
Educational Opportunity Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"This course culminates in final projects which ultimately will be your opportunity to design your very own piece of software."
"Our goal is to train 3 million people and we're going to ensure that most of the people that have applied that interested in actually learning will get the opportunity to be trained."
"Children must get educational foundations in school, especially those lacking advantages at home."
"If you believe that men and women should be equal, then this right has to exist because without it, women don't finish education."
"I tend to agree in general with Milton Friedman that we ought to find a way to open up opportunities for all income classes."
"Opportunities are there, we need to educate our own people."
"Charter schools give students their only chance to break out of cycles of poverty and misfortune."
"Startup Society is currently open for enrollment."
"The biggest step towards success is going to be sign up at the Trump University."
"If you're ready committed to getting start on your journey, then come learn what those options are and let's play and create wealth together."
"Accelerate your learning with a 30-day free trial."
"They don't mind those things really because this is a learning moment for the American people."
"This program accepts education as low as a Canadian high school diploma, so your degree can be anywhere from a high school diploma to a Ph.D..."
"This is going to be the perfect course for you."
"This could have been a great teachable moment for impressionable young fans with plenty of questions they're too embarrassed to ask."
"What an opportunity to take a class from someone who actually done something in the world."
"I'm really so happy that you know I have this opportunity to share my knowledge with you."
"This training is perfect for you if you are ready to learn how to launch a business successfully."
"I declined. I told them I didn't deserve it."
"Mahir's arrival there brought new hope for the children in the village to receive a proper education."
"You guys changed my life. You guys helped my daughter go to college."
"Legalizing the use of race in deciding who is admitted to schools of higher learning has caused enormous conflict in our society."
"It's the fourth quarter, it's a new month, and what better way to start it than coming to join us at EYL University?"
"Humanity is currently being guided to learn deep lessons about food, farming, and nourishing our bodies."
"Can we use this opportunity for education, can we use this for constructive dialogue that we might come together to lend understanding to those who have no understanding?"
"What a great opportunity there from to learn about United States culture."
"Remember, the course begins April 21st, and the discount closes tonight. Don't miss out!"
"Affirmative action is not about lowering the bar it's about opening the door to people who are qualified."
"I was never good at social skills so I can definitely use this lesson."
"Do not ignore this opportunity. The course for Q2 closes on the ninth which is tomorrow at midnight."
"An opportunity to study something new appears in February."
"Get in the course, man! Stop being a [ __ ] brokey."
"Dame Dash University, giving you the opportunity to learn the business lessons of the master himself."
"Charlotte realized that education could provide an income... by either teaching in schools or becoming a governess."
"This crash course is all about getting your feet wet. If you think, 'I'd really like to learn more,' perfect timing to join my interactive UI/UX course at designcourse.com!"
"These are opportunities for us to learn a lot from each other."
"I do think there is an opportunity for knowledge out there, and there is a value in providing a program at a premium that really teaches people everything you know in a condensed form."
"I'm surprised I haven't done a lesson on computers yet because I love computers."
"I was actually approved to go into the choice program which was one of the best things that could happen for me."
"It's tantalizing to wonder what might have been had Ramanujan been given access to more complete mathematical education from a younger age."
"You can go to wealth summit dot info to find out more or dr. boys seminars to find out about the seminar."
"Sometimes you gotta build, sometimes you gotta talk, sometimes you gotta use this opportunity to enlighten others."
"I want my granddaughter to have the opportunity that my daughters had."
"Every girl's life matters. Every daughter deserves the same chance as our sons."
"A month of free learning and free courses is kind of amazing."
"It is a free program that kind of gives you a career mode which is really cool."
"It's a good time to be alive to be able to educate yourself it was impossible previously like Thomas Jefferson's library was something like 300 or 400 books."
"Use it as an opportunity to talk about the reality of mental health and the stigmatization of the mentally ill."
"Education is purely an opportunity, and it is what you make of it."
"Parents say the opportunity is a lifeline to a brighter future."
"Congratulations, you are the winner of our authority accelerator scholarship."
"You will be able to go back to school or go to college for the first time ever if you want to completely for free so that will basically change the game and how our current school system works."
"If you haven't already, consider signing up for the Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis Academy."
"If you're interested in some more advanced content, we do have some space available in the EAP training program."
"Opportunities for children in places like Oldham to attend summer schools at Eton College."
"I encourage you to look the class up, take it if you get a chance, check it out, it's got a website, Google it."
"Two days of great business learning to literally soar your business to success faster than ever before."
"An amazing opportunity to show you guys how the natural world can repair itself."
"You may have this sudden opportunity to gain some higher knowledge that's going to benefit your identity."
"If you're not a computer programmer don't worry as long as you're somebody who's generally good at making computers do things that you want them to do I think you'll get a lot out of this course."
"These institutions of higher learning are still incredibly important since they provide education opportunities to marginalized communities."
"It's a good way for people who didn't have the same opportunities to get like college experience and have a different life in the future."
"I have to speak at Pipeline of Possibility for the underprivileged kids."
"He gave me the money to apply to Harvard, and I got into Harvard. It was really a life-transforming experience for me."
"Students have the opportunity to join... probably the most exciting project unfolding in the world."
"It's in the opportunity for every child who is now in a better school."
"It means a lot, giving a second chance to so many now Boilermakers."
"My attitude was what an opportunity because to be able to teach people through this wonderful media of television was like in another place."
"Please register to the workshop; it's free, and then you can ask questions."
"I'm trying to remain upbeat, but I'm missing out on so much, especially now that your lessons are starting."
"The opportunity to go to school had always been a Golden Ticket."
"University is your orchard, and the fruit is ripe for the picking."
"If more children are getting an opportunity to an education under the affirmative side, it is infinitely better than less on the opposition side."
"Veteran Readiness and Employment is one of the best programs out there that can help you not only get into a great school or into a good training or into a certificate program, but it's also a means by which you can have a total change to your life situation."
"By tackling student loan debt, young people will be able to pursue professions that save lives."