rather than anarchic."
"If you're gonna become a tight drummer...you have to be able to do this."
"We really want to recognize all of the hard work and dedication that so many of these drummers have contributed to the world of drumming."
"When a drummer actually does that in a song, it's like they're creating a rhythmic melody that everyone latches onto."
"It's another one that everyone's going to be air drumming to."
"When you hear it, you cannot help but air drum along."
"After a little while I switched over to an even bigger drum, which means that I upgraded my stick size as well."
"He was a stud of a drummer... he had a very unique style that was loose but had great pocket and great feel."
"It's such a cool groove, and a really great groove to learn how to play in 7/8 time if you're not too used to that."
"Fans and fellow musicians hail him as one of the greatest drummers of all time." - On Neil Peart
"The drumming for this record is probably one of my all-time favorites..."
"Their drummer Matt Greiner is like my favorite drummer of all time."
"My mental health has improved tremendously since getting this drum set."
"The drums seemed to beat in Laura's head; they seemed to beat deep inside her."
"That classic beat the way that beat when you hear the guitar then you hear Ringo playing the drums."
"Drum is very important to me because when I'm drumming I don't think about anything else at all."
"This opens up a whole new ball game, you know what I mean? New stickings start to show themselves."
"I just wanted to put out something to inspire, like I love to inspire, especially younger drummers, older drummers, whoever, like people that's like drums is a language, yeah, it's a language that we have."
"John Bonham's drumming was the emulsifying agent, he was everything, he was the guy who stopped it being just another rock band really."
"If you want a great drum sound, get a great drummer."
"The drumming was insane, yeah. Nowadays when you hear drumming, eight times out of ten, somebody put something together on a music program."
"His drum parts, he always had the pocket, he always had the groove."
"So in short, the genius of Lars is that he uses the drums to play dynamically with the flow of the song."
"Just playing drums is so much fun. But the Redcoats, that was cool. That was one good thing that came out of being kind of quarantined, is that my brother, while he was out with Elton John every day, he'd be writing songs and he had all these songs."
"This is just awesome, you know. I've looked up to Joey as a drummer and he's a real good friend."
"A traditional grip pattern often sounds like this."
"After watching this video, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to take your drum game to the next level."
"So next we're going to look at a real subtlety, but I love this. It just adds a bit of like humanization to the drum, some variation."
"The reason that they gave was they feel Ringo's a better drummer."
"John Densmore's style of drumming still to this day, one of the greatest drummers hands down of all time."
"You are stuck, you have played the drums for months maybe years and you can do the basics but you keep playing the same bits and Fields over and over again Independence will take you to the next level."
"Known for his polyrhythmic approach to time keeping comping and soloing, his power and explosive energy behind the drum kit."
"...almost like the room the drum kit is in is expanding and contracting and we're altering the laws of physics with our drum silence."
"There's certain drummers, you just know that person is just amazing."
"Roger did drums on both Arcadia and Power Station."
"one of my favorite parts of everybody want some is Alex's eighth note Bell ride and I love the way he just Nails it and it's so loud in the mix on many songs um on 1984 his ride symbol is so loud on that record and I love it"
"so Alex is keeping four on the floor planted on this and there's kind of like a riding an eighth note groove on the floor tom so it's kind of this chugging thing"
"so um Alex plays a very simple one and two three and four one and two three and four pretty much throughout the song and it's awesome the high hats have a lot to do with the swing and the sway of it"
"I mean I'd much rather hear a drummer play the kick on on one the snare on two the kick on three snare on four with please Mega confidence than watch a really really forced on the edge Fusion Jet drum solo yes."
"One of the videos Mike has done is With drum's viral Series where they take these very famous drummers have them listen to a drumless track for the first time of a popular song and then they have to improv a drum part over it."
"It was just drums are awesome it makes me feel very happy to play them so I'm gonna play them."
"Talent is... I know you say Talent is a lie because you're the best drummer on the planet, but it's not, it's not, it's not."
