
Career Path Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"Fast forward to where you are. Look at yourself in 10, 15, 20 years time and ask yourself the question, is that where I want to be? And if the answer's no, then you need to find a new path."
"The path to passion is often way more complicated than simply figuring out in advance this is what I want to do and then going out and doing it."
"If you believe that garbage of go to school, get a job and retire forever on a 401k or a government pension, you might be sadly disappointed."
"Serendipitously, I fell into this spot. And every single day, I'm grateful."
"Francis didn't go to college; she started an art business selling her original art pieces."
"I spent the last six years in my pajamas programming in my room, not standing in front of a lot of people."
"You never know; there's never a set path. You can't just go to university and get your degree and come out and go right, now I can work as a musician."
"It was almost like I had climbed this ladder of success and gotten near the top of it, and then began to look around, and I had no idea whether I was leaning against the right wall or against the wrong wall."
"I can imagine Bart's troublemaking nature helped him bolster his lockpicking skills which could lead him to becoming a locksmith."
"Great worry over nothing, your path is successful."
"He was going to study medicine. Making the Man."
"It tends to result in people waking up 10 years down the road and saying, 'Is this what I'm going to do for the rest of my life?'"
"You've got an ex-intelligence agent hiring this man out of nowhere, no college degree, plops him into high society."
"The path to leadership should not be through MBA business school situation; it should be work your way up, do useful things." - Elon Musk
"The only way to guarantee a shot at becoming a Ranger."
"If you follow the David Edwards path, fairly successful."
"I felt like I got welcomed in from the storm of life to come in and fro - I really look at Riot as my last apprenticeship."
"You are going to be a writer or a communicator that truly speaks from the heart of your source."
"I like being described as a comedian that's into science and not a failed math student who fell backwards into comedy."
"In the vet tech line of work, there are pretty much two routes for your college degree that you can take in order to qualify yourself for one of these physicians."
"Baker Mayfield seemed like he had a clean path to success."
"As long as you stay driven, you're probably going to end up somewhere where you were meant to be."
"I had no idea what I was going to do with my life until comedy."
"I had no idea what I was going to do with my life until comedy. I love when they ask you on radio, 'So if you weren't doing stand-up, what would you be doing?'"
"Everyone after I beat Ben wants me to fight the best fighter in the world, but that's not how this fight game works."
"You don't have to be perfect in your career trajectory... You just have to understand that there are lots of responsibilities in the world."
"If I stuck with melee, you guys would probably not know me today."
"Builders cup: a ton of mini side missions or one persistent racing career?"
"College is great, but it has to make sense financially and for your career path."
"I was just blown out of freaking water, okay, because at this point, I'm just thinking, god, I'm saying this, this is my calling."
"I could not be more glad that I stayed on the path that I did."
"I adore him, I adore him. What he does and the path he's blazing."
"Schnurr now works in social services and aids those dealing with traumatic experiences."
"I can say I got lucky, you know what I mean like I'm not gonna sit down here and be like oh my God like I worked my ass off and this is why I'm here no I got lucky."
"I just sort of fell into it because it just brought me joy."
"And because they didn't give me a job in Atlanta is the reason I wound up on the court."
"He was always going to go into a role that probably had a uniform and probably put him in charge or control of people."
"He felt that he was literally called to a career in science. '...so strong was that imprint [of the night sky] that I'm certain that I had no choice in the matter, that in fact, the universe called me.'"
"I might have missed my calling in life because I really am interested in why people think the way they do."
"There's so many new nurses or students that are getting into nursing right now that have no idea what their future might look like."
"Sometimes in history you find someone whose very name seems to have pre-destined them for a specific career."
"It's about the work. Because if you're worrying about yourself, if you're thinking am I succeeding am I in the right position am I being appreciated then you're going to end up feeling frustrated and stuck."
"But if you can keep it about the work, you'll always have a path. There's always something to be done."
