
Institutional Change Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The goal here is just to get people held accountable, held responsible, so that big institutions... my focus was on individuals being held individually accountable because I thought that would be the most effective means of change."
"Juneteenth is a recognition that America's institutions changed and morphed and molded and adapted in order to be less racist."
"The new right is trying to answer that question by saying we have to upend the left's march to the institutions."
"We need times when we clear out institutions and allow new institutions to flourish and resources to be allocated to new agendas."
"I believe in massive institutional change and decentralization of power."
"You end up discovering a lot of times... that there are lots of other people in the institutional space who also were thinking, this shit is unacceptable."
"The Republican Party...doesn't really exist anymore as an institution."
"There were institutional powers that saw the pandemic as a pretext for transforming certain paradigms of governance."
"This is an institutional issue. This is why survivors need to unite."
"Yale has an opportunity to make changes and provide an example to the rest of the sector."
"This is just one more example of a Marxist takeover of another institution it's another nail in the coffin of the Canadian military."
"Congratulations on getting confirmed. Now, this will allow you to dismantle the post office."
"The destruction of major institutions that he brought about, you know."
"Policing is not an institution that can be reformed, it must be deconstructed."
"Choosing to embrace this fact will ultimately lead to a more powerful and coherent feminist presence."
"We have an entire political and media culture designed to destroy old institutions."
"The reality is that conformist woke ideology is taking over institutions."
"We need to talk about institutional change to how we envision policing."
"The only way that's going to change is through elected governments intervening in these institutions."
"We're breaking your power structure, El Salvador breaking your power structure."
"We are going to leave these institutions behind."
"We're like trying to transform the world right now institution by institution."
"The long march of the institutions: a change in cultural revolution."
"We've had 20 years of that and nothing much has changed...the power and authority to engage on this issue is moving away from institutions like this and back onto the streets."
"It's indicative of authoritarianism which is creeping up insidiously into our institutions of power."
"There's a genuine defiance towards the mega church, celebrity church infrastructure that I think needs to be done away with at this level."
"The ACLU used to defend civil liberties... now they defend racism at Harvard."
"Converse College stands poised at the present to transform itself into something other than what it has been."
"Starmer learned how to be an insider and make change happen within an institution."
"Through his integrity and right action, he inspires positive change and reformation in both the institution and in the lives of others."
"For an institution and family so steeped in Tradition change is coming regardless of whether they want it."
"Oppressive institutions don't change just because you enter them."
"We need an institutional mechanism to create more Subramanian Swamys."
"We're no longer going to let the bad actors of the world run these institutions. We have to reform them."
"We need to get away from just thinking about the individuals. It's properly acknowledging the institutional nature of the problems and tackling those."
"A Way Forward is to change our institutions."
"I think we need to slim down the monarchy for a start."
"If we see it in medicine or the universities or the corporations, we've got to fight."
"Taking steps to sort of modernize the academy."
"Getting rid of the filibuster would fundamentally transform this institution and this country."
"We take the power away from these institutions."
"We have the power to change our institutions."
"The Church is in a disturbed period of self-criticism or what would better be called self-demolition."
"Moving forward, we should come together around a set of institutional changes that foster and promote bipartisanship."
"Stanford selling out is the turning of the oil tanker because it showed that one woman had the courage to stand firm."
"Collectively challenge the discourse and reshape the Marine Institution for the better from the inside."
"What have conservatives actually conserved? Leftists have taken over or undermined traditionally conservative institutions."
"This is not harmless this is about taking one of the last institutions we have."
"The court in effect limits itself over time by new appointees coming on and grabbing the pendulum and Swinging it back."
"...it's better to stay inside and change the, you know, change the institution..."
"One of the prerequisites is to extend the time horizons of institutions from quarterly or yearly to five years or 10 years or 20 years."
"I have a lot of hope for institutions... it's like, understand the institution and slowly, revolutions from within versus revolutions from the doubt."
"We need deep institutional and structural transformation."
"What it has never been is an anxious, jealous traditionalist preservation and curation of an unchanging institutional, cultural or confessional heritage."
"Thus, it is vital to practice a multi-faceted approach to the public health field and address institutional health disparities."
"If we do not create continuous opportunities to actualize different ways of knowing and being and expressing in institutional spaces, we're not doing this work."
"The Renaissance was evolutionary in character but revolutionary in goals, aiming to displace earthly elites, especially the church, to empower the individual."
"Abolition means getting rid of the institution of slavery as a whole."
"My hope is that in examining the historical and contemporary legacies of scientific and medical racism, we can build scientific and medical institutions that no longer reinforce racial injustice, prejudice, and discrimination, but instead work actively to dismantle them."
"The Supreme Court of the United States... its composition, its structure has been changed since the founding of the country."
"International institutions need to continually adapt and change to reflect the reality of the current state of global affairs."
"People absolutely, from an institutional infrastructure level, have to address historical injustices."
"The end is near for the United Methodist Church, at least as we have known it."
"Religion becomes not just an institution but it becomes a more private and emotional affair from this point of time onwards."
"We do need to change these institutions to accommodate these two most important rising powers."