
Turmoil Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"I loved her, always in hell, even though she wants to break things off, I still love her."
"The Seven Deadly Sins is all about that jovial facade concealing massive mental turmoil."
"The end of the First World War in no way brought the turmoil which had wracked the Ottoman Empire for years to an end."
"I pull the tower, which is a dramatic happening event, baby. There's a halt in progress, really bad ideas, and influence reverse, embarrassment, you know, public humiliation, issues with direction, issues with destiny, issues with everything."
"Amidst political turmoil, his piercing insights unveil a saga of unprecedented actions."
"Allow yourself to continue knowing what you know about this connection even in times of chaos or confusion."
"The best way... to divide the country and create turmoil... is always revolution."
"The ground is shifting beneath our feet, witnessing great changes, a plague upon us, our city on fire, a nation divided, the most radical anti-God agenda."
"The whole ordeal represents an environment of domestic turmoil."
"Decisions are going to be made, and there's going to be a lot of turmoil."
"Yesterday was like an emotional roller coaster."
"The impact of social media has thrown this country into a turmoil."
"The ship had actually arrived in a period of some national turmoil."
"They are definitely going through some inner conflict."
"Remember, through turmoil, a blessing will soon be revealed. Even if it's chaotic now, stay hopeful."
"What follows is a devastating tale of corruption on the ground and confusion in the air."
"Overall, it just feels like things are being shoved into their own heart at the moment, there's a lot of heartache here in regards to you."
"Mastery seeks peace during turmoil."
"Somewhere in the midst of all the financial turmoil that we see, the political manipulation that we see, and the COVID confusion, there's an invitation from the Lord."
"Peace is the capacity to remain steady when everything around us is completely unsteady."
"Volatility, internal turmoil, provided you survive it, is a sign of health."
"It's a time of great change, but also a time of turmoil."
"It hit me like a storm... I was in the eye of the storm."
"There's something about it to calm the psyche down over years and years of turmoil."
"Amidst the turmoil, a steadfast resolve emerged."
"Thorfin's conflicting emotions of love and hate tear him apart."
"The conflict which engulfed the Seven Kingdoms."
"China's descent into chaos began in the early 19th century but accelerated greatly as the century wore on."
"The turmoil in the world today makes gold a safe haven play."
"Live in joy, in peace, even among the troubled."
"They're going through a lot of emotions."
"I think there are many moments where you feel everything is going up in flames."
"The wreckage continues basically on every stock."
"Vader was not okay after that moment... it kind of rocked his world a little bit."
"There's tremendous opportunity but there will be turmoil."
"There shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation."
"It's the biggest challenge that we all have, is how to be content, peaceful, happy, enjoy a world that is in constant turmoil and danger."
"We are little flames poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness."
"We know that in periods of turmoil there can be an increase in the number of cases a classic case would be in the 1930s prior to the second world war we saw an increase in cases."
"My whole world was crumbling around me."
"Why would you want the turmoil if you can have peace?"
"Restless. Silence overtaking. I'm losing my mind."
"Understanding Your Choice" really helps you to context, especially now, contextualize what is happening. It helps you make sense, especially because there's so much turmoil that is taking place.
"The tempest in my mind doth from my senses take all feeling else."
"Harry is a psychologically troubled man living in a world he perceives to be decaying morally and ruled by hypocrisies."
"You're very much a tortured soul."
"Feeling that he is about to go crazy considering everything that is happening to him."
"It was a time of anarchy, terror, war, and genocide."
"He feels like his life is spiraling out of control."
"They are a mixture of political turmoil, of poverty, of religious and factional strife, of ancient servitude and modern longing for freedom. Vietnam is all of these things."
"The feeling of betrayal was overwhelming, engulfing me in a whirlwind of emotions."
"Believe that even in the midst of all this turmoil you're able to radically change your life."
"The Nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by The Roaring seas and strange Tides," prophesies the Lord.
"Things were a complete roller coaster as she found herself in and out of her conservatorship."
"Stella. Poor f***in’ Stella, man. Her whole world is about to burst into f***in’ flame."
"A period rife with war and desolation."
"With the Flames of insanity behind his eyes."
"He has stirred the devil's Nest all over the world."
"The great undertaking of American nationhood bloated with turmoil."
"Chaos and Devastation Reigns around."
"The question is... given the turmoil... is there also an existential need not met by that kind of Life?"
"It is like a tornado, a twister in their hearts and minds, swirling around."
"There's a lot of turmoil... late books, all of that."
"It was really tumultuous, it was traumatic, it really was."
"Their enthusiasm, passion, and fire are challenged by inner turmoil and insecurity."
"Her at-home life is a living nightmare."
"I just felt like my world was crashing."
"This story showcases their rapid descent into chaos and turmoil."