"Am I happy with my trajectory? Do I feel like this is right for me?"
"Nine out of 10 players become bass players from one of two reasons: they either failed as a guitar player or no one needed a guitar player."
"Whenever you see an artist go off like that and kind of go off the path of what's popping, it's a good sign."
"Data science is a quite multi-disciplinary path."
"It was the only thing I knew because as my brothers had been pros and there was nothing else at all." - Bill Shankly
"I created my own lane so that's the problem, you lot and everyone else are trying to understand what I do."
"Furlough made me realize this is where I'm supposed to be."
"I had to make a decision of what I wanted to do with my life."
"I would put money on Cordae going down not nearly as corny or as disappointing a path as Logic has over the course of his career."
"The pathway to success is never a straight line."
"You did it your own way, you carved your own niche, you stayed independent."
"The ability to land on water was a huge plus."
"I fly with quite a few pilots who got into this career via the air force flight engineer route."
"I feel like if I track my career backwards it was like I got in shape, people started asking me how to get in shape."
"I never thought about movies never thought it's going to take me where it takes me which is kind of crazy."
"He was always destined, even when I was acting, we were working together on that thing."
"My father always said that he saw me becoming an engineer."
"I feel like it's harder to make it as a white rapper but once you make it through it's way easier." - Millie's
"And there I was a criminology student working with a lawyer because that was the path."
"Scott turned out to be a genius and became the most renowned mathematician in the country... just kidding, he became an athlete duh."
"How can you not be an art historian with a last name like Guggenheim?"
"Patrick never obtained a college degree and went from the army to selling health club memberships before entering the field of financial services at age 30."
"He's just going to do what he's done before that everything, every step of his career he's made up at this point he's done in his own way and he knows what works for him."
"Trust your inner calling - whatever you feel like you're meant to do in your life, that's probably where you will find financial independence."
"Unlike most top tier talents, device never set out to become the best player."
"I'm gonna be stuck working on cars or in a factory - my heart, how old are you at this time, probably 16?"
"One is the 'welcome home' could be implying that Arthur once worked at Stress Level Zero, so he's coming home to an old, and presumably, long-forgotten project."
"WWE is no longer the place for talent to aspire to."
"Seven years doing movies, steady income. That's just what I needed."
"Every single person that's ever been on my show, I see a path for them to do it."
"What does he do after losing his shot at the briefcase where's he going where's he going."
"Charlotte realized that education could provide an income... by either teaching in schools or becoming a governess."
"It took him to murder someone to find his career path, but you know, it's better than taking an online quiz."
"We get into this 'why is me, what is me, why I'm not on'...and it's a long road."
"It's a path still being defined and it's going to be defined by values like creativity, freedom, flexibility, doing work that you love or find meaningful, and enjoying that journey that is life."
"Other countries do this pretty well... Germany famously has a multi-tiered educational system where... depending somewhere around 13 you get put onto a track or another for an academic track or to go into the trades."
"The way I like to describe Eddie Jordan is that he's a car salesman that ended up in Formula 1."
"Elfman's future was set for good when he switched high schools and started hanging out with a new crowd of musicians."
"One of the keys to being a successful investor is being able to identify and carve out this path that you see yourself being on for the next number of decades, and having the skill and the commitment levels to stick to that path."
"She didn't take the predictable high-powered law firm route."
"Academy is all xlcs watched up players not all of it but majority yes a lot of it yes bro Jesus yes and players who will never be given a shot so what is the point of having an academy team in the first place there is none there is no point."
"If you're gonna do something, do it with energy and passion, and even if it's not exactly where you thought you're gonna end up, you'll end up on the right path."
"Maybe you won't be able to have the job you love straight away."
"Every job you have as a comic, every shitty job you're doing it on your way to hopefully something else."
"I'm so thankful for all the jobs I didn't get."
"I had determined in my life I didn't want to be a high up, run other people's lives person."
"I didn't want to be no Hustler, I saw the internet as the future."
