
Potatoes Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Potatoes are an ideal human food... potatoes make diabetics better, not worse."
"The potato, humble hero of collective learning, is a root vegetable first domesticated in Mesoamerica when farming was first getting started."
"The best way a roast potatoes in the whole wide world, don't worry about the others, this is the way forward."
"It's important to parboil potatoes because... it introduces a nice bit of fluffiness into the middle, and then if you roast it hard, then of course that becomes crispy on the outside."
"Potatoes provided an easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense food supply for the Industrial Revolution."
"The potato changed the world and the food industry forever."
"Potatoes are already starting to disappear from the menu in many countries."
"Potatoes are probably the best food to deep fry, right?"
"Vegetable tier list: Potatoes are a free S tier. Everyone likes potatoes."
"People love potatoes and they've worked their way so deeply into culinary traditions all over the world that their absence is almost unimaginable."
"Potatoes are surprisingly nutritious. They're a good source of vitamin C as well as B complex vitamins."
"Crispy, creamy, cozy potatoes are very comforting."
"The potato is actually going to be one of your best choices."
"Give me potatoes if you said to me look you only have one food to live on for the rest of your life, what would it be? Give me potatoes."
"The humble potato is one of the most underappreciated and underrated foods us humans have access to, and I will die on that hill forever."
"The most important bit of the meal is probably the potatoes."
"I think people get so emotionally attached to a good potato."
"This is one of my most favorite potato dishes of all time."
"That's the greatest bite of potato I've ever had."
"Possession of over 50 kg of potatoes is illegal in Western Australia."
"Maine produces more than sixty thousand acres of potatoes."
"For crispy roast potatoes, my tip is to parboil them, leave them to steam dry, then sprinkle them with semolina or flour and give them a good roughing up. This ensures they go really crispy in the oven."
"I feel like potatoes are one of Nature's greatest gifts to us. You can do so many things with a potato and they're so cheap."
"This discovery on Joel's property has led to a renewed interest in growing these ancient potatoes and this year the town will celebrate its third annual wild potato days"
"Potatoes! Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew!"
"So whether you boil them, mash them or stick them in a stew make sure to think of Parmentier next time you have some potatoes."
"I don't know if you've ever tried a device like this to mash your potatoes."
"death by potatoes kind of strange exit but okay"
"Potatoes are going to save not only us individually, but I believe the planet."
"One of the slides... was just how beneficial potatoes are in curing Type 2 Diabetes."
"Did I buy 35 lbs of potatoes today heck yes I did they last a long time they taste great they're good with everything who doesn't love it."
"My signature dish is going to be steak and potatoes."
"The potatoes used in this bread continue to make a very white Wheaten loaf."
"Yukon gold potatoes... absolutely ideal for mashed potatoes."
"Potatoes are another fantastic option, they're micronutrient dense and they're very cost effective."
"A popular way of preparing creamy potatoes mashed, what is mashing?"
"Potatoes, as some of you might not know, were considered poison up until about 1771."
"It's nice the potatoes are cooked enough so that way."
"Maybe it's just me but I think a hill of freshly healed up row of taters is beautiful."
"It's amazing how many ways there are in the world to combine potatoes and eggs, and they all seem to hit a very similar satisfying, comforting note."
"I'm obsessed with potatoes. They're so filling and so satisfying and they're lower in calories per pound than all the other starches."
"One of the tricks to getting wonderful canned potatoes is you want them to soak in water."
"I've never been so excited about potato."
"The processing time of 40 minutes was based on the fact that the potatoes had been preheated for 2 minutes in boiling water."
"Potatoes are an amazingly versatile root."
"Reminds me of pasture lawn when he was growing potatoes he said there are so many different ways to do it but all that matters is at the end of the season you've got potatoes to harvest."
"Boston Market's mashed potatoes are my kind of potatoes."
"The potato diet, that's a real thing where you only eat potatoes."
"I've lost 45 pounds while eating potatoes. And if that doesn't blow the whole candy carbs and not lose weight deal out of the water, I'm telling you, I don't know what does."
"Until next time, make some potatoes and enjoy them. I mean, I can tell you're going to enjoy these."
"Americans have been eating more cooked potatoes the past few decades and that's why they're starting to grow."
"...the final study that really the final verdict was in this study that was published which looked at non-fried potatoes and found out that they do not raise blood sugar levels, they do not cause diabetes. In fact, just the opposite."
"Regular potato is the healthiest potato."
"It's just cheap for you to go up there and get our potatoes."
"Look at that, beautiful. And because these are those Yukon gold potatoes, they cook so easy. They don't take a lot to cook, you know? Especially when you cut them like this."
"Potatoes to me are so underrated. It's not just like a shelf-stable thing, it's really produce, and fresh potatoes are so delicious."
"These combine the ultimate of what a potato can be."
"Potatoes aren't hard to grow and boy they sure are good when they're homegrown out of your own garden."
"But unlike a computer, there were no chips or anything on the inside, just potatoes, brothers."
"Blanching removes all the moisture from the potatoes and allows them to crisp up more quickly."
"Using russet potatoes, particularly the russet Burbank kind, is the best choice for making super crispy fries."
"I knew I had a bag of potatoes somewhere."
