
Misjudgment Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it'll spend its whole life believing that it's stupid."
"Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it's stupid."
"The classic example I often use is the person who invented chess...but doesn't realize that by the end, you've wiped out the whole rice population of India for 10,000 years."
"But don't be fooled by its size, thick coat, and cute fluffy cheeks; sand cats are incredibly skillful and ruthless hunters."
"Industry people thought that most audiences did not want to re-watch movies at home, but they were completely wrong when it came to kids."
"Starship Troopers... on its surface, it's a big dumb action movie... but the film is actually a lot smarter than most people give it credit for."
"I've come to realize that there's just people who choose not to understand me or listen to me based off of their own assumptions of my character and that's okay you don't have to like me but you don't have to be gross about it."
"They look ferocious but they are loving inside."
"There's nothing compassionate about assuming that particular statements and then defining an entire person's worldview or belief based over those few statements or just blanketing an entire group of people."
"He felt terrible later when he found out that that traffic was two miles of cars waiting to get into a civic center to get boxes of food."
"Sometimes the person you think you are is not Chris Brown."
"Looking back on that time with her... I think she had a lot of confidence in her ability and didn't know what she was getting into."
"Deep down inside he had a good heart... it's a misnomer... he wasn't the bad guy."
"He had the attitude that nobody could hurt him. I think he was wrong."
"He met well, he was a decent good human being. He wouldn't hurt anybody, he would never do this to anybody."
"Sounding confident does not mean I'm arrogant."
"I think we got to confirm that Warden is the victim here he's actually a good guy I didn't think I'd be on the warden side"
"I think that the biggest mistake that retail can make here is assuming that something has to be imminent or it's never going to happen."
"These kids are not failing for the reasons you think. They don't think failing because you think they don't care."
"This group, if you didn't tell me that it was Cat 4, I would have told you that it was Cat 3 or better."
"I don't even understand why she's angry. There's always gonna be people who do bad things in the world no matter what group you follow."
"I thought, 'Oh, this guy's going to be a [__],' and he's really not what you've portrayed."
"You are a fool, Gavilar, a terrible fool of a man charging toward a high storm with a stick, thinking to fight it."
"He wasn't just some maniac. He was really, really smart."
"That human who called me a monster, he underestimated me."
"Germans seriously underestimated the Spitfire because of their experiences flying against it in the Battle of France."
"Kentler and many of his fellow scholars believed that stopping the sexual repression of children would fix society. They were wrong."
"The closest narrative this case fits is the covington case: a rush to judgment about someone that was wrong."
"You're not Hitler... you're not deserved to be called that... I see good things about Hitler."
"The fool has confused life for the game of survival."
"He's not a merciless killer he's a protector and she sees through his facade."
"He's got this one wrong. He hasn't realized how angry the public would be. He hasn't realized how obvious and Machiavellian his tactics are."
"This shouldn't be a controversial situation."
"I've seen a few reviews, people think this card is not very good, they're wrong."
"It's not that rickety 12-foot ladder Sean's standing on that's the main problem."
"Anybody who thinks Joe Rogan is a racist either doesn't know the first thing about the man or is an idiot."
"The Joker is not some buffoon, he's not the same kind of goof that we've always thought he's been. Instead, he's a lot smarter than he's previously been given credit for."
"Jerry and I thought you were just some politician. You are a genuine leader."
"No serious person thinks that Donald Trump is a white supremacist."
"Bad interpretation will always lead to bad application."
"He was not a beast at all, but a kind and intelligent human being."
"He badly miscalculated. He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over."
"No one at Twitter thought it was going to be this bad at first."
"You'd be very very easily fooled into thinking it was a bit of a pussycat but if you take liberties with it it really really will not take prisoners."
"A strong case really can't be made here. The lack of empathy sometimes can be connected to criminality but not reliably inappropriate laughing or wanting attention are not tied to criminality at all."
"Even if Andou appears to be a hopeless idiot, he’s surprisingly reliable."
"Caught red-handed, but you cannot judge by looks."
"Maybe Erwin truly wasn’t a demon, but a commander who, just like the others risked his life for humanity."