"My heart was about to calm down but I felt waves Rising again."
"...this relationship is a disaster."
"Our family kind of got torn apart ever since that time."
"There's usually an internal turmoil inside of them. You can see it in Princess Diana, you can see it in Vincent Van Gogh, you can see it in Stephen Hawking."
"America was at war and for the United States, the Port of Los Angeles and the Japanese-Americans of Terminal Island it was the beginning of a period of turmoil, tragedy, and unprecedented change."
"The Galaxy was in turmoil, the once Mighty vxar Empire lay shattered, its remnants scattered across the stars."
"We are living in the prophesied time when peace shall be taken from the earth, when all things shall be in commotion, and men's Hearts shall fail them."
"Everything's burning, we're falling apart, man."
"I think Shelter from the Storm is another song of tremendous turmoil in the area of relationships and love."
"He's internally being conflicted."
"The conflict has a life of its own, hate has a life of its own."
"It's a messed up time that we're living in right now."
"It's a tumultuous time in the media though."
"It serves as a beacon of hope amid turmoil."
"Millions of lives had been changed and American society was in turmoil."
"Peace was the opposite of what I felt."
"His life was devoid of the turmoil that often accompanies youth."
"People want their emotional turmoil to have some validation."
"You make me at peace with something that should be tearing me up inside, and I will undo whatever the hell it is you've done to me."
"We go to war, and everywhere I look, man, it's like turmoil, and sickness, and... A family member is diagnosed with cancer, another friend dies of addiction."
"Sometimes in the middle of turmoil we need the south wind of God to blow."
"But when they in their trouble did turn unto the Lord God of Israel and sought him, he was found of them. And in those times there was no peace to him that went out nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries."
"I am mostly writing to try and get some relief since I have no one to tell and I feel like my body is turning inside out."
"Towards the end of Charles’ reign, England was increasingly beset with political turmoil, conspiracies, and crises."
"Ignored emotions lead to internal chaos."
"Beneath the roots of the trees and the visible plains, a world in turmoil lives buried in the under empire."
"I was all the emotions that I was feeling at this point. You know, I was hurt, I was angry, I just was beside myself and I was a bit enraged too."
"I feel so many things, so much anger, resentment, yet I'm utterly crushed."
"You wreck me, baby, but you love me in a free fall."
"There can be chaos all around you, but there should be peace within you."
"The Vietnam War, which was obscene, and the assassinations and all the race riots."
"There's so much corruption and pain going on within me and around me that I don't want to subject you to it."
"Of one not easily jealous, being wrought perplexed in the extreme."
"Shadows dancing everywhere, burning on the angry chair."
"My emotions are like an angry sea; these waves consume me, I'm drowning."
"King Jaehaerys brought over half a century of peace while his children drove him to the edge of madness."
"The region finds itself in turmoil and stands on the precipice of unimaginable hostilities and suffering."
"When you start to understand the truth about your stuff and your relationship with stuff, it causes actually more turmoil."
"Faith brings peace to our soul; unbelief brings strife, tossings, and troubled like the tossing waves of the sea."
"I think that the inner turmoil between yourself and your heart is so much more interesting than a house divided."
"I had all of these crazy emotions."
"The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside."
"Chaos is in the... insanity you're feeling."
"It just becomes this torrential downpour of pain, desperation, compassion even, and craziness."
"I know I'm messed up, but in my soul, I feel it for you, that's out of control."
"One of the crucial things I think was the political and social environment and the turmer that he faced when he was acting and working."
"Cognitive dissonance isn't just the act of holding conflicting beliefs. It's also the mental turmoil caused by those conflicting beliefs."
"Beneath her glamorous exterior was a life filled with turmoil and scandal."
"She's a roller coaster, oh she's so, I'm burning open inside but I can feel no pain."
"Peace is security in the midst of turmoil."
"The calmness of the night was a stark contrast to the storm brewing within my home."
"My mind is troubled, like a fountain stirred; and I myself see not the bottom of it."
"Everything about her messed me up."
"The wind was howling, it sounded like a thousand anguished spirits venting rage against the world."
"The emotional turmoil was undeniable; had I truly encountered alien researchers? Was Earth under extraterrestrial study?"
"On the outside she was cool, on the inside, it felt like there was a volcano erupting."
"The kingdom is plunged into new depths of religious turmoil, all in the name of an 11-year-old boy, Edward VI, King of England and Ireland."
"A whirlwind of emotions engulfed me; anger, sadness, and confusion swirled within, creating a turbulent storm of feelings."
"Y'all are beautiful people, all of y'all are beautiful; y'all got some wonderful things on your insides going on, even if you're in turmoil right now."
"The soft early light offers a moment of reflection amidst the turmoil."
