
Pet Quotes

There are 1000 quotes

"This poor old man lost everything when his house burned down, but somehow he was still happy. That's because he saved the one thing that meant most to him in the entire world, his cat."
"Do you see him? He's like upside down. Oh my god, stop, easy wee boy. Oh, he's so happy to be out. Oh my god, he's so happy."
"My cat very uncharacteristically jumped at me climbed on top of my shoulder and started hissing and growling."
"Champ was everything. I don't have kids, and so Champ, I got Champ when he was actually six weeks old. I spent every day with Champ. We ran in the Hills every day, and he was everything."
"Here have a picture of Birdie that was just taken today."
"My family rescued Maya, and she's very special to me."
"He is the best dog ever... he's got the BDE."
"Sometimes a pet is not just a pet, it's a spy."
"He's lost that habit and now we're inseparable. Is he a good boy or the best boy?"
"I'm so thankful for my dog and he will always be my hero."
"She was alone with only one companion, her poodle named Cindy."
"Thank you very much again for calling and finding my dog."
"Her dog had jumped off the bed and hit her... The nose of her dog hit her in the neck."
"I always wanted her to have a good senior years of her life."
"She also introduced her big-nosed pig tonkatsu."
"Piglet is legit our life, that is our baby, that is our child."
"This is my dog Roger and he hasn't seen his family in over a year."
"It's your Christmas collar, oh who's a handsome boy?"
"I'm so happy Howie likes snuggly after all."
"I had an extremely similar reaction when I finally got home and came in to see my dog's body wiggling excitedly, proudly displaying his flamingo toy for me as a welcome gift."
"Fred the snook is a beast, he's pretty much my dock pet."
"My whole family missed him but to me it felt like part of me left when Duke did."
"Neighbor is raising hell over my non-existent pet bird."
"I named her Ellie. It took me a really long time to figure out what to name her."
"I swear she's here guys look she's so cute."
"That's what my cat sounds like when I don't give it cheese."
"Fanny, did you get that? Baby girl is so inspirational."
"I love my cat so much, so much more than anything in the whole wide world."
"That cat was a part of your family and most importantly he was your son's beloved pet for seven years."
"Well, of course, I don't resent attacks, and my family don't resent attacks. But Fala does resent it."
"Most of it based upon his cuteness but my man's got his own chair i mean movies snacks and drinks off phone pokemon battling my man has got it made."
"Smells like a good morning, Snowflake."
"My whole dream, my whole life was to name a dog Scout."
"It's all about inclusion... but instead they finally allowed me to have a photo of my cat."
"I think I'm gonna make the best catio."
"My catio is finished, it is made out of wood, it is sturdy."
"Please tell me you wouldn't die for this puppy."
"This is a chill pill dog toy if your puppy needs to chill give them this toy."
"Guess what? We are finally getting a dog."
"She snuggles up with me on the couch and uh she's the best."
"Stella was trying so hard to jump onto the bed it was so adorable."
"Now, that's my little slime kitchen, he eats noodles all day."
"You should see the way his nose lights up when he gets a treat."
"Good boy come on come on be a good boy."
"You're not a pet, you're a lover."
"Isn't he cute? Yes, I'll uh, you know, I got him right. I'll do eight dollars on that."
"This doggie is absolutely fabulous."
"Rocket, we love you very much and we're happy you're alive."
"You're enough for me, puppy. I love you so much."
"Oh, he's so cute, he loves it outside."
"You're my puppy and I love you with all my heart."
"My favorite product that I've discovered recently is the Chuckit, which you use to whip a ball for your dog like a quarter mile."
"Dogs are known for their loyalty, and Puff is no exception."
"You are not just a pet, you are everything. There is more to your story, to our story, and I wish more than anything to tell it but I can't, not yet at least. Do you understand?"
"Thumper likes the quilt. He says he approves, so he's on it."
"She's a member of the family and deserves her own space."
"The dog is family; hell, the dog's been more of a family to you than your brother."
"Chowder's squeaky days are behind him."
"Thank you to Alfie for giving us your love, joy, and humor and making us smile every day for the 15 years we had to enjoy you."
"Look at the tricks that my pet Johnny can do."
"Best vacation ever, apart from the dog. Best holiday ever."
"One of my boundaries is don't mess with my cat."
"I love you, Pesto. I love you, buddy."
"Hey Wally you want to do some tricks you want to do tricks wall yeah good boy."
"Your reward is a chance to see my dog Arya."
"I thought I would introduce you to my little Goldy girl."
"She's my baby. I love her to pieces."
"My dog died a couple years ago, yeah, a few years ago."
"Roger, you look dashing. You guys look how cute Roger has been using this tuft and paw window hammock."
"Can you imagine bringing your pet to a mall only to then have someone literally try to steal it from you? Like seriously, I think I would lose my mind if someone tried that on me. There's no way that's gonna happen in the slightest."
"That is a crazy situation! Trying to take someone else's pet, especially a service animal, is unbelievably disgusting. She absolutely deserved to go to jail."
"What a good boy. What a good boy."
"Get a dog and if you are allergic get a cockapoo because they are hypoallergenic."