"It's never just gonna be a steady rise to the top, there's always gonna be curves and ups and downs."
"Sometimes you just have to do some jobs until you can get to your career."
"I see the vision, I get it. Like you're meant to be a solo artist."
"Every single thing I did led to what I do now." - Billie Business
"Once you get locked into this path, it starts actually taking away from your ability to have joy."
"Again, I just loved watching her question, like, 'Is the violin really for me? Is my passion enough to commit my life to this, or should I be trying to figure out what else I want to do?'"
"He's kind of like if Gareth Bale had stayed as a left back."
"You fall in love with what you're doing, and you know there's a path."
"Brazil's all-time club appearance leader could have never gotten started if it wasn't for him getting fired from a bank."
"Walken's rise to prominence was not typical... he trained as a dancer before moving on to dramatic stage roles and eventually film."
"I actually have a master's degree in social work."
"...have you ever met those kids...their career trajectory has been planned out since birth...I'm not those kids..."
"I'm an example of the fact that you can [be successful without a college degree]."
"It's funny to think back at senior year at University of Oregon me who was so lost and didn't know what to do with my life and I thought I would do medical device sales and now I'm like dude you were so meant to be a nurse."
"...I pursued chemical engineering as an undergraduate major I went on to law school to pursue patent law...I would like to pursue the poker career because it's a lot of logic balanced with the psychological factors of keeping cool."
"The whole journey through football was to get to Kidderminster Harriers, was what I wanted to do."
"I felt a little bit like maybe I wasn't cut out for maybe I wasn't smart enough for it and so I just was like okay well I'm just gonna get a lot job in a lab, I first worked in a research institute working on anti-cancer therapy and that was like right out of school."
"I thought I was going to be an academic at that point so I started University at 18 and um I spent the next 11 years doing uh an undergraduate postgraduate PhD and then three years of postdoc uh on the way to becoming an academic."
"I might have become a political theorist, political philosopher."
"I took a random part-time job out of desperation making wooden snowboard SL skateboard racks. 12 years later, I'm deeply embedded in The Woodworking industry."
"Remote jobs don't happen immediately um there are a lot of ups and downs there's no standard path to follow."
"So that's when I went to nursing school."
"Every little bit that you put into it today is going to add up, and eventually, you get there. If you want to specialize in concept art for video games, that is what my career path has been for the last 20 years."
"I had a very similar story I was trying to pay for both my undergrad and then I eventually had Big Dreams of going to medical school."
"Making money is basically fraud. You're supposed to go to school, go to university, get a job, work, maybe start a local business, work, die. There is literally no other path."
"In Germany, there's a clearer path with like if you study, you go to university and you work for Mercedes and you have a good job."
"That was really cool and then you talking about like directing films was that around the time you were first kind of thinking about directing?"
"I go to the gym and I go to nice gyms out here, and like personal trainers, I mean granted he's a big celebrity personal trainer, but like it's giving a lot more than that, and it makes me question like how do you go from being like a government official?"
"I had lots of jobs, different career industries that I've worked with. Very eclectic. But I'm grateful that I had those experiences because it's all come full circle. All those were transferable skills that I'm doing now."
"If you have chosen the Azure cloud platform as your career path and you are looking to advance your career in the Azure cloud industry, then this certification is definitely worth it."
"I think back about how you got started McConaughey, Dazed and Confused. You didn't have a script, you showed up. They invited you back, you rolled with it, you played the character, you knew your man. They put you in a situation."
"Brandon, you know, I mean, it's another example, certainly this isn't something that he white-boarded and thought this is going to be a great career path for me."
"I just like, everybody probably thought I'd be a pro skater or something until I was like, 'Oh [__], okay.'"
"You want to get an understanding of the relationship that the truck driving school has with potential employers."
"The typical path for this is you get an undergrad finance degree, you try to get in and work somewhere as a financial analyst at an investment bank for two years, and then you go back and get an MBA."
