
Personal Admission Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"I ain't afraid. I mean, I'm a little okay, I'm terrified, let's be honest."
"I scare easily...and there's probably a whole bunch of other people who feel the same."
"I've made some really bad decisions but a lot of people make mistakes."
"People can even like admit that they like to smoke weed because it makes them less stressed out."
"I'm a workaholic and people say oh you work all the time it's what it's why I do it."
"Trisha did in fact have a tanning addiction even though she already admitted that the whole thing was fake."
"I think now is the time. I mean I saw Carol make a video... and I think you know... I don't want to put my dad on blast here... but I do want to say that I don't believe my dad... I don't believe my dad is a bad person."
"I get totally out of control when I have a crush and I suppose if you were to phrase it so insensitively then I guess you could call me a stalker."
"I didn't even mention it on my social media other than providing you with the wrong link."
"Anyone can be scammed, and that includes me."
"By definition, that is an addiction. And I know it is because I'm gonna say unquestionably I'm a food addict."
"This level scared me, dude. I'm not gonna lie."
"I just want to tell you that I suffer from really bad anxiety."
"Some of the things I've talked about, I've been right. I admit it, I'm a little bit bombastic."
"I'm terribly sorry that I didn't do it earlier."
"I was not a good student. I wasn't paying attention, I learned nothing."
"I'm not like admitting an uncomfortable truth there or something."
"I try my best to be super nerds just like all of you."
"Sometimes I feel attracted to other... come on Travis, it's not all about you being gay."
"It's natural to think that working harder yields better results but sometimes that's not the case. I personally like doing less work. I am lazy as [ __ ]."
"I think it's important to read, but I have a secret. Most of the time I'm reading through my ears using Audible."
"Maybe I wasn't the girl for you and I meant that."
"I officially stand corrected... Maybe not as a PR stunt, maybe as someone who drives for a living."
"Normally, at this point, I am usually nine cocktails in, coming into this thing hot."
"It's okay to admit that I'm 19 and I've never been kissed."
"I'm not a good boyfriend. But I'm a great father."
"I definitely do get a certain high from it. There's a little gremlin inside of me that thinks, just say something shocking."
"You think we're just a couple idiots who don't know [ __ ], you're right too."
"I'm delighted to discover that I have been wrong and to publicly come out and admit it."
"My dark secret is I haven't been reading Marvel Comics in a long while."
"Luckily for you, they did it better than I was going to."
"I didn't do anything last night for your birthday, I did nothing."
"I was wrong about fucking every— Why did anyone listen to me?"
"It's perfectly okay to say, 'Right now I am massively in debt and I don't have much money, but...'"
"It's surprising how many people you talk to over the years and they go, 'Oh yeah man, I was a basket case. I used to be a basket case before going on stage.'"
"No matter how much pride you have tied up in yourself, if somebody better than you beats you, you got to man up and say, 'Yeah, that's what happened.'"
"The most intellectually honest thing a person can do is admit they don't know."
"I'm [expletive] taking it. I have no pride, shame, ego, nothing. Smart. What are the odds? Easy clap there."
"She literally just goes, 'Yeah, I'm just not happy in my marriage.'"
"I am actually very into my emotions and I can be a softie. I do care to a certain extent guys, I don't fully not care, some words do hurt me."
"I got to be honest, you know, like there are times when I hear a Pitbull song and I kind of move to it a little bit." - Daniel Cormier
"For somebody who's afraid of drugs, I have tried them all."
"Ria then went on to say that it is so annoying to admit, but if this were just a normal sword fight, Alan would be better than her."
"I ain't going to lie, I was a little nice though."
"I watched all four seasons in a week and a half... I'm not even ashamed to say it."
"You got to understand, I have anxiety and nerves too."
"I had the guts to tell my audience that I did something wrong."
"For those of you who don't know, level one, I'm a piece of garbage."
"I've actually broken that rule like three, four times over the last several months."
"I was embarrassed that I have never read that list, and so what I might here's what I'll do, uh I'm gonna."
"I have a confession to make. I am so annoyed with myself and disappointed. I have become a coffee snob."
"I realized and I admitted, I mean it's a hard thing to do, to wake up after 35 years and say wow, I was really wrong."
"Reed had confessed to this person that he had killed Emma Agnew."
"I just had to admit defeat... and say, 'Look, I need a bit of help.'"
"It takes a lot of vulnerability to talk to someone and to admit that you don't know anything about them..."
"I was wrong about Tesla and I'm gonna get into that a little bit later."
"Huge day for everyone, I was wrong about Tesla."
"I never really used it in fact, I never used it."
"Anyways guys I am going to wrap this up here that was one hell of a video."
"I was off and I'm making it. I'm gonna take you back 'cuz I did the s***, I was on and I'm admitting it. I won't take it back."
"I have no shame in admitting when I'm wrong; this game turned out a lot better than I thought."
"That's manipulative, toxic, and everything else under the sun. My god, she admitted to that on tape."
"It takes a lot of courage to sit up here and admit all of this."
"Literally three years ago my bank account was minus ten dollars."
"I'm drunk, sorry. October 9th, oh my God, that was yesterday."
"I'll tell you the truth, I didn't want to come here."