"People telling me I'm not even trying to fight are so, so wrong."
"Are we seeing a rise in people being vilified for their imagined intentions rather than what they actually say or do?"
"This was not the flex that she thought it was."
"I may be a delivery driver, but that does not make me the package Thief."
"Yo, you're just questioning my intentions as if they're dishonorable."
"I'm not some sinister guy, I'm not some hater."
"Ranking of kings is a classic example of the famous saying to never judge a book by its cover."
"Darcy, the guy who acts like a complete [ __ ] but is actually quite nice."
"It was upon first impression maybe you think that because of what people would assume about each side but that's just a false narrative."
"Comparing Napoleon to 20th-century dictators is a gross injustice."
"We thought Trump was... just a intermediary interloper."
"They acknowledged there was never one moment where anyone said, 'We think you might have been violent.'"
"Looking at Rising unemployment as an indicator of a coming recession seems kind of like crossing the street and watching for cars as a bus silently flattens you."
"Then, as he got closer, I soon realized that he wasn't actually a brain dead victim of a parachute accident but the USA champion of USA USA or something."
"Ace heavily misjudged what his role on this future battlefield would be."
"It looks like the problem with island expeditions might not be the island expeditions."
"Elliot Lwig was a great man, and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence, let alone what others now claim."
"It just so happens that misguided is a lot of the time because I like their [__]."
"Just because you've pigeonholed somebody into a category doesn't mean you're right about it."
"They'd already branded him as guilty... he wasn't even a suspect."
"It's okay that not everything that bears slight resemblance to the enemy is actually the enemy."
"He might not be doing it to harass some girl. She can't just say things about him and try to ruin his life."
"But the Germans had made a fatal error of judgment. British morale may have wobbled briefly but it did not collapse."
"Penny deserves better because she's demonized for simply doing things that benefit her."
"She's mocking somebody for being right when she's wrong."
"Scorpio, you knew falling in love with this person wouldn't be a good idea. You wanted a committed relationship."
"The premise was based on the worst of the news being priced in, and it wasn't."
"Twice’s success should not be boiled down to simply being 'young and pretty.'"
"Just because someone's quiet in the corner doesn't mean they don't have anything to offer."
"One of the great mistakes that dictators and autocrats tend to make is to always overestimate the cards that they are holding."
"I don't know how you can catch someone trying to end their life and just say oh no it's just a couple of bad days for them they'll be fine."
"Sometimes letting people be wrong about you without giving in to the impulse to explain yourself is self-care."
"Not knowing this was the case and thinking they were trying to correct their flight control problem; they only made it worse. As a result over 150 people lost their lives."
"Good people will accuse you of selfish alternative motives. Do good anyway."
"We think we know a good research proposal from a bad one and we don't. We think we're selecting the right people for law school and we aren't."
"Todd was just some weird customer who kept coming in and acting strange, but they never could have predicted the absolutely evil plan that was simmering just below the surface."
"The only problem is that it looks nothing like a beast but is rather fluffy and cuddly."
"Harley Quinn might not always look like the sharpest tool in the shed... but believe me when I say that she's amazingly bright."
"The French Revolution didn't happen because King Louis XVI was some kind of tyrant. In fact, he was the opposite."
"I think Poppy probably is not as evil as everyone thinks. I think he literally just wants to give you a hug."
"You're often accused of being fake nice when in actuality, you genuinely care for people."
"F was not even evil, he was just standing up for his Prancer."
"Zuko, you're wrong. You know about him not caring. If anything, Zuko cares too much." - Uncle Iroh
"I thought you were a nice person. No you didn't, you were skeptical the whole time."
"The US for too long, and we did the same thing in Iraq, we treated the Iraqi insurgents as a disorganized rabble. But they weren't."
"Sending us out into a situation that was building up, it must have been absolute folly."
"My first viral video was the visco girl video and the worst reaction i have ever gotten was in school when people thought i did porn for old men that's what they thought."
"This child is not okay right well Alex seems to think she's fine."
"I think you just gave her the voice of your heart not for attention but that's unfair for people to be saying I'm a bad person when I run a shelter for dogs in Romania because of the stray dog problem."
