
Divine Nature Quotes

There are 634 quotes

"The Bible says God is love, there is a good starting point to talk about love."
"Remember, you are a divine being of love and light."
"As far as Aquinas was convinced, God is incomprehensible. Well, for everyone other than God."
"True success comes from recognizing your own divine nature and aligning your personal will with the will of the universe."
"Every good and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
"To abide in God, to remain in God, is to take on the nature of God."
"You are essentially a microcosm of the whole of that which we call God."
"These precious promises have been given to us that through these promises, we can be partakers of the divine nature."
"The true teachings of Christ would never portray God as a judger or a hater."
"We are all expressions of the one divine nature and each living being is a reflection of that self."
"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
"It's meant to evoke for us what we call the Visio beatific, the happiness-producing vision of the very nature of God."
"I am certain that God is a healer. I am certain that God is faithful."
"God is love. In other words, love didn't start with you and love didn't start with me because God was love before there was a you or me."
"The doctrine of Trinity means one God composed of three co-equal persons who are one in essence but distinct in personality."
"God is the author and perfecter of your faith. He is the Alpha and the Omega, even of your life."
"The appearance of God cannot be reconciled with the conceptions of man, much less can God appear at the behest of man."
"In Christianity, Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, who is said to possess two natures, one divine and one human."
"The god that we believe in is not sort of a puny, parochial God that's just worried about one little planet in the corner of the universe, but he's the God who continually creates the whole of the universe and imbues it with his glory and intelligibility."
"Jesus Christ presents the clearest picture of God's character and his will for our lives."
"God in his divinity has no soul, soul is a property only of human created nature."
"You are divine by nature, but you've forgotten."
"The Father has no origin... the Son is begotten, made from the Father alone."
"God is a provider, it is inherent in his nature as his authentic self. He can't help but provide."
"God is not an ironclad dictator, but a father who is responsive to the needs of his children."
"The love and mercy of God made no sense, have no meaning to us until we first understand his wrath."
"The most important thing to understand is who our Father is and what His nature is."
"We're all part of God, we're always connected."
"Believing that you are divine, that you are powerful, that you can tap into it, you can."
"God would not create what God would not will and further to will evil would require God to contain a contradictory State of Affairs being both purely good and purely evil at once which is nonsense."
"If you want to do any kind of business with God, you have to find a way of capturing the knowledge that God is spirit."
"God is a comforter, God also is a consumer, when the fire gets out of control, it's got a different mission now."
"Artemis and Apollo fit together narratively and aesthetically speaking— they're just plain fun and they're also dangerous, fickle, and unpredictable."
"Now, ti. said to forgive may be divine, but to forget can be even more Divine winning."
"He is not only a loving God, he is love itself."
"God doesn't love us because we are lovable, but because he is love."
"Why does he require to share his power with other entities? The question number one is why would God require that."
"God is one person, the Father. However, each of them are divine. They're God in another sense."
"God is real. God is perfect. And that's why He's called God. He's God for crying out loud!"
"Standing firmly in your power as the unique expressions of the divine."
"God won't contradict himself because of his character."
"Jesus Christ is truly God, the Second Person of the Trinity." - Catholic doctrine
"So, is God love?" - "Questioning the nature of God's love."
"God is not in the condemning business. He's in the restoration business."
"You can have the mind of the enemy or you can have the mind of Christ, you can have a body made for glory and pleasure and joy and peace eating at the throne of God."
"God Almighty wants you to take on his nature, our nature needs to be changed."
"God is not black, God is not white, and that is all that matters."
"God is an infinite circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."
"You are more than a physical entity navigating through the world you are a manifestation of the Divine an embodiment of the universal Consciousness."
"You are God this is not a statement of arrogance and this is not sacrilege but a recognition of the Divine spark within you."
"You've received the Holy Spirit, you became a partaker of divine nature."
"We are called to be holy because God is holy."
"God wasn't manufacturing a man, he was reproducing himself."
"God cannot by his very nature be subjected to being whipped and hurt."
"God is a consistent God. He does not change."
"God is too good to be unkind, and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart."
"Whatever is true of Yahweh is true of Christ."
"The Holy Spirit is God, He's fully God and He lives inside of you."
"Can God do everything? Yes, within the confines of his words."
"God can't lie, can't deny Himself, can't make mistakes, can't err out."
"Love is dependent upon and flows from the very nature of who God is."
"Jesus Christ is a spirit and a word given to Mary from Almighty God."
"God is God and God does godly things according to his nature."
"Become that divine self you are meant to be by tapping into your heart, by forgiving other people."
"You're not just carbonated beings, you are God."
"You are a divine being... live in the truth."
