
Likelihood Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"The evidence collected so far suggests this conclusion is more likely than the alternatives."
"Ninety-nine out of a hundred times kid goes missing, the kid is with a parent or relative."
"Given the sheer size of the cosmos and the fact the primary ingredients of life such as carbon are in such abundance, it seems far more likely there are aliens out there than not."
"A history of enslavement is most likely true."
"It's not a hole, it's a contrivance. Winning the lottery isn't nonsensical, it's just unlikely."
"Success is a possible outcome. Is it the most likely outcome? No."
"If you take a knife out, you are more likely to use it."
"How likely is that to happen? We could not have foreseen that."
"Improbable does beat impossible in terms of likelihood."
"I think that actually might be likely."
"The simplest answer is usually the most likely."
"From a mathematical point of view it's extremely likely actually."
"The most obvious, simplest explanation is the most likely explanation."
"What's stopping them from making it? If it makes money, baby, it's gonna happen."
"The ball will fall to it I mean there's gonna he's the kind of out of all the defenders in the game you say he's the most likely to get a brace right"
"Timmy is the one that is most likely to come back."
"I think this is one of the most likely in this whole review period."
"History is much more likely to repeat itself than not."
"I do think that we are actually very likely to get visited by aliens, alien intelligence quite soon."
"The simplest explanation is often the most likely explanation for something."
"Not only is there a possibility that aliens exist, I think it's becoming more and more likely that aliens exist."
"This series is all about making the unlikely likely."
"Perhaps the most exciting option of the bunch and probably the most likely of them all."
"The reality then of trying to get it past that to see this blowup is slim to none. 99% of them will never reach their full potential."
"No matter how many how large the space of all events is, I can pick an unlikeliness so that none of those events are likely to happen."
"I think the odds are pretty high."
"...so much more likely than the east coast."
"Where there's smoke there is fire."
"I think in all likelihood, it will be the Kawasaki that goes."
"Recovery is absolutely possible. It's even likely."
"There is a substantial likelihood that we're not alone in the universe."
"Intention does make a difference to how likely you are to do it."
"I think you're in with a good shout."
"Probability is a measure of the likelihood of an event to occur."
"You're making it more likely that you're going to do the things that you want to do."
"It is highly likely to be approved as written. Most of the commentary and the smart people that have looked at this don't really see a lot of opportunities for this to be changed materially."
"The odds are just astronomically low."
"It's overwhelmingly likely that you will eventually see born rule statistics."
"It is unlikely he will ever be released."
"It's very likely he had a stroke."
"The possibilities for psychic types are endless, but some are more likely than others."
"The simpler the better and more likely the case."
"What's far more likely to happen? This is your future."
"It's not completely out of the realm of possibility."
"Just because every configuration is possible doesn't make it equally likely."
"The likelihood of an occult endometrial carcinoma in the setting of a hysterectomy done for fibroids is very, very low."
"Unlikely things can happen. The less likely it is, the more robust your answer is."
"So there's our three probabilities."
"For me, Occam's Razor on this, the corruption and the malice does seem to be the most likely explanation."
"It's still within the realms of possibility."
"I think that the ability to do magic is way less likely than the ability to travel faster than life even if the ability to travel faster than light is still super duper unlikely."
"I absolutely love it and I do think parts of it are very likely."
"It's a high likelihood that this is the biological child of those two individuals."
"...it's not very implausible that this tendency would exist..."
"It was obviously not likely to be enough, but in itself it was a generous act."
"I think this is probably very likely true."
"It's not impossible, but it's hella improbable."
"Probability refers to the chance of something occurring or happening."
"The most realistic and likely explanation"
"In fact, many famed thinkers such as Elon Musk and Neil Degrasse Tyson think it’s more likely than not."
"I think it's well within the realm of reasonability... I expressed that to him yesterday... everybody wants clay back... I think we can contend and compete..."
"I think very, very high likelihood... can't imagine a scenario where he's not back... he's signed up under contract..."
"The simplest solution is highly the most probable answer."
"There are things that we think are really unlikely, but in fact, they're much more likely."
"I think it would be more like more likely that you would uh get uh a a lower number uh"
"Theory is imperfect, is it likely? Okay, yes. Is it less than ideal? Obviously."
"This person wants to be able to date again, it's not gonna happen."
"The most likely diagnosis is listed first."
"Josh Keaton is really likely to be around."
"That widens the field to three," said Poirot thoughtfully. "But Parker is the most likely."
"The probability for blue is 0.05, and it's the same for green."
"If you liked what you heard here, make sure you check out our courses in the description below."
"Everyone is welcome to their own priors but not to their own likelihoods."
"Most likely this thing totally works."
"The simplest explanation is most likely."
"The most likely outcome for anybody who is alive right now is that nothing like that happens in our lifetimes."
"Now they have state-of-the-art likelihood."
"It's not likely it's ever going to happen again but it's absolutely a possibility."
