
Community Feedback Quotes

There are 911 quotes

"If there's anything wrong with our game, you can roast it because we want to make a good game, not just make a lot of money."
"I look at Yandere Simulator like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle."
"You can either cut your losses now and say, 'Hey, this didn't work, we recognized it, we tried it out for a little bit but we've walked it back, we've heard you loud and clear,' or you can keep it in the game and watch your PVP player base continue to bleed out."
"The decision to cut psychos from the game was partly walked back on the advice of passionate team members who insisted fans would care."
"We want your feedback; everything we do across classic continues to be a journey that is co-written by you, the players."
"Uploading a video and seeing positive comments is the best feeling."
"I have been begging, hoping, and praying that ConcernedApe would add a black cat at some point in Stardew Valley's career."
"Right now, Dragon's Dogma 2 has mostly negative reviews on Steam, with many players having the same problem I did where it would constantly crash."
"PSA to all Simmers, the last community survey was awesome. We got a TON of great feedback, and I appreciate everyone who spent the time to complete it."
"The Elder Scrolls Online 2023 Global reveal includes one of the most requested features from the ESO Community, a new playable class called The Arcanist."
"Thank you for listening to my reasoning, and thank you for voting; the survey got a ton of responses, and the results seem to be pretty definitive."
"If we just continue to make videos like this as creators and as communities and voice our concerns and not just 'oh this game is dead on arrival' or 'Warzone is dead,' say what we want and why we want it, the devs ideally will continue to listen."
"Removing dislikes is harming the community's ability to communicate and the viewers' ability to quickly and easily filter out misleading or potentially dangerous content."
"Thank you for all your comments on that video. It's been heartwarming to read all those stories."
"It's really cool to see that they're saying the things in this update are directly inspired by community feedback."
"My beautiful book, Attracts Soulmate Love, is available through my website. It is an absolute powerhouse of information, and people in our community are saying that it is a game-changer for them."
"It's important that we get feedback from everybody...the community is what makes the game."
"The patches were substantive and genuinely improved the game, fixing bugs, improving performance, adding assets, and even removing that stupid online-only requirement."
"I love how the majority of the 'they didn't really talk about this graphics card' topic was just being angry about the pronunciation of 'Ti.'"
"This is a collaboration between us and the community. We love the feedback you give us."
"People are saying the game is on the right track, and they feel a lot more confident about its future, which is a great relief."
"Consumers made that happen... there was a serious outpouring of positive feedback on the idea of a PC version of Dark Souls, and now it's happening."
"I think it was last week, I believe it was last week, over on the official Smackdown vs. raw website they have actually been posting community surveys where they want opinions from the community for the future of the Smackdown vs. raw games."
"Finally, Roblox appears to be actually listening to the community, and it's a beautiful thing to see."
"There's a reason why one of the most reoccurring update ideas that I've seen from the community is an experience road."
"After I posted a video last week about me trimming my own beard, I got a lot of really great feedback from people saying how much they enjoyed all the tips and tricks."
"AMD made the wrong decision, they listened to the community, and now corrected course."
"It's one of the biggest content updates we've ever released, and we've been hard at work listening to feedback, polishing, iterating, fixing bugs, and trying to make it the best experience we can."
"If constructive criticism can make things better, then we're all ears. But disliking the ending isn't a crime against humanity."
"Even now towards the end of season two we're seeing that some people are starting to be a little upset of like hey you know these same builds are just killing everything."
"Let me know in the comments down below what how you would handle this at your repair shop and what you would do. Just kind of curious."
"Being a YouTuber is everybody's an expert and at least from my perspective in the comment section everybody's an expert and very few people actually do this stuff."
"While it is unfortunate that the original version is not available for them to play anymore I would say that this is for the greater good."
"I'm hopeful that supercell will actually address this."
"Thank you in advance for taking your time to share [in the comments] what works for you and what doesn't work for you."
"If I make a video and it says vax n' chill, and then a bunch of people that I do respect, that are like, no, I think that's terrible messaging, I think about it."
"You cannot have students and alumni and folks saying you are the problem. If that many people are saying you are the problem, then you need to look into a mirror and ask yourself why am I the problem." - Roland Martin
"I like the idea of Prime icons, I think they could have released them a little bit quicker."
"Clash of Clans: where player feedback shapes the future."
"I've really enjoyed doing them online... I think what we'll do but let us know guys in the comments and on Twitter as well."
"Our community response to this was an avalanche with 68% of respondents giving it the S tier."
"Fortnite is broken and we deserve this for trying to play as soon as the map came out."
"Every time I've seen this game mentioned people always say how much they miss it."