"I'm talking about I'm comparing him to my favorites, Dennis Chambers, Dave Weckl, Carter Beauford, these are icons of the drumming world, and I'm like, they're amazing."
"Drummers can now play a bass drum and snare part at the same time."
"Mike Portnoy was revolutionized drumming."
"...cracking the code on drum mixing and getting live drums to sound up to that competitive bar."
"I help beginner and intermediate drummers become the musicians that others want to listen to."
"The first problem and probably the biggest issue that I see with most instrumentals is that the drums just aren't hitting hard enough."
"I think for overheads it depends on how you're using them Paul if you're using them specifically for symbols it's a different idea when you use them for symbols than it would be if you're using for an overall view of the drum kit"
"So this is good for doing things like hi-hat rolls, snare fills, anything that's happening very quickly."
"I've bounced around between sizes... now I'm kind of in the Middle with 18 and 19 and 22 and kind of big ride slightly smaller crashes."
"It shook the entire drum community."
"The drumming on from Danny Carey, the drum patterns and the fills and everything else he did, flawless. I mean, it was absolutely mind-blowing."
"Pound for pound, one of the best drummers in modern music."
"Mike Portnoy is known for being the drummer and co-founding the band Dream Theater, the premier progressive metal band who set the standard for the genre and raised the bar for writing and performance in Metal."
"Mike Portnoy is one of the most influential drummers of all time."
"Really repetitive or boring lame stiff sounding drum fills are a dead giveaway of really amateurish drum programming so number one really limit your drum fills to like every four or eight bars."
"Rock and roll drumming emerges in the late 1950s, with bigger fills and crashes, and drummers start identifying themselves as rock and roll drummers."
"For the most basic drum and bass drum pattern... the most basic pattern will have a snare drum sitting on the second beat and on the fourth beat."
"So you can already hear that is the classic drum and bass pattern right?"
"So when you're making a drum pattern, the kick drum and the snare kind of have their own purpose within the drum loop."
"Make any bass drum pedal feel more high-end and expensive by optimizing a few key adjustment points."
"That mindset will severely improve your timing, your feel, and your pocket."
"All I really want to do is just help y'all become better drummers."
"This is a 26-inch kick drum which is completely different from anything I've ever played before."
"...the whole idea is to let the stick do the work that's the most important thing."
"Yeah it's just a spacing you're just different spacings of your hands but it's all the same sticking you know."
"...we're creating a really interesting contemporary high-end 21st-century drumming show and extravaganza."
"I'm all about helping you become the drummer that people actually want to play with...mastered the core drumming skills."
"The way you really master anything on the drums is by using it when you're playing music."
"Drums were the easiest instrument to pick up. You just sit down and start hitting things."
"When it comes to adjustability, the Pearl Eliminator is unmatched."
"I want you to have freedom on the drums."
"Welcome to the non-glamorous drummer. I'm all about helping you become the drummer everybody wants to play with."
"Take those drum parts and attempt to recreate them for yourself in the process of playing it in for yourself in the process of adapting it for the song that you are writing, it will take on a life of its own and more importantly it will give you inspiration."
"Make sure you're getting better at the drums away from your kit."
"The better you get at your singles, the better almost everything you play on the kit is going to be."
"Keith stuck by Premier Drums and the pictures of Lily kit is world famous."
"He's forever one of the greatest drummers of all time."
"You are the legend that has led many of us drummers down a path that has been much clearer for us."
"The drumming really caught my attention... constantly being changed up in a really subtle way."
"No other drummer can do that and I mean what drummer can? You know, sit behind Jimmy Page and tell him what to do. But he had this healthy disrespect of the other guys on the stage with him, and he knew he was driving it. And they respected him and they followed him."
"It's really important that it doesn't sound artificial and that it's mimicking the drummer's intensity and playing perfectly."
"The drumming was awesome, their riffs were instantly catchy."
"My goal is to help you become the drummer other people want to jam with by teaching you the core non-glamorous skills that get you mastering the drums and playing songs faster."
"Listen to the drummer's hi-hat, hear where the drummer is putting that tilt, and you got to be able to go with that."