"I know a lot of welders. Most of the welders I know make north of six figures. Doesn't mean they all do, but the path to get there is very clear."
"I would have been a stylist I think if I wasn't doing what I'm doing now I think a stylist would have been the most fun job ever I think so too."
"I had started on the assignment desk at Bloomberg News, and then I became a field producer and a segment producer. Best job I ever had."
"My hope here is to just normalize an unconventional career path so that you can explore a life that feels truly authentic to you."
"So then I joined a startup with some uh classmates from Stanford we raised some Venture Capital that's how I learned about the Venture side of things and then eventually as they say I I joined the dark side and became a venture capitalist."
"When I was at school, I joined the combined cadet force in the RAF section, and that led me on to getting a gliding course through the RAF."
"I think it's really interesting how he got into design from like snowboarding drawing in his sketchbook you know stuff that a lot of us did and now he's a really well-known designer so I find this super inspirational."
"I just immediately knew I was not happy with my job and my career path."
"I can't speak for other people, but I've never had animosity. I've always respected everybody for making the choice and choosing whatever they think is a better career path."
"I don't know if anything has matched it, but, you know, getting into Wharton and, you know, getting on this path as I navigate this finance world, man, it's, you know, maybe not winning the Super Bowl, but, you know, it's not far behind."
"I didn't intend to be a police officer."
"Had they encouraged me to take my ACTs or my SATs and pushed me to go to college, would I be doing what I'm doing right now? And I like what I'm doing."
"I chose something different, safer, more fun, more freedom, but not as rewarding and damn sure not as selfless."
"Again taking a job isn't a hundred percent about the promotional opportunities."
"You're actually thinking of creating like starting you know a career path for yourself out of some of your art."
"I figured out what I'm going to do. I'm going to be a professional fighter."
"I feel like my life has changed so much I feel like probably moving to New York City is like my biggest thing that's kind of changed my career path."
"I always thought I was gonna be a rapper."
"They offer an MD program so you can do your MD degree and also have your Masters of Public Health all in one."
"I am a DJ first, producer second because I got into production because of DJing and I got into DJ because I fell in love with it at a young age."
"That's so cool because it's like that bath towel moment turns into, 'I'm gonna be this comedian doing stand-up in on the fringe festival, for example.'"
"This is really great career path for you."
"My journey was slightly different, I started off as just a break fix PC technician way way back in the day in rural Mississippi."
"I'm so happy for, so, so what did you drop out of? You know, first it was accounting because I was like, I'm good with numbers, I should do that. And then like, I was doing it and I was like, a semester away from doing that degree and I was like, 'Oh, I don't want to do this.'"
"Just because you don't have all the skills yet doesn't mean you can't find success in your chosen career path."
"I used to live in Seattle and I worked at Amazon at the time and I'd always wanted to start a company."
"I'm a country boy from Texas. That wasn't gonna be an accountant or a lawyer or a banker. And I got but I want to be a gunfighter. That was it. I want to be a Navy SEAL."
"They did not pursue their passions, they looked for an opportunity, they pursued the opportunity, they got good at it, and then they found a way to be happy."
"I actually didn't really I sort of stumbled across acting when I was 17."
"From a very young age, I was always building things. I was definitely a kid very much wired to being an architect."
"He was like I'm not doing this [ __ ] like he he's like he wanted to be ski bum you want to go out to the west and and Ski and so he kind of set this path I mean he started he was a raft guide and you know on the Ocoee River in Texas or in Tennessee."
"In IT, you're never pigeonholed into one particular cylinder or silo of knowledge. Instead, you might start with help desk with an emphasis on understanding the Windows operating system but then pivot to Linux administration or networking."
"Once I saw that Central St Martins had a fashion journalism course, I was like, 'This is perfect.'"
"I ended up getting myself a job. That's when I was like, 'okay, I want to go legit.'"
