
Time Concept Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"We've defined time as the beginning, so to ask what's before it would be like asking Santa Claus what is north of the North Pole."
"Einstein says, not so fast. Time is like a river, old man river, that meanders around stars, speeds up, and slows down."
"Evening and morning are used together with 'yam' 23 times each, and it always means an ordinary day."
"Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so." - Douglas Adams
"The Langoliers is literally about monsters from the past trapping you there and then eating time and destroying you as a person. So, the movie feels like when you watch it."
"The sound of that [time stopping] is the best part. It's legit."
"People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between the past, the present, and the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
"The present moment is the closest approximation to Eternity."
"Congratulations to the concept of time as it continues to rocket forward regardless of anyone's wishes."
"1920 feels closer to 1776 than it does to 1970. History is a way of flattening the depth of the experience."
"Welcome to 2023. Welcome All You Time Travelers."
"We are all time travelers turning together into the future, but let us work together to make that future the place we want to visit."
"Even the giant land masses for which we all live called continents aren't safe from the ever-shifting sands of time."
"Your soul is moving like a wave through time."
"Time stretches back for all infinity in this sort of bigger system in the multiverse."
"Time is an undirectional flow pushing us forward."
"Past, present, and future is not actually reality. It's actually an illusion."
"Time takes time and time cycles in Divine time."
"History stretches back a really, really, really long time."
"Reaction time is negative, like he is going back in time."
"NASA discovered evidence of a parallel universe where time moves backwards." - Evidence suggests parallel universes with reverse time.
"The entire world being held by some clock that can't count to two thousand."
"Using science fiction says something about the now by referencing the future and by using both together it's like building a bridge through time between the real and the fictional."
"Timing is different to them than it is to us. What can feel like years or a lifetime in the eyes of spirit or in the eyes of the divine, it will happen in a blink of an eye."
"It's a time loop like you said a movie that is playing with time certainly can be a prequel and a sequel at once."
"Father Time waits for no one. Father Time's undefeated."
"The flow of time is so delicate, even the tiniest decisions change the future forever."
"There's no such thing as time; it's a human, man-made concept."
"What Boethius argues is that God doesn't have foreknowledge in the sense that we humans mean. What Boethius is saying is that foreknowledge implies that God is embedded in time."
"Technically every day is the first day of a new year if your frame of reference is that the year starts on February 4th."
"Time is the fire in which we all burn, no matter who you are or what your situation is, time is marching us forward to the same place. Time and death are two of the only things that are totally out of our control."
"Remember, humans are powerful, but we can't control time."
"There is an overruling force that's letting you run your time out."
"God's not counting heads, God's watching the clock."
"If time is an egg, then that egg is [ __ ] broken!"
"Time is relative and fascinating and all that confusing stuff—there's so many components of our universe that we still don't even understand."
"We're constantly breeding our way forward through time."
"The periodicity of menses gave rise to the concept of time and an ability to expect the future."
"If you believe in an incomprehensible amount of time, given enough time, all the little changes we see will add up to the big changes for evolution."
"The verse about a day being as a thousand years could refer to the concept of ages of human history being modeled around the calendar week."
"Time, baby. It's undefeated." - Unknown speaker
"The concept of time is closely tied to the concept of causality, which is the idea that events in the universe are connected by cause and effect relationships."
"Time is infinite. The past, present, and future are all occurring simultaneously."
"Time is only meant to flow in one direction, the nature of our reality depends on that."
"Time is not a line but a Taurus, which is kind of like a doughnut."
"Beginning up until the time jump is a 10 out of 10."
"Everything that is white on this screen is moving forward in time."
"If time is relative and has no meaning outside the fabric of space-time, then what exactly is time?"
"It dabbles in the idea that time isn't linear, it's like a thing that's already decided."
"A lifespan of a thousand plus years is so unimaginably long for humans to be able to comprehend."
"God purposefully invented time as a promise that the cycle of pain would no longer be eternal."
"I'm not mad at Magneto being back on demon time."
"Time curious time gave me no compasses, gave me no signs."
"Time is just an illusion that helps things make sense."
"Time is a river flowing from eternity to eternity," the voice continued.
"It's like we just rewound time, which is really fun."
"What does it mean to have speed in one moment in time?"
"When the hell is it? We made that whole thing up. There's no time, we made it up. It's a man-made invention, time."
"All that exists is right now, the past doesn't exist, the future doesn't exist."
"Time itself was a construct that we inhabited and we relied on it to capture an echo, a vibration, a point in time."
"The lord of the past and the present, who is the lord of time, God, the power behind the cosmos."
"Merry Christmas to the gentiles and happy new year to those who follow the artificial human construct of linear time."
"Absolute time is English time; absolute truth is English truth."
"We can't know what came before this because it invented the idea of 'before'."
"He stops time to give us time to redeem the time."
"Time is a concept that man uses to measure eternity."
"Time is simultaneous and not linear."
"Elapsed time is too distant and too vast; it is so distant from us that it is beyond human comprehension and understanding."
"I'm telling you time is a circle I see the future."
"It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond with those of modern scientific cosmology..."
"Before is an expression of time, and there is no expression of time before the Big Bang."
"Hope is a sure expectation of future glory, as is the openness to time as Futurity."
"Past and future are independent given the present."
"Time on Earth moves in a straight line. Time in the afterlife moves in a Jeremy Bearimy."
"There could not have been an infinite number of days before today, or we could have never arrived at today."
"A universe with no beginning or end, a concept that challenges our traditional views of linear time and progression, carries profound implications for both the nature of the cosmos and our philosophical understanding of existence."