
Growth Potential Quotes

There are 350 quotes

"It's possible because one of the things you got to keep in mind is when you have earnings, really, really good earnings, there's this impression sometimes that well, how much better can it get?"
"When people speak about Ethereum hitting ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty thousand dollars, it's very difficult for us to comprehend what exponential growth means."
"The market capitalization of cryptocurrency right now is right around three trillion dollars, but the market cap of other asset classes, stocks, real estate, we're talking about a hundred trillion dollars. It's still got a long ways to go."
"It's hard for me not to imagine this being a trillion-dollar company by 2030."
"This company has at least 10x potential over the next you know whatever you want to call it over the next nine years or so."
"The Bored Ape Yacht Club shows enticing potential to grow and thrive."
"That's why it's so important for students to start some kind of side hustle that has the ability to grow into something much bigger in the future."
"Scalability is why this is such a great thing."
"We are at the infancy of NFTs. I guarantee you that they are going to continue building and seeing more usage."
"If NIO hits these targets, there's no reason NIO stock is not going to be an easy three to four banger."
"If Bitcoin succeeds, this is easily 100x from the levels it was at in 2016."
"The potential in Africa, we are just still scratching the surface and we'll be seeing a lot more growth in the next five to 10 years."
"Companies, or investment managers, institutions... are unfairly ignoring the fact that there are companies that are aggressively positioned for massive growth."
"Junction is just the beginning, it's gonna get bigger and bigger over time."
"You take away the boundaries, the different currencies... think about how explosive growth could be."
"The foundation has to be long term. Index fund is not the most glamorous name, but if you start there, you'll be up 80-90% in six years."
"Projects that can solve a need have a much higher scope for growth."
"I still own seven figures of this and I'm going to ride this to another 10x."
"Clearly, you want to identify companies whose share price will grow in value in the future. That is the point of investing."
"Cardano is getting ready to outperform and astonish."
"Finding companies that have a ton of Bitcoin on their balance sheet, are able to produce Bitcoin at a rapid clip, are well-managed, and have good cost management...that can be a killer strategy for growth."
"500 likes and 71k subs, what's next? The world, my friend, the world is next."
"I do believe if they're actually able to deliver on some really good projects the growth potential in market cap as well as token holder value is certainly there."
"Content that has room for growth is what I would say."
"Bitcoin and crypto will continue to grow as a meaningful store of value."
"It's my thesis that if we look at history one of these dexes could 100x in size to a multi-billion dollar market cap."
"There is opportunity here once the ecosystem grows."
"Business ideas are like buses, if you miss one you just gotta wait for the next one."
"It democratizes access to high-growth companies."
"We talked about adoption at the business level... they're a partner that we can grow with, learn from, and encourage."
"Cardano is on the brink of going absolutely wild."
"We do have really serious growth potential in these projects."
"Collaboration is my spirit because I know how you can 10x things very fast."
"Pet Vivo is poised to take some of that as veterinary care and products is a leading growth driver."
"Market cap over 2 trillion, can we go to 10 trillion? Unlikely, but can we get to 4 or 5 million? Yes, conservatively I believe."
"It's incredible, phenomenally impressive... with incredible growth ahead of it."
"This month is offering you a seed of something that could really grow into something with a lot of potential."
"D5 can be 100 times larger than today in just five years."
"Some of these will do a hundred x possibly in the next year alone."
"Do Chain could shed another zero and probably add a four to it."
"This is just the start of women's football... we can only go in one direction and that's up."
"Tesla isn't priced on their cash flow, Tesla is priced on their ability to grow and maintain margin."
"3.6 billion dollars is a lot of money that Bungie can use to hopefully grow the studio."
"So that is what renown is you might then be wondering well i want more of this renown how do i actually get it and what is my weekly gameplay going to be well let's answer that you get two renown levels per week by doing each of two weekly quests."
"If you get past this point, your product will just grow exponentially."
"Smart contract platforms are going to absolutely explode... like the internet back in the 90s."
"Once we break all-time high of 2.50 cents... this could go to 350 and even five dollars."