"The truth is, you are divine. When you look at enlightened people of the past, even if you look at someone like Jesus or you look at someone like Buddha, they embodied their divine self."
"What kind of a God would do that?" - "The one we've got."
"God is love, so everything He says and does is done from love."
"God understands... we easily offend him, that's what he understands."
"God cannot sin because God is love and sin is the absence of love."
"The gift reflects the giver's heart, which is God."
"He was still in heaven, always one but able to take human form."
"God is unexpected in all the best ways, in all the ways that would make you want to shout good news and bring people."
"Focus on God's holiness, his Perfect Purity, his total goodness."
"Love is the character of God, and love is the only thing that may conquer."
"We're here to essentially realize that we are divine."
"God's love for us is uncaused, unprompted, uninfluenced, free, spontaneous."
"Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God."
"If you want to be a partaker of the divine nature, you must understand free will."
"Your relationship with God should not be based on what he gives you but rather on who God is."
"For I am the Lord, I do not change." - Malachi 3:6
"We shall see him as he is because we'll be like him."
"Remember your true divine nature, remember who you are, you know what I'm saying, that's what this is about."
"You were created to not just have God's character and nature, but to function like God."
"You are a divine being having a human experience."
"It's written that we're partakers of divine nature so don't take that away either to say you're not a partaker of the divine nature."
"If they say they're lifetime natty, that means they've been taking steroids so long that being on juice is their natural way of life."
"He emphasizes Jesus as the Son of God, noble, powerful, and divine."
"To honor the queerness of God is to honor the omnipresence of God."
"God's character is just and loving, demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross."
"It's evidence that there might be a God, a creator who lives in unapproachable light, but he happened to become human so we could approach him."
"Who you truly are is consciousness. You are God. You are the self."
"There is no one who is filled with the Holy Spirit that is not supernatural."
"Before God indwelt you, you were already a divine being by nature."
"In the biblical worldview, God is seen as eternally good, impossible for him to do evil or be unjust."
"The cross is not about God's angry, violent desire for retribution."
"Jesus doesn't save us from God, he reveals God to us."
"The real good news is not simply that Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God, but that he was a powerful Son of God."
"We declare that God is who he says he is, the Almighty God who exists before the very beginning."
"You are the ones addressed in that 82nd Psalm."
"He's sinless... that's the definitive difference."
"Let's not think that just because it's not of its origins in Christianity means it's wrong. Maybe we could look even at pagan religions and say, 'Huh, they captured something of God's nature in the created world that's really beautiful.'"
"God can't make it happen right? No one may, no one, see God is such a gentleman."
"What happens to a god when they die? Can a god truly perish? If so, where are their corpses?"
"God is not something that we can imagine, he's beyond our beauty and our understanding."
"We're ultimately gods and what gods do is transform."
"God you know walking on the wings of the wind and all that uh God walking through the garden well no one thinks those are literal descriptions of God having a body"
"Marriage is a picture of the inner life of the triune God."
"But wait a minute, wait a minute. So the whole point of Jesus’ argument here in John 4 is to demonstrate that God is not limited by physical limits as we are."
"We started with the question what created God and now we have an answer nothing created God God is nothing God is the void from which all things emerge."
"The concept of God, in religion, is placed outside of you, whereas spiritually, we are all God."
"Yeshua leads an army of Angels" - Revelation 19:11-16
"Righteousness is a life and the nature of God."
"Just because you changed your mind every 2.5 seconds doesn't mean that God does he is the same God today as he was then."
"Reality is God exploring its own mathematical possibilities."
"We are made a little lower than the Angels but crowned with glory and honor."
"God accommodates himself to our weaknesses, knowing we are blind, lame, and poor."
"God is love, God is an ephemeral feeling... God is everything."
"God is love... the very principle of his character is that God is love." - 1 Corinthians 13.
"Confidence will flow into you when you are divinely you."
"Christ expresses the truth and does God's work from within normal humanity."
"But what's He really like? And if you had to describe not just what your God does, but what is the being of your God like, what would you say?"
"You are quite literally the Word of God made flesh."
"I will not execute the fierceness of my anger... For I am God, and not man."
"You are a divine, powerful, eternal spiritual being."
"God himself is not just good, he is goodness itself."
"God is deeper than the revelations given to man about himself."
"Jesus Christ is the everlasting father; there is no confusion unless you try to bring God down to your level."
"Jesus' upside-down approach to life at last becomes clear: God's association with the vengeance and violence of the Old Testament was never a true expression of who he was."
"You will never look more like a child of God than when you are filled with the Holy Spirit."
"You're a divine being you were created with such beauty and wisdom and immense divine coding that ain't going to be no virus going to take out."