"Hearing the commotion, Janette rushed over to find her beloved pet looking pitiful and innocent."
"I got a new puppy! Nova is her name, and she's a poodle. When I saw her at Walmart, I knew I had to bring her home. She's just too cute to resist!"
"Guys, we just gave her a treat and she actually, like, didn't know what it... she's got energy now, she slept the whole way on my chest."
"He sleeps by me every single night and I don't mean he has a dog bed in my room like on the floor, no, I mean he sleeps cuddled up by me literally on my lap every single night."
"...my cat learned to fetch and hugs my arm for attention."
"This is Luna, the trail dog. You can follow her Instagram. She's, uh, yeah, she's well good at biking and shreds trails."
"If you guys could please pray for my dog, his name is Mophie, he's the best ever."
"That is a really good dog, good girl."
"It was really sad saying goodbye to my dog."
"Oh, these are cool. I love you. I love you, boy. Have you been a good boy for Christmas?"
"I know rats were bred to be food, so I didn't even think I would even get the full two years with them [natural lifespan], but I got 3 and a half."
"Look, Nico! We love you, Chip, and you're a puggy big sister now!"
"Good thing we went to Walmart and got this cage because he's literally... This guy is... Hold on. Let me put his food in here. This guy is a whole nother... We don't know if it's a boy or a girl because he's so wild that he's not letting us look at his privates."
"Bella is my freaking massive sausage of a blue tongue skink."
"They really try to showcase your pet's features... It's like artistry."
"I named her West Side Story. She's a toddler but she's a woman, she's just a miniature baby woman."
"Bro, this dude is risking losing 25 percent of your life right now for the cat bro."
"I literally named my cat Raja after Aladdin."
"I love him. I literally fall asleep hugging him."
"He was the most, it was a dog with the most personality that I've ever seen in my life."
"Come here, little weirdo. You're mine."
"Mac is my favorite dog in the entire world there will be no better dog than Mac."
"This could be an affordable solution for those who don't want to take care of a living dog. It's gonna be expensive. It's a robot."
"Pepper hunkered down into the basket as I pedaled down the boardwalk ramp."
"But the most tragic loss to them was their beloved dog Jack."
"My dog is so bougie, y'all, like she loves human food."
"Tibby, my Tibby, your blood may be cold, but I know that your heart burns as hot as a coal."
"He genuinely is so cute... he is the perfect addition to our little family."
"I didn't even have a fish since my childhood. I'mma name him Ronaldo, my first fish."
"If you treated your pet like you treat your man, your neighbors would call the police on you."
"Kitty you'll never be alone, I'm kidding and I miss you every time I'm away. I love you, kitty, with all my heart."
"You're being such a good boy. Look at my handsome boy."
"It makes me happy when I see Berkeley walking next to my side."
"At last, it looks like Toby's turned the corner and won a reprieve for life. He's so much calmer, which has made a lot of difference to our family and our life. I really do like him. He won't go anywhere now, he's staying."
"Good boy, are you doing your makeup?"
"'I'm serious. Her name is Goldie. She's coming home with me as we speak.'"
"The cat chills outside of Pink Palace's apartment."
"Everybody say bye to Doge, he's just such a good boy. Bye, Doge, bye."
"Is the neon day gecko the best pet lizard for you?"
"You were our fluffy little guy, but you were ready to fly."
"This is Jacques he's our Great Pyrenees."
"Goodbye Odie, we love you, you're everyone's favorite."
"that dog is like another family member in the house and she doesn't get to dictate. Hey, I want this kid out of my house. This dog is like a kid to me. Send him to a freakin' baby shop down the road. They can deal with him for two weeks."
"Well, in a way…we thought of you almost as a very superior pet."
"Luna right there, nice little orange belly."
"Man whose dog runs off regrets calling him 'River'."
"He's a healthy puppy guys, he's such a good boy."
"Voiceover for hand sewing a dress. Hi puppy!"
"It's a fish, yes sir, on the goldfish, baby."
"Remember, this is not just a dog, this is Marlene's baby."
"...leave Kibby in the comments if you like her new fish."
"I've never seen a look on my dog's face like that before—purely terrified."
"This is a $40 pleco in the pet store. It's called The l56 Chubby pleco."
"Fergus is definitely a cuddler he always has been he's a super cuddly dog."
"Fergus might be 7 months old, he might be 65 lbs, but he's a lap dog."
"Our journey in England and the UK with our dog is just beginning, so this is going to be a fun and interesting challenge."
"A study reveals that 54% of American dog owners are willing to end their relationship if their dog doesn't like their partner."
"He's a good boy he's a sweet boy."
"So, any way you want to slice it, Luna is my soul dog."
"Now the baby has a bunny named Fluffy."
"Tika needs a little bit too, huh? Do you want some catfish?"
"I'm gonna have a pet cheetah. I sleep with this cheetah every night."
"Tired of throwing the ball for your furry friend on repeat? Get ready to take fetch to the next level with eye retriever, the safest and most convenient dog ball launcher on the market."
"I've had my dog literally chewing on this thing while I've been doing this review, and it's held up to all that abuse."
