
Political Views Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
"If Martin Luther King Jr. was around today, he would be despised by the Republicans. He did not stop with saying that the Civil Rights Act should be passed. He believed in reparations; he believed that whites needed to better educate themselves on racial issues."
"By the time I finished the book, I wasn't such a partisan anymore. I really wanted to help people understand each other across the divide."
"I'm not going to let people that cancel me change my views. I'm not going to be right-wing."
"But I'm no fan of the far right either. Let's have less hate and more love."
"Moderates and conservatives are seeing the world in a similar way, and according to at least data, they have a healthier news diet than left sources."
"Even in red states, the overwhelming majority of people want to make sure that people still have bodily autonomy and can get a medical procedure if they want to."
"Kamala Harris is not only not a moderate, she's extraordinarily radical in her policies."
"Woke fishing: masquerading as holding progressive political views to ensnare potential partners."
"Just to give you one illustrative example, Edward Snowden... on Joe Rogan's YouTube program and already within five days more than five million people have watched that program."
"He wants to come back to times of the Soviet Union."
"If you don't like it and you don't like that we're not a theocracy... You're a fundamentalist rule and you don't like the fact that it's a democracy."
"You know, we can't always rely on our youth forever. We have to take more care in ourselves and our practices and our rituals."
"Elliot Page goes on to say if you do not support my political point of view you want to erase us."
"Friendships that are based on political agreement were never friendships in the first place."
"Thank god YouTubers like yourself exist or I'd be a lefty feminist."
"AOC is that these people are on the side of chaos and destruction. That's why I'm like, 'AOC is evil.'"
"Twitter is biased against conservatives period."
"More than a third of Millennials approve of Communism."
"Leftists are obsessed with open borders but also claim to be radically against racism."
"Joe Biden stands for American democracy. Donald Trump stands for the proposition that he will be America's dictator."
"There's nobody who wants an up to full term of pregnancy it just doesn't exist."
"Conservatives don't care about race. They care about policies and ideas."
"Generally speaking, CNN and the mainstream media has never cared what progressives think."
"Freedom of speech is the bedrock of a strong democracy and must take precedence. My preference for the 2024 presidency is someone sensible and centrist."
"Even the most right-wing person out there typically is not against the the sort of basic premise of some of these ideas"
"Teachers like government, especially when they're in unions. I like government too. I admire it but it's so often wrong."
"Bernie clearly is more progressive and was correct in terms of history."
"Not everybody who voted for the Nazis was an extremist that wanted to murder all the Jews."
"I would consider anything advocating for ethno states to be pretty extremist."
"When you're wrong about Israel, you're wrong on so many other issues."
"We have all these proverbs we know about and they're contradictory... same thing is true with these Trump voters."
"I vote purely for chaos because I think the entire system is rotten down to its core."
"It's crazy because he's traditionally voted Democrat, but he sees what can happen when you take away free speech."
"Not only is my position not so far off the edge of the right, my position was the mainstream position two years ago."
"Watch, my dad's a former conservative and thinks you're incredibly based, loves your videos. Hey, thank you, the power of having a beard. I really appreciate that."
"Being upset with my political views does not mean that I am somehow this martyr." - Hannah
"Most of America believes this: if you're watching this show right now and you're like I think the Bidens belong in jail, know that you are in the vast majority of Americans."
"Polarizations always talked about like it's a bad thing. I think it's a good thing."
"The pro-abortion left sees it as a necessary good."
"Violence is not appropriate. Many on the left don't believe that."
"Among supporters of Donald Trump, there is a three-fold multiplier for the merits of violence."
"The arguments in favor of monarchy are flawed."
"When I grew up in Texas, I was like, 'Man, there's so many dumb conservatives here.' And I was kind of more liberal. And then I moved to New York and LA, and I saw dumb liberals and I was like, 'Y'all, that's just as bad.'"
"Classic Abby isn't just for conservative women, but a place where they feel comfortable voicing their views."
"Malay hates wokeism, hates socialism, hates the media, hates excessive government spending, hates the political Elite and loves his country. Legend."
"If you can't listen to news that might have an opposing view of your worldview, please go watch Fox News."
"Everyone deserves love and understanding, including conservatives. So long as we respect each other's views and values, I think there's room for compromise."
"Franco is seen as a Hitler type figure and the Republicans are seen as the legitimately elected government who did nothing wrong."
"Trump is trying to stop the dictatorship that is globalism."
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"Americans seem to overwhelmingly support women's right to choose."
"Lots and lots of people profoundly and earnestly disagree with the pro-life side."