"It's perfect love is the best way to understand the nature of God as Christians understand it."
"God is immutable, that is, He doesn't change."
"God, in the full meaning of the word God, is both in a sense God and the Godhead."
"You are strong, powerful, and created in the image of God. You are not settling; you are made to be strong."
"It's not about to know more about God, it's to be changed, it's to be transformed into his nature."
"You deserve to be feeling and looking and expressing in your most divine version."
"And I want to say again, doctrine matters because who God is matters."
"Jesus is of the same nature as God, yet a distinction of persons from the Father."
"Does it make God's actions questionable if everything he does lacks free will because he can only do stuff according to his nature?"
"They know me as the unborn, not begotten, the supreme lord of the worlds." - Bhagavad Gita
"God must hate certain people in order to torture them for eternity, so he can't be all loving."
"The idea of God needing apologists refutes the idea of a benevolent God."
"I as a Christian know that contradictions are wrong because they're contrary to the nature of God."
"He shows us God as nonviolent, unconditionally loving."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the very essence of God."
"The attributes of God are ontologically separate from the essence of God."
"He is eternal since he exists eternally. He is ineffable since no one was able to comprehend him to speak about him."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1
"We're all made in God's image, we're all a little bit Divine."
"You're a divine being having a human experience, you're from out of this world baby, and I see you climbing this ladder, I see people following you which is beautiful, blessed. So you're meant to be a leader, okay babe?"
"Does God the father is independent or is he dependent on someone else?"
"So God cannot, you know, it doesn't benefit God to cease his characteristics, his glory, as God cannot cease to exist, you know, God is always there."
"First and foremost, we are made in the image of God. That is our preeminent and predominant identity marker."
"God cannot tempt us with sin, He doesn't do that."
"God doesn't have a gender or race or color. He doesn't know cities or counties or countries. God is love."
"Somewhere along our journey, we were lied to about who God really is."
"This then is the message which we have heard of him, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all."
"The most important thing is the nature of God becoming our nature."
"God is revealing a deep mystery through Humanity that he is love."
"I'm a goddess, so that means it's just second nature."
"When did God lay down His life? If it wasn't Jesus, when did God do it?"
"How could such a loving God torment the people that He created forever?"
"I am sure that we both concur that God cannot lie."
"We are the Flame-born Sons of God, thrown off as sparks from the wheels of the Infinite."
"Thank you for being constant, O God, because you are not a man that you should lie."
"God is infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, all knowledgeable."
"Morality is based on God's and his nature, that's why morality is unchangeable."
"You're the same God, you never change."
"Through them, you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."
"God can't do anything other than adhere to the moral law."
"God is incapable of acting immorally."
"God is attracted to his nature within a person."
"God is always after his nature within a person."
"There's always your presence, your personal press, always within you, your divine nature."
"Your inside is a burning flame, it's always there. And as you turn your attention into it, you unify with it and you begin to experience mystical communion with the divine nature."
"By such reflections and by the continuance in them of a divine nature, all that which we have described waxed and increased in them."
"...banish the doubt that it's possible for you...we somehow haven't got within us this knowing that we are Divine and that we are capable and that we can create for ourselves virtually anything that we want to."
"God does not use Satan to do his dirty work. If God teamed up with Satan, it would be a house divided."
"God is always new... there's always something new, always something exciting."
"God laid down his life, God laid down his life, but let's first find out the nature of God, God is a spirit, you can't kill spirit."
"Allah's Mercy is infinite but just to give you an understanding he divided his Mercy into 100 Parts one of those parts he revealed to this world and because of it the entire creation has some bit of Mercy."
"The heart of God is all about giving."
"This was a God more like the best of us and the worst of us, a God made in our own image."
"God does not take away your freedom."
"Truthfulness is part of God's nature."
"God doesn't care if you understand the Hebrew or the Greek, but you don't know His character."
"Hashem doesn't need to change; he's been sending his blessings all along."
"If God is all-powerful and all-loving then how can such things happen in which there is so much suffering?"
"It is impossible for Darkness to come from God because he is light."
"God's heart is full of mercy. God performs justice, but He loves mercy."
"God is concerned with his reputation in the earth, that people would know him properly and have a proper understanding and view of him."
"The word of God is not just a book; it's the very expression of His character."
"God did not have to save us. If he did not save us, he would have still been God, he would have still been love, and he would have no need of giving any explanation."
"Love like God is a harsh and dreadful thing."
"God doesn't have a body like yours. God is a spirit. God is unchanging. He never changes."
"Don't be afraid to understand that God meant for you to be partakers of His divine nature and to have divine life within the human casket."
"God's not boring. God's not lame."
"Is there more to God than we understand? I would say probably so."