
Presidential Influence Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The president didn't care about actually investigating the facts; he just wanted the Department of Justice to put its stamp of approval on the lies."
"Justice Department lawyers are not the President's personal lawyers. We count on them to be on the side of the law and to defend the best interests of the United States."
"The President of the United States is the country's biggest promoter of misinformation."
"History will rightly remember today's violence at the Capitol incited by a sitting president... as a moment of great dishonor and shame." - Barack Obama
"This is an opportunity now for presidential leadership... Victory Is Possible... hope is possible."
"The president wants to see these communities open."
"President would like churches to reopen and do it in accordance with the assignment provision of federal law."
"The American economy is booming because we have a president who believed in less taxes, less regulation, unleashing American energy, and free and fair trade."
"I always wonder why, how I even got promoted, because Obama chose me twice."
"Trump pushes the economy hard... because presidents with strong economies do not lose re-election." - Ben Shapiro
"If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."
"This kind of loot behavior is now being condemned by the president like that's culture War Victory like the one of the best we've seen."
"The words of a president matter absolutely no matter whether they're good, bad or indifferent."
"Biden's point: The words of the president matter, the behavior of the president matters."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"If you have a choice between a president who says we don't want you here, don't come, get out, and a president who says we don't have a crisis at our border, which language do you think people take more seriously?"
"Almost every candidate the president has endorsed has won their primary."
"More people are sick in America tonight because Donald Trump is president."
"I think everything has been made monumentally worse. Things were already getting really, really, really bad, but Trump definitely, like, ratcheted it up to new levels of unbelievable insanity."
"Mitt Romney, what happened today was an insurrection incited by the president of the United States."
"There is no American president since Lincoln that has had the impact for black America that President Trump has had."
"With my husband in The White House, there is nothing that we can't do together as a whole uniful nation."
"He's tried to influence cases where no other president has tried to exert that type of influence."
"It would appear that the president and those advising him are sufficiently convinced of the efficacy of zinc."
"He may think that he's running out of time. Maybe he thought he had more time when President Trump was in office. But he's running out of time."
"He not only pissed off Democrats, he not only pissed off Republicans, he changed the way that presidents communicate with the public."
"I want some of the tension to be released... I want a president I don't have to think about for a few weeks..."
"The White House is a bully pulpit and I think we ought to be pounding on the table every day."
"I mean, sure the American presidency may never be viewed quite the same way again, that whole esteem for the office thing."
"One of the things that we can now factor into the balance of harm to this country that is caused by having an openly racist president."
"Kennedy's call to action turned Apollo from backburner distant plan to NASA's technological focus."
"Many Senate Republicans who've been working hard to get an agreement are displeased with Trump's pressure campaign."
"That very blunt kind of accountability for a president does move the bureaucracy into action."
"The identity of the person who sits in the White House affects not just a citizen of the United States—it affects many other parts of the world."
"Our 81-year-old Catholic President used the first five minutes of his State of the Union to call for passing a law to restore Roe."
"President Trump gave us the strongest economy America has ever known."
"If the country really was over President Joe Biden... that is not what's happening."
"When gas prices come down, that's Joe Biden's credit."
"Donald Trump quite clearly and almost explicitly painted a Target on his vice president's back on January 6."
"Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history. Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land because of Donald Trump."
"President Donald Trump was the most pro-life president in American history and he deserves a lot of credit for them."
"The president's the most visible person in America. He sets the example."
"The Republican Party stands with still Donald Trump."
"After Trump left, now it's cooled down a little bit."
"President Donald John Trump will be able to appoint yet a third judge that respects and loves and honors the Constitution."
"But no line of pickets could tell the story to the president that the world was far more complex than their signs."
"It's a great day in the Republic. This is one of the great victories for Trump without firing a shot."
"President Trump has earned the support of America's pro-life community."
"He visited us because President Biden wanted him to come, and of course, he owes a great deal to President Biden."
"It was partly a reaction to Reagan that paves the way for Trump."
"The job of the president of the United States is to be a role model for our children and our grandchildren."
"President Donald Trump today moved the music industry into the 21st century."
"The words of the president matter, no matter who the president is."
"Biden is now the most pro-union president in a century."
"When Obama was in power I was called a conservative when Bush was in power I was called a liberal."
"The most impactful thing a president does is give the people confidence."
"The violence that happened here is inexcusable, was emboldened by the president, and has not been denounced by the president."
"Midterm elections are always tough for the party holding the White House; they are especially tough when the president's approval rating is sagging."
"There's never been a presidential church pro-life program like this."
"We tend to see higher job creation when there's a democrat in the white house."
"The ball now, of course, is in Biden's Court."
"The power of the president's pen connected decades of heartache from Uvalde and Buffalo back to Sandy Hook and Columbine."
"His presidency is a step backwards for race relations in America."
"President Trump came along and got you back in the workforce."
"Donald Trump has done more to advance the pro-life movement than any other president."
"Bolton is somebody who is close to the president. The president hired. And for Bolton to say this is going to be a hand grenade that could blowup, be careful, that is very, very significant." - Robert Reich
"We need to get Donald J Trump in there so he can clean house."
"We have to stay vigilant. These are really, really, really close and stressful times, and this current president can change the whole trajectory of America and take away freedoms from many, many, many different people if we're not careful."
"But I always pray, and I always felt like my president; that was always very important to me."
"The president sees this moment as an opportunity to redouble everyone's efforts in getting this legislation passed and move forward."
"President Trump may not have started the trade war. But will he be able to finish it?"
"As soon as Trump's tweet telling people to go home came out, the crowd started to disperse."
"People often blame the president for high gas prices, but is that reasonable?"
"What presidents say in this battle matters."
"The first informal power of the president is bargaining and persuasion."
"The presidency was a bully pulpit."
"The president has the chance to save tens of thousands of lives. I'm hopeful that he will seize this opportunity."