
Historical Continuity Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"Archetypal imagery endures so that we might remember that which must not be forgotten."
"Lynching is not a relic of the past. Racial acts of terror still occur in our nation."
"Slavery in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries cannot be separated from segregation in the late 19th and 20th centuries, which cannot be separated from redlining and other things today. It's all connected."
"Celtic nations still holding on to their Celtic roots today."
"It's kind of sad to think that something that's been going on for thousands of years could come to an end soon due to corporate greed."
"Dear old BP is still standing and that is the main thing."
"After Diana, the Queen successfully rebranded and modernized the monarchy while keeping its colorful pageantry intact."
"The photo was taken in the same room as Prince Charles's had been decades before. The baby wore the same christening robe."
"The desire to look beautiful remains a constant through the ages."
"In the hushed stillness of totality, as the Sun's corona shimmers in the darkened sky, you may feel a profound sense of connection to the cosmos and to those who have witnessed eclipses throughout history."
"We follow the messengers and the prophets of the past."
"Bronte and regiments are proud to continue in the martial traditions of their ancestors."
"Could France, or the rest of the world, now ever imagine the president living anywhere other than the Elysee?"
"The imperial state religion of China continued for over 2,000 years."
"Elizabeth took what her sister Mary had started and made it her own."
"Bread and butter has been bringing families and enemies together since the beginning of time."
"For the next 200 years, we'll have what we had the past 200 years: the greatest nation on the face of the Earth."
"The emerald tablet becomes a source of primordial wisdom surviving even the flood and bridging Athens and Jerusalem."
"Everything is changing, but what happened thousands of years ago?"
"It wasn’t until nearly 300 years had passed that a plausibly unified state reappeared."
"House Indoril: embracing the new temple faith after the collapse of the Tribunal."
"God not only brought the Jews back to their land but he sustains them in the land up until today so that is a huge thing."
"Intelligence agencies and organized crime in the U.S got in bed together and really that symbiosis um you know it was originally justified out of wartime necessity during World War II but it never stopped."
"Nature has inspired humanity in all art forms more than anything else for centuries."
"Deep down, the Western Elites have remained the same colonizers."
"So long as we can view this as a continuation of the past and as building for the future, we'll be in a better place mentally to deal with what's coming."
"The Catholic Church is like a chariot riding through the centuries reeling but erect."
"The mega fish has remained largely unchanged since the Jurassic Period some 200 million years ago. Wow!"
"As the rhythm of daily life hits its stride, the famous Spanish Steps today adorned with azaleas filled with people for over 200 years."
"The anger at Trump existed for Bush, it exists for all conservatives."
"The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and the party of more opportunity for all Americans, not nativist dog whistles."
"No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes."
"It is now our generation's task to carry on what those pioneers began."
"This democracy we've had for nearly 250 years is not something that's guaranteed."
"All of this implies that while the city declined, something of its glory days remained."
"Even Kabul, the current capital of Afghanistan, is likely to have been near continuously inhabited for more than 3,500 years."
"The reason the constitution is still relevant is because human nature has not changed in the last 233 years."
"The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law Prevail in our great country."
"The struggle is far from over. The question of whether our democracy will long endure is both ancient and urgent."
"The New World Order is the old world. It's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed, but the concept hasn't changed."
"The Book of Revelation is as vital to us today as it was to the early church."
"The echoes of our past still resonate today."
"Hajj is being done around the Kaaba since the time of ibraheem alehissalaam."
"In every generation, through every challenge and hardship and danger, America has risen to the task."
"Kindness and selflessness have carried over throughout the history of our species."
"The Jews should have died out a long time ago, but just miraculously survived."
"Meditation isn't a No-No, even in ancient times."
"Faith and worship...that is where some of the new Gods can come to be as well as some of the ancient gods still have various different artifacts or shrines that were dedicated to them that have not entirely been destroyed."
"Imusama symbolizes Rome itself, known as the Eternal City, with a firm and steady hand behind the world government."
"Athens is an incredible bridge between the past and the present."
"Nobody living now laid a single brick of these ancient civilizations."
"The structures located inside this fortress have guided Romans to the northern edge of their territories, witnessed a successful foreign invasion, successfully staved off a few others, and paid homage to a murdered martyr."
"Walt Disney never wanted Disneyland or any of the Disney parks to be a museum."
"We know from several documented practices, histories, and languages that the Indians who inhabited this area had traditionally followed the customs of their forefathers."
"Most famously, these cultures and faiths started celebrating many of the same holidays that we still take off work today."
"Winged eyeliner's been on point since the Ancient Egyptians!"
"God has throughout church history of 2000 years god has providentially sustained his people by the lord's day gathering."
