
Community Values Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"Wearing the mask becomes respect...you do it out of respect."
"Solidarity, compassion, and fairness give everybody a reasonable shot at good life outcomes."
"Be considerate to one another and be kind. That's all we ask."
"AI coming to rip our words away from us sours the experience and replaces the love and community with corporate greed."
"He is not from us, the one who does not respect our aged nor has compassion on our youth."
"All of us were taught and raised to tell. You have to be brainwashed and indoctrinated with street stuff to go against that foundation."
"Greendale is the place for the crazy, the weird, the chaotic, the flawed, and the broken. It's a place for all of us."
"Your decisions will define the values and future of this community."
"The greatest achievement in the Samoan way is not in individual glory, but in how well you can serve and uplift your family."
"Would it not be better to live in communities and systems that are about enhancing those values, supporting those values, acknowledging that people are flawed and fallible but where possible creating the conditions for human beings to thrive and cooperate?"
"We respect and protect the people. If you're respectful, we were taught to respect others and look out for the women, look out for the old, look out for the kids."
"I don't believe in the disposal of people within our community, and I want us all to work towards the very complicated adult act of kindness."
"I want to give every Jewish person a big hug. Also, I'm envious of the Jewish people. I'm envious of how they don't abort their children, how they don't shoot each other in the streets and then rap about it, how their families stay together."
"The concept that brotherhood is one of the most important forms of wealth."
"We the people are the law... the law is love your neighbor. Do no harm; that's it."
"Providing good education is of great personal significance, and I think the whole crew here feels the same way."
"He was a defender of skateboarding and what it meant and what it can mean."
"Unity... what we agree on as an Ummah is far bigger than what we disagree on."
"Help us to be a people that just give up our right to be offended."
"We have a shared idea of what is right and what is wrong in society."
"Fund everything the people like, no matter what."
"The new community allows everyone to be one, loved, and valued."
"Critical analysis of product values is what Talarian Community College is known for."
"This goes to show Chinese Community is such a big thing and they really put a lot of importance on staying fit, staying healthy, and getting the social connection."
"The actual opposite of collectivism and radical individualism is the family, community, tradition."
"Incorporating Community Values and instilling trust and confidence in public institutions should always be a high priority."
"We see ourselves as a community and a family and we have to be able to be radically honest with each other."
"Our societies are not evil, they are good societies."
"It's about protecting something that matters."
"Real wealth is your health and it's your family, your community, your relationships, doing meaningful work, and living a life of purpose."
"Destroying the things that make your community the community will never be the correct approach."
"All of us in Michigan can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never ever amount to violence." - Detroit U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider
"It speaks volumes about the people here in the community of Kenosha. This is a hard-working, family-loving town that wants safety in their community."
"Small town America is full of a lot of good people."
"Nobody likes a cheater let's be honest all it does is make everybody else in the community look bad and none of us would want that."
"It's about how much we care about the members of our family in the guild of Fairy Tales."
"We're going to be making judgments based on the values of our community."
"True Unity will only come when we acknowledge truly who God is and we choose to follow him and live for him."
"Our culture is fighting Injustice. That's our culture."
"The community here is Canadian, its value system is Canadian."
"That's why I think it's going, I know it's going to work there because you're going to hold people accountable. You come from that cloth of what we all had."
"This community, I want to be a positive one, I wanted to be a mature one."
"In the Make America Great Again movement, we believe that every citizen of every background should be able to walk anywhere in this nation at any hour of the day without even a thought of being victimized by violent crime."
"No one's against good cops we need good cops people are against inhumane disgusting pieces of garbage like this."
"You can't start this with our stuff and then take it over here."
"They said well, we can't let Nazis, right? We can't let Nazis be out there."
"Realign yourself to something like that kind of thinking, be for all people, be nice to everyone, consider everyone because this is all we got."
"Status is awarded towards constructive behavior."
"Everyone's welcome here. We talk about nerd [] but when it comes to freedom of expression, basic human [] rights, everybody should be for free speech and free expression."
"The morale of this story is not just expectations vs reality, but more so unity and community."
"Congrats to the winners, guys! Do me a favor, do us all a favor, and do not be a sore loser."
"As black men we're supposed to protect all of the Queens."
"We will never agree about instituting a beauty standard when it comes to our architecture."
"You all are what is good and decent in this world."
"Protect your womb at all costs because in other communities they're willing to pay you for that service."
"We need more masculinity in the black community."
"Football is for the fans." - T-shirt being held up, league's chairman
"Feel free to be unhappy about the Border Invasion, the Betrayal by former allies, or the discrimination against you and your loved ones."
"I love that while Maga is a community of hate and harm... we strive to be compassionate at all costs."
"Support the things we believe in, support our educational system."
"Make us a community of Jonathans: selfless, humble, loving, loyal, and grateful."
"Gaming can be for everyone even if all of our opinions suck."
"They have a good sense of family, community. They have a sense of purpose, all these other things that help them live longer."
"Communities in general, founded on mutual cooperation and teamwork, tend to form strong cooperative bonds and stick together much longer than communities founded on aggression and insults."
