
Personal Work Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I don't want anybody else to own anything I create."
"The most important work you will ever do is on you."
"At some point in the distant future, a lot of the work that I've put out now is going to have an impact."
"Every piece of work that I've created is like my baby."
"I basically agree with Jordan's premise that life is tough, there's a lot of suffering, and you gotta do the work to get out of it."
"Time alone doesn't heal a damn thing. Healing is not a time thing, it's a work thing."
"To see what you're working on while you're working on it, that's freedom."
"There's a cornucopia of blessings coming in when you do the work. You're going to be very thankful."
"The profound intelligence within my own work... layers of intelligence is present in my own work that I didn't even recognize."
"This is self-love, putting in a lot of work towards yourself."
"When you've done enough work, the universe starts working for you."
"I'm seeing a lot of peace and calm for you guys to be working on this."
"His secret paintings, known as the midnight paintings, were made for more emotive and leisure goals."
"Putting in the work is what will get you the healing."
"Higher frequencies will always catch up with you when you don't put in the work."
"It's like this is your grand like your career's work, this is your manifesto, your masterpiece."
"If you do that internal work, things will shift in the world around you."
"For my own personal work, I think it's really important to do these sorts of exercises to break you out of your comfort zone."
"I regard my new book and not this course as the definitive statement of Objectivism."
"I've been really inspired by all the people that are just constantly working on themselves."
"It gives you anxiety, so no matter what words, no matter how much logic I give you unless you were willing to do the work to unwind that neurological pattern."
"It's my body of work, it's like my baby, so it was just necessary to have no features and properly introduce myself."
"As for me, I'm gonna head back home and start doing a little bit more work on my own stuff, I hope you guys enjoyed today's shop tour with Matt and Jim, and we'll see you all soon, bye guys."
"For my own personal work and for the sheer enjoyment of the process of photography, I really think that an M lens or a mechanical lens on a camera with a viewfinder as good as the SL2 is just something that you really should consider."
"You will know, I believe, if you should go or stay once you've done the work for you on you."
"You have to do the work, actual work, if you want to heal."
"We have to be able to do is see in others what we have disconnected from within ourselves and do the work to start expressing those traits."
"It's really my most honest piece of work."
"This is art; I'm expressing my art and my creativity here."
"It's about you doing that work on yourself."
"Thank yourself from the most sincere level of your awareness for being here doing this work right now."
"Work which grows beautiful under one's own hands is truly a pleasure."
"To awaken is really to love ourselves enough to do the work that no one else can do for us."
"Best stuff to come from him will be the stuff that he makes in his own time for his own reasons."
"That time period actually forced me to do the kind of work that changed my life."
"These are my babies, you know, like this is my legacy."
"I have a lot more freedom doing my own stuff."
"I love this painting right here, I absolutely love it, and this is the kind of thing I would have normally been doing in my Sketchbook."
"If you have learned to generate inner peace, you've done your inner work."
"Please do not let this one moment define what you think about me and the work that I'm doing."
"Inking my own work just gives me more control."
"Stop loving me, my sophomore album is almost out; it's gonna be out on August 18th."
"Create really good and interesting personal work and make sure that people can find it on social media."
"It aligns more closely with the use cases and priorities of our personal work than any other camera out there."
"The more I put myself in my work, the more it resonated with people."
"Cultivating inner peace is a job that we can manage within ourselves."
"I needed to put my head down and work on me because I've spent so many years being dependent on other people and choosing to love other people so that I didn't have to put in the work to love myself."
"It's the first thing that I've done that it's really just me and from me."
"It's one of my favorite pieces that I've done."
"They're doing inner work right now because they want to heal."
"I have so much work I have to do on myself."
"Investing in our own healing is the work we have to do."
"I started to view 'The Hummer' as a very important piece of work for me."
"I'm still kind of happy with how this one turned out; I like this one."
"These artists release their own compilations of their personal artwork."
"Let your patience have perfect work."
"You just don't know when it's going to happen... you just need to do the work on yourself."
"Some of the best animation I have ever done right here."
"You working on your own is like the cycle is ending because you operate from a place of love."
"Some people will hate the stuff I do and that's fine, some people will really like it, I've got a lot of good comments and I really appreciate the support."
"The antidote to shame is self-love, is acceptance, and that is what I'm working on right now."
"With personal work, it's pretty awesome because you don't get any restrictions."
"My personal work is very personal to me, so that's why I love doing it so much."
"It's all my own opinions and work, and I would never do anything on behalf of anyone else anyway."
"I've been away from social media for some time, been busy with my own work."
"Somebody wants to work on this; somebody's doing some work on themselves."
"You've done so much work when it comes to self-love."
"Something that you've been working on inside is about to come out."
"As you're healing with intention and doing the work that you need to do for you, it is actually creating that positive uplifting supportive energy to facilitate changes in the relationships that you're having with others."
"It's your work you can do whatever the heck you want with it and if it makes you happy then that's what's important."
"The reward for doing the work, a reward for going in and dealing with your demons and working on you."
"You've done a lot of work on your inner strength to tame that inner rage, inner lion inside."
"This person is working super hard to right the wrongs, learn the lessons, close down cycles, get their house in order before they come back towards you."
"Now is that time for the inner work, but it's liberation."
"They realize that they need to work on themselves in order to be in a relationship."