"If what she was saying was true... I just found thousands and thousands of stories all saying the same thing."
"I care way more about the future of content creation in this game and the longevity of it then I care about potentially angry fanboys."
"Let me know your thoughts below; feedback, positive and constructive, is always welcome here."
"This seems so broken at minute 20, you can supernova sun ray, that is so broken!"
"The community's response to the game was divisive."
"It sounds to me like the overwhelming reaction is we need to actually see the game."
"I like it when devs respond to things I say."
"I wanted to see them come out and have a video saying... here's what we're doing to revitalize the zombies community because we know like these launch was rough."
"Player feedback has been so critical and the community has been really helpful for us to make the game what it is today."
"I think some acknowledgment of issues in the community could go a long way... kept in the dark for months and months can have had the effect of people wondering if Rockstar even cares."
"The comments reassured me that what I was thinking was right."
"Let me know which of these do you have them in your home, do you regret them, do you still love them, do you know hate me, do you love me?"
"But I'm not sure if anyone else feels like that about this book you'll have to let me know in the comments."
"I guess I'm wondering what y'all think is going to happen in the next year, right?"
"And to anyone who has sent me messages say that they're concerned about me or they think that I'm great and powerful and whatever then thank you right thank you for leaving positivity and love."
"We're always surprised when people tell us they watch our channel."
"You all spoke out and the comments been positive by the way thank you guys you all said that you'd like to hear what happened in the week of gaming not just the day in gaming."
"I hope Rockstar Games can recognize these issues."
"Imagine if he said our current plan is to soft launch on mobile when we think it's ready but we're absolutely open to bringing it onto PC. Would you guys like that? Would there be thunderous applause?"
"If players are getting bored because there's a lack of content, then it doesn't really matter if you think they're right or wrong. What matters is they're stopping playing."
"Dreamworld might actually be trending upwards towards some real progress as a game."
"We want you to let us know what you think. Download the tools, poke around."
"Making competitive and casual and MVM all three modes as playable as they can be should be priority number one for Team Fortress 2's last update."
"It's really nice to see like the response to it."
"I think a surrender option would be a great idea."
"Every issue you filed, every tweet you tweeted has helped make WSL what it is today."
"What fallout 76 needs right now are major updates and fixes or a miraculous overhaul not additional forms of monetization."
"The reason for Fortnite's downfall is not playground mode or the sweats. Epic Games is the only one to blame here."
"Every good thing that's happened to me goes back to asking a viewer, 'What do you think?'"
"This was shaping up to be one of the best Minecraft updates ever."
"I really think this is something that's pointed out in the comments sometimes you honestly sell games better than the developers do at times."
"I know all the nooks and crannies Bots hide around in the game anyway that's my pitch let me know in the comments what your top recommendations would be at the very least we need to see more of this."
"If you want to see me make more videos like this please like give me some positive reinforcement by liking the video and giving a comment."
"Runescape has stood the test of time, evolved, and now it's listening to the players and going where the players want it to go."
"Let me know in the comments what other kinds of Druid builds that you'd like to see next."
"I am forever grateful to y'all with that mushy stuff out of the way feel free to suggest to me what you would like to see done in this studio."
"Thank you, Blizzard, for making this change. We will finally have more of a sense of pace to a few of our classes."
"Armed with knowledge from the comments, we're ready to thrive."
"I want you all to write in the comments one thing that the Internet has improved for you."
"77% of people in the chat said bad, 23% said good."
"Imagine if World bosses weren't a complete joke."
"For once game freak did everything we asked and it paid off black and white were already fantastic games all it needed were some touch-ups throw in a new story too and Bam best Pokemon games of all time."
"No more level 80 boxes from World tier 4 open them whenever you please a simple change but a change that people really wanted."
"Clearly they are listening, and that is absolutely huge."
"Whoever left that comment, good call because this has changed the game completely."
"If people want to make changes and companies decide to make changes, that should be a positive thing."
"That's like, my number one gameplay feature request."
"Going through all your positive comments has brought me such joy and I'm so happy to see it was so well received."
"We should all just go back to providing useful feedback instead of lashing out at everybody with a different opinion."
"So yes, finally done. I hope you enjoyed this crazy long adventure." - And looking back, it's kind of funny how much hate this game got when it came out.
"I think if more leadership to be honest with you was shown on their side they probably should have pulled the plug on this given the current community thoughts."
"He gets it and we have to be malleable enough to change that right."
"Just the very fact that they were so receptive to fan opinions... really shows some good commitment."
"EA basically [ __ ] on the community... and they deserve sometimes to get some backlash... well this time they did that."
"Anastasia Beverly Hills will always take seriously the opinions, concerns, and suggestions of our community."