"I'm politically homeless, I don't pick a side, I go where the truth is."
"Money is a tool, and the left makes it extremely difficult for a lot of us. That's why we need support."
"I don't anti-china. I love Chinese. I love you know my country China. Yes, I hate the CCP."
"Some citizens supported the military leaders, viewing them as a source of stability."
"There's two conservative philosophies... the real one based on Christian values, and the straw man political philosophy."
"I think the left has a more expansive view of who equality and justice should apply to which is everybody."
"The political divide... seems to be about people who believe in Law and Order..."
"If you’re vegan, do you see your veganism as inherently political?"
"Medical tyranny is to me one of the most evil things out there."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"It bothers me on a deeply personal level... it is almost a feudalistic view of America."
"But I don't think that's most Trump supporters. I think most Trump supporters have hated the Republican establishment as much as the Democrat establishment for some time."
"Republicans care very much about babies actually."
"A record 60% of Americans say they would be fine voting for an atheist."
"The whole attitude is weird to me. I don't understand why anybody would anybody on any part of the political spectrum would be opposed to receiving these amenities from the people they work for."
"It's almost like you can think both of these people were [ __ ] bags okay you could think Osama Bin Laden was like a scumbag who deserved to die and the American government is a shitty force of evil around the world."
"You should really deeply care even about the people you hate even about the people you think are destroying your country even about the libtards and the Communists and the feminists and I even want you to care about their stupid snowflake tears."
"And AOC is obviously everybody knows AOC is more liberal."
"The great countries, the great leaders are the ones who have embraced Bitcoin; the weak leaders are the ones who are saying no, we've got to control things."
"You just don't seem like one of those women that will be voted for a Democrat because they are anti-God, they are anti-country, they are anti-family, they are anti-constitution, they are anti-Second Amendment and First Amendment."
"I don't think most conservatives are hateful evil bad people."
"I feel like the crime issue is an example where the left has just such misplaced compassion."
"I genuinely don't fear any group of people less. I'm more afraid of radical liberalism than I am of black separatism."
"Maybe the Democrats do, not me. I want people to be equals, to work together, to share their ideas, to share their culture, to live peacefully."
"Ignatius is a Democrat with a simmering loathing of Trump."
"The people on the right that I have met have been kind and decent and loving and you know they give more charity."
"His supporters all seem to kind of hate America."
"Hillary Clinton views the Russians and Trump as the same thing."
"Jonathan is one of my best friends... He's not a self-hating Jew but he still looks at Zionism and what's right and what's wrong from an honest perspective."
"I don't have to agree with a person on everything to vote for that person or support that person."
"There's real concern amongst the conservative Grassroots and actually millions of people across the country when it comes to the threat posed by radical Islam."
"He's not a Taurus, he don't like conservatives."
"My immediate family a bunch of libs and my extended family they're like build the wall people really yeah so they're cool as [__] that's [__] sick."
"As much as I hear from my friends there, there are hundreds of thousands of Jewish people who are strongly against the Zionist state of Israel."
"Trump is the nightmare of my neighbors, all of them, including the three Republicans in my zip code."
"Now he doesn't want fans if they voted for Trump."
"I think people do often shift views from one party to another."
"I went to school there I know it very well I have amazing relationships you look at the steel workers the miners they're all voting for Trump."
"So many people today attach their political views with who they are as people when they haven't even really thought out what their political views are."
"I'm liberal and woke, I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and then they recalled it for blood clots."
"Many conservatives claim they respect life and cry for children who are aborted, yet no empathy for the thousands immigrating to the US."
"I saw my political views changing, I saw my understanding of the world changing."
"Progressives generally have an authoritarian view of the world."
"Politically, people on both coasts tend to be more progressive than the interior areas of the country."
"As far as I'm concerned, I have come back with the same views I had before I went to jail and with the same enthusiasm for my political work."
"People who care about climate change are likely to hold generally Progressive political views."
"No matter conservatives or progressives, we're all people and deserve respect."
"I actually had a lot of libertarian leanings when I was younger, but then I grew compassion for other human beings."
"Not all of our moral and political views are just intuitions."
"Our Aunt Kathy is absolutely an amazing human being, and although Republican, is a thinker and a kind, compassionate, loving person."
"I believe in democracy and there shouldn't be a monarchy."
"Her father is a strict conservative; however, her mother is a free-spirited liberal."
"I respect you if you're conservative, I respect you if you're liberal."
"I might question some of the policies they supported, but I couldn't question their good intentions or decency."
"Every part about him I like: his political views, his moral stance, his tremendous reputation."
"He's a very strong leftist and critic of American capitalism."