"If you do have a college degree in real estate, you're able to get your sales associate license after two years of your sales associate license, then you're able to qualify for your brokerage license."
"I really fell into it... I applied to a variety of programs, some med programs, RN programs, underpractitioner programs, PA programs."
"So, can you tell us a little bit, just to sort of set the stage, about how you got involved in this? You're an accounting PhD student here. How did you start interviewing corporate felons?"
"Originally it wasn't even my idea to become a comedy writer. This was a decision that was made for me about 40 years ago by every law school in the United States."
"I never sat there and thought, 'Right, I know I'm going to do fashion photography,' it kind of just happened that way in a way."
"With WWE, there's a path to becoming a main eventer by its size."
"But unlike going to submarine school not getting the Dolphins right he did what he needed to do to get his Pilot's Wings to have credibility for when he was hoping to take command of an aircraft carrier and he did eventually get command of a carrier."
"If it has to be a linear path to getting your dream job, it's about thinking, 'Yeah, there's going to be loads of weird zigzags and things that I hadn't perhaps anticipated.'"
"Now you can add an appearance at the British Open next year as well as the Masters in the U.S. Open again if you now will you give more thought as to what you do as to whether you turn professional or remain amateur."
"If you want to be a little bit more technical, work with machine learning and maybe even AI kind of predict what's going to happen next then trying to become a data scientist might be great for you."
"We were all pre-nursing students at some point in our nursing school journeys."
"I've had no doubts going through school that I would be a scientist; there was just no doubt about it."
"Your soul knows the way, your soul knows what your destined career path is, what you're meant to be doing."
"I finished third in that class, and I really thought and I really thought and I said you know what I want to work with enlisted people."
"There's no prescription or some exact major or something that you can do that's going to say, 'Oh yeah, you're going to be a PM.'"
"With this type of path you can also have passive income as well."
"I had some other paths I guess available but in the end I always knew it was going to be art so here I am."
"The Comptia Security+ will give you the knowledge to be able to understand where you want to go in IT security."
"You can find yourself as a relatively newly minted IT security person and find yourself maybe going up a path that you didn't think you wanted because you thought pen testing is all there was."
"It's not just a memorable year, it's more of a 17-year journey."
"Your book Cryptonomicon was actually one of the two most influential books I've ever read, and it sort of set me on the path that's landed me here at Google."
"I was found more than I went out and sought my career."
"If on the other hand you've got something you really want to do, and you really want to be good at it and recognized by your peers as being good at it, then that's perhaps the course that you should take."
"Hard work sets the course of a legendary career."
"Without Zazzy, Barbara's life-changing journey may have ended in disaster, and she may never have become a vet."
"It felt like it was almost destined to actually be on an equal deal with Nashville."
"All the roads lead back to lifelong learning."
"At that time, even at that tender age, it was already obvious that I was going to be a software guy."
"It was a conviction. This is where I need to be in life; this is what I need to be doing."
"I'm a big believer that your major does not define where you're going to end up in 20 years."
"It was inevitable that I went into data science."
"I think research is a very underrated and also very rewarding pathway."
"Engineering challenges... inspired me in a way to eventually go on my own path with engineering."
"The hacking community, although it's influential, you can still be a white hat and have a great career."
"I figured I'd be a lawyer, then I began to study journalism, and then I moved into theater."
"When you start off, you think it's just going to be a straight road from mini moto racing to MotoGP and winning the world championship."
"I wouldn't have gone to LA and just tried to be Mr. Rap Producer because that informed who I am now."
"Phlebotomy is definitely a good stepping stone, especially if you're coming out of school and you just don't know what to do."
"It's universally considered a very respectable thing for a young lawyer to do, spend a couple of years in the private sector firm before going into government service."
"Children are taught from an early age that only by studying well and getting into a good university can they get a good job, make a lot of money, and live a good life."
"I'm going to give you the exact learning path that has been used by hundreds and hundreds of our students to get a job."