"Unapologetically pro-democracy community where facts and evidence matter."
"They had capable men, strong families, and resilient communities that our nation was born from."
"Hip-hop is based off the [ __ ] streets. Literally. Yeah, we don't tolerate snitching, we don't tolerate certain things, you know what I'm saying?"
"You can still be proud of who you are by rejecting the worst among you."
"This takes away from what we decided were the pillars of the format. It's supposed to be about having fun and enjoying each other's company, not an arms race."
"A valuable lesson concerning what a guild is truly meant to be."
"Austin is a place where we actually all feel like neighbors and I think we do that through values."
"People appreciate knowing that we've got bright, tenacious, well-informed people who are striving for the true good of families, of people, of our nation, of our republic, of our constitution, for freedom."
"This is a community that really is going to take care of, we can have disagreements but there's no personal attacks and I really love that."
"We all believe that when we talk about the children of the community they are children of the community"
"Amazon doesn't share our values and if we don't make sure that they play by common sensical notions of fair play, they'll just crush us."
"We don't hate on each other here, we are the Sargent's, we love each other, we are united and we are one."
"Pokemon is all about smiles, friends coming together, and being ourselves in a positive environment."
"If you really focus on the things in life that matter, which is like happiness, your family, and your community, life is a pretty fulfilling thing."
"Our political views are just so divergent because we're no longer coalescing around what our neighbors believe."
"People need to understand that we're only gonna be as good as what we put to the forefront."
"There is a very clear message: honor your people, perform your duties, and do what's best for them."
"You say you're ARMY when you care about people."
"Early intervention prevention makes a profound difference."
"Being empathetic and accommodating is vital to a healthy gaming community."
"We'd rather trust our children, our most valuable possession on the planet, with somebody from within our community with no experience over somebody with vast amounts of experience."
"Freedom is something that I believe that good people in the community should be rewarded with."
"We believe in law and order. We support the men and women of law enforcement, and we stand with the citizens in every city, and every community, and every part of our country who wish to live in safety, security, dignity, and peace."
"We are among the first generations in history to not live in communities which would give a resounding yes."
"The Italian Canadian story of hard work, sacrifice, and generosity is one I am proud of."
"This isn't about who they are. This is about who we are."
"We don't need barriers, we don't need to gatekeep anyone."
"We try to take care of people... Whether we have long-term relationships or short, we try to do things the right way."
"Transparency and honesty to our community is the foundation to all of our success."
"We love it here, we cherish it, we're proud, we're all these things."
"We want a better world, we want to express ourselves, we want to live our purpose, we want to share our gifts, we want to love and be loved, we want to give and receive in a way that feels good and healthy to every single one of us."
"Does it respect the principle of common solidarity, based on the notion that the quality of our social relations is our greatest treasure?"
"We address each other with respect. There is honor in this community."
"We're here to honor our mothers, but we're here to worship our Lord."
"We are speaking for you and fighting for your values too."
"We're New York tough, smart, united, disciplined, loving, loving, loving, loving."
"We need to stop worshiping what other people have and start paying attention to what we can have together."
"No one person is above the community. No one person is better than the community."
"The best people of this ummah are those with a pure heart and a truthful tongue."
"If I was in a cult, it would be a cult of love."
"I think majority of the people in the beauty community are in for the right reasons are amazing amazing people are inspiring are equally as kind behind the scenes as they are in person."
"Community is the people you love, are responsible for, the people you really know."
"You guys are great and you try to live your values."
"It's disappointing to see a community place so much emphasis on the letter of the law that common sense and reasonableness are not factored in."
"To the Hispanic community, owning a house and having a high FICO score is everything."
"Sport should be for everyone and it should be one of the few things that unites us."
"It was a community based upon love and compassion."
"When they would praise a worthy man, their praise took the form good husband, good farmer."
"As the call to prayer echoes through the mosque, it reaffirms the Islamic ethos of peace, unity, and submission to Allah's will."
"An ape is not a person who owns AMC or GME. To me, an ape is a person who is fighting for market transparency and fairness."
"Play toward the fun rather than play toward the win."
"Love your neighbor as yourself. It's a value we all try to live by."
"Respect and honesty: keys to thriving in the car culture."
"We cannot become a strong people unless we become a disciplined people."
"This is the true leader, not the one who sits on the throne, but the one who unites the Ummah."
"This pro-democracy community is what I love most about this network."
"All of us have something of value to offer when we're coming together with these aligned principles of greater individual sovereignty."
"Stay humble and kind, the unofficial uniform of the bear nation."
"For everybody else that's living in a real America, they will vote no."
"It's a wonderful thing to have somebody that is praying for you when you know that somebody cares enough to pray for you."
"Let's be nice to each other. Ridiculing beliefs isn't fair."
"Financial security is just another item on the list of things we need to protect here."
"Demonizing the female characters is something that's been deep-rooted in our community since the beginning."
"Chicago's gonna love you like the Chicago's a Blue Collar city Chicago's a hard-nosed city they want people it's not really like a Glitz and glamorous City"
"We need left-wing and right-wing people to create a good society."