"Sometime later, another chapel was built on the mainland at the same height, looking to the island with our reliquiae box at the altar for pilgrims to visit."
"I'm on the same religion that Jesus was upon. I'm on the same religion Moses was upon, the same religion Abraham was upon, the same origin Noah was upon, the same religion that Adam was upon."
"The Roman Empire never went away; it just reincarnated as the Catholic Church."
"All these people over the last 5000 years on every continent around the world have all been talking about the same damn thing."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"The New World Order is the old world, I mean just the names have changed, the appearances have changed but the concept hasn't changed."
"Recognizing that you know it's Christ's Ministry really continuing on throughout the ages."
"You are furthering the divine stride of our founding fathers."
"For many people here in the United Kingdom, she's the only monarch they've ever known."
"We're going to go back to us getting on code and building our own institutions like we used to do."
"The need to get organized... has remained constant through all of history and across every single country on Earth."
"It's not our invention, it's been here on the earth for millenniums."
"It's a tradition that spans thousands of years."
"New York was in New York even before it was New York."
"It's no different than anything we've ever done in the history of being human: critical thinking."
"Black people have been seeing these kinds of injustices forever. Does it matter the administration, the party in power, national or local?"
"Winemaking brings us back to a time when everyone made wine in their kitchen."
"We will always survive in those who continue to fight."
"Would we have tattooing today if it wasn't for people tattooing themselves?"
"Surprising! Oh wow, a staple since the 19th century."
"The House of Windsor has reigned over the United Kingdom since 1917."
"We're charged not to drop the baton of our ancestors. We're taking this all the way, baby."
"Which tells us that it had to be in a previous Fazbear fire, and I believe that fire was the fire of F Fest."
"We are all connected atomically and through the cycling system of the Earth; we're never truly fully removed from dinosaurs in their lives."
"The reformers date back to Christ and the apostles."
"When you look at the Genesis 6 account and take it as a literal interpretation... it traces all the way throughout the Old Testament."
"So there is an uninterrupted chain we know the men who narrated to each other."
"China has had a continuous culture of about five thousand years and they're very, very protective of their own cultures and they really don't like to lose that."
"It's odd how the cave funeral home name is still on the plate."
"Natural laws that applied in the past apply now. That's why we embrace them."
"It seems to have been quite a prosperous community right through the whole period."
"The same God that brought us from shadow slavery is still on the throne."
"Shakespeare's Globe Theatre continues to be performed on stages around the world."
"Rajputs continue to be an important part of Indian society."
"Revive our heritage and build upon the accomplishments of our predecessors."
"The Danish monarchy is considered to be the oldest monarchy still in existence in Europe."
"Old as they were, they still lived in urbanized societies and experienced historical plot lines that may seem eerily familiar to the later world."
"It's time to leave off and of course, the Serbian Empire keeping the tradition."
"The symbol of the witch has endured over centuries as a representation of female empowerment."
"Reparations talk wasn't just talk for him, wasn't just talk for 45, wasn't just talk for 44. You could go all the way back and see how long people been asking for that."
"The call of Liberty has not died out upon the Winds of Change. It's not perished entirely upon the lips of a new generation arriving to replace the old one."
"In every generation, there are people raised up to keep the fire going, to bridge the gap to the next generation. It always looks bad, but there have always been those who rise up."
"These five Gods make up what's known in the Empire as the old gods, the gods that have always been worshiped to some degree or other in the Empire of man."
"Gobekli Tepe was deliberately buried, and you can actually trace a lineage of the societies all the way back."
"Lenin must also be buried when life here becomes common, when it becomes a continuation of our histories without a break between the before and after 1917, then and only then can we think about a state structure."
"Each British revolution has been to preserve its institutions from contamination by Progressive forces; reverence for anglo-culture must not be conflated with nationalisms for other failed Continental European Traditions."
"Inheritance, renovation, reuse, and ceremony—it's just human nature. Nothing really changes."
"In 2018 Warner Brothers commissioned animators to create new Looney Tunes shorts in the spirit and style of the ones from the Golden Age."
"Prayer is the cord that runs through every era of America's history."
"The sacred obligation to defend the peaceful transfer of power has been honored by every American president except one."
"This needs to continue, this is hundreds of years in the making."
"We people that can build a home, we've been doing that forever."
"The call of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart remains urgent."
"This is a continuation of the work that we've seen done by folks like Ella Baker and Fannie Lou Hamer."
"Hopscotch has kept children entertained for centuries."
"But with this in mind, are assault detachments as a concept new? Not at all."
"While Viserys was not a brilliant transformative figure like his grandfather, he was a kind, amiable King well loved by his subjects, continuing most of the policies which led to their years of prosperity."