"They think I'm the bad guy they think I'm like you know robbing them or something I'm like like a bully I ain't a bully I'm a businessman man I'm a good dude."
"The person you trust the most in this world can be wrong about things."
"Nobody had been more wrong about where bitcoin was going in 2018 2019 than tom lee."
"How can you call me a whore if you do not know me?"
"Ganta may look scary but he's actually a very kind innocent soul."
"I realized I had completely underestimated Antifa."
"We do not think that the people running up the steps all were shelf stockers at Staples."
"You have no scientific background of any kind. You have a master's degree in kinesiology."
"She was probably just some doddering old lady who wandered off while I was in the kitchen."
"Prabhas looks like an idiot but is absolutely shrewd."
"It's not because they're bad, they're brilliant."
"They misunderstood you, but now they're beginning to understand."
"It was actually CPR and the idiot girl had the lung power of an African giant frog."
"Boy was I wrong what actually ended up happening is he started firing or demoting most of the upward middle management taking away perks and decreasing pay."
"Unfortunately, he thought I was slow, but I'm not."
"This has been the largest misjudgment of any major leader on the global stage since the fall of the Soviet Union."
"We weren't the monsters that they thought we were."
"All it takes is bad judgment, making enemies, wrong place wrong time."
"Wow, every single haunting says that she's nice."
"Anybody calling this movie soulless is way off the mark."
"What's been have you ever whiffed on like somebody you thought would be huge?"
"I don't like it when people are like, 'Oh, because you're doing that, you must be a [__].' Yeah, it's not true."
"Did you really think that Nanny was buying the little boy beer?"
"I thought he was just going to literally reverse his way until a whole another car is going to trap him."
"I was like, 'These guys think I'm so f*cking tough.'"
"We thought we were going to rent it for 25 minutes."
"They tried to make him intimidating, but they used the wrong vehicles to do this."
"I thought I was to hear and it was just been really, really hot outside."
"Sometimes bodies are found, and the police assume an animal did the damage. In reality, it was a creature hunting in the wrong area."
"A nerdy teen that has an attractive girl out of his league and he messaged her every day and assumes that she would never like him because he's a nerd."
"The irony of Tarzan is that they treated that man like he was an animal when really he was two steps ahead of everyone."
"Some misjudge the power of the ocean."
"Cue Jets... they've gotten a bad rap for a lot of years."
"Someone thought you were an easy target to sacrifice or throw under the bus. But they're now realizing they judged the book by its cover."
"I made a mistake, huh? She doesn't know you very well, Faraday."
"You've chosen the wrong messenger."
"He was considered by everyone who knew him to be a complete numbskull."
"He's done an amazing job of getting people to dismiss him because they think he's a piece of [ __ ]."
"I thought you were turning over queens, I could have sworn you."
"The public started looking at her as a petite innocent blonde who wouldn't be able to do this to her own parents."
"Sometimes even a prince can play like a poer just a misread from the 98 champ."
"He's like me. He doesn't know how to express himself. Everyone is wrong about him, including me."
"Philip definitely wasn't here just to steal food."
"That boy got y'all out there jumping to conclusions."
"It's unfortunate that that didn't happen. I didn't read the room correctly as you may see however I had the best intentions."
"You ever do that? You ever try to judge a situation, you're totally wrong, you find out later?"
"He told a man he was too old for his job anymore. Lee is too old to go hunting wild stallions just because he didn't see that signal."
"Sure, I was still going to have to report that somebody had been in the building, but I really thought that the man had left."
"I totally underestimated her character. I thought she was the one who's gonna trick him, not that other girl."
"The Ottomans were under the impression... this will be a one-year, two-year smashing grab."
"It's not really fair that people are calling Monica's account a troll account. I think it was a Blog Page to be honest."
"We screwed up. We misjudged you. We targeted you in a way that we don't believe was fair. We crammed something down your throat. We messed up."
"And all those people think they're experts on valuing them. If that person can be miss valued by the market, who can't be. A story of women in the workplace? A story of Jackie Robinson. There was something universal about this. About the way people get misjudged."
"It's a story about the way markets miss value people."
