
Philosophy Of Life Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Isn't that what it means to live an infinite life, that we can literally live on beyond our own lives?"
"It's really life that gives meaning to life and the things we can do with it and all the creativity that we can deploy. We don't need death to give meaning to life."
"Live like you are dying... for the soul, every moment of life, every breath, every experience, whether good or bad, is a gift."
"Only luxury is time. Only thing promised is that you gonna die one day. So we just gonna live it to the maximum."
"The idea of life...is a reclassification of what life is. Is it surviving or is it living?"
"Life is not about finding the answer, it's about inhabiting the moment for all its pain and joy."
"Life is enjoyable so long as you find something to enjoy about it."
"Every death is a tragedy, no matter how it happened."
"Life is short. Why are we just working? We're living to work and die. We're just living to pay off things. Life is short. Do what makes you happy."
"I think the end result of intelligent life is probably a much more of an artificial kind of existence."
"I love life and if you love life you can't allow fear to dominate it."
"Stop taking life so seriously. Achievements and possessions will pell into insignificance when your soul journeys back home to the light from which everything stems."
"Life is a beautiful experiment, but it is an experiment which means you need to get to work."
"Architecture is a verb, life is a verb, and we're the architects."
"If nothing matters why not love each other and make the best of our time?"
"Life is a reflection of what we believe to be true."
"Life has no meaning other than the meaning you give it."
"Life or consciousness is not a substance like water or air, it is a process like fire."
"Life is beautiful. I mean life is what... how beautiful it is not exactly life was how it is supposed to be filled filled with ups and downs and that's how it is."
"I truly believe everything happens for a reason."
"A little bit of wonderful is better than a lifetime of nothing special."
"Life's meaning is an unconditional one, for it even includes the potential meaning of unavoidable suffering."
"A life without love is not one worth living."
"The idea of the DSTS is that you accept that there are things you cannot know, there are questions that are not worth asking, and that by accepting that you lead a happier life."
"Life is suffering, and you have the ability to choose what you suffer for every single day."
"Life is as worthless or as meaningful as you choose to make it."
"Someone with a soul has a desire to live at any age."
"Life is but synchronicity... everything happens for a reason."
"Reality is supposed to be enjoyable. I mean you can enjoy life for more or less at any level you're at if you have the right mindset."
"Life is fleeting, it's futile but we're all here so make the best of it."
"Life is not suffering; life contains an element of suffering and obstacles and trials and hardships, and if it didn't, proving oneself would be impossible."
"Life is fundamentally biological, not mechanical."
"Life is ephemeral and fleeting, and we've got to learn to live with mortality that we can't control."
"We are on this Earth to love each other. That’s all that’s going on here."
"Time is the most valuable thing that we have."
"Life is about having fun dude, that's what it's about."
"I'm having fun and isn't that what it's all about?"
"To live is to express; otherwise, there's no living."
"It's more about living than dying, and the connection between it."
"This is what life is, this is what being a human being is about not being a human doing."
"The destination is death. The journey is life. Live the journey, live the day, live the moments."
"What doesn't kill us can in fact make us wiser about what it means to live a good life."
"I never have regrets. Regrets is a waste of time."
"Life is just a balance and life will be good when you know that balance."
"Peace shouldn't be the destination, it should be the journey."
"Only once we realize that our hopes of being immortal and significant will never be satisfied, can we live a good life."
"Fear doesn't stop death; it prevents you from living."
"Life is good. Planets are more often in places they can function successfully, but life is hard on Earth. It takes work."
"Life should be lived joyfully. Without that, survival would be hardly meaningful."
"Death is only bigger life, that's what death is. And when we understand that, we realize we have to learn to be bigger in this life."
"This is beverly hills, I've seen third, fourth, fifth, sixth marriages. My philosophy is do it till you get it right."
"Our greatest art according to him is the life that we live."
"All you have is now; you want eternal life, it's here, it's now."
"Being a Stoic isn't just about believing their metaphysics; it's a way of life."
"Faith is to be awake, and to be awake is for us to think, and for us to think is to be alive."
"At the end of the day, humans don't create life."
"It's about having fun, that's what it's about."
"Life is based on organic information and organic meaning, and these are indeed new fundamental entities of nature."
"Life can't die; life knows how to live."
"Life doesn't just happen to us, life happens through us and life happens as us."
"Death is not the end, loss of conviction is the end."
"It's not what you live, it's how you live."
"Live and let live, let go and keep it moving."
"Whatever is meant to be will happen, and everything happens for a reason."