
Education Critique Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Education teaches you what to think, but it doesn't teach you how to think."
"If you actually curate your education, then you will become far more educated than the average college graduate."
"As a society, we have literally put blinders on young people... We've told them that university and college is the only thing that matters."
"A significant amount of people end up regretting going to college, and that is for a bunch of different reasons, but the main ones are that first of all it costs a lot and second of all a lot of the time it's not going to help you get a job if you go for the wrong major."
"We have taught the younger generation the mental habits of anxious and depressed people."
"You don't have to really understand evolutionary biology to get through med school. You can actually take all those classes, memorize all the parts and functions of the body... without actually ever studying Darwin."
"Intelligence is having the same correct answer as everyone else in the class. And if you question, you're disruptive."
"This video is a comprehensive methodological analysis of the state of the current education system and how it's failing the current generation in its fundamental purposes and teaching mechanics."
"Locking down schools and making people stupid to believe anything that network television tells you."
"They have these bright and shiny degrees, which are in fact, meaningless and valueless."
"That's real education, you know. Anytime you're in a school building or setting where someone's telling you what to do, you know instantly you're not in the right place."
"It's crazy that the next LeBron James, the next little pump, the next Justin Bieber is sitting somewhere in a third-grade classroom learning useless math when they could be honing their true talents."
"Public school is the most boring experience in life."
"Our education system does a particularly poor job in helping people answer that question."
"The craziest thing about public schools to me is how often they just regurgitate the exact same lessons over and over again."
"Kids aren't engineered to sit still and fill out paperwork all day... That's what represents the fundamental difference between learning by proxy through books and tested memorization than learning by doing through play in simulation."
"Science is an approach to solving problems... we haven't taught people how to think freely, we haven't taught people how to do critical thinking and how to evaluate evidence and discussions in a rational, civil way." - Dr. Zubin
"Once you have taught a generation of young people to think everything is about gender and race and those immutable characteristics, you can get them to believe any crazy thing you want."
"That lack of understanding of pop music is criminal if you're teaching theory or studying it."
"Kids who are educated this way are repeatedly taught all the wrong arguments against science."
"More people pulling money from these garbage universities that are overcharging their students for a degree in nonsense."
"There's a Brian Kaplan book called the case against education which is emphatically worth reading."
"One of the biggest failings of modern education is convincing a whole generation that Wikipedia is an unreliable source."
"Grades don't really indicate Mastery they indicate like memory and like whether or not you have ADHD"
"College is not as good as people think, it's watered down."
"Folks, the public school system is completely absurd. What they're teaching: monkeys surfing, dinosaurs farting to death."
"School doesn't teach you important things like how to win in Squid Game."
"Education is not the way out. Give people a living wage."
"Everything that the school system didn't teach us has created opportunities for us to teach."
"Stop saying education is indoctrination or you flatterers sound fucking stupid when you say it."
"Financial education isn't really emphasized in the school system, so many people grow up not knowing how to properly manage their money."
"School's a waste of time. Come on, I haven't had a locker code in a minute."
"Everything I'd been taught about the world in grade school was mostly bunk."
"School ain't gonna give you the street smart, boy."
"I think anyone who's semi-successful they'll say don't go to school unless you need it to become a doctor or lawyer or something like that."
"Just a reminder: these are college professors. It'll cost you potentially six figures to get your kid indoctrinated by these buffoons."
"Sometimes the homework was the dumb part all along."
"Experience is more important than anything that we could learn in school." - Nguyen Phi Vân
"We gave the public indoctrination system minimum 12 years of our life, we should at least have the same attention span for the truth."
"We gotta quit letting these other species of people tell us who we are, teach us education, tell us what our money means, tell us where our power is."
"The traditional lecture involves transferring the notes from the notebook of the lecturer to the notebooks of the students without going through the brains of either."
"A college degree has nothing to do with wisdom, it has nothing to do with smarts."
"You can learn more in the War Room about the real world in a year than you would ever learn in four years of college."
"American society has given up on educating children... it's one of the most shameful and cowardly things I have ever seen."
"What schools are doing to our children in the name of anti-racism is in fact teaching them racism."
"This isn't about where you went to undergraduate. In fact, it's the anti where you went to undergraduate."
"The reality is, not only are psychedelics not bad, but they are actually 180 degrees opposite."