"Every time a real drummer hits a snare drum, there'll be a subtle difference in sound between each hit."
"Adjusting the quantize, human feel, subtle velocity changes, timbre, resonance, reverb, and so on and so forth yields authentic results that are identical to that of a real drummer."
"...it's like a drum feature but he like doesn't... it's like the anti chops, you know? It's just like, here's the feature, you know? It's he's doing nothing except just laying down just the perfect groove, the perfect time..."
"So cheers, and I'll see you next time on The Master Drum."
"What's the biggest drumming story you predict in 2024 and why do you think it'll happen?"
"After studying what AI can do, I would imagine in 2024 we'll have an AI drummer."
"The ending is just pure Who, with Pete experimenting with feedback and Moon just beating those drums like his life depends on it."
"Ludwig, great company. They were very, very innovative."
"Metal drummers are on a whole another level of talented."
"Mike Portnoy wasn't a guy that just kept the time; his drum parts were very musical."
"I couldn't ask for a better gig, especially as a drummer, to have the bigger canvas to paint on stylistically."
"There's nothing better than ripping on a kit and having fun."
"Joe Thompson was a very clever designer... really off the rails with innovation."
"The swivel-matic hardware... a ball and socket design and it was really ingenious."
"That was bonkers, and the cymbal work, the fills, the embellishments, the drummer's still crazy, just on another level absolutely."
"What can we say, Bill Bruford, one of the great drummers."
"I agree with this study, I mean drumming is very cathartic."
"The drummer is an absolute machine."
"Kick is definitely the foundation when it comes to metal drumming."
"What I'm going to show you in this video is how to get control of your legs, how to set up your pedal, all that kind of essential stuff."
"Bring the kick drum a few inches closer than you have it currently, see how that feels."
"I use the DW machine drive beaters; they've got these two little weights either side so you can customize the weight of the beater that's hitting the head."
"Clean before speed, you need it to be clean because if you're just playing super fast and it's all over the place, it doesn't sound good."
"If you start with an odd number and stick it on the kick, you can't do much wrong, and it's going to provide a really good odd timing exercise for yourself to work with."
"These guys are phenomenal drummers, they really are pushing prog forward."
"It's a satisfying song to play for a drummer."
"Fun fact, he is a drummer too, which is weird, yes."
"You have to have really good rhythm to be a drum player."
"Bill Bruford is one of the all-time great drummers."
"You can play anything you want on the drums, and you play as loud as you want."
"Stuart Copeland is the greatest drummer of all time."
"Drum gating is something crucial in the process to get a professional sounding result."
"I think the big lesson for everyone is there's a lot more to playing the drums than playing the drums."
"The Century Project... it looks at 100 years of American music evolution through the eyes of the drummer."
"That's pretty interesting stuff, isn't it? You can see how dramatically small adjustments really affect the sound of the drum."
"Getting to watch Reni rehearse... sounds like there's two drummers."
"Understand this truth and how to overcome it, and you will grow faster and enjoy the journey to drumming mastery much more."
"A well-built practice kit will much more accurately reflect the dynamics of a real kit and the feel of playing a real kit."
"To educate, enhance, and help unify the drumming community."
"Over the last decade across different countries, I helped more than a thousand drummers... to improve their drumming across the board and get the results that they're looking for."
"The same way of thinking can be your key if you're a punk rock drummer, a metal drummer, a jazz drummer."
"The book is called On Drumming: The Psychology and Philosophy of Improvisation."
"That's three crazy different styles played by one drummer."
"Drumming, being the heartbeat of the music, can totally affect how we take that music in."
"Every drummer should seriously consider this technique."
"If you want to be a well-rounded drummer who's able to work to the best of your capabilities and maximize your capabilities, these are things you need to be able to do."
"Harnessing the power of your fingers to build speed and control."
"The secret to professional drumming sound is precision."
"With coordination, you can play anything, and everything's fun and easy on the drums."
"That's just the nature of this craft that we're learning, that's what you have to do to be a good drummer."