"The Forest became a much better game with the guidance and feedback of the players."
"For the rest of this TWAB, all that I ask for is that Warlocks and Hunters get equally buffed."
"Expect a major Well Radiance Nerf in the final shape, especially leading up to the final raid. They better Nerf well hard. I'm tired of sitting in a well step out of it."
"Let me know how crazy you think it is in the comments."
"It's amazing how everyone adores me. Top Geo, you're a hero, you're the best, you're so... it's crazy."
"Most Twitch viewers wanted Trick to be unbanned."
"Everything that I've read here for Trials has been the best thing of this blog post."
"I really loved hearing all of these different perspectives from you guys."
"What are your thoughts? I want to hear from you in the comments."
"Wargaming, please in the future when you make vehicle balancing changes please explain why the tanks that you're nerfing are detrimental to The Meta..."
"80% of you are saying that you would prefer the custom creator thumbnails, at least in our case."
"Let me know what you guys think: Are small caps too speculative to get involved with?"
"Thank you for the kind comments, that warms my heart."
"I would love to hear your thoughts on how are you feeling about YouTube as a viewer and/or as a creator?"
"I think the reason you guys should have an open mind about this is the community has been so outspoken against Diablo Immortal."
"It's meant more than you've known—the likes, the comments, the feedback."
"Super cringe, I still have no idea what the [ __ ] game is about."
"They have listened to us and have worked hard to make these changes."
"So we'd love to hear from you guys in the comments what you're thinking."
"Valve does read Reddit, Facepunch emails, etc., to see what the community is talking about."
"Please please please give me some feedback in the comments, I need to know what you guys think moving forward on everything."
"Crafting is a complete mess and that this particular reality has yet to dawn on quite a few people I see who are currently praising the game."
"It's been a blast making these videos and it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for all the excitement coming from you all in the comments and on my Twitter feed. So a big thank you."
"Do you agree? Do you think there is a big camping issue in modern warfare?"
"I'm not having the highest expectations for it if you guys have been browsing social media in the last couple of days you might have actually seen that some pro players have actually begun to speak out about the lack of changes in the patches."
"Does anyone have good ideas on how Games should be handled when it comes to the rating system?"
"The main thing to note here is that we're on your side, we also want to see Magic overhauled and mage build possibilities made stronger than they were in Skyrim."
"I think the playerbase has responded in kind that nope, this was not the way to go about it at all."
"You don't have to fix all, for example, people for so many years like Blizzard please make the bag space bigger. Blizzard's like we can't, it's gonna delete the game."
"Brookhaven creators are making the game more fun, I agree."
"Stay curious. I'd love to hear your guys' reactions to today's story."
"If you did or if you've got your own thoughts about the meaning of this landmark OP, let me know in the comments below."
"Mass Effect 3's ending was rushed, poorly thought out... it was probably at the time the biggest gaming controversy in a long time."
"We start with a blank canvas and we just look at the game, look at what the community wants, and make a league around that."
"That's kind of cool, what do you guys think of those? That's not bad, right?"
"Let me know in the comments which announcement was your favorite."
"I thought what they did here was absolutely fantastic I know some of the hardcore Gamers and some of maybe the harder hardcore peeps may not like some stuff that was done in here if you don't I'd love to see your perspective of why."
"No Man's Sky currently sits at mostly positive on Steam. It's a small victory, but for me, it's a reminder of one of the best redemption arcs in gaming history."
"I've been told from friends and stuff and those kind of things like what people think about it and it's been really amazing. It's been we couldn't have possibly imagined it coming this way. It's really, really pretty." - Tyler
"GTA 5 online has been losing its roots focusing on crime. It's become a whole new game compared to how it was when it was first released."
"So I'm curious if any of you guys are actually running it. Sound off in the comments below with what your experience has been like."
"Are you looking forward to this latest ESO chapter or what other improvements do you think still need to be made?"
"Thank you for everybody that commented yesterday. I really appreciate it. I was so excited to have so many comments of such awesome feedback."
"Thank you to everyone that shared their feedback, their joy, and their desires with us as we constantly evolve the space-faring experience."
"That's what betas are for. They're designed not only to bolster pre-orders and fill hype for the game but they are also used by the developers to gather valuable feedback."
"Frontiers Pursuits was the largest and best update Reddit online ever got."
"Seeing you happy about the gym rework is awesome."
"Honest feedback is important, and I am lucky enough to have several hundred thousand people willing to call me out and hold me accountable for my work."
"There's no accountability for this whole system when it comes to policing, and that's what the community continues to tell us."
"Some of the best tips and feedback come from you, the Think Media community."
