
Moral Living Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"To truly live transcendental and spiritual life at the deepest possible level, we have to accept two truths... Unconditional love for all of life on Earth, and living through a morality structure that does the least amount of damage to said life we can possibly live through."
"Live so that your life will be approved after your death."
"As a Muslim, I should live a life of kindness, of compassion, and of care to fellow humanity and to all of God's creatures, and play my part in ensuring that we do not harm any individual because we will be accountable to our creator."
"May we follow our Exemplar, the savior of the world, and not shrink but live a life that is true to God, to each other, and to our divine identity."
"The most important kind of wealth is to be guilty-free. Never compromise."
"The one thing that you can control is the amount of virtue that you yourself pour into your life."
"God wants us to live lives that are above reproach and in accordance with the laws of the land."
"The way we live our lives here on earth will determine where we spend our eternity."
"It's about finding truth, diving into his word, and living a good life, and that's it."
"If you live by the Bible, you will not go astray."
"We need purity to be in God's presence, and we need God's presence to live pure."
"What sort of position might you be in, what sort of family might you have, what sort of relationship might you be able to forge if you abided by your conscience for five years or for ten years?"
"If the devil isn't mad at you, you're not living right."
"We teach the law statutes and Commandments, so that we are not living a life of sin."
"If you name the name of Jesus Christ... depart from evil."
"One of the main factors while we are studying signs of judgment day that it impacts our life we live better lives so that we are prepared to meet Allah subhana wa ta'ala on the day of judgment."
"I want all people to live righteous and good, whether they're male or female."
"I don't know how they measure us. I just know that I try to be a good person, that is all I can do."
"Pure religion is this: caring for orphans and widows and keeping yourself unspotted by the world."
"Be what you are, if you live the legacy of your spiritual faith you will be a good person."
"Imagine this real quick, imagine if everyone on Earth followed the Ten Commandments of God. Divorce? No more. Abortion? No more access to safe healthcare."
"In order to have inner peace, our actions must align with our values."
"God didn't make you to live like an animal... Men and women, that's right."
"Being kind, loving, and honest can at least help you find your place in it."
"We're going to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."
"Life's great, trying to find that peace, some happiness, and doing the right thing."
"Righteousness is a life and the nature of God."
"The humble message of the prophets: worship God, obey Him, treat people as you would like to be treated."
"In keeping the law, we give ourselves the greatest good that we can enjoy."
"Shining as blameless, harmless, and faultless children of God."
"You try your best. You try to stay away from sins, you try to be a good person, you help your neighbor, you feed the hungry. This is what we try to do, live by that life."
"Are we really going to choose to live rightly in every moment, no matter what the consequence?"
"If you live by [the moral foundation in the Bible], you will live a happier, better life." - Ben Shapiro
"Become salt in your community, become a light in your community, let the people know where you stand for Christ, whoever leads a clean and honest and kind and wholesome life."
"Beloved, I beg you as soldiers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul."
"I'm encouraging you to get back to repentance, get back to purity."
"Move on, find some joy, and continue to be a moral person."
"The practice of the moral life, animated by love, gives us spiritual freedom as children of God."
"As long as you're living truthfully and you're making a valiant effort to put God first if he's something that you believe in as long as you're practicing What You Preach you're a good person."
"You live by those morals and values and integrity that you say that you do, you walk the talk."
"The Bible says to walk circumspectly as wise and not as unwise, redeeming the time, why the days are evil."
"God values a person's willingness to follow his commands and live in a way that honors him more than the physical act of offering sacrifices."
"God is not in the business of blessing mess."
"If you have the love of God in your heart, well you are in a real sense righteous at that point."
"Religion tells you how to act, how to live your life."
"Jesus is calling his followers to a life of doing right by God and neighbor."
"Acknowledging God does not necessarily mean recognizing Him by name. A person can be ignorant of religion and still acknowledge God by living a life of goodwill."
"Abandon your beloved sin; look that you live not in any one known sin against your conscience."
"...they'll be godly people, they'll be people who live in integrity."
"You only live one life so don't be a bad person."
"No one born of God makes a practice of sinning."
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping the word of God hidden in his heart."
"Live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us."
"Live right, do right, angels are still heeding God's command."
"If you always do what you know is the right thing to do, you're in a state of perfection where you're living as God lives."
"Be a good man and live a good life."
"He cannot go wrong whose life is in the right."
"We are righteous by faith in Jesus Christ, but our response to that gift of righteousness is to choose to lead righteous lives."
"The real Sukh, the real Santokh in this life, the real Peace and Contentment is to live a spiritual and moral life."
"The only way to be saintly in the 21st century and thereafter is you wade into the slum of everyday life."
"You can be holy, and when you're holy, you're happy."
"Knowing God and how He loves us, it should be really easy for us to know better."
"It's a wise reminder about why we want to live law-abiding and fruitful lives."
"The way that we live as moral creatures is to exemplify God's love in ourselves through the way that we love."
"Living a life of morals, values, and ethics."
"If you live well, that's the journey of the pilgrims; if you don't happen to in the pub quiz of life and picked exactly the right religion, that's secondary because the intellect of moral quality is how you live in the walk you walk, not the talk you talk."
"If you've been a good person, you don't really have anything to worry about."
"Being sober will help us to live righteous in a wicked world."