"It's the indecision that is destroying me."
"A period of turmoil and cultural anxiety, a deep and profound sense of loss of home."
"Life has thrown me into turmoil, and I'm trying to find stability amid this chaos."
"So Estonia has come from such a past of turmoil from being in the hands of Russia to being in the hands of Germany to being back in the hands of Russia under the Soviet Union."
"In the late 1960s and early 70s, the country was in great turmoil."
"It's a time of world upheaval such as the time we live in today."
"I'm a psychological mess, I'm a minefield with minds going off all over my mind about what happened last night."
"My emotions surged like a storm, shock and anger being the predominant forces."
"Her marriage was overflowing with drama, infidelity, and conflict."
"As we all know, the world is in turmoil right now."
"You're right, love is a terrible thing; it can really mess with your head."
"Rickon had been wild as a winter storm, weeping and angry by turns."
"China is in chaos... the Boxers, regiments of fanatical nationalist impoverished youths, have roamed in northern China murdering Christians and foreigners alike."
"Confusion and clangor ruled the castle."
"Bullies have no internal peace, they have no internal calmness to draw upon."
"A medieval kingdom has been plagued with chaos and disorder; an evil force has dominated the land."
"The child, drawing its sustenance from the maternal bosom, seemed to have drunk in with it all the turmoil, the anguish, and despair which pervaded the mother's system."
"Jealousy is a storm that can destroy even the strongest of bonds."
"Your love is a fever, frantic, mad with ever more unrest."
"I shut my eyes, trying not to speak, pretend that I'm dreaming, I smell your breath, not listening, but I still hear you screaming."
"But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked."
"His family underwent turmoil early on."
"For nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
"If you are impatient, you will cause great turmoil and much trouble for many people."
"Love is a beautiful word, of course, and I understand how much turmoil it can stir in your sensitive heart."
"You just made it across the harsh chaos somebody tried to stir up in your emotional body."
"What's wrong with me? I can't be having these feelings for her; it's not right."
"I love you above all of the crazy stuff that's going on in your life."
"...I think as a country bro, we got enough stuff dividing us up as it is... our country is going through turmoil right now and we don't need people with huge platforms talking and speaking reckless and talking crazy..."
"The projections that you're receiving are just a reflection of their own inner turmoil."
"Emotions rolled around inside me like bits of glass in a kaleidoscope."
"Road 96 is a game where you play multiple teenagers that are trying to escape a country that is in turmoil."
"The storm outside perfectly depicted what was happening in his mind at that moment."
"One must have chaos within oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
"Sometimes clutter is an outward symptom that is a reflection of inner turmoil."
"Chaos swept across the land, and what else lies in the aftermath but a tribe of animals blamed for the destruction—scapegoats, if you will."
"The Commonwealth of the entire realm was shaken; bishops were perplexed, eldermen were angry, monks were struck with fear, and the people were terrified."
"You got the best of me, I could have set you free, you cause my insanity, you're my calamity."
"This is truly spectacular, especially when we consider all the turmoil in the world and how divided people are politically, socially, and religiously."
"Perturbed by the thoughts on my mind, no matter how hard I try to sever my love."
"The quiet sadness shakes me; in my quiet sea, the waves crash in."
"I've been drinking Lord forgive me, it's my blood racing."
"The north is in a chaotic condition, the riverlands are devastated, and Stannis holds Storm's End and Dragonstone."
"The storm outside raging like mad."
"At the start of the passage, we can see she is in intense turmoil and shock as she is fleeing and searching for her friend's home."
"Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red."
"Wars and rumors of wars... Kingdoms rise up against Kingdom and Nation against Nation."
"My very soul was shaken and torn to its core."
"The whole town was in a turmoil, and this morning, I guess the whole town is back again."
"It's a subtle, soothing presence, a quiet reassurance that amidst the turmoil and trials, there is a foundation of calm you can always return to."
"My peace has a unique quality; it can reside in your heart even amidst external turmoil."
"When you find out that someone so close to you has betrayed you, your emotions are all over the place."
"Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high! The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness. No shelter or help is nigh."
"I'm getting caught in it, chaos inside my chest, I lost myself again."
"The peace I offer transcends the world's turmoil."
"Why you gotta call me everyday, pretending my baby, I see my real life, and lately it's crazy."
"They bring the human heart wherein no nightly calm can be."
"Now a wildfire is raging deep inside."
"A wildfire is raging deep inside, and my heartstrings are pulling like the tide."
"You got it bad, drawn into motion, unable to focus, isolation."
"My love agitated in mind, but I dare not say anything to you."
"I love you and it's ruining my life."
"As the nations rage and the kingdoms tremble, may we stand firm in our faith."
"When my life is going through a whole bunch of turmoil, I find that making art is just so much fun."