"The education system and what it teaches about psychedelics is anti-scientific, anti-medical, anti-psychological, anti-historical, and anti-human."
"The school system in Kentucky is really bad. It's horrendous."
"School will never teach you the most important subjects: mental health, how to build mental strength, how to develop emotional strength and resilience, how to become self-sufficient, and build an income for yourself."
"Queer education is openly hostile to norms, expectations, and anything considered dominant."
"Don't let the school make a fool of you, because the teachers may be fools too."
"Almost everything you've learned is wrong. It was not taught you correctly, it was potentially left out, but that's okay."
"Each and every person has their own natural energy and they want you to stifle it here and be like a zombie drone in school like a good little yuck yuck going to you know whatever right"
"We have basically destroyed a very good education system and replaced it with a deeply unfair one."
"Anybody graduating in high school right now would do a lot better off if they go get their welding certificate, plumbing certificate, start a business, and don't go to school and get a degree in gender studies."
"The education system here immediate a Becca Cory kind of colleges."
"Everything we learn in the establishment-controlled education systems is specifically designed to program our minds away from the truth."
"This propagandizing by the communist left targeting our children."
"Don't sit and tell a group of students who were lectured for the last 20 years that the only thing that you could do to be successful in life and avoid being poor is to go to college and then do a bait and switch."
"You don't understand anything about animals other than what you've picked up in third grade or fourth grade."
"This version of history otherwise known as what actually happened explains much more about the current state of racial inequality in our country than the standard American history myth we were all taught."
"Many of us have learned by now that history is far from what we've been taught in school."
"The history of our world is fascinating and absolutely unknown to those we trust to teach it."
"Entrepreneurs have a different set of skills than employees... The reason I'm an entrepreneur is I have different skills than they teach you at school."
"The whole question of social mobility through education is one of the greatest shams in American capitalism."
"What does it say about us as a society that we insist on teaching our children that fatness is something to be feared and mocked?"
"Professor Arvi is going to take a look at the root cause of the problem. Why is it that students from India are going all over the world to study? What is it that is wrong with India's own education system?"
"Our modern day education system was designed for one thing and one thing only: to pump out mindless thoughtless standardized... slaves."
"We've been trained to believe that we need books about American history and of course it's good to know American history then it's good to know certain things but they really want you to learn about their system."
"Education is the only business that blames the customer for the teachers' incompetence."
"Experience over education any day of the week."
"Education system works absolutely perfectly."
"I often wonder what we go to school for; we never seem to learn anything really useful."
"Our education system really failed to teach us about personal finances, budgeting, taxes, and investing."
"Paycheck income not only allows you the least amount of freedom and leverage for your time, it's the only type of income that we're taught to go after in school."
"We are students of words; we are shut up in schools and colleges and recitation rooms for ten or fifteen years and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing."
"The educational system in the west is so bad, most people never get a course in critical thinking and are never encouraged to think critically."
"People have been conned into thinking that paying for college and trudging through the years will give you a stable job when that's not the case anymore."
"Remote learning was always a fraud."
"Education teaches you what to think but not how to think."
"The education system rarely teaches you skills about initiative or marketing or sales."
"IELTS is overcomplicated by poor teaching and misunderstanding."
"The human genius is completely missing today; you are destroying the human genius through the process of education, teaching competition."
"This is my college rant, don't go to college."
"Our education system has over-prioritized teaching supposedly practical general skills about how to think and learn, and under-prioritized teaching the sort of fact-based knowledge that people need to function in a very competitive, communication-driven society."
"I would become increasingly disturbed by traditional education."
"Education on this side of the world is purely business."
"I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I don't think that the traditional college model these days is really worth it."
"The Western educational system... inhibits our ability to think in big picture and think in terms of interactions and complexities."
"Closed book exams are ridiculous because whenever in your adult life are you going to be locked in a room and told you have to do your work without looking at any references?"
"I am like a firm believer in education being a farce."
"We don't need no education, we don't need no control."
"The education system is not set up to have us live our dreams or do work that we really enjoy."
"It's ridiculous, you could learn more about business flipping burgers at McDonald's than going to school."
"The American education system isn't geared towards learning, it's geared towards memorization and test-taking."
"Our whole education system is basically teaching people what to think, not how to think."