
Anthropocene Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The notion of the Anthropocene is the idea that we've entered a new geological epoch in Earth's history defined by the combined activities of humanity changing the planet."
"We're in a mass extinction right now called the Anthropocene because we are killing off everything at an alarming rate."
"In the age of the anthropocene, we tend to believe despite all available evidence that the world is here for our benefit."
"We are living in the age of humans." - Environmentalist
"We talk about the Anthropocene, where human beings, for the first time in history, have the ability to actually shape the future of humanity."
"There's so many scientists talking about the bad news of the Anthropocene, the human rate next phase of earth, but I see the regenerative ag story as unbelievably exciting."
"The advent of the Anthropocene could yet mark the beginning of a new and sustainable relationship between ourselves and the planet."
"The anthropocene demands a zo-centric or life-centric approach."
"This indeed is what an Anthropocene climate looks like."
"The Anthropocene being a definition of a new entity which is us all."
"The distinction between the foreground and background is actually gone. It's as if you were in a sort of mouse trap, and that's what the Anthropocene tries to capture."
"The Anthropocene... I love that we're here right now. I love that our species has these capacities."
"How do we scale that up through the planetary right? Because when we use the term Anthropocene, for all of its problems, it is a planetary term."
"The Anthropocene... the first era in which humans have had a decisive impact on geological processes that are shaping the planet."
"We are living in a geologic age called the Anthropocene."
"The Earth's been around for 45 million centuries, but this century is the first when one species, namely our species, can destroy its future or set back its future in a serious way."
"We've defined a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene."
"We live in a whole new geologic epoch called the Anthropocene due to the magnitude of the human impact on planet Earth."
"If our goal is to create a sustainable and desirable Anthropocene, we need to think and act differently."
"We have overwhelming evidence that we've entered a whole new geological epoch - the Anthropocene."
"We have now given ourselves a sphere of our own, the Anthroposphere."
"The Anthropocene now demands a zoo-centric approach. It's not about us; it's about life."
"The Anthropocene represents a new form of socio-ecological system, one that is truly global in nature."
"We are moving into the Anthropocene, totally unpredictable water cycles every day."
"Moving forward in the Anthropocene, it's a little message of hope."
"The Anthropocene is the period where human activities like agriculture, industrialization, and urbanization have had far-reaching effects on Earth's ecosystems."
"We've essentially transitioned from the Holocene... to the Anthropocene."
"We've entered a whole new geological Epoch; we're now the dominating force of change on planet Earth."
"The Anthropocene really means that humans have left a mark on this planet."
"We have become a new kind of force on the planet."
"Humans have altered the planet and every living thing on it in profound ways."
"Anthropocene is characterized by the visible impact of human activities on planet Earth."
"The theme of the Anthropocene appears as a revelation of the disquieted consciousness of the inhabitant of a globalized world."
"Marx's idea of degrowth Communism is more important than ever today because it increases the chance of human survival in the Anthropocene."
"It's made it through 200 million years to exist now in the Anthropocene."
"The time when humans have become a major geological force on this planet."
"The Anthropocene may be the agent for some kinds of species, perhaps like ours, to develop new evolutionary behaviors that allow them to get through anything."
"The true lessons of the Anthropocene are that planets have rules and we need to learn them."