"He thought he was gonna destroy the world."
"The dowager is not half as frightening as she thinks she is."
"We all believed him to be a natural-born coward who could not face the music."
"It could take you a lifetime to build your reputation you were saying that Renai inspired you in a lot of ways no right not at all yeah okay and then it takes a second to to ruin it all right it's a second of misjudgment to ruin it all."
"This is proof that Aaron is not some psychopathic murdering monster who only wants to destroy the world."
"So talk about making what I call a political mistake."
"Hey, don't let the belly fool you."
"'Surely he knew you would be there,' Aunt said. 'He was very agreeable, very different to how you had described him, dear. I must say, Lizzy, you did Mr. Darcy a grave injustice.'"
"He probably thinks I'm attractive enough to like, you know, win. He blew it, Jay."
"But Goebbels' extravagant gesture to ingratiate himself with Eva Braun misfires."
"You're awfully wrong about me, sir. I can be much more valuable to you than you think."
"What did we know he was... He was that high? Red? No, I thought he was just like kind of a guy."
"You don't appreciate someone like lying about you and your intentions or assuming your intentions are not genuine."
"Tyrion is smarter than this but he's making the wrong choices."
"In hindsight, you know, that just really seems like a costumes and not production design thing."
"Both of the film's main characters are misunderstood and misjudged in their own way."
"When I first went natural, I remember I went out and I had my hair out natural, and someone was like, 'Oh man, bad hair day, huh?' And y'all, are you kidding me? Like, I was perplexed because honestly, does it look like I'm having a bad hair day?"
"He's not the person that he gets made out to be, he's, when I talk to him in person, he's so respectful, just a kid, man."
"In fact initially they thought he was gonna be in a lot of trouble until they realized what in the world almost happened and then he is congratulated for it."
"He's not dumb, he's weirdly intelligent."
"Isildur is one of if not the most unfairly maligned characters in the movies."
"You never judge a book by its cover. You never know who can take you out."
"The shallow work's damage is often underestimated and its importance is often overestimated."
"To be totally honest he looked terrifying but would sooner lick you to death than he would growl or even bark at you."
"I'm genuinely a nice guy. People just choose not to see it. I'm more than approachable."
"How could this woman accuse me of something so terrible?"
"The Hags are seen as figures of pity. They bear a burden of protecting the world, despite being hated for it."
"and small though he was you'd be ill-advised to mistake the outer man for the inner"
"I'm not as dumb as people think. You're not dumb at all, honey."
"I always thought they were bad soldiers, now I'm sure of it. I had turned their rights, pierced their center, and everywhere victory was mine; but they didn't know how to run."
"Victory was mine, but they didn't know how to run."
"Laura has just been the scapegoat."
"Watch how they portray certain folks as the bad guy because a lot of times they're not the bad guy."
"People will come after him and they will try to define him for something that he is not, and he needs to not let them."
"It was a shame that most people didn't realize how nice a guy he really was."
"If you're on Denali for 20 days and you've horrendously misjudged the food situation, it is a big deal."
"Volga's Adventures of her helping out everyone's kind of afraid of her because she's an obsidian, but then at the end of her little adventure of helping someone, she goes to the zoo and she pets the animals."
"These are characters who often aren’t very popular with the fans, who have acquired unflattering reputations that they don’t deserve."
"That’s a shame. Because Keiko... Keiko’s actually not so bad."
"God sees your heart and that people won't understand you sometimes."
"For someone to make such a comment... anybody that knows me knows I put in my heart and soul."
"Our society tends to elevate the wrong people."
"I'm not a [__] idiot; I'm just having a good time."
"It looks like a beginner plane to a degree, but it is not, it is an extreme plane, it is very capable."
"You might have been called unlovely, or stupid, or dumb, or lazy... but you have been incorrectly labeled."
"Series of disastrous misjudgments and sort of ludicrous accidents."
"Temple of Doom is far more clever and self-aware than people give it credit for."
"My life is like a book that they've been judging by a cover, but never took the time to read."
"Monster? I ain't no monster, girly. Do I look like a monster? Name's Naruto, I'm just a guy who can punch stuff real good."