
African American Community Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Being a fighter is the greatest example a black man can show to another black man because so many people give up."
"Every record in the book. My administration has done more for the African Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln."
"Health disparities have always existed for the African-American community... it's shining a bright light on how it's unacceptable."
"This president has been the most pro-black president in my lifetime."
"We're going to look for ways that we can give African American businesses greater access to capital."
"We are the most successful black people in the entire world."
"There is nothing that the African-American community wants more than school choice."
"Black poverty levels are the lowest ever recorded in the history of our country."
"Lowest unemployment in African-American history."
"I think it's time to turn up the heat because the black vote is going to decide who is the next president of the United States."
"I really want to put this myth to rest that African Americans don't want to take the vaccine and they're afraid of it."
"African American youth unemployment has also reached the lowest level ever recorded in history."
"If you want to win elections, you have to invest in Black voters."
"The American Revolution had a lot of impacts on the African American community."
"I feel like the '90s was the decade for black people to thrive."
"A year later almost 30 million known infections have taken place and 526,000 people have died in the United States alone. A whole lot has changed, everything has changed."
"There is no American president since Lincoln that has had the impact for black America that President Trump has had."
"Black people are the most segregated people on the American continent... yet we still hesitate to drop our buckets where we are."
"African people in America have one of the world's largest economies."
"The Panic of 1873 struck the heart of the black community's collective identity and resilience, puncturing the belief in progress and the promise of a brighter future."
"This is a life-and-death election for black voters."
"Black people know the deal when it comes to the Republican Party."
"African American unemployment has reached its lowest rate ever recorded. African American poverty has reached its lowest rate ever recorded."
"We've just hit the absolute lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in the history of our country."
"We definitely need our African-American brothers and sisters. We want you to come over to the continent."
"Unemployment for African Americans is at the lowest level in history."
"If black people turn out at 65, 70, and 75% of our capacity we can sweep elections."
"This is about self-preservation for African-Americans... we have to take more control of our own destiny."
"You're playing games with black folks and I'm sick and tired after 50 some years in national politics."
"For decades, Democrat politicians betrayed African Americans. My administration is delivering for African Americans like never before."
"We support black businesses. They're African Americans who are doing amazing things in technology."
"Election cycles come and go, black empowerment is eternal."
"He has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50."
"I think my approach is actually going to be more successful in lifting up more black Americans."
"Bernie Sanders hands down is what black people need to be looking toward in terms of a campaign that can make a material impact on our lives and the lives of our people."
"Black voters, especially black women, are showing the absolute strength of the African-American vote."
"Black men in America, God is talking to you."
"We saw the lowest unemployment ever recorded for African Americans."
"There is more than one way to be black. But economically, this is a monolith, a wealthless group."
"I've done things that nobody else and I've said this and I say it openly and not a lot of people dispute it I've done for black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln nobody has even been close thank you for"
"For black Americans, I think one big part of the reality of the situation at hand is violent crime."
"African American poverty has plummeted to the lowest rate ever recorded."
"Jobs held by African Americans, which were hit especially hard by the shutdowns, increased by nearly 1 million over the past three months. And that's also a record."
"African-American people gave me my career. They gave me my break. They encouraged me and welcomed me. And that's how they are. Yes, the African-American community has incredible grace in the face of this cancerous hate. They're unbelievable."
"We will welcome African-Americans."
"Ebony is the number one source for an authoritative perspective on the multi-dimensional African-American community."
"For successful African Americans to come out here and feel comfortable, this was an oasis."
"We are looking to inspire and support healthy eating in the African American community with heritage as a motivator."
"Barack Obama did good things for black Americans."
"The African American poverty rate also reached a new record low in the history of our country."
"African-American unemployment has reached another all-time in history record low."
"Evangelicalism is detrimental to the black church."
"African American unemployment is at its lowest level ever recorded."
"Their mission is to help African-American students get into college and finish college."
"We need to look more holistically about the role that the historic black church has played."