"Theta is definitely a monster for me, I'm seeing a 10x 10 to 12x from Theta for the remaining."
"The only thing better than the 10x return is a 100x return."
"I view Microsoft as one of the best businesses in the world with fantastic fundamentals and a clear trajectory for growth over the next decade."
"MMA has kind of leveled up in a way that again it's not to argue that it couldn't be bigger but it's already reached that kind of a point where I don't think it can be a whole lot bigger."
"The big money is coming. There's going to be more institutional investments coming."
"I think our weave is at least a five to six x, our weave could be literally like a 10x or above."
"Their market cap is similar around 2 billion can they go up to like a 20 billion market cap? I think that's very, very doable for them."
"I think both of them could do a 10x from here that would not be unreasonable."
"I think this sector has a lot of growth actually left in it long term."
"Allow that seed to grow, flourish, and manifest."
"We think the miners could potentially become the new growth stocks of the next 10 years or so."
"Lucid's going to have that potential of expanding as well."
"Never underestimate where you are and the small seeds of your new beginnings that lead to great success."
"If you start with just four thousand dollars and you could earn 10% a month... in five years you would have 1.2 million dollars."
"I think it's going to be a slow grower. Up to, you know, that 20, maybe pull back somewhere around that 23 mark."
"I think this project's only going to keep growing."
"There's potential here for growth and expansion."
"Most people go, 'Oh, that sounds dumb,' but if you control the risk, the downside is always low and the upside is gonna be off the chart."
"Even little tiny things that you think don't matter, you know little independent newspapers or magazines can blossom into something big."
"Corsair Gaming, CRSR, that's just speaks undervalued, it's like P/E of 20 with massive growth in the next five to ten years."
"They will continue to evolve and grow beyond our current imaginations."
"He sees you as someone who he can grow, expand, prosper, and succeed with."
"I'm on this because of the game-changing company that has ridiculous growth over the next five to 10 years."
"Companies in a great position to become a food giant."
"QYLG offers both growth potential and monthly income."
"This is definitely something that will grow towards the long term."
"The Greeks can speak across 3,000 years of history and tell us some questions if not the answers to some of the most purturbung eternal questions in the world."
"By investing in this company, you're really picking up this early phase of the s-curve."
"I expect it to be a multi-billion dollar company. I'd love to have you in on the ground floor."
"Your channel, man, is free bird... it will grow as fast as you want until they figure out what you're doing."
"So many of you, you already know. You already feel it. It's not even new, but now there's something to apply, now there's something that you're further integrating and recalibrating because it's good for you."
"The potential for the virtual and online fitness market to top $250 billion by 2032... that's almost 30X in terms of size."
"The gift is in the grind. The most amazing thing about a seed is not the seed itself, it's the potential that the seed has in it."
"They've diversified their business model... I love how much growth opportunities the company has over time."
"My goal right now is to identify the protocols that can genuinely 50x to 100x next cycle."
"Tesla is still in the early innings of their growth story."
"If Tesla can dominate energy storage breakthroughs, they'll have a wide-open field of growth for the next two decades."
"You also want a company that has good growth potential."
"Microsoft is a largely recession-proof stock that pays a high dividend and also has great growth potential."
"Crypto is just this unbelievable opportunity for us all to grow and expand."
"If we just gave people the kinds of incentives that they used to have... we just gotta rocket it, it's all pent up right now ready to go."
"Cryptocurrency has a lot of growth potential, ridiculous growth potential."
"Where is the discomfort? Where is the room for growth? Where is the will to change?"
"The idea of a one piece channel hitting a million subscribers one day isn't just possible now, it's inevitable."
"This is our first season here, so it's been a lot about building infrastructure... and now that all that's in place, I feel like we can really hit the ground running."
"My mindset is I'd rather do fewer things really well... and then we can always grow from there."
"Shopify stock, ticker symbol SHOP. This one has a market cap of 128 billion. This is the smallest company by far and away that's on this list."
"Shopify is gonna be a massive grower for the next decade plus. Current year they're expected to have over 80 percent revenue growth."