"Each generation has written its history by reusing the legacy of past generations."
"This is the first time in recent history that an existing crown will be used for the coronation of a consort instead of a new commission."
"He always left a remnant to restart the nation."
"What it does constrain is your ability to make the links between the past and the contemporary moment."
"So many people today are now beginning to see that their ancient and highly venerated religions are merely part of a world continuation of the same story, the greatest story ever told."
"The technology is there, the technology from the past and the future."
"The monarchy is about tradition, history, and heritage."
"This shows in itself why it is that the monarchy is so important to England and why we need it...is the continuity...over a thousand years..."
"The island has been a melting pot for countless millennia and yet is still able to maintain a unique genetic lineage, romantic language, and culture."
"Can you imagine people walked on this same road almost 7 000 years ago shaping their lives and Journeys on this ancient path?"
"The waistcoat continued to be a mainstay in men's wardrobes into the 1940s."
"Modern colonialism is an outgrowth and further development of the colonialism of the 19th and 20th centuries."
"The idea of governments and how strong governments are going to promote trade is another continuity that we kind of see through history."
"...otherwise, 1400 years later, how would we know how we actually prayed?"
"The Arctic is more than just an icy tundra; its people have a rich history and belief systems that remain uninfluenced by outside change."
"In the Eucharist we have the true presence of the Lord. It's there and has been like this for Millennia."
"It's an unbroken succession with no rupture."
"The future of any city develops out of its past."
"The Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire."
"The only time I’d strongly object to it is when it’s used as a way to deny the continuity between the ancient and the medieval Empire and disregards its Roman identity."
"The modern world is engaged with the same basic human issues and paradoxes that all generations have engaged with."
"For 400 years, the Japanese have lived by the tea ceremony rituals formed during Sen no Rikyu's era, using it as a guide to the ancient wise men's thoughts and ways."
"It spoke to our past, to our present even today, and to our future going forward from today."
"In the midst of a turbulent decade of change, the Kentucky Derby survived and thrived."
"The past is not dead; it is living in us and will be alive in the future which we are now helping to make."
"...you have people who are bringing together a community that had never died but it had been sleeping for a thousand years and trying to bring that back together and return to the home of their ancestral fathers."
"All the progress of the past leads up to Christ, and all the progress of the future starts with Christ."
"The primary components - recognition and oath, anointing, investing of regalia, crowning, enthronement, and homage - have been included for a thousand years."
"Modern style characters today are categorized under this form of writing, making it the oldest form of writing still in use."
"This emphasized the image of continuity, tradition, and above all the splendor and glory of his reign."
"The story doesn't end in 1930; it continues into the 21st century and where we are at this particular historic moment."
"As the steward of the National Wrestling Alliance, it is my responsibility to keep the legacy of the NWA from 1948 to the present day clean, clear, and consistent."
"This presents the first convincing proof of any continuity between the original Caribbean population and modern inhabitants in the region today."
"The second she saw it, she imagined the only place that such a secret could be maintained over the centuries."
"We've unearthed something that is fundamental to the human experience that can be found across time, culture, and history."
"Because even as our world gets more and more digitized, we still have plenty of traditions that we've held for thousands and thousands of years."
"The Restoration was intended to restore the situation to what it had been in 1641."
"The fortress had been standing here for 600 years by the time Bellotto painted it, but you really get a sense of life around it having never stood still."
"We have a history of doing this for centuries that they don't have in their history or heritage at all."
"The beauty is though they disappear off the coastline of Canaan, the story does not end there."
"The Roman Catholic Church, the ultimate state church of history, is the inheritor and continuance of the Roman Empire."
"God is restoring some things to some places we've seen in the past."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls start to clear that picture up for us and give us a better insight into what happened from the Old Testament to the New Testament."
"If there is any single lesson from history, it is that history just keeps happening."
"For human beings have always been storytellers; we are links in a chain stretching back millennia."
"Hear the call of the generations before us, whose bones have made this place sacred."
"I'm fascinated by things that have been unchanged throughout history."
"If he can steer the church so precisely for 2,000 years of history, then we have the confidence to know he is going to be steering it through everything that is yet to come."
"When you're walking on that floor, you're walking on the same floors every governor who served the state for 133 years."
"Preservation is God's words through history."
"The only way we're going to solve that question as to who is the real church is going to be who's in continuity with the first thousand years."
"It's been part of the culture of the Tour de France since 1903."
"We've got an east oracle continuum from the first century to the 21st century."
"It's been continually inhabited since it was set up; ancient Greek and Roman buildings, medieval palaces, churches, and modern hotels stand next to each other."