"I know that both they and their community can take some honest feedback and constructive criticism."
"Overall, I really enjoy the game and yeah that's pretty much it if you want to apply let me know in the comment section down below if you want more content or the game the guides and all that good stuff."
"That's the bill guys let me know what you think in the comments section it is it's looking very clean I think that a pretty good job like I said I would custom paint a few things I've had more time but for what it is it's one hell of a bee species."
"But in terms of other stories, I gotta highlight the fact that 'Dead Island 2' is not delayed for once."
"Regardless of whether you personally loved the product we got or not for Black Ops 4 Zombies, you have to recognize that it is not at all what it was originally intended to be."
"When I complain about Magic: The Gathering, it's because I want it to do and to be better."
"Checking the old Instagram... lots of nice comments going on."
"Let me know all of your thoughts and opinions because one of the best ways that I can learn is by learning from you guys."
"One last important thing: if this does well, and I hope it does, I hope it will also send some type of positive message to 343 and Microsoft about what fans want."
"Anytime you guys let me know that you're enjoying the content, it means a lot."
"I have gotten thousands literally thousands of comments of emails of in Twitter and in Instagram that tell me that they have they're looking at the world looking at people in totally different ways."
"If just one of you comments that this helped you, then it will have been for something."
"Listening to the fans isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing."
"I do think it's fair for the community to criticize you for that and I think that's a staple of sports."
"The Sims team needs to take notes because they're still not giving us the family gameplay a majority of the players have been asking for for years."
"I pushed Jessie as well to about 700 and yeah I can definitely see why people are saying that."
"This is the first time ever where I felt like Bungie is considering my feedback seriously."
"The game is gonna keep dying without something major."
"We've been nailing these changes... kudos to you for actually being on top of the The Meta."
"I would love to hear about them because I would like to know more ways to solve this particular problem."
"Content vaulting has hurt the game maybe more than they even realize."
"They could actually come out looking a lot better if they said okay, we've heard you, we'll reconsider this feature."
"If you guys want me to do a full video revisiting this game you guys got to let me know."
"Teclan is really actively listening to their community."
"A lot of the feedback I gave the devs before and suggestions have been implemented in the game, which is really awesome."
"The whole thing culminated with the non-surprise reveal of Halo Infinite's multiplayer."
"I love seeing it when game developers look at our content and community feedback and actually change something about a game."
"It's about getting that feedback to the developers and making the games better."
"It's always great to see your feedback and opinions."
"Blizzard's like hold up wait a minute and now they change it good I'm happy this is great."
"I've had hundreds of comments of people and even creators that I didn't know and very much so respect that say, 'Hey I watched the video, you've changed my mind completely.'"
"Was there anything that you think we missed? Feel free to let us know in the comments down below."
"A good majority of people rated it an 8 out of 10 on Letterboxd."
"Someone really needs to talk to Bethesda and get this mess sorted out."
"It's obvious, seems like people tell the devs they're like hey this is [__] up."
"Let me know what you guys thought in general about all of this try to keep the hate and the toxicity to a minimum."
"You know, people would lose their minds, the game is still broken for you, can't enter Asgard without immediately dying. Anyone in the same position?"
"Destiny 2 was well received by reviewers and the community."
"Exactly. That's it. And what we got was 300 voice messages of like, 'thank you so much for all that you do.'"
"There's like very few negative comments ever."
"It was truly unbelievable that 343 industries would bring this into Halo Wars 2 after the backlash of microtransaction brittle the halo 5."
"So this was my plea to Game Freak, Pokémon, and Nintendo: to simply increase the battle timer and create a new rule set for single battles."
"It ain't what I think about it I was reading the comments honey and the girls was down there asking Honey is sheain friend I was like wait a minute" - TS Madison
"You see those little changes get made because of the feedback that the community has given us."
"Once the score hits 80 or higher, now we're going into the realm of not only do does the community want more of that but they want exactly that."
"I've been impressed at how closely the developers are listening to feedback and quickly addressing any issues the player base may have had with the game."
"The end game is going to be where Diablo 4 lives or dies."
"Feel free to let us know in the comments down below which games you think look the most cool or that you'd really like to play this month."
"Every post on this forum complaining about the game is actually a cry for help by the addicted masses."
"We see now that many of you are incredibly passionate about being able to continue purchasing classic games on PS3 and PS Vita for the foreseeable future so I'm glad we were able to find a solution to continue operations."
"Getting mad or irritated that people want a sports simulation game when it's described as such is wild."
"Thank you as well to all the artists who have been working to sort of give fan feedback on how to improve designs. I've seen a ton of generally really, really good improvements over 343 designs for this game come out of the community."