"This company is targeting massive growth, like they're basically saying, 'Hey, let's just keep doing what we're doing in terms of the private labeling for companies, but now let's try to blow up our private brand and make that huge.'"
"If there could ever be the same level of trust in Chinese stocks as there are in American stocks, the stock's a triple up from here."
"This stuff that's happening right here can be scaled indefinitely."
"XDC is poised for significant growth and adoption."
"I think it's a blessing in disguise. I think I'm gonna grow bigger."
"There's hope. Some people hit their growth spurt late."
"The more that we start to realize that... the things that we actually do have influence over or the things that we are powerful with or the magic that we have starts to grow."
"The reality is when we can build it and have two and three and four and five hundred thousand, that's building capacity, stories like this, why it matters."
"Disney remains a compelling stock with incredible brands growing streaming services."
"Go has a lot of potential, it's one of the fastest growing languages out there right now, it's a systems-level language built with concurrency in mind."
"The big thing that most investors have to think about is like is this the one and how does it become a hundred times or a thousand times bigger?"
"There's a lot of potential for growth in your situation."
"God always has a divine intent for the seed. The seed is there to yield fruit."
"It's a stock that reminds me most of Tesla in the stock market... multi-layered growth approach."
"You need to kind of think about where you want to position yourself for this 10x that's coming."
"VR is something worth supporting and worth growing for years to come."
"The digital asset thing is ready for takeoff."
"I think it's the right time for eSports to take off in India."
"These might not be the highest yields but each stock offers a double-digit upside beyond the dividend yield."
"I'm making a business decision to take my money out of my pocket and put it into this corporation over here because I believe by putting my money over there is going to grow to double the price or triple the price over time."
"Ethereum could quadruple in the next six months."
"In stagnant times, growth is silently taking root."
"I think it's guaranteed to win 'cause the Gap's at the bottom, so the only place you can go is up."
"Is this a new foundation that can lead to growth and movement forward?"
"If Bitcoin goes up 10x, then Ethereum will go up 10x."
"Just a tiny waiting does give you that chance to double your portfolio or triple it or 10x it."
"It's a testimony that people can change, a thousand percent they can."
"Demographic dividend is the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure."
"I am confident that this is a 10x opportunity in the making that you do not want to miss out on."
"Stevie's legacy in skateboarding is massive and I think it's only going to grow."
"This baby Aldabra tortoise can grow over 500 pounds!"
"This experience as long as they don't squander it is going to just continue to just make this team skyrocket."
"We're just at the beginning. If you think about half a million global, yeah, we're only what, 10% of the way there?"
"That's a signal that there is no cap to how high this company can grow."
"Why are there areas that are so primed for development that don't develop sometimes? Well, let's first examine this."
"I see a lot of ways that Apple can grow substantially from where they are right now."
"I believe gaming has one of the most explosive amount of gains ahead for it and really because it's one of the most easy to understand."
"I'm pretty bullish on NFTs over the long term. Just like many things in crypto, they had a big run up, a correction, and now they're going to slowly grow from here."
"The drone industry is currently worth a whopping 127 billion and is only set to grow."
"Yo, like you guys could be big, you know that? Like, I love seeing them grow."
"Find a going concern that's got a brand. Add value, and see if you can 10x."
"As good as you are right now there's still a ton of room for growth."
"Ukraine can only go up once it becomes a member of NATO and a member of the EU there's lots of growth opportunities."
"This asset is being widely adopted despite the market conditions and I know people are rattled but it's still going up."
"This will be a system they can grow into for years to come."
"Crypto is truly that free market where we just see money coming into it, and that's why it is able to grow and have these huge price run-ups."
"Continue doing what you love because it could expand into something much bigger."
"If you're an investor, you should be excited to be in the space."
"There's a lot of growth priced into the Tesla stock."
"It'll be interesting to see how high it ultimately ends up going."
"As long as you have room for improvement you have room for growth."
"10 trillion is where I ultimately see this asset class going."
"He believes in Anthem and would love to see its world grow, evolve, and thrive for years to come."