"Criticizing Hassan is just about as doable as criticizing PewDiePie. Yeah, I have just about as much likelihood of reaching Hassan with my criticisms as I would PewDiePie, frankly."
"It increases the likelihood that the sop is going to be implemented, it's going to be performed."
"You have to have a theory. You have to ideally have multiple theories and then weigh them against the evidence and sort of vary your assessment of how likely they are."
"Chad was also included as a possible contributor to that mixture and that mixture is greater than 700 billion times more likely if it originated from Chad Amato and one unrelated individual than from two unrelated individuals."
"He's got a high likelihood of making a par."
"Of all the emergencies to get ready for, a basic short-term power outage is probably most likely to occur."
"Good evidence for something I should think is evidence which points to one particular cause as the most likely or only possibility."
"If you want a success scenario, that's the one that I think is the most likely."
"The availability heuristic: a good way to determine how likely something is to happen."
"Most dogs really are good dogs; being attacked by a dog is incredibly unlikely."
"If you can get to the starting line, you have a high likelihood of getting to the finish line."
"Probability... describes how likely something is to occur."
"The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it is that that event will occur."
"It's much more likely that if you do nothing, nothing will happen."
"If we are able to create a simulation, then the chances that we are in one greatly increases."
"Probability is the likelihood an event will occur."
"If you're sort of looking for happiness, you're just more likely to find it."
"Probability measures the likelihood of an event."
"The idea in maximum likelihood is then fairly simple: we try to find as the best estimate of our parameter values those parameter values that give us the highest possible likelihood."
"Probability is the measurement of how likely something is to happen."
"Date somebody on likelihood of realization and what I mean by that, look at the resume."
"When you have something happening and their probabilities, when probabilities multiply, that gets smaller and smaller."
"If this video gets 75 views, there's a 99.9% chance that someone will have the same birthday as you."
"Likelihood is proportional to a probability but it is not quite a probability."
"You can't know how likely something is when you find something out unless you know how likely it was beforehand."
"Unfortunately, a woman who's been a victim of assault is going to have a greatly likelihood of being assaulted again because her body language, her entire countenance, her demeanor is one of insecurity and vulnerability."
"Probabilities measure the likelihood of something happening."
"We're just as likely to be happy as anyone."
"We need to focus and continue to study all hypotheses but with the focus on the ones that are by far the most likely."
"Probability is the measure of the likelihood that a particular event will happen."
"I think it's very likely we'll see Dominic back on TV."
"As long as we have a prior probability and as long as we can compute the likelihood, we're able to compute the posterior probability."
"A higher value for the probability means an event is more likely to take place and a lower value for the probability means the event is less likely to take place."
"When you set yourself up, you're far more likely to be successful."
"If your probability of something happening exceeds 50 percent and keeps getting higher, that event is clearly more likely to happen."
"Quite to the contrary, we are vastly less likely to die of war as an individual now."
"The probability density function represents the relative likelihood that the variable takes a specific value."
"It is at least as likely as not that the Hypertension is caused by the sleep apnea."
"It's as likely as not or more likely than not that the veteran can't work due to service-connected disabilities."
"Meta-learning is trying to optimize for a set of meta-parameters that maximized the likelihood of those parameters."
"Our goal is to find the value of Theta that is most likely after we have seen the data."
"On balance of probability, something is highly probable or highly improbable."
"It's very likely to find their DNA on duct tape that was attached to a person."
"That DNA profile was at least one quintillion times more likely to occur if it originated from Amy Harwick and Gareth Pursehouse than if it originated from Amy Harwick and an unknown individual."
"If the outcomes are equally likely, then the outcomes in the sample space diagram are equally likely."
"Logistic regression does not have the concept of residuals; instead, it uses something called as maximum likelihood."
"The larger an animal is, the more easily it will fossilize."
"Probability as a theory deals with predicting the confidence or likelihood for future events."
"Probability is a number between zero and one that a stated event will occur."
"If an action leads to a situation that is better than expected, that action will become more likely."
"The likelihood function represents the likelihood corresponding to the unknown parameter H."
"Probability is a numerical measure of the likelihood that an event will occur."
"I think she's the most likely winner at this point."
"The probability for the biscuits being not same is 0.584."
"The more likely a quantum process is to take place, the faster its rate."
"Every time you imagine yourself doing something you've never done before, you rate that possible future as more likely to actually happen."
"Using Bayes opens up other possibilities that we just didn't have when we stuck with maximum likelihood."
"If all events are equally likely, the probability of event A is the number of occurrences that are in favor of A divided by your total outcomes."
"If you enjoy something, you're going to be a hundred percent more likely to put in all your effort."
"We're trying to find the most likely explanation of the relationship between Y and X."
"Financial gains are more than likely."
"The time is right for soulmate connections, birth of a child also is likely."
"That asymptomatic transmission cannot be ruled out and transmission from mildly symptomatic individuals is likely."
"The more you do the analysis, the more likely it is that you can make the right decision."
"The more you believe in yourself, the more likely it is that you're going to be successful."