"We support the farmers man we support the farmers any rational human being supports the farmers."
"The inherent American tension is between rugged individualism and a sense of communitarianism."
"May our words cause love, unity, and courtesy among each other."
"Trust the sense of trust comes from the sense of common values and common beliefs."
"We can create a secular community which upholds the values of accountability and honesty."
"Village loyalty is a villager's moral compass."
"It's the last, we're at the very end, it's a late hour. What we need to do is make sure that we are not pretending to be the church, but we are the faithful church."
"I want my town to stay the same... if you love something, you don't want it to be dramatically transformed into something entirely different."
"Warhammer has what I consider to be one of the most welcoming, inclusive, and supportive communities out there."
"What sets the Moon Gang apart is actually caring about the market, truly fighting market manipulation."
"I think it's important for us as a community to not just point the finger at someone when they do something wrong but allow them that second chance to redeem themselves."
"As a community, we need to agree on healthy survival strategies."
"Respect each other, most importantly, respect Could-Have-Been Records, respect this house."
"We have to desire people of different races, ethnicities, and cultures."
"We just family here, that's priority number one."
"Bringing this country back together is absolutely predicated on community, family, and re-grounding."
"Jeff would want us to stand up and be proud of who we are and we can't let him down."
"Armies value positivity and kindness while actively fighting against prejudice."
"It's that bond, it's that love of your family and your community that precedes your desire to protect it with your hard skills."
"We must protect the innocence of our children and halt the sexualization of our children."
"We are now in the self-gratification generation. Everything is about the individual, everything is about the ego and the self, nothing is about the community or the common good."
"We're not here to judge each other; we're supposed to be helping each other."
"If the issue is one of isolation and people being selfish, then the way we fix things is by not isolating ourselves and being less selfish."
"Gamers are actively policing themselves and priding themselves on good works and fine deeds."
"It was all about a culture, not about a color."
"Nobody is above the collective and that's facts."
"It's just entertaining and educational, that's what I think they want to be, a safe Community for everybody."
"I love missionaries, I always try to make sure people know like these guys are trying their best."
"Take care and as always, be good to each other."
"Together we share common customs, common values, common dreams, and common heroes."
"If you're looking for new friends that share your values or simply a cup of coffee at a cafe that hasn't gone woke you'll love the Public Square platform."
"Alabama families are caring about children after they are born."
"A super league where only a few are allowed to participate will be a breach of the community in solidarity."
"Here in this community, we believe in rehabilitation over incarceration."
"You need all of these elements to have a nation. It's not enough to have just people who are the righteous people."
"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. Let's show them who we are."
"For your family and your community, you don't destroy everything around you."
"If it makes it to stage separation, I'm gonna lose my mind a little bit."
"Utah welcomes diversity and strives for kindness and respect."
"I don't want a fanbase full of sheep I want thinking reasonable individuals capable of self thought."
"Individual expression and liberty is highly valued among the residents."
"So even on this issue and within our church we love women women have a role that God has designed for them men have a role that God has designed for him."
"Be nice to each other. We feel this need to bring people down to feel better; that's not what our community is ever supposed to be about."
"I'm not here to judge you for doing whatever you feel is right for you, your family, and your community."
"Burning Man is the last stand for the human spirit."
"Appreciate our bodies, appreciate this practice, appreciate this community."
"It's a very special culture, special community of people."
"A small amount of faith in treating people well results in a community emerging that is high quality."
"I think the idea of sort of looking out for each other is surely the point in a republic."
"He doesn't deserve to walk on the same ground that Harvey once walked on."
"Protecting them is something that Californians recognize as part of their identity."
"Community is more about the people than the platform."
"We're not as a board going to back down from something that means so much to this community."
"Our public schools should be reflecting what the community values are."
"Freedom should be the goal, y'all feel what I'm saying?"
"What community, that's what that's what family, and that's what good people are all about."
"Community, music, and laughter – the heartbeats of a long and joyful existence."
"The spirit of love should translate into how we do church."
"Their sense of community. They think about we, not me."
"Children are our collective product, our collective future."
"We're gonna treat each other with some form of respect."
"Community is the best hope for people who believe in individual freedom and sound money."
"Masking as directed is a patriotic duty, but so too is treating each other with respect and patience."
"This is a space for intelligent black people, not scared to death black people. It's time for your brains to start kicking in beloved, not your emotions."
"Let's just be beautiful people. Let's just be nice and let people talk about what it is that would make them feel like they need someone else."
"Respect and preserve, maintain the game that everyone knows and loves while making it better in every way."
"It's about community, it's about sharing, it's about people helping people."
"We are intelligent black society and this is what we do. We do not butt dance, we do not kowtow, we do not suck up, and we do not perform as tokens to large media corporations."
"It's something you must do because it's the right thing to do. It's part of our code. Do the right thing, right? Show each other you care. That's our effortless English code."
"Movement over money, community over clicks, passion over profit."
"There's a difference between toleration and acceptance."