"I know he's gonna keep growing though, keep up the great videos dude, you're killing it!"
"The longer you get comfortable with being comfortable, the greater your capacity is in that space."
"Hybrid Saiyans have great potential, having the ability to grow far quicker than most other Fighters, including other Saiyans."
"But I am doing better. So much better. Praise that and there's still room to grow."
"If we can keep building on this culture... I think it could be huge."
"Remember, Saturn can be very much to do with seeds of something that's going to flower over a very long period of time."
"If you've got the American system with a more stable labor market and one that will recover... the math is all there for a boom of just absolutely Epic Proportions."
"I'm fully confident this is going to become a food giant."
"Your dreams are worth having; they are going to grow into something real, something very beautiful."
"So, can Solana keep going and get up to like 70 billion dollars in short order? Sure, it definitely can."
"Cryptocurrencies are a viable investment today... still maturing."
"Tragedy is a crucible for growth or destruction."
"With just these five funds, you've got an average 8.1 percent dividend yield plus some great upside potential on those small cap stocks."
"This is a truck that you could really grow into." - "Very versatile truck."
"Nike remains fundamentally a strong wide moat company that will continue to grow in the future."
"Don't sleep on it... There's a lot more room to grow."
"This is so phenomenal, this is gonna put us on the map."
"Lean in like hell... the power of a seed is not a matter of just what's in the seed but what ground it goes into."
"There's just so many reasons to think that Tesla can still maintain some very high growth rates well into the Future."
"This is a growth stock story, and if the growth can continue, then people are going to be excited again."
"Comparing the market cap to Uni token: cake token has room for growth."
"Once we get to 10, 50, 100 million holders, then that's a different ball game."
"Humans are the ultimate adaptation machine. We come ready to adapt, to change, to grow."
"There's opportunity for growth. I ain't done with this character."
"We're setting the chart up towards those higher levels for all coins."
"Pain is to our potential what water is to a seed; it's the beginning of everything."
"My target for Tesla then is trillions. The company will be worth trillions by then."
"Starting from seed might not be the worst thing in the world, and you're going to see a return on your investment."
"It's true that men can change. It's true that transitions and translations are still real. It is true that people continue to upgrade to higher fashions of themselves."
"You planted good seeds... the seeds that you have planted are going to grow into something beautiful."
"Once something is rising, something else is decreasing. There's a lot of room for growth."
"Ethereum has so much potential, Ethereum's going to continue to grow."
"Expansion is called for here because even the three may be only in collaboration, but it has the promise of growth."
"Sometimes the start of a seed can blossom and grow into a lot more than just one little thing."
"I think they actually have a very, very good chance of becoming the largest automaker."
"This has the potential to really balloon into many, many people."
"This could rocket ship you into a whole other amazing dimension."
"Neo produces just over 5,000 vehicles per month...confident they can produce 7,500 vehicles per month soon."
"Don't despise small beginnings because that's where the nucleus of it all is."
"I think the Panthers would be happy if he grew."
"I think some of them are well positioned here again... they can actually outperform some of the heavy kind of highly valued growth equities out there."
"Even if US GDP shows signs of slipping, there's plenty of room for growth in Bitcoin's burgeoning market."
"You are very likely right on the cusp of breaking through to a new level."
"When there is no condemnation, the transformation can take off."
"I don't believe in cancel culture. When we cancel an individual, we take away their potential to learn, grow, and become an ally."
"If you stick too close to your original plan, you become stagnant. There's no room for growth or adaptation or anything like that."
"The growth on TikTok is great, but you can grow your other platforms through TikTok, and that's what makes it so useful."
"The truth is, you can start with like 20 bucks or 100 or 200 bucks and turn this into tens of thousands of dollars if you're smart."
"Mercado Libre: the biggest online retailer in Latin America with tremendous growth potential."
"Alibaba: the Chinese e-commerce giant with sky-high potential."
"Amazon is one of the best growth stocks to own ever."
"The level of breakdown is equal to the level of the breakthrough on the other side."