
Academic Challenge Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It squeezes your brain so much and your schedule so much that by semester's end, you genuinely feel smarter."
"After a long, controversial 10 weeks of lectures...he says, 'If anybody has disagreed with anything I've said over the last 10 weeks, come down and sit in this chair in a spotlight in the middle of the auditorium. Here's a platform, tell me to my face.' I'm glad I was the only one who walked down, and he gave me an A."
"You have to make it fit there, we can't take a derivative right now."
"Math is hard and you're going to get stuck. And that's normal and that's okay and that's expected."
"The Voynich manuscript challenges researchers across several fields, including machine learning, botany, and linguistics."
"Overall, unit four is pretty hard, I give it eight out of ten difficulty because it has some graphs and it has some calculations so as to bring a lot of different concepts together."
"This was the first book that I read for my English Lit degree, and it genuinely made me consider dropping out."
"My failure in fourth year wasn't a failure in intellectual ability or effort but was a failure to have self-compassion."
"Shawn Evans doesn't know it yet, but he's met his true match in science."
"History A-level could be like five A-levels all in one."
"Now go back to your room and answer the other three questions."
"Thor Heyerdal showed the academic world today that 58 centuries ago you could sail anywhere in the world in a reed ship."
"I never realized how hard of a subject physics is, this is my first time ever taking a physics class."
"It's part of what makes it exciting, like it's harder in a field like this to get a killer result."
"If string theory was found to just somehow not be right, then you have to start thinking about rewriting all the textbooks."
"This course challenged me to see how the formula for entropy which is essentially hammered into you as an undergraduate actually extremely natural."
"Controversy in physics: Bose's proposal challenged conventions."
"You as people at MIT will try and bring mathematical concepts into environments where people are like, 'I don't see why that's relevant.' And you will experience negative inputs."
"Mathematics would change from being the hardest subject to the easiest subject."
"The more you learn physics, the more you can appreciate just how vast and insurmountable the mountain of knowledge is."
"It's hard to run a serious argument pro or con, let alone prove a rigorous theorem if one doesn't in the end know quite what one's talking about."
"I'm good at business calc, but other than that, I'm so bad at math." - Humorous self-reflection on mathematical skills.
"Well, thank you. Shout out to his girlfriend, yup. Shout out to the Douglas's girlfriend Amanda who is in law school and she's having a bit of a hard time. So, we hope that things get a little bit better for her."
"If all you have is the religious literature, it's a lot harder to do because you don't know what they're making up."
"You don't want to miss out on me struggling to read all those big books."
"It's bittersweet seeing years of research become outdated in a matter of days."
"If the pioneer of witness reliability scholarship couldn't overcome his illusions, what chance did a college student traumatized by a violent sexual assault have?"
"When the content gets more difficult, it's everybody's situation."
"Elle's journey isn't about changing who she is but rather proving herself in traditional arenas of intelligence."
"You've inspired many researchers to follow in your footsteps finding things that the mainstream archaeologists just overlooked."
"The Putnam competition is a mathematical competition that's designed for American undergraduate students and it's said to be one of the hardest mathematics exams in the world."
"Some people label them as the most challenging exams they've ever sat and yes they do have a reputation for being quite rigorous."
"Old books or codexes filled with undeciphered languages and strange images draw scholars in with the promise of being the first to solve something historically significant."
"The chemical and physical foundations of biological systems section of the MCAT can be a challenge, especially if you sit down to take the MCAT unprepared."
"If studying multiple species is difficult, then yes, studying vet is more difficult than human medicine."
"It's hard to get a PhD in astrophysics, who knew? But I enjoyed it very much."
"Writing a thesis or completing a Capstone is kind of like a boss battle."
"What if someone now comes up, does a thesis in his PhD to challenge Ivan Van Sertima? Does it mean Van Sertima is pseudo? No, it means that we need to upgrade."
"The question looks super intimidating because it is, uh, but when you break it down, it's one equation in one unknown."
"It's more or less impossible to fully prove or disprove any idea when it comes to studying the Mycenaeans."
"Lycidas" is probably the most difficult poem that we'll be reading all semester.
"There's nothing scarier than algebra word problems for many math students."
"ACCA exams are challenging, they are passable but challenging."
"I'm so stinking nervous, but even if you fail, it does not matter because I'm confident that I've learned so much this course."
"No one can memorize every formula that is in the CFA curriculum."
"These are kinds of questions that if I were a professor, I might ask you just as a bonus question or something because it really shows me that you know your calculus."
"The geometry Regents is challenging, so I want everyone to do well."
"The biggest challenge is squeezing what you have to do into the time."
"Students can find it difficult to identify discussion essays."