
Cultural Misunderstanding Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"What does being emo have to do with her getting black? You wouldn't understand, Marina."
"Canadians are really obsessed with not being Americans, they tend to really misunderstand the nature of the differences between the two countries."
"So there was no LK 99 from the Chinese side. We're not talking about the original Korean."
"You don't have their version of Assata Shakur..."
"So wait a minute that's that's some ways little man no it's Subways big homie."
"The Europeans dwelling on the African people's different physical appearance and unfamiliar cultural characteristics concluded that they were an inferior race of outsiders and deserved ill treatment."
"I've never heard of this woke, what is this woke that you speak of?"
"Megan came in for a great deal of criticism for not understanding the role of the royal family and British life and getting between Harry and his family."
"Did you know that 'boyo' means turd in Spanish? Does it actually? Oh, it's kind of funny but also huh."
"Incels report very similar struggles... therapists who treat them are white and have no understanding of their culture."
"Massively misunderstood and underestimated in the West."
"Despite being Advanced enough to share a common language, they were named barbarians."
"It's so funny when Christians will look at like Muslims and they'll be like you wear the hijab like how oppressive and then they'll turn around to like a woman in a mini skirt like what a disgusting for I hope she gets a rape."
"I just learned that Galentine's Day was a separate day. I always thought singles called Valentine's Day Valentine's Day because they just celebrate the day with the girls, so Galentine's Day."
"It's kind of obvious that Pokémon isn't promoting fascism, this symbol is known as a manji in Japan which is a very peaceful symbol in much of Asia."
"But one time we went to vacation in Utah to visit my dad's family and my dad's family got upset that we didn't speak English."
"Fans that have waited years for a faithful live-action movie are gonna have to keep waiting because this has no idea of what Dragon Ball was about or what made it so special."
"I understand the main thing is the whole ambush thing. But the thing is, I'm from the mainland. I don't know, right?"
"ADHD is nothing other than regular black boy behavior."
"They were not these alien powers that got beamed down all of a sudden and rampaged everywhere."
"Odonists ignore actual Norse history to save the supposed white race."
"People hate China to the extent that they even extend that to hating Chinese people."
"They never touch them, they were going after like strongmen, a Twisted Sister, come on, those guys have nothing to do with Satan."
"Does he belong to a species hitherto unknown to this part of the continent, or is he really what the train men first thought he was, a crazy Indian!"
"That is not a man who has ever seriously attended a black Protestant Church."
"He was a fool for attempting to treat such inherently warlike people with anything but the language of force."
"They literally make huge misconceptions about the West."
"Why does everyone in this city look at me like I'm speaking gibberish? You... you can bless you, my lord. I should have known that you of all people would be able to understand me."
"You just insulted him, the little Texas thing you got on your hand."
"You're not Chinese, they eat everything, right?"
"Less white coke is not a thing... those stupid pseudo phrases from the right forget that."
"The satanic Panic of the 1980s is a big big example of that."
"Hey, let's just take some innocent people and then shoot them. What the [ __ ] is wrong with these Europeans?"
"Americans mispronounce the Swedish word as you say 'schmurgish bird' - the right word is smurgosbord of video games."
"That's right baby, I'm talking about Krampus and no, has nothing to do with your period cause I thought the same thing."
"Cuomo's defense: Some encounters were just misunderstandings related to 'cultural differences.'"
"Afro hair: the most misunderstood, fragile, and defiant hair texture."
"This just in, Creekcraft's livestream hates British people apparently piggy fans hate British people the irony."
"We have a disconnect in American culture because of the use of subterfuge to create false identities."
"A little boy thought this Muslim accountant was Santa and he's played along for four years."
"Germany is a fancy fancy base what the heck are you looking at Chernobyl?"
"When you call someone sexist because they don't like a character in a Star Wars movie well then you're losing sight of those that might truly be enemies of the people that might actually harm others."
"Only one thing has been treated worse than video game movie adaptations, and that’s the portrayal of video games in movies."
"What we were looking at was not the betrayal of evangelical values, we simply didn't fully understand what those values were."
"But to view North Korea as unchanging everybody thinks the same way is an enormous mistake."
"Are you on tik tok? I don't even know what tic tac is."
"Nintendo and Game Freak's defense of Jynx was that she wasn't designed based off of blackface and instead the Japanese ganguro fashion trend."
"Geopolitics is a game of go where the Americans in the west they don't understand how to play this game."
"My family doesn't understand why I'm here in Puerto Rico... but they don't understand until they visit."
"But that's because of your own ignorance of Islam. I mean again like someone might say, 'Oh, you're adding to Islam because you use the word patriarchy.' Why? Patriarchy is a descriptive term and Islam is patriarchal."
"People associate certain cultural practices with the religion of Islam, making us look completely backwards."
"It's not nonsense at all in my people's tongue it means I am in great pain please help me."
"But when we came to the States and we played down South, they didn't see it as, oh, this is just a rock and roll album."
"She mentions a teen's phrase yudah and he doesn't understand the meaning he tries to ask her about it as he looks at her in shock claiming he is dense about such things."
"Arabs inventing the concept of zero. Europeans: 'I like your funny words magic man.'"
"People across the world are not getting the point of Squid Game."
"I love when straight people try to do the whole 'I hate my partner, don't you hate yours too' thing around queer people and are met with universal confusion and/or disgust."
"My name is Katie McIntosh, I am from Scotland. Some people find that difficult to understand. I don't know why. If you listen, you will understand my words."
"I expect that from the Canadian, but not from you, Jack, you goddamn red state America!"
"Life is not one size fits all, that's it and that's what everybody's getting wrong they think one sensibility should Define consumption and it can't."
"Who the [__] are these little white children?"
"I said I didn't like what do you call that cabbage, it's here kimchi kimchi, that offended a lot of people as I knew it would."
"Someone in my Norwegian class didn't know the word for Cowboys so they called them American Horse Pirates and I've been laughing about it for about an hour."
"You Indians, when you Indian, she's stealing my chicken."
"I thought it was some weird Scottish language."
"I'm not a you anymore, you know what a ute is? Did you say youths? Yeah, two youths."
"Long ago, I used to think everyone eats ugali, but silly me, apparently it's only in East Africa."
"The Congo is a poor, sad place, so why do people do that happy dance at the end of parties called the conga?"
"Sheena pokey, huh? Yeah, Sheena pokey. That's Indian, it means 'a young boy stand tall in July in August'."
"I once met an American missionary woman who said these people have no religion. I said, 'I differ with you.'"
"Was it any wonder that the easterners didn't understand the sacredness of stone?"
"I will eat your liver, but it's actually more similar to I love you."
"As an Englishman living in America, I'm very used to everybody thinking that I am from Australia."