"This person has put their dog on social media successfully and now they're profiting from their dog's popularity in shout outs. 15 bucks per shout out, freaking brilliant, guys."
"We've just had him a couple of days, but he's just like one of the family."
"He winks at her and rolls onto his back, allowing Coraline to scratch the fur on his belly."
"Good morning guys, I don't know if you can hear him purring."
"My dog is in this car right here, oh my gosh!"
"The Caucasian Shepherd will look after you, he will man up and be alpha over you and your family."
"we got an SOS for Mark saying to come home because the puppy was causing some turmoil in the house."
"I just got my younger dog some hemp treats because she's very anxious."
"My favorite beast in the whole world, my sow Misery."
"The tiger is the best pet from the pet pairs hands down."
"The pet pairs definitely have to be my favorite overall."
"Has anyone ever told you you're the neediest dog in the history of needy dogs?"
"She's a super cute, energetic, fun little loving dog."
"I'm scared about it because my 13 year old yorkie went missing, she vanished into thin air."
"I just thought it was kind of cute. It's a little cup. It says puppuccino."
"Works great fools my mom. She thinks it's a real dog."
"They'll cuddle you, make real puppy sounds, and even eat like real puppies too."
"I always felt like he was like my child. He was always with me when people were like, 'Oh, is that your kid?' and I'm like, 'I'm [__]. Oh my God, he's always been more like my child to me than anything.'"
"I just love to fawn over raymond my actual baby."
"Oh, what a good boy! And Pippin as well."
"Nothing can come in the house without first getting Lorenzo approved."
"Ah, that little piglet is looking at me. I think I'll call him Thomas."
"New dog just dropped chat spam the chat below with dog emojis."
"You don't need to go to the groomers, Chipolata. You've only got one little curl."
"Look at my mooch, look how beautiful she is."
"Oh, Lulu, I think somebody's very pleased to have you home."
"Morning, Gee. He's always the one who gets fed first. Lucky chap."
"He's just a cutest little bear. I literally just don't want to leave his side."
"My poor little baby girl she's buried back there in a polish tub box respect best cat ever."
"Would you look at that! Our little puggy superstar!"
"I have spent literal years of my life where the possibility that I would have to put my dog down was my absolute greatest fear."
"For a dog to have a family that loved it and live with the people it loved Enzo had no regrets in this lifetime."
"I would turn the world over to find my dog."
"I love this couch, covered it up with a blanket recently because having a black cat means getting black fur on everything."
"Once upon a time there was a Teensy tiny pug called tots"
"This obviously would not be a proper goodbye without my son. He's getting groomed in a couple of days. Yay."
"...I started to panic and dropped the lead and in full stupid dog mode Cass ran off in the direction of our house..."
"We almost always brought June's dog Bo and he was always useful to keep creeps away due to his size as he was a bloodhound."
"Lexi curled up by my feet at the edge of the sofa before I drifted off."
"My beautiful perfect pug is the only thing I will devote my attention to."
"We're like literally don't even go outside cuz like people walk the lake and stuff and so it's just like laa has so many people come up to her every day and we're just like Nala is so popular in our neighborhood."
"Moving on to this cutie, this is Tata."
"I love Flynn so much it makes me cry every single day it feels like my heart's gonna explode."
"We came home, went immediately out to shop for Rexy Noodle's birthday."
"Now, if we can just find where... Oh Luna, my sweet baby girl, I'm so sorry. I'll never replace you, no matter what."
"You told me the only action you were getting on Valentine's Day was snuggling up to your gay cat Smokey."
"Benny and I will bid you adieu and he's got to be 10 years old this coming Easter so he's doing quite well. Thanks for your prayers, it kept him going through his bout of cancer that he had over two years ago now. Thank you so much for watching and God bless."
"And you thought I forgot though of course we're gonna close out the video with not 10 but 20 seconds of tales the cutest Shiba Inu in the world the number one doge the dogest coin of doge's."
"Pingu was an Indian stray dog. He followed me to my home. Time ran fast for him, and soon he was an oldie."
"He killed his wife over a duck, he had a pet duck, and he loved it."
"Sandy wasn't my property and wasn't treated like he belonged to me. Sandy was a member of the family, my best companion, and my truest friend."
"There'll never be a dog that will fill the void Sandy left in my life."
"You're so lucky now, Fedora loves you so much."
"Well, hello, good morning. Okay, glow plug should be warm now. Good girl."
"Queen Menchie, she is not a queen, she is a princess."
"I'm never gonna have to buy mystery snails again, no never."
"The dog had a life that was too good, the dog didn't appreciate being in the family."
"The new paint we chose matches Rex's old side."
"He's pretty proud of himself, so I guess we're gonna give you a bath instead of going home for the night."
"It's Marley, she can't do anything."
"I love that cat. It's the only thing I get to kiss goodnight."
"The love and you know that that pet had a special unique relationship with the person that you broke up with just like they have with you."
"We hatched these two marginated tortoises ourselves in 2015, and our friend Paul, who had to give these animals up, raised them from little itty-bitty babies."