"White potatoes still offer fiber, Vitamin B6, potassium, Vitamin C, and other vitamins, minerals and nutrients."
"So, with blanching, you can soak it. So, if you blanch potatoes, you can soak them in water, get some of the starch out, and then you can boil them. So, it's like two different ideas. I think you do it in hot water, then right into cold water."
"The potatoes are just the way to my heart."
"I feel like from the start to the end of potatoes, you don't have to start them inside, which is awesome."
"It's an amazingly delicious potato dish and very traditional for St. Patrick's Day."
"Well, you knew this one was coming! Potatoes are my third crop I recommend for a spring planting."
"Keep your potatoes in a cool dark place, that usually helps."
"My favorite food ever is a potato, so anything you can do with a potato, I'm going to be happy with."
"At its core, a potato is like the most bland food on the planet, but it's still the best food on the planet."
"Potatoes always understood the assignment."
"With potatoes, I can pretty much make anything: mashed potatoes, french fries, roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes."
"I'm just a fiend, like I'm a potato fiend, that's my favorite food."
"I have got the most delicious potatoes of my life in the oven."
"It turns a roast potato into a banging roast potato."
"When you're boiling potatoes for mashed potatoes, don't start them out in hot water; start them in cold water."
"I love potatoes; if that was the only food on this Earth, I'd be happy."
"Holy cow, the potatoes are amazing."
"I'm mad that smiley potatoes have existed my whole life and I haven't been eating them daily."
"What food could you not live without? Potatoes."
"Boiled potatoes landed in at number one for satiation per calorie."
"Potatoes are pretty awesome, from Peru all the way to Mars and beyond."
"It's delicious, I love the potatoes with the cheesy Mickey on them."
"Potatoes are a great way to have an inexpensive item that is so versatile."
"It's just the perfect side, it's just delicious potatoes with toppings, I love that, it's perfect."
"The secret to a roast potato is to get them really dry."
"Potatoes are the rocks of nature."
"I didn't know potatoes could be a dessert like this, this is incredible."
"Potatoes were the first vegetable to be grown in space."
"Potatoes are such a great source of vitamin C, potassium, resistance starch, fiber."
"People can say what they want about potatoes but you'll never be hungry after eating potatoes."
"I just don't get why people mess with potatoes; they're so perfect already."
"I think I like these better than au gratin potatoes, and I loved cheese."
"Potatoes are incredibly calorie dense and filling and at the time they provided the Irish people with all of the nutrients they needed to get through the working day."
"It's the best potatoes I tried in my life, so, so, so good, loved it a lot."
"Every kind of potato is pretty good except for boiled potatoes."
"Potatoes actually have five grams of protein per potato."
"I love potatoes, I eat more potatoes than any other human on earth and that I am confident in."
"We're going in with some potatoes, these are low-key one of my favorite things in the boil."
"Enjoy your beautifully made ribeye steak with mandolin scalloped potatoes."
"You're gonna have some of the best, tastiest potatoes that you can ever want."
"Look at these potatoes, that is exactly what I was wanting, that right there, see that crisp on those potatoes, that's going to go a long ways."
"Can we make vodka out of potatoes? Why, certainly."
"I do like starting with cooked potatoes to make fried potatoes; they get really really crispy that way in my cast iron pan."
"Growing potatoes is one of the easiest things that we can grow in our annual vegetable gardens; they are almost no maintenance."
"The potatoes are beautiful, crispy on the outside, hollow on the inside."
"I love potatoes. They're still filling, full of fiber and vitamin C."
"I'm being an advocate for potatoes because potatoes are good, so eat them."
"Steak and potatoes, it's gonna be tough for me to compete with that."
"We are gonna have so many potatoes."
"Speaking of potassium, potatoes are excellent."
"No steak can be more proud of the fruits of its land than Idaho is of its potatoes."
"Potatoes are pretty much the best vegetable in the world."
"Breakfast potatoes are the most underrated kind of potato."
"I baked up some potatoes in the oven and let them cool a little bit before I sliced them into wedges."
"This technique can also possibly contribute to you having one of the best potato crops you've ever grown."
"Jersey Royals are a type of which food? Potato."
"The tail is loaded with quality starch, which contributes to the depth of the potato's flavor."
"So for my new favorite potato recipe, you start by boiling the potatoes for one minute in water laced with baking soda."
"Spuds are a real crowd pleaser, and so is salmon."
"You gotta have cheese right, and then you gotta have the stars, that'll be the potatoes."
"You can survive and actually thrive on a diet that consists exclusively of nothing but potatoes, butter, and salt."
"I just love those little red potatoes and gold ones, they are delicious."
"I like the potatoes; they're soft, a nice touch."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my channel. Tonight we're gonna take a look at potatoes."
"You want to cook your potatoes until they're fork tender, that's when you can stick a fork in them and they come out with no problem."
"Potatoes for me are a comfort food, I love any type of potato."
"Potatoes are one of my vices. I love any and all potatoes."
"Potatoes are like probably my favorite food."
"This is my first time growing potatoes and I actually haven't invested that much money in it."
"We're going to grow these potatoes and we're going to eat these potatoes and we're going to love these potatoes."