"If you're feeling stuck on basic grooves and you're not able to move beyond that, then you need to dive into the four-way coordination method."
"Without four-way independence, drumming will always be hard, but with four-way independence, everything you play will be effortless."
"Learn one new coordination skill at a time, and you will build four-way rock coordination."
"This is the guide you can download... it solves that whole issue of having to go out and find coordination things to practice."
"With four-way independence, everything is more fun."
"You are capable of building four-way coordination even if you're a total beginner."
"She's a phenomenal percussionist drummer."
"It also opens up this huge world of creativity and composition and production for drummers."
"Using the DM10 in my studio doesn't replace my real drums, but for me, it goes a long way towards capturing the performance and sounds of real drums in my recordings without breaking the bank."
"These kits give you the most realistic feel, the best triggering, and by far the best sound."
"It's just a really fun, inspiring drum set to play."
"Utilizing rebound is a huge part of playing drums."
"It's super compact; I can move between the toms quickly and fast because they have tons of rebound."
"It's not about whether this is a valid way to play drums or not; you are playing the drums."
"They are making drumming more accessible to a wider audience."
"If you use your ear and your creative mind to create drumming ideas instead of your limbs, you'll surprise yourself with what you can create on the spot."
"Once I understood from drumming how to find my voice, I realized that I didn't have to always be complex."
"The rudiments are a list of 40 exercises which are the foundation of drumming."
"We execute a stroke by throwing the stick on the drumhead and letting it come up again by the rebound, just like dribbling a ball."
"The legendary Mitch Mitchell was the world's first rocking drummer with jazzy chops and the most influential drummer of the 60s."
"Mitchell successfully blended the improvisational freedom of jazz drumming with the speed, power, and flash of rock."
"The snare drum is the lead instrument, and you don't want it to get overcome by the drums surrounding it."
"Hey, welcome to the non-glamorous drummer where we're all about teaching you the most core important drumming skills."
"I help self-taught beginner drummers know what to practice so that they can nail songs and become the drummer others want to jam with."
"The shifting toms exercise will autogenerate some cool fill patterns for you, but more importantly, it will give you the freedom to create compelling, unique tom fills of your own to use in songs."
"Have the ability to use space in your playing, which creates melody, and that's what separates boring drumming from drumming overflowing with musicality."
"The goal is not to muffle the drum, the goal is to shorten the ring."
"What makes that drum great is actually the musicality of its ringing."
"I created this channel to be an honest resource of all the non-glamorous drum stuff, all the Nitty Gritty techniques and tips that help us become better drummers."
"I hope to continue bringing you guys valuable and honest content that addresses the non-glamorous side of drumming."
"Follow my three steps today to get your right foot playing pairs of 16th so that you can feel more free, creative, and able to play whatever you want to on the drums."
"I am a bit of an expert at drumming."
"Recording real drums is becoming a lost art and we're not really hearing drummers anymore."
"I've been playing for about 22 years now, and it's literally for my whole life has been my dream to be a drummer."
"The trick to being a great drummer is to be able to play the bass drum as soft as you possibly can."
"The drumming on this song is incredible."
"This is the power of drum layering."
"He's just very tasteful, very musical drummer."
"Play drums, play drums, you got sticks in your hand, you're a friend of mine."
"Thanks for watching and happy drumming."
"Our drumming should also be coming from a place that encompasses that third aspect of ourselves... not just how do I play what I play, but why am I playing what I play."
"The 'Rain in Blood' album is iconic in the history of double bass."
"This is a phenomenal drummer, musician."
"John Blackwell's arms flying around the drums like some kind of eight-legged drumming spider is just a blur."
"Hearing that music is what piqued my interest in drums and that's what lit the fire, so to speak."
"Ringo's totally underrated, I think. His drum parts are so great."
"We drummers got a very nice but huge responsibility in shaping and forming the music."
"Let's get to the lesson. It's drummer's tools to enhance musicality."
"Ghost notes... fill the gaps between the Accents in your Beats and fills."
"I would love to be a beginning drummer right now because you can't fail."