"There was a strong sexual attraction, I think so yes, definitely."
"Let's go eat the game, I'm gonna be kind of rusty, I'm not gonna lie."
"You admitted it, that went so well, oh my god."
"This wasn't the thing. This definitely wasn't the thing."
"I love you, and I probably shouldn't. I'm probably not around as much as I should be."
"I'm fine with admitting that I have anxiety. I'm human, hello."
"My neighbor admitted that she dances for her mental health and claimed they only dance in the mornings for 30 to 60 minutes."
"My downfall as a leader... almost lost my franchise." - Bedros Keuilian
"This is gonna make myself look like an idiot but it just dawned on me."
"I think it was both perception and the truth."
"That's so rough, she admitted it was her first felony like jury trial, right?"
"I mean I do have a massive, massive weakness to Fighting moves, but I feel like it's worth."
"I am scared of everything I am not very strong when it comes to that kind of stuff I am very scared"
"I'm gonna be losing a lot of productivity today, there's no doubt."
"I was wrong and I love it. It doesn't happen that much."
"Options are incredibly risky. Especially the way that I am trading them. I'm expecting to lose nine times out of ten."
"I went to the doctor, I'm like, okay, so I'm depressed."
"I'm a quitter. I've quit on multiple occasions. Three times to be exact over the past two years."
"That is a failing and yeah, it is a failing let's admit it."
"I'm always tired. That's my secret, I'm always tired."
"I'm scared shitless right now. I'm not even joking."
"I never expected a full-scale invasion like this to happen. I was deeply distrustful of U.S military intelligence and, frankly, I think I got it wrong."
"That's the first point but listen I'm willing to admit up front they start with an issue that's a borderline issue."
"I was out of my mind, narcotics can have that effect," - Brett Butler
"He won't be because my shit ain't selling the same." - J Cole
"It's like my dirty little secret and you haven't even seen it yet."
"I'm very ashamed to say that McNamara and Rogerson, they were members of the New South Wales Police Service."
"Yes, we've fundamentally failed. I mean, I've failed other activists have failed campaigners have failed, we've all failed!"
"I unexpectedly fell in love with you, already told y'all that."
"If I do get nervous it's a 12, so there's that."
"I'm telling you that I like you," Marinette confessed.
"I screwed up, I made a mistake, and I need to just do what I need to do."
"I even have some inside, don't tell me you're broke."
"Can't concentrate on my work. I mean, you're right. I—I fell in love with you."
"The entire industry is just rotten to the core with exactly the same. Is this surprising to anybody? I absolutely did something wrong. Yeah, it's wrong but like it's not surprising."
"...he admitted he never donated any of the money for nine [ __ ] years which is by the way almost as long as my whole career on YouTube..."
"I love the attention. That's all there is to it."
"I said, 'I've totally emptied my business account, I've totally emptied my savings account, I've maxed out a credit card, I am in so much trouble.'"
"I never said I was in, you know, I was weak-minded when it came to that, yes."
"I love my food. I'm not even gonna lie. I don't even care. I love food."
"It's truly a problem. I have a problem of starting books and not finishing them. That is the truth. That is where we're at. I just have to admit it. I have to be honest. I have to come clean. We have a problem."
"I didn't forget that but do you want to know why I was able to get so tipsy so fast? Because I'm a total lightweight these days."
"I must be one of the few people on the face of the planet who's never seen a Star Wars movie."
"I'm usually a pretty big wuss when it comes to horror movies."
"I know no pop culture, I'm sorry, I don't know any pop culture, I'm from Spain."
"I cry during movies all the time."
"I know that a billion people have told me that I'm insane that I haven't watched The Matrix."
"I don't want to admit this but I just started watching Harry Potter."
"I want to save my life, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I need help saving it."
"Please tell me I am not the only one that has had these days where it's like, I got stuff to do, but I just don't feel like it."
"I've always been an anxious person; I've just never been treated for it."
"My name's Jonathan, and I'm an alcoholic."
"It is with soberness that I confess this puzzle to be ultimately subjective in conclusion."
"Hold on, it's me. Hi, I'm the problem, it's me."
"I'm not a real-sized adult, I'll be honest, I'm five feet tall."
"You're a horribly good looking man, Richard Sharp, but if I met you in a London street, I'd be very frightened of your face," she admitted.
"Well, it was a hit. I'm not gonna lie."
"I've never heard of Fifth Element, sorry, you should do yourself a favor, watch it."
"I am 100% addicted to lip balm, the feeling."
"With a lot at stake in this election, I'm sweating just to kind of, oh my gosh, maybe I shouldn't admit that, but I am."
"Admitting that I was a victim of sexual assault is one of the hardest things I've ever done."
"I love Lord of the Rings, there I said it, I admit it."
"I do have a confession to make, I really like Washington DC."
"Maybe more people really do see UFOs but they're just scared to admit it because they don't want to look like a psycho."
"I don't think I've ever been in love."
"I stopped saying I didn't need a man because if I want a relationship with a man, then I need one."
"I'm going to make an admission here: I am a baseball fan. I've always been."
"I'm afraid of so many things. We all are."
